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Created June 14, 2012 11:19
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More powerful memoize for Clojure
(def ^:private gc-sm-cache!
"Maintains maximum cache size by intelligently pruning less valuable items."
(let [gc-running? (atom false)]
(fn [cache ttl max-items now]
(when-not @gc-running?
(reset! gc-running? true)
(let [snapshot @cache
prune-count (- (count snapshot) max-items)]
(when (pos? prune-count)
(let [scored-keys
(->> (for [key (keys snapshot)]
(let [;; Simple algo to assign value to cached items
score (let [{:keys [time-cached lru-tick lfu-tick]}
(snapshot key)]
(if (and ttl (> (- now time-cached) ttl))
(- time-cached now) ; Already expired
(+ lru-tick lfu-tick)))]
[score key]))
(sort-by first))
expired-keys (->> scored-keys
(take-while #(neg? (first %)))
(map second))
worst-keys (->> scored-keys
(take prune-count)
(map second))]
(apply swap! cache dissoc
(into #{} (concat expired-keys
(reset! gc-running? false)))))
(defn smart-memoize
"Like 'memoize' but provides some additional facilities:
1. When 'ttl' is given, cached items will be invalidated after this many msecs.
2. When 'max-items' is given, intelligent pruning will be used to try and
maintain at most this many cached items.
3. Cached items can be invalidated by prepending with :sm-invalidate:
(smart-memoize :sm-invalidate arg1 arg2 ...)."
([f] (smart-memoize {} f))
([{:keys [cache ttl max-items gc-rate gc-fn]
:or {cache (atom {}) gc-rate 0.01 gc-fn gc-sm-cache!}} f]
(let [current-tick (atom 0)]
(fn ^{:arglists '([command target] [& args])} [& args]
(let [{:keys [time-cached lru-tick lfu-tick d-result]} (@cache args)
now (System/currentTimeMillis)]
;; Check if we have a useable payload
(if (and time-cached (or (not ttl) (< (- now time-cached) ttl)))
(do (swap! current-tick inc)
(swap! cache assoc args {:time-cached time-cached
:lru-tick @current-tick
:lfu-tick (inc lfu-tick)
:d-result d-result})
;; Parse args to look for special commands
(let [[command & target] args]
(case command
:sm-invalidate (do (swap! cache dissoc target) nil)
:sm-invalidate-all (do (reset! cache {})
(reset! current-tick 0) nil)
;; No special commands:
(let [d-result (delay (apply f args))]
(swap! cache assoc args {:time-cached now
:lru-tick @current-tick
:lfu-tick 1
:d-result d-result})
;; Garbage collection
(when (and max-items (<= (rand) gc-rate))
(future (gc-fn cache ttl max-items now)))
(def memfn (memoize (fn [x] (Thread/sleep 3000) (str x))))
(def smemfn (smart-memoize (fn [x] (Thread/sleep 3000) (str x))))
(def smemfn-ttl
(smart-memoize {:ttl 10000} (fn [x] (Thread/sleep 3000) (str x))))
(time (dotimes [n 10000] (memfn "Hello!"))) ; 3.3ms
(time (dotimes [n 10000] (smemfn "Hello!"))) ; 15ms
(time (dotimes [n 10000] (smemfn-ttl "Hello!"))) ; 18ms
(smemfn-ttl "This will expire")
(smemfn :sm-invalidate "Hello!")
(smemfn "Hello!"))
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If you want something even more flexible, check out

For my own purposes, often found I needed something relatively simple + lightweight. Having said that, the gc is pluggable so you've actually got quite a bit of flexibility here in terms of cache strategies, etc. The default strategy is a combination LRU/LFU, subject to TTL.

Hope someone finds this useful!

Peter Taoussanis

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