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Last active April 10, 2018 08:10
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metrics integration testing
To run those tests from commandline:
xcodebuild \
-workspace example/AeroGearSdkExample.xcworkspace \
-scheme AeroGearSdkExampleTests -sdk iphonesimulator \
-destination 'platform=iOS Simulator,name=iPhone 7' \
'-only-testing:AeroGearSdkExampleTests/MetricsIntegrationTests/_testPublishingDefaultMetricsShouldNotReturnError' \
'-only-testing:AeroGearSdkExampleTests/MetricsIntegrationTests/_testPublishingInvalidMetricsShouldReturnError' \
@testable import AGSCore
import Foundation
import XCTest
class MetricsIntegrationTests: XCTestCase {
let metrics = AgsCore.instance.getMetrics()
func _testPublishingDefaultMetricsShouldNotReturnError () {
let expectation = XCTestExpectation(description: "Getting Success statusCode from App Metrics after sending device and app metrics")
metrics.publish([DeviceMetrics(), AppMetrics(AgsCore.getMetadata())], { (response: AgsHttpResponse?) -> Void in
XCTAssertNil(response?.error, "Expecting no error from response after sending valid metrics")
if let statusCode = response?.statusCode {
XCTAssert(statusCode < 300, "Expecting returned statusCode to be success (2xx), but it was \(statusCode)")
wait(for: [expectation], timeout: 10.0)
func _testPublishingInvalidMetricsShouldReturnError () {
let expectation = XCTestExpectation(description: "Getting Server error from App Metrics after sending invalid (empty) metrics")
metrics.publish([], { (response: AgsHttpResponse?) -> Void in
if let statusCode = response?.statusCode {
XCTAssert(statusCode == 400, "Expecting returned statusCode to be 400, but it was \(statusCode)")
wait(for: [expectation], timeout: 10.0)
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