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How do we add extra information to a tree? This has been called [The | |
AST Typing | |
Problem]( | |
After being hit with this problem in Roy's new type-inference engine, | |
I tried figuring out how to represent the algorithm. I eventually | |
realised that it looked like a comonadic operation. Turns out it's | |
been done before but I couldn't find any complete example. | |
Below is some literate Haskell to show how to use the Cofree Comonad | |
to perform [bottom-up, constraint-based | |
type-inference]( It's | |
essentially a tiny version of how Roy's new type-system works. | |
> {-# LANGUAGE DeriveFoldable #-} | |
> {-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-} | |
> {-# LANGUAGE DeriveTraversable #-} | |
> {-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-} | |
> | |
> module CofreeTree where | |
> | |
> import Prelude hiding (sequence) | |
> | |
> import Control.Comonad | |
> import Control.Comonad.Cofree | |
> import Control.Monad.State hiding (sequence) | |
> import Data.Foldable (Foldable, fold) | |
> import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe) | |
> import Data.Monoid | |
> import Data.Traversable (Traversable, sequence) | |
> import qualified Data.Map as M | |
Our little language is an extended lambda calculus with integer and | |
string literals. The interesting thing here is that the AST doesn't | |
specify `(AST a)` for recursion, only `a` - this gives us more | |
flexibility; we can have a node that isn't recursive or even a special | |
type of recursion (e.g. we'll eventually get annotated recursion). | |
> data AST a = ALambda String a | |
> | AApply a a | |
> | ANumber Int | |
> | AString String | |
> | AIdent String | |
But for now we want a normal recursive AST. If we use a fixed-point we | |
can get a normal one using `Mu AST`. | |
> newtype Mu f = Mu (f (Mu f)) | |
Now it's surprisingly easy to create an unattributed AST. Our example | |
will use the following lambda expression: (λx.x)2 | |
> example :: Mu AST | |
> example = Mu $ AApply (Mu . ALambda "x" . Mu $ AIdent "x") (Mu $ ANumber 2) | |
Later on we'll need to be able to traverse the AST and store it in a | |
map. | |
> deriving instance Show a => Show (AST a) | |
> deriving instance Functor AST | |
> deriving instance Foldable AST | |
> deriving instance Traversable AST | |
> deriving instance Eq a => Eq (AST a) | |
> deriving instance Ord a => Ord (AST a) | |
We're going to add types to our AST. `TVar` is a parametric type. For | |
example, the type `α → α` is represented as `TLambda (TVar 0) (TVar | |
0)`. | |
> data Type = TLambda Type Type | |
> | TVar Int | |
> | TNumber | |
> | TString | |
> | |
> deriving instance Show Type | |
Bottom-up inference works by generating constraints required to | |
calculate the type of each node and propagating them up to the top | |
level, then solving them. | |
Our example will only use an equality constraint, asserting that two | |
types can unify. This should be easy to extend, allowing things like | |
let-polymorphism or type-classes. | |
> data Constraint = EqualityConstraint Type Type | |
> | |
> deriving instance Show Constraint | |
Each step of the inference algorithm will give us a set of constraints | |
and possibly a map of assumptions from identifier to type. For example | |
we could get a set of `{α ≡ TNumber, β ≡ TString}` with assumptions of | |
`{hello = {α}}`. We can combine the results of multiple steps using a | |
monoid instance. | |
> data TypeResult = TypeResult { | |
> constraints :: [Constraint], | |
> assumptions :: M.Map String [Type] | |
> } | |
> | |
> deriving instance Show TypeResult | |
> | |
> instance Monoid TypeResult where | |
> mempty = TypeResult { | |
> constraints = mempty, | |
> assumptions = mempty | |
> } | |
> mappend a b = TypeResult { | |
> constraints = constraints a `mappend` constraints b, | |
> assumptions = assumptions a `mappend` assumptions b | |
> } | |
We need to keep track of some state during the inference process. We | |
need the next fresh variable ID and a memoisation map for the result | |
of inference per AST node. | |
> data TypeState t m = TypeState { | |
> varId :: Int, | |
> memo :: M.Map t m | |
> } | |
Each node will return a type along with its constraints and | |
assumptions. Since we'll be using that a lot inside of the State | |
Monad, we'll define an alias. | |
> type TypeCheck t = State (TypeState t (Type, TypeResult)) (Type, TypeResult) | |
We have a function to retrieve the next fresh type variable and then | |
update the ID. | |
> freshVarId :: State (TypeState t m) Type | |
> freshVarId = do | |
> v <- gets varId | |
> modify $ \s -> s { varId = succ v } | |
> return $ TVar v | |
We'll always want to memoise the result of each step so we define a | |
memoiser that takes the type-inferencing function and stores the | |
results in the memo map. | |
> memoizedTC :: Ord c => (c -> TypeCheck c) -> c -> TypeCheck c | |
> memoizedTC f c = gets memo >>= maybe memoize return . M.lookup c where | |
> memoize = do | |
> r <- f c | |
> modify $ \s -> s { memo = M.insert c r $ memo s } | |
> return r | |
We need to convert our example AST from `Mu` into `Cofree`. Cofree | |
takes a parameterised type and makes it recursive with each step | |
having an attribute. Our initial attribution will be unit (i.e. we'll | |
initially use Cofree just for the recursive comonadic structure). | |
> cofreeMu :: Functor f => Mu f -> Cofree f () | |
> cofreeMu (Mu f) = () :< fmap cofreeMu f | |
The real annotation function will take a unit annotated Cofree AST | |
then do a comonadic extend so that each node is annotated with its | |
type and state. Fairly easy. | |
But we'll get a Cofree where each attribute is a State operation. We | |
can sequence to get a combined State of a Cofree AST. Then we can run | |
the State to get just a Cofree AST with our attributes! | |
> attribute :: Cofree AST () -> Cofree AST (Type, TypeResult) | |
> attribute c = | |
> let initial = TypeState { memo = M.empty, varId = 0 } | |
> in evalState (sequence $ extend (memoizedTC generateConstraints) c) initial | |
Let's take a look at the comonadic operation which generates a type | |
along with its constraints and assumptions. | |
> generateConstraints :: Cofree AST () -> TypeCheck (Cofree AST ()) | |
Literals are trivial. They don't need any constraints or | |
assumptions. We immediately know their type. | |
> generateConstraints (() :< ANumber _) = return (TNumber, mempty) | |
> generateConstraints (() :< AString _) = return (TString, mempty) | |
Using an identifier just creates a fresh type variable and puts it in | |
the assumption map. | |
> generateConstraints (() :< AIdent s) = do | |
> var <- freshVarId | |
> return (var, TypeResult { | |
> constraints = [], | |
> assumptions = M.singleton s [var] | |
> }) | |
A memoised recursive call to the lambda's body is used for the | |
lambda's return type and for propagating constraints. Lambdas take the | |
name of their bound variable out of the body's assumption map and turn | |
it into a constraint for the input of the returned lambda type. | |
> generateConstraints (() :< ALambda s b) = do | |
> var <- freshVarId | |
> br <- memoizedTC generateConstraints b | |
> let cs = maybe [] (map $ EqualityConstraint var) (M.lookup s . assumptions $ snd br) | |
> as = M.delete s . assumptions $ snd br | |
> return (TLambda var (fst br), TypeResult { | |
> constraints = constraints (snd br) `mappend` cs, | |
> assumptions = as | |
> }) | |
Lambda application generates constraints for the lambda and the | |
argument. It then generates a fresh type variable to use as the return | |
type and; a constraint that the lambda can take the argument and | |
returns the type variable. | |
> generateConstraints (() :< AApply a b) = do | |
> var <- freshVarId | |
> ar <- memoizedTC generateConstraints a | |
> br <- memoizedTC generateConstraints b | |
> return (var, snd ar `mappend` snd br `mappend` TypeResult { | |
> constraints = [EqualityConstraint (fst ar) $ TLambda (fst br) var], | |
> assumptions = mempty | |
> }) | |
To be able to get a type for the AST, we'll need to solve all of the | |
constraints. Solving equality constraints is easy, we just try to | |
unify them which will give a substitution map of type variable ID to | |
type. We need to put a constraint through that substitution map before | |
trying to solve it, so that we know we have the latest information | |
about its type variables. | |
> solveConstraints :: [Constraint] -> Maybe (M.Map Int Type) | |
> solveConstraints = | |
> foldl (\b a -> liftM2 mappend (solve b a) b) $ Just M.empty | |
> where solve maybeSubs (EqualityConstraint a b) = do | |
> subs <- maybeSubs | |
> mostGeneralUnifier (substitute subs a) (substitute subs b) | |
So given two types, we need to be able to get a map of substitutions if | |
the types unify. | |
> mostGeneralUnifier :: Type -> Type -> Maybe (M.Map Int Type) | |
If one side is a type variable, then we map that type variable ID to | |
the type on the other side. | |
> mostGeneralUnifier (TVar i) b = Just $ M.singleton i b | |
> mostGeneralUnifier a (TVar i) = Just $ M.singleton i a | |
When both sides are obviously the same, they can unify with just an | |
empty substitution map. | |
> mostGeneralUnifier TNumber TNumber = Just M.empty | |
> mostGeneralUnifier TString TString = Just M.empty | |
Lambdas must unify their bound variables and then their bodies. They | |
must also substitute type variables as soon as they have information | |
about them. | |
> mostGeneralUnifier (TLambda a b) (TLambda c d) = do | |
> s1 <- mostGeneralUnifier a c | |
> liftM2 mappend (mostGeneralUnifier (substitute s1 b) (substitute s1 d)) $ Just s1 | |
If none of the above cases apply then the types can't be the same and | |
therefore don't unify. | |
> mostGeneralUnifier _ _ = Nothing | |
The type substitution using a substitution map is very simple. Type | |
variables don't get substituted if they don't exist in the substitution | |
map. | |
> substitute :: M.Map Int Type -> Type -> Type | |
> substitute subs v@(TVar i) = maybe v (substitute subs) $ M.lookup i subs | |
> substitute subs (TLambda a b) = TLambda (substitute subs a) (substitute subs b) | |
> substitute _ t = t | |
Now we can put it all together. We attribute the tree to get a type | |
and its constraints. We then solve those constraints to get a | |
substitution map. Finally, we can map over each AST node, discarding | |
the constraints and applying the substitution map to get a final type. | |
> typeTree :: Cofree AST () -> Maybe (Cofree AST Type) | |
> typeTree c = | |
> let result = attribute c | |
> (r :< _) = result | |
> maybeSubs = solveConstraints . constraints $ snd r | |
> in fmap (\subs -> fmap (substitute subs . fst) result) maybeSubs | |
Now we can go back to the `cofreeMu` example we wrote above and print: | |
1. The AST | |
2. The AST attributed with constraints, assumptions and unsolved types | |
3. The AST with solved types | |
> main :: IO () | |
> main = do | |
> print $ cofreeMu example | |
> print . attribute $ cofreeMu example | |
> print . typeTree $ cofreeMu example | |
The last is the most interesting: | |
Just | |
(TNumber :< AApply | |
(TLambda TNumber TNumber :< ALambda "x" | |
(TNumber :< AIdent "x")) | |
(TNumber :< ANumber 2)) | |
Awesome. Does exactly what we want. It seems like the type system | |
allows easy extension. We could even add extra comonadic operations | |
for different phases of the compiler, like annotating nodes with | |
type-class dictionaries. | |
But I can think of two problems with this comonadic approach: | |
1. We have to explicitly sequence comonadic phases. It'd be better if | |
we could annotate the AST with a semigroup and then append different | |
phases in parallel but then we'd probably lose type-safety when trying | |
to retrieve an attribute. | |
2. The memoisation is annoying and seems to reflect the way we're | |
traversing using a comonad. But then, doing it without Cofree seems | |
even more annoying. | |
Anyway, time to translate the | |
[above]( | |
[to]( | |
[JavaScript]( |
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Hi there. Thanks for this article :)
Where is extend defined?
... Just found it in comonad - Control.Comonad