See and
Ani = Property can be animated Inh = Property inherits from parent widget
Property name | Type | Default | Ani | Inh | Notes |
animation |
Sets all animation-* properties except animation-play-state ; specify iteration count first, then duration, then delay |
animation-delay |
array(time) | 0 |
N | N | |
animation-direction |
array(direction) | normal |
N | N | |
animation-duration |
array(time) | 0 |
N | N | |
animation-fill-mode |
array(fill) | none |
N | N | |
animation-iteration-count |
array(iteration count) | 1 |
N | N | |
animation-name |
array(string) | none |
N | N | |
animation-play-state |
play state | running |
N | N | |
animation-timing-function |
array(ease) | ease |
N | N | |
background |
Sets all background-* properties; separate size and position with "/" ; clip and origin are set to the same value |
background-clip |
array(area) | border-box |
N | N | |
background-color |
color | black |
Y | N | |
background-image |
array(image) | none |
Y | N | |
background-origin |
array(area) | padding-box |
N | N | |
background-position |
array(position) | 0 0 |
Y | N | |
background-repeat |
array(repeat) | repeat repeat |
N | N | |
background-size |
array(background size) | auto auto |
Y | N | |
border |
Sets color, style, and width of all four sides at once; clears all border-image-* properties |
border-bottom |
Sets color, style, and width in any order | ||||
border-left |
ditto | ||||
border-right |
ditto | ||||
border-top |
ditto | ||||
border-color |
Sets all border-*-color properties |
border-bottom-color |
color | currentColor |
Y | N | |
border-left-color |
color | currentColor |
Y | N | |
border-right-color |
color | currentColor |
Y | N | |
border-top-color |
color | currentColor |
Y | N | |
border-style |
Sets all border-*-style properties |
border-bottom-style |
border style | none |
N | N | |
border-left-style |
border style | none |
N | N | |
border-right-style |
border style | none |
N | N | |
border-top-style |
border style | none |
N | N | |
border-width |
Sets all border-*-width properties |
border-bottom-width |
length | 0 |
Y | N | |
border-left-width |
length | 0 |
Y | N | |
border-right-width |
length | 0 |
Y | N | |
border-top-width |
length | 0 |
Y | N | |
border-radius |
Sets all border-*-radius properties (x-values ("/" y-values)? ) |
border-bottom-left-radius |
corner | 0 0 |
Y | N | |
border-bottom-right-radius |
corner | 0 0 |
Y | N | |
border-top-left-radius |
corner | 0 0 |
Y | N | |
border-top-right-radius |
corner | 0 0 |
Y | N | |
border-image |
Sets all border-image-* properties; separate slice and width by "/" |
border-image-repeat |
repeat | stretch stretch |
N | N | |
border-image-slice |
border | 100% 100% 100% 100% |
N | N | "auto" not allowed |
border-image-source |
image | none |
Y | N | |
border-image-width |
border | 1 1 1 1 |
N | N | "fill" not allowed |
box-shadow |
shadow | none |
Y | N | Currently, only inset box shadows work |
color |
color | white |
Y | Y | |
engine |
string | none ? |
N | N | Theming engine |
font |
Parsed by pango_font_description_from_string() ; sets all font-* properties |
font-family |
array | "Sans" |
N | Y | |
font-size |
length | medium |
Y | Y | |
font-style |
style | normal |
N | Y | |
font-variant |
variant | normal |
N | Y | |
font-weight |
weight | normal |
N | Y | |
gtk-key-bindings |
array(string) | none |
N | N | |
icon-shadow |
shadow | none |
Y | Y | |
margin |
Sets all margin-* properties |
margin-bottom |
length | 0 |
Y | N | |
margin-left |
length | 0 |
Y | N | |
margin-right |
length | 0 |
Y | N | |
margin-top |
length | 0 |
Y | N | |
opacity |
number | 1 |
Y | N | Note that it is applied cumulatively to the opacity set by gtk_widget_set_opacity() ! Also, the "animatable" is a lie. |
outline-color |
color | currentColor |
N | N | |
outline-style |
border style | none |
N | N | |
outline-offset |
length | 0 |
N | N | |
outline-width |
length | 0 |
Y | N | |
padding |
Sets all padding-* properties |
padding-bottom |
length | 0 |
Y | N | |
padding-left |
length | 0 |
Y | N | |
padding-right |
length | 0 |
Y | N | |
padding-top |
length | 0 |
Y | N | |
text-shadow |
shadow | none |
Y | Y | |
transition |
Sets all transition-* properties; specify duration before delay |
transition-delay |
array(time) | 0 |
N | N | |
transition-duration |
array(time) | 0 |
N | N | |
transition-property |
array(string) | "all" |
N | N | |
transition-timing-function |
array(ease) | ease |
N | N |
For the shorthand properties that set values on four sides at once, you can give from one to four values. The order is top, right, bottom, left. If right or bottom are not given, they are equal to top. If left is not given, it is equal to right (and therefore top if right is not given.)
"border-box" | "padding-box" | "content-box"
value ("," value)*
background repeat:
"none" | "repeat-x" | "repeat-y" | ("no-repeat" | "repeat" | "round" | "space"){1, 2}
background size:
"cover" | "contain" | ("auto" | positive length or percentage){2}
"fill"? ("auto" | number){1,4} "fill"?
border repeat:
("stretch" | "repeat" | "round" | "space"){1, 2} | "none"
border style:
"none" | "solid" | "inset" | "outset" | "hidden" | "dotted" | "dashed" | "double" | "groove" | "ridge"
"currentColor" | "transparent" | "@"defined-color | color-function | "#"(rgb | rrggbb) | named-color
rgba(0-255 or percentage, 0-255 or percentage, 0-255 or percentage, double)
| rgb(0-255 or percentage, 0-255 or percentage, 0-255 or percentage)
| lighter(color) => 1.3 * color
| darker(color) => 0.7 * color
| shade(color, double) => double * color
| alpha(color, double)
| mix(color, color, double)
| -gtk-win32-color(name, int)
name understood by gdk_rgba_parse() (
(positive length or percentage){1,2}
// refers to x and y; if only x given, then y = x
"normal" | "reverse" | "alternate" | "alternate-reverse"
"linear" | "ease-in-out" | "ease-in" | "ease-out" | "ease" | "step-start" | "step-end"
| "steps" "(" unsigned-int ("," ("start" | "end"))? ")"
| "cubic-bezier" "(" double 0-1 "," double 0-1 "," double 0-1 "," double 0-1 ")"
"none" | string
"none" | "forwards" | "backwards" | "both"
font size:
"smaller" | "larger" | "xx-small" | "x-small" | "small" | "medium" | "large" | "x-large" | "xx-large"
font style:
"normal" | "oblique" | "italic"
font variant:
"normal" | "small-caps"
font weight:
"100" | "200" | "300" | "normal" | "400" | "500" | "600" | "bold" | "700" | "800" | "900"
// normal = 400, bold = 700
| "url(" string ")"
| "-gtk-gradient(" ("radial" ("," gradient-x gradient-y "," double){2} | "linear" ("," gradient-x gradient-y){2}) ("," ("from" "(" | "to" "(" | "color-stop" "(" double ",") string ")")+ ")"
| "-gtk-win32-theme-part(" string "," int int ("," ("over" "(" int int "," double | "margins" "(" int{1,4} ) ")")+ ")"
| ("linear-gradient(" | "repeating-linear-gradient(") (("to" any order(("top" | "bottom"), ("left" | "right")) | angle) ",")? (color (length | percentage)? ("," (color (length | percentage)?)*)? ")"
| "cross-fade(" percentage? image ("," image)? ")"
// if percentage is not given, then 50%. in future, should be able to specify colors as well
"left" | "right" | "center" | double
"top" | "bottom" | "center" | double
iteration count:
"infinite" | number
play state:
"running" | "paused"
("left" | "right" | "top" | "bottom" | "center" | length | percentage){1, 2}
// in such a combination that one horizontal and one vertical value are specified
"none" | array("inset"? number number positive-number? number? "inset"? color)
// numbers: hoffset voffset radius=0.0 spread=0.0