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Last active August 29, 2015 14:12
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AngularStrap $modal Controller and Resolve
// Dependency: underscore.js or lodash
.config(function ($provide) {
'use strict';
// Use decorator to add new functionality
$provide.decorator('$modal', function ($controller, $delegate, $injector, $q, $rootScope) {
// Add new open() method
$ = open;
return $delegate;
* $ function
* This function adds new options to `$modal()`.
* New options:
* - controller {String|Function} First param of $controller. For string, controllerAs syntax is supported.
* - controllerAs {String} The 'as X' part of controllerAs syntax.
* - resolve {Object} Like the resolve in ngRoute
* Notes:
* -- Use either `controller: myCtrl as vm` or `controllerAs: vm`. Don't use both.
* -- Not sure if ngAnnotate supports this. It should since it understands '$' in UI Bootstrap
function open(config) {
var ctrl, resolvePromises = [];
var allDone;
var options = _.omit(config, ['controller', 'controllerAs', 'resolve']); // Options to be passed to $modal()
var modalScope = options.scope || $rootScope;
// Resolve
if (config.resolve) {
resolvePromises = _
.map(config.resolve, function (resolveFunc) {
return $injector.invoke(resolveFunc);
// Setup controller
if (config.controller) {
allDone = $q.all(resolvePromises)
.then(function (resolves) {
var locals = {};
// Assign resolves
var iter = 0;
_.forEach(config.resolve, function (resolveFunc, name) {
locals[name] = resolves[iter++];
// Create new scope
modalScope = modalScope.$new();
locals.$scope = modalScope;
// Instantiate controller
ctrl = $controller(config.controller, locals);
if (config.controllerAs) {
modalScope[config.controllerAs] = ctrl;
return allDone.then(function () {
// Prepare final options
_.assign(options, {
scope: modalScope
return $delegate(options);
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