git clone git://
Or from the Github mirror
git clone
Or download a release from and extract the files.
brew update
brew install wine --only-dependencies --without-x11 --devel
You can find wine-staging patches at:
git apply --check 0001-secur32-Set-output-buffer-size-to-zero-during-handsh.patch
git apply 0001-secur32-Set-output-buffer-size-to-zero-during-handsh.patch
Using Wineskin install the Wine Engine Base. Attempt a build. When asked if you want to install gcc-4.2 press 'N'. We will be using clang instead.
We need to trick Wineskin into beliving gcc-4.2 is installed. We can do this by symlinking our current version.
sudo ln -s /usr/bin/gcc /usr/local/bin/gcc-4.2
Open ~/Library/Application Support/Wineskin/EngineBase/W2.5.5v1EngineBase/config.txt
in your favourite editor. Next add the CC CXX and CFLAGS varables so that wine is now compiled with clang rather than the outdated gcc-4.2.
{location to the wine source code}
CC=clang CXX=clang++ CFLAGS=-std=gnu89 --without-x --without-xml --disable-option-checking --without-oss --without-cms --disable-tests --without-v4l --without-alsa --without-audioio --without-capi --with-coreaudio --without-esd --without-hal --without-jack --with-xcomposite --with-xcursor --with-xinerama --with-xinput --with-xrandr --with-xrender --with-xshape --with-xshm --with-xslt --with-xxf86vm --without-fontconfig --without-gphoto --without-gstreamer --without-dbus
/Users/{user}/Library/Application Support/Wineskin/7za
On the last line is the operating system version number. Make sure it matches with yours.
~/Library/Application\ Support/Wineskin/EngineBase/W2.5.5v1EngineBase/WineskinEngineBuild
brew rm $(join <(brew leaves) <(brew deps wine))
brew cleanup
cd {wine_source} && make clean
sudo periodic daily
don't forget to remove the wine source files.
export WINE_VER=3.9
export WINE_BRANCH=devel # stable devel staging
wget "$WINE_BRANCH-$WINE_VER-osx64.tar.gz"
tar xf portable-winehq-*-osx64.tar.gz
echo "WS9Wine$WINE_VER-$WINE_BRANCH-64bit" > usr/version
mv usr/ wswine.bundle
# tar cf - wswine.bundle | ~/Library/Application\ Support/Wineskin/7za a -si "WS9Wine$WINE_VER-$WINE_BRANCH-64bit.tar.7z"
brew install p7zip
tar cf - wswine.bundle | 7za a -si "WS9Wine$WINE_VER-$WINE_BRANCH-64bit.tar.7z"
mv "WS9Wine$WINE_VER-$WINE_BRANCH-64bit.tar.7z" ~/Library/Application\ Support/Wineskin/Engines/
rm -rdf wswine.bundle
rm portable-winehq-*-osx64.tar.gz
When is the last time you tried this?
Just gave it a shot yesterday on OS X 10.11.6 and it fails completely with the usual "compiler can't create executables" issue, just like every other set of directions for building a Wineskin engine from Wine source does for me =\
Edit: And of course now that I said something after so many failed attempts it's finally starting to work (building now, though of course that may fail).
Another edit: Part of my failure was because I didn't copy your ./configure arguments (CC=clang CXX=clang++ CFLAGS=-std=gnu89 --without-x --without-xml --disable-option-checking --without-oss --without-cms --disable-tests --without-v4l --without-alsa --without-audioio --without-capi --with-coreaudio --without-esd --without-hal --without-jack --with-xcomposite --with-xcursor --with-xinerama --with-xinput --with-xrandr --with-xrender --with-xshape --with-xshm --with-xslt --with-xxf86vm --without-fontconfig --without-gphoto --without-gstreamer --without-dbus) and instead tried to use the Wineskin defaults. I noticed the CFLAGS=-std=gnu89 yesterday when I was trying to figure this out, but didn't try it personally and until I saw it again in your args I thought that it was wrong. Lol.
One more edit: It compiled, and it even showed up in my Engines list, but nothing works. Can't install anything, can't run RegEdit, Uninstaller, Task Manager, or anything else. I'm guessing it's something wrong on my end, but I just don't have the ability to care any more right now.
Last edit: Wine 2.02 Stable compiled and so far is working as expected (Steam is installing fine, will try a game shortly). Thank you; sorry for the earlier doubt.