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Last active April 23, 2016 16:36
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Generates a responsive timeline of F# meetups around the world
#r @"packages/FSharp.Data/lib/net40/FSharp.Data.dll"
#load "FsHtml.fs" // "paket-files/ptrelford/FsHtml/src/FsHtml.fs"
open System
open FSharp.Data
open FsHtml
type Events = JsonProvider<",upcoming">
let meetups = [
"sfsharp"; "Silicon-Valley-FSharp"; "Portland-F-Meetup-Group";"FSharpSeattle"
type Event<'a> = {
StartTime : DateTime
Link : string
Title : string
Summary : string
Location : string
Venue : 'a
let events =
[|for meetup in meetups |> Seq.distinct do
let events = Events.Load(sprintf ",upcoming" meetup)
for event in events ->
let epoch = System.DateTime(1970,1,1)
let startTime = epoch.AddMilliseconds(float event.Time + float event.UtcOffset)
let city =
match event.Venue with
| Some venue -> venue.City
| None -> event.Group.Name
{ StartTime=startTime; Link=event.Link; Title=event.Name; Summary=event.Description; Location=city; Venue=event.Venue}
|> Array.where (fun x -> x.StartTime < DateTime.Now.AddMonths(1))
|> Array.sortByDescending (fun x -> x.StartTime)
let blocks = [
for event in events ->
div [
// Location
a [
yield! ["itemprop"%="location";"itemscope"%="";"itemtype"%=""]
yield "target"%="_blank"
match event.Venue with
| Some venue ->
yield "href"%=(sprintf ",%M,8z" venue.Lat venue.Lon)
//yield "href"%=(sprintf ",%M" venue.Lat venue.Lon) // with pin
yield "title"%=(venue.Name+", "+venue.City)
| None ->
yield "href"%=event.Link
yield div [
yield "class"%="cd-timeline-img"
yield img ["src"%="img/cd-icon-location.svg"]
// Location name
match event.Venue with
| Some venue ->
yield meta ["itemprop"%="name";"content"%=venue.Name]
| None ->
yield meta ["itemprop"%="name";"content"%=event.Location]
// Postal Adress
yield span [
yield! ["itemprop"%="address";"itemscope"%="";"itemtype"%=""]
match event.Venue with
| Some venue ->
yield meta ["itemprop"%="addressLocality";"content"%=venue.City]
yield meta ["itemprop"%="addressCountry";"content"%=venue.Country.ToUpper()]
| None ->
yield meta ["itemprop"%="name";"content"%=event.Location]
// Content
div [
div [
h2 %event.Location
br []
a [
span ["itemprop"%="name";Text event.Title]
br []
span [
Text (event.StartTime.ToString("D"))
let timeline = section ("id"%="cd-timeline"::"class"%="cd-container"::blocks)
// Based on CodyHouse Vertical Timeline sample:
let html =
"""<!doctype html>
<html lang="en" class="no-js">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<link href='|Open+Sans:400,700' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/reset.css"> <!-- CSS reset -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css"> <!-- Resource style -->
<script src="js/modernizr.js"></script> <!-- Modernizr -->
<title>F# Meetup Timeline</title>
<h1>F# Meetup Timeline</h1>
<script src=""></script>
<script src="js/main.js"></script> <!-- Resource jQuery -->
</html>""".Replace("{timeline}", timeline.ToString())
open System.IO
let path = Path.Combine(__SOURCE_DIRECTORY__,@"vertical-timeline\vertical-timeline\index.html")
System.IO.File.WriteAllText(path, html)
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