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Created October 14, 2016 10:49
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Type-safe printf, using runtime provided strings. An extension on
module Main
%default total
data Format
= FInt -- %d
| FString -- %s
| FOther Char -- [a-zA-Z0-9]
format : List Char -> List Format
format ('%'::'d'::cs) = FInt :: format cs
format ('%'::'s'::cs) = FString :: format cs
format (c::cs) = FOther c :: format cs
format [] = []
interpFormat : List Format -> Type
interpFormat (FInt :: f) = Int -> interpFormat f
interpFormat (FString :: f) = String -> interpFormat f
interpFormat (FOther _ :: f) = interpFormat f
interpFormat [] = String
formatString : String -> List Format
formatString s = format (unpack s)
toFunction : (fmt : List Format) -> String -> interpFormat fmt
toFunction (FInt :: f) a = \i => toFunction f (a ++ show i)
toFunction (FString :: f) a = \s => toFunction f (a ++ s)
toFunction (FOther c :: f) a = toFunction f (a ++ singleton c)
toFunction [] a = a
printf : (s : String) -> interpFormat (formatString s)
printf s = toFunction (formatString s) ""
runFormat : (fmt : List Format) -> interpFormat fmt -> IO ()
runFormat [] f =
putStrLn f
runFormat (FInt :: xs) f = do
putStr "Enter an integer: "
s <- getLine
runFormat xs (f (cast s))
runFormat (FString :: xs) f = do
putStr "Enter a string: "
s <- getLine
runFormat xs (f s)
runFormat (FOther _ :: xs) f =
runFormat xs f
main : IO ()
main = do
putStr "Your printf string: "
s <- getLine
runFormat (formatString s) (printf s)
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