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Last active August 29, 2015 14:25
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Clojure 1.8.0-alpha2 tuple performance
;; LATEST UPDATE: 25 July 2015
;; ****************************************************************
;; ** NB false alarm! My original benchmarks showing large perf **
;; ** improvements with tuples turned out to be noise, **
;; ** unfortunately. Current (+more reliable) numbers seem[1] to **
;; ** show no consistent significant advantage using currently **
;; ** available tuple implementations against real-world code. **
;; ** **
;; ** Sincere apologies for jumping the gun + publishing dodgy **
;; ** results! - Peter Taoussanis **
;; ** **
;; ** [1] Not a final word; think this'll need more time to **
;; ** become clear one way or the other. **
;; ****************************************************************
;; ** Latest results table on Google Docs: **
;; ****************************************************************
*clojure-version* ; + -server jvm
(require '[criterium.core :as criterium :refer [bench quick-bench]
:rename {quick-bench qb}])
;; [1] 1.7.0
;; [2] 1.8.0-alpha2
;; [3] 1.8.0-snapshot as of b8607d587
;; [4] mikera's fork at
(let [v [1 2 3 4]
v2 [1 2 3 "foo"]
x 1
y 2
z 3]
; [1] ; [2] ; [3] ; [4]
(qb (conj v 5)) ; 59 ; 24 ; 21 ; 22
(qb (assoc v 1 3)) ; 44 ; 74 ; 64 ; 68
(qb (assoc {} :v1 v :v2 v :v3 v)) ; 405 ; 491 ; 388 ; 446
(qb (subvec v 1 3)) ; 27 ; 24 ; 25 ; 26
(qb [x y z]) ; 38 ; 22 ; 21 ; 22
(qb [[[x y z] y z] y z]) ; 91 ; 46 ; 53 ; 49
(qb (let [[x y z] v])) ; 22 ; 103 ; 97 ; 97
(qb (peek v)) ; 16 ; 24 ; 26 ; 27
(qb (pop v)) ; 46 ; 64 ; 65 ; 69
(qb (seq v)) ; 35 ; 35 ; 34 ; 31
(qb (rseq v)) ; 23 ; 19 ; 18 ; 20
(qb (count v)) ; 16 ; 14 ; 15 ; 17
(qb (reduce (fn [acc in]) nil v)) ; 62 ; 182 ; 184 ; 202
(qb (mapv inc v)) ; 361 ; 599 ; 565 ; 559
(qb (into [0] v)) ; 468 ; 560 ; 536 ; 783
(qb (hash [[[x y z] y z] y z])) ; 697 ; 465 ; 468 ; 454
(qb (hash [x y z])) ; 249 ; 238 ; 220 ; 173
(qb (= v v2)) ; 265 ; 306 ; 85 ; 82
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