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Created June 14, 2015 08:30
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Genetic Algorithm example solving integer combination (depending on the work of Denny Hermawanto,
# a +2 b +3 c +4 d = 30
class Chromosome
# ( a b c d ) -> chromosome
factors: {
a: 1
b: 2
c: 2
d: 4
equals: 30
minValue: 0
maxValue: 30
# only to save index where (and if) the chromosome was operated
crossoverPoint: null
mutationPoint: null
# array with gens
code: null
constructor: ->
@code = Array(Object.keys(@factors).length)
for i in [[email protected]]
@code[i-1] = @randomNumberForVariable()
clone: ->
c = new Chromosome()
for key of @
c[key] = @[key]
c.code = @code.slice()
return c
randomNumberForVariable: ->
# we restrict here the number between 0 and 30
return Math.round((Math.random()*@maxValue)+@minValue)
evaluate: ->
#F_obj[1] = Abs(( 12 + 2*05 + 3*23 + 4*08 ) - 30)
sum = 0
@code.forEach (value, i) =>
factor = @factors[Object.keys(@factors)[i]]
sum += value * factor
return Math.abs(sum - @equals)
fitness: ->
# the fittest chromosomes have higher probability to be selected for the next generation
return 1 / ( 1 + @evaluate() )
toString: (marker = '', index = 0, offset = 0) ->
# returns a nicer to read function string
# ↓
code = @code.slice() # copy array
if marker
code.splice(index, 0, marker)
"( #{code.join(' ')} )"
"( #{code.join(' ')} )"
asObjectiveFunction: (usingNumericValues = true) ->
sum = []
i = 0
for name of @factors
value = if usingNumericValues then @code[i] else name
sum.push("(#{@factors[name]} * #{value})")
return "#{sum.join(' + ')} - #{@equals}"
probability: (totalFitness) ->
# P = Fitness / Total
return @fitness() / totalFitness
randomCrossoverPoint: (length = @code.length) ->
# is between 1 and length-2
# 'a' | 'b' | 'c' | 'd' | 'e' -> | possible crossover point
# between 0 and 2 for [a,b,c]
createDescendantBySingleCrossoverPoint: (secondChromosome, k = null) ->
if k is null
k = @randomCrossoverPoint()
code = @code.slice(0, k).concat(secondChromosome.code.slice(k))
c = new Chromosome()
c.code = code
c.crossoverPoint = k
return c
#@createDescendantByCrossoverPoints(k, secondChromosome)
class SolvingCombinationWithGeneticAlgorithm
numberOfChromosomes: 6
population: []
parents: []
pairs: []
selectedParentsIndex: []
constructor: (options = {}) ->
# apply options
for attr of options
@[attr] = options[attr]
@population = []
@parents = []
@pairs = []
@selectedParentsIndex = []
return @
initPopulation: ->
@population = for i in [0..@numberOfChromosomes-1]
c = new Chromosome()
c.pos = i
return @
evaluate: ->
for chromosome in @population
fitness: ->
for chromosome in @population
totalFitness: ->
@fitness().reduce (prev, curr, i, array) ->
prev + curr
probabilities: ->
totalFitness = @totalFitness()
for chromosome in @population
cumulativeProbability: ->
probabilities = @probabilities()
probs = []
probabilities.forEach (prob, i) ->
cprob = if i>0 then probs[i-1] + prob else probabilities[0]
return probs
selectNextGenerationByRouletteWheel: (randomNumbers = @randomNumbers()) ->
nextGeneration = []
cumulativeProbabilities = @cumulativeProbability()
chromosomes = @population
for randomProb, i in randomNumbers
# initially select first
winner = chromosomes[0]
for j in [0..cumulativeProbabilities.length-2]
if randomProb > cumulativeProbabilities[j] and randomProb <= cumulativeProbabilities[j+1]
winner = chromosomes[j+1]
winner.pos = i
selectPairsByCrossoverRate: (crossoverRate = 0.25) ->
parents = []
r = []
rMap = {}
pairs = []
@selectedParents = []
# R[1] = 0.191
# R[2] = 0.259
# R[3] = 0.760
# …
indexes = []
for chromosome, i in @population
randomR = Math.random() # between 0 and 1
if randomR < crossoverRate
# @selectedParentsIndex.push(i)
rMap[randomR] = { chromosome, i }
@parents = parents
parents = @parents.slice() # copy array
j = @population.length
for randomR in r
# parent#1 parent#2
parent_1 = parents.shift()
parent_2 = rMap[randomR].chromosome
pair = [ parent_1, parent_2 ]
return @pairs = pairs
singlepointCrossover: (pairs = @pairs) ->
children = []
children = for pair in pairs
pair[0].createDescendantBySingleCrossoverPoint(null, pair[1])
return children
assignChildrenToPopulation: (children) ->
for child in children
@population[child.pos] = child
mutatePopulation: (mutationRate = 0.1) ->
totalGen = @population[0].code.length * @population.length
numberOfMutations = mutationRate * totalGen
for chromosome, i in @population
for gene, j in chromosome.code
rand = (Math.random()*(totalGen-1))+1
if rand < numberOfMutations
# which gene should be mutate?
pos = Math.floor(Math.random()*chromosome.code.length)
chromosome.mutationPoint = j
chromosome.code[j] = chromosome.randomNumberForVariable()
round: (number, decimal = 10000) ->
randomNumbers: ->
for chromosome in @population
# calcabsoluteAbsoluteValue: (chromosome) ->
# F_obj[1] = Abs(( 12 + 2*05 + 3*23 + 4*08 ) - 30)
# # f(x) = ((a + 2b + 3c + 4d) - 30)
# # minimizing
# # a,b,c,d e.o. {1,..,30}
log = (description = "", data = "") ->
if data
console.log(description, data)
logStep = (msg) ->
@__logStep__ ?= 0
log("\n#{@__logStep__}. #{msg}\n")
# a = new Chromosome()
# a.code = "abcdef".split('')
# b = new Chromosome()
# b.code = "ghijkl".split('')
# k = a.randomCrossoverPoint()
# console.log a.toString(), b.toString(), "k=#{k}"
# console.log a.createDescendantBySingleCrossoverPoint(b, k).toString()
# process.exit(0)
ga = new SolvingCombinationWithGeneticAlgorithm()
logStep """
General objective function:
f(x) = #{ga.population[0].asObjectiveFunction(false)}
Generating #{ga.numberOfChromosomes} random chromosomes initially
for iterationStep in [1..300]
@__logStep__ = 0
log "\n=> ITERATION ##{iterationStep}\n"
log "[#{i}]:\t#{chromosome.toString()}" for chromosome, i in ga.population
logStep """
for chromosome, i in ga.population
log "[#{i}]:\tAbs( #{chromosome.asObjectiveFunction()} )\t = #{chromosome.evaluate()}"
if chromosome.evaluate() is 0
log "\n===>\tFound optimal solution with #{chromosome.toString()}:"
log "\tAbs( #{chromosome.asObjectiveFunction()} )\t = #{chromosome.evaluate()}"
log "Iterations: #{iterationStep}"
logStep """
Fitness for chromosomes
fitnesses =
log "[#{i}]:\t#{ga.round(fitness)}" for fitness, i in fitnesses
totalFitness = ga.totalFitness()
log """
Sum of fitness:
probabilities = for chromosome in ga.population
log "Probabilities:"
log "[#{i}]:\t#{ga.round(prob)}" for prob, i in probabilities
log "Cumulative Probability:"
log "[#{i}]:\t#{ga.round(prob)}" for prob, i in ga.cumulativeProbability()
#log "∑ = ", ga.cumulativeProbability().reduce (prev, curr, i, array) -> prev + curr
randomNumbers = ga.randomNumbers()
log "Random Numbers between 0 and 1:"
log "[#{i}]:\t#{ga.round(rand)}" for rand, i in randomNumbers
log "Selecting next generation by roulette-wheel"
nextGeneration = ga.selectNextGenerationByRouletteWheel(randomNumbers)
log "[#{i}]:\t#{chromosome.toString()}" for chromosome, i in nextGeneration
ga.population = nextGeneration
crossoverRate = 0.25
log "Selecting parents, crossoverRate = #{crossoverRate}"
pairs = ga.selectPairsByCrossoverRate(crossoverRate)
parents = ga.parents
log "[#{i}]:\t#{chromosome.toString()}" for chromosome, i in parents
log "Mixing Pairs"
log "#{pair[0]?.toString()}\t↔ #{pair[1]?.toString()}" for pair, i in pairs
log "Singlepoint Crossover"
children = for pair, i in pairs
k = new Chromosome().randomCrossoverPoint() # just generate a random k
child = pair[0].createDescendantBySingleCrossoverPoint(pair[1], k)
child.pos = pair[0].pos
log "[#{i}]\tk=#{child.crossoverPoint}\t→ #{child.toString('┇',child.crossoverPoint)}"
log "Result"
log "[#{i}]:\t#{chromosome.toString()}" for chromosome, i in ga.population
mutationRate = 0.1
log "Mutate, mutationRate = #{mutationRate}"
for chromosome, i in ga.population
if chromosome.mutationPoint
c = chromosome.clone()
c.code[c.mutationPoint] = "[#{c.code[c.mutationPoint]}]"
log "[#{i}]:\t#{c.toString()} ←"
log "[#{i}]:\t#{chromosome.toString()}"
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