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Created June 22, 2014 20:09
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require 'net/http'
require 'net/smtp'
# Brian Wigginton
# 10/7/2008
# Check's availabilty of a website. Needs to be run via a cron job.
# Example cron job line to be placed in crontab
# 0,15,30,45 * * * * username ~/scripts/check_uptime.rb
# This script uses a txt file to look for urls and email addresses.
# This text file needs to be in the following format
# -- lines with beginning with # signs will be ignored
# -- first thing should be the url
# -- then a space
# -- then email addresses seperated by commas, no white space.
# [email protected],[email protected]"/home/user/scripts/sites.txt").each { |line|
# get rid of CRLF
next if(line[0..0] == '#' || line.empty?)
url, emails = line.split(' ')
emails = emails.split(",")
# check if http:// was in the url if not add it in there
url.insert(0, "http://") unless(url.match(/^http\:\/\//))
# Get the HTTP_RESPONSE from the site we are checking
res = Net::HTTP.get_response(URI.parse(url.to_s))
# Check the response code and send an email if the code is bad
unless(res.code =~ /2|3\d{2}/ ) then
from = "[email protected]"
message = "From: [email protected]\nSubject: #{url} Unavailable\n\n#{url} - #{res.code} - #{res.message}\nHTTP Version - #{res.http_version}\n\n"
Net::SMTP.start('localhost',25 , '') do |smtp|
smtp.send_message(message, from, emails)
rescue Exception => e
print "Exception occured: " + e
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