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Top homebrew packages
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node: Platform built on V8 to build network applications | |
git: Distributed revision control system | |
wget: Internet file retriever | |
yarn: JavaScript package manager | |
python3: Interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming language | |
coreutils: GNU File, Shell, and Text utilities | |
awscli: Official Amazon AWS command-line interface | |
automake: Tool for generating GNU Standards-compliant Makefiles | |
youtube-dl: Download YouTube videos from the command-line | |
readline: Library for command-line editing | |
maven: Java-based project management | |
rbenv: Ruby version manager | |
tree: Display directories as trees (with optional color/HTML output) | |
jq: Lightweight and flexible command-line JSON processor | |
docker: Pack, ship and run any application as a lightweight container | |
nmap: Port scanning utility for large networks | |
htop: Improved top (interactive process viewer) | |
nvm: Manage multiple Node.js versions | |
pyenv: Python version management | |
ansible: Automate deployment, configuration, and upgrading | |
terraform: Tool to build, change, and version infrastructure | |
zsh-completions: Additional completion definitions for zsh | |
unrar: Extract, view, and test RAR archives | |
ant: Java build tool | |
ruby-build: Install various Ruby versions and implementations | |
sqlite: Command-line interface for SQLite | |
phantomjs: Headless WebKit scriptable with a JavaScript API | |
hugo: Configurable static site generator | |
elixir: Functional metaprogramming aware language built on Erlang VM | |
fish: User-friendly command-line shell for UNIX-like operating systems | |
watch: Executes a program periodically, showing output fullscreen | |
swiftlint: Tool to enforce Swift style and conventions | |
ghostscript: Interpreter for PostScript and PDF | |
rabbitmq: Messaging broker | |
p7zip: 7-Zip (high compression file archiver) implementation | |
flow: Static type checker for JavaScript | |
httpie: User-friendly cURL replacement (command-line HTTP client) | |
docker-compose: Isolated development environments using Docker | |
mono: Cross platform, open source .NET development framework | |
ctags: Reimplementation of ctags(1) | |
pandoc: Swiss-army knife of markup format conversion | |
tig: Text interface for Git repositories | |
llvm: Next-gen compiler infrastructure | |
memcached: High performance, distributed memory object caching system | |
ack: Search tool like grep, but optimized for programmers | |
xz: General-purpose data compression with high compression ratio | |
docker-machine: Create Docker hosts locally and on cloud providers | |
jpeg: Image manipulation library | |
sdl2: Low-level access to audio, keyboard, mouse, joystick, and graphics | |
midnight-commander: Terminal-based visual file manager | |
pyenv-virtualenv: Pyenv plugin to manage virtualenv | |
capstone: Multi-platform, multi-architecture disassembly framework | |
putty: Implementation of Telnet and SSH | |
hub: Add GitHub support to git on the command-line | |
thefuck: Programatically correct mistyped console commands | |
gnutls: GNU Transport Layer Security (TLS) Library | |
emacs: GNU Emacs text editor | |
highlight: Convert source code to formatted text with syntax highlighting | |
reattach-to-user-namespace: Reattach process (e.g., tmux) to background | |
ssh-copy-id: Add a public key to a remote machine's authorized_keys file | |
jenkins: Extendable open source continuous integration server | |
certbot: Tool to obtain certs from Let's Encrypt and autoenable HTTPS | |
fzf: Command-line fuzzy finder written in Go | |
dos2unix: Convert text between DOS, UNIX, and Mac formats | |
rust: Safe, concurrent, practical language | |
packer: Tool for creating identical machine images for multiple platforms | |
graphicsmagick: Image processing tools collection | |
mtr: 'traceroute' and 'ping' in a single tool | |
doxygen: Generate documentation for several programming languages | |
groovy: Java-based scripting language | |
winetricks: Download and install various runtime libraries | |
freetype: Software library to render fonts | |
apache-spark: Engine for large-scale data processing | |
pcre: Perl compatible regular expressions library | |
swig: Generate scripting interfaces to C/C++ code | |
sdl: Low-level access to audio, keyboard, mouse, joystick and graphics | |
nginx: HTTP(S) server and reverse proxy, and IMAP/POP3 proxy server | |
git-flow: Extensions to follow Vincent Driessen's branching model | |
pv: Monitor data's progress through a pipe | |
gawk: GNU awk utility | |
qemu: x86 and PowerPC Emulator | |
cairo: Vector graphics library with cross-device output support | |
docker-machine-driver-xhyve: Docker Machine driver for xhyve | |
zsh-syntax-highlighting: Fish shell like syntax highlighting for zsh | |
socat: netcat on steroids | |
zeromq: High-performance, asynchronous messaging library | |
cask: Emacs dependency management | |
autojump: Shell extension to jump to frequently used directories | |
geckodriver: WebDriver <-> Marionette proxy | |
tbb: Rich and complete approach to parallelism in C++ | |
mobile-shell: Remote terminal application | |
gettext: GNU internationalization (i18n) and localization (l10n) library | |
kotlin: Statically typed programming language for the JVM | |
gdbm: GNU database manager | |
hadoop: Framework for distributed processing of large data sets | |
eigen: C++ template library for linear algebra | |
kubernetes-helm: The Kubernetes package manager | |
exiftool: Perl lib for reading and writing EXIF metadata | |
aria2: Download with resuming and segmented downloading | |
binutils: FSF/GNU ld, ar, readelf, etc. for native development | |
bison: Parser generator | |
rename: Perl-powered file rename script with many helpful built-ins | |
snappy: Compression/decompression library aiming for high speed | |
poppler: PDF rendering library (based on the xpdf-3.0 code base) | |
lynx: Text-based web browser | |
erlang: Programming language for highly scalable real-time systems | |
mitmproxy: Intercept, modify, replay, save HTTP/S traffic | |
openvpn: SSL/TLS VPN implementing OSI layer 2 or 3 secure network extension | |
tor: Anonymizing overlay network for TCP | |
cowsay: Configurable talking characters in ASCII art | |
icu4c: C/C++ and Java libraries for Unicode and globalization | |
aws-elasticbeanstalk: Client for Amazon Elastic Beanstalk web service | |
ios-webkit-debug-proxy: DevTools proxy for iOS devices | |
jenv: Manage your Java environment | |
ripgrep: Search tool like grep and The Silver Searcher. | |
cloc: Statistics utility to count lines of code | |
sdl_image: Image file loading library | |
gnu-sed: GNU implementation of the famous stream editor | |
mas: Mac App Store command-line interface | |
parallel: Shell command parallelization utility | |
glog: Application-level logging library | |
speedtest-cli: Command-line interface for https://speedtest.net bandwidth tests | |
shellcheck: Static analysis and lint tool, for (ba)sh scripts | |
sdl_mixer: Sample multi-channel audio mixer library | |
bower: Package manager for the web | |
sdl_ttf: Library for using TrueType fonts in SDL applications | |
glide: Simplified Go project management, dependency management, and vendoring | |
postgis: Adds support for geographic objects to PostgreSQL | |
ntfs-3g: Read-write NTFS driver for FUSE | |
kafka: Publish-subscribe messaging rethought as a distributed commit log | |
portmidi: Cross-platform library for real-time MIDI I/O | |
mysql-connector-c: MySQL database connector for C applications | |
irssi: Modular IRC client | |
leveldb: Key-value storage library with ordered mapping | |
exercism: Command-line tool to interact with exercism.io | |
fswatch: Monitor a directory for changes and run a shell command | |
yasm: Modular BSD reimplementation of NASM | |
kibana: Analytics and search dashboard for Elasticsearch | |
gflags: Library for processing command-line flags | |
aircrack-ng: Next-generation aircrack with lots of new features | |
gd: Graphics library to dynamically manipulate images | |
pango: Framework for layout and rendering of i18n text | |
portaudio: Cross-platform library for audio I/O | |
httrack: Website copier/offline browser | |
boot2docker: Lightweight Linux for Docker | |
mcrypt: Replacement for the old crypt package and crypt(1) command | |
cassandra: Eventually consistent, distributed key-value store | |
clang-format: Formatting tools for C, C++, Obj-C, Java, JavaScript, TypeScript | |
nodebrew: Node.js version manager | |
direnv: Load/unload environment variables based on $PWD | |
s3cmd: Command-line tool for the Amazon S3 service | |
perl: Highly capable, feature-rich programming language | |
gdal: Geospatial Data Abstraction Library | |
leiningen: Build tool for Clojure | |
git-flow-avh: AVH edition of git-flow | |
webp: Image format providing lossless and lossy compression for web images | |
terminal-notifier: Send macOS User Notifications from the command-line | |
fortune: Infamous electronic fortune-cookie generator | |
openssh: OpenBSD freely-licensed SSH connectivity tools | |
lmdb: Lightning memory-mapped database: key-value data store | |
grafana: Gorgeous metric visualizations and dashboards for timeseries databases. | |
fontconfig: XML-based font configuration API for X Windows | |
sox: SOund eXchange: universal sound sample translator | |
syncthing: Open source continuous file synchronization application | |
open-mpi: High performance message passing library | |
colordiff: Color-highlighted diff(1) output | |
pwgen: Password generator | |
swagger-codegen: Generation of client and server from Swagger definition | |
md5sha1sum: Hash utilities | |
consul: Tool for service discovery, monitoring and configuration | |
guetzli: Perceptual JPEG encoder | |
iperf: Tool to measure maximum TCP and UDP bandwidth | |
watchman: Watch files and take action when they change | |
glfw: Multi-platform library for OpenGL applications | |
rsync: Utility that provides fast incremental file transfer | |
gtk+: GUI toolkit | |
gifsicle: GIF image/animation creator/editor | |
sl: Prints a steam locomotive if you type sl instead of ls | |
vault: Secures, stores, and tightly controls access to secrets | |
sshfs: File system client based on SSH File Transfer Protocol | |
influxdb: Time series, events, and metrics database | |
iperf3: Update of iperf: measures TCP, UDP, and SCTP bandwidth | |
scipy: Software for mathematics, science, and engineering | |
netcat: Utility for managing network connections | |
peco: Simplistic interactive filtering tool | |
haskell-stack: The Haskell Tool Stack | |
unison: File synchronization tool for OSX | |
nano: Free (GNU) replacement for the Pico text editor | |
pstree: Show ps output as a tree | |
logstash: Tool for managing events and logs | |
gstreamer: Development framework for multimedia applications | |
glew: OpenGL Extension Wrangler Library | |
sdl2_image: Library for loading images as SDL surfaces and textures | |
rpm: Standard unix software packaging tool | |
xcproj: Manipulate Xcode project files | |
gsl: Numerical library for C and C++ | |
opam: Package manager for OCaml | |
unixodbc: ODBC 3 connectivity for UNIX | |
sqlmap: Penetration testing for SQL injection and database servers | |
thrift: Framework for scalable cross-language services development | |
mplayer: UNIX movie player | |
z: Tracks most-used directories to make cd smarter | |
mosquitto: Message broker implementing the MQTT protocol | |
gtk+3: Toolkit for creating graphical user interfaces | |
nkf: Network Kanji code conversion Filter (NKF) | |
openexr: High dynamic-range image file format | |
git-extras: Small git utilities | |
ninja: Small build system for use with gyp or CMake | |
dpkg: Debian package management system | |
lftp: Sophisticated file transfer program | |
bash-git-prompt: Informative, fancy bash prompt for Git users | |
sdl2_mixer: Sample multi-channel audio mixer library | |
pass: Password manager | |
proxychains-ng: Hook preloader | |
mutt: Mongrel of mail user agents (part elm, pine, mush, mh, etc.) | |
media-info: Unified display of technical and tag data for audio/video | |
openconnect: Open client for Cisco AnyConnect VPN | |
minicom: Menu-driven communications program | |
npth: New GNU portable threads library | |
sdl2_ttf: Library for using TrueType fonts in SDL applications | |
ccache: Object-file caching compiler wrapper | |
screen: Terminal multiplexer with VT100/ANSI terminal emulation | |
neovim: Ambitious Vim-fork focused on extensibility and agility | |
ncdu: NCurses Disk Usage | |
make: Utility for directing compilation | |
geoip: This library is for the GeoIP Legacy format (dat) | |
nasm: Netwide Assembler (NASM) is an 80x86 assembler | |
giflib: Library and utilities for processing GIFs | |
vagrant-completion: Bash completion for Vagrant | |
ruby-install: Install Ruby, JRuby, Rubinius, MagLev, or mruby | |
harfbuzz: OpenType text shaping engine | |
fontforge: Command-line outline and bitmap font editor/converter | |
brew-cask-completion: Bash & Fish completion for brew-cask | |
upx: Compress/expand executable files | |
apktool: Tool for reverse engineering 3rd party, closed, binary Android apps | |
rlwrap: Readline wrapper: adds readline support to tools that lack it | |
lrzsz: Tools for zmodem/xmodem/ymodem file transfer | |
szip: Implementation of extended-Rice lossless compression algorithm | |
wxpython: Python bindings for wxWidgets | |
moreutils: Collection of tools that nobody wrote when UNIX was young | |
ghc: Glorious Glasgow Haskell Compilation System | |
ocaml: General purpose programming language in the ML family | |
valgrind: Dynamic analysis tools (memory, debug, profiling) | |
chruby: Ruby environment tool | |
atool: Archival front-end | |
screenfetch: Generate ASCII art with terminal, shell, and OS info | |
adns: C/C++ resolver library and DNS resolver utilities | |
diff-so-fancy: Good-lookin' diffs with diff-highlight and more | |
siege: HTTP regression testing and benchmarking utility | |
apr-util: Companion library to apr, the Apache Portable Runtime library | |
figlet: Banner-like program prints strings as ASCII art | |
zookeeper: Centralized server for distributed coordination of services | |
crystal-lang: Fast and statically typed, compiled language with Ruby-like syntax | |
grc: Colorize logfiles and command output | |
docker-completion: Bash, Zsh and Fish completion for Docker | |
curl: Get a file from an HTTP, HTTPS or FTP server | |
mysql: Open source relational database management system | |
sbcl: Steel Bank Common Lisp system | |
gpg-agent: GPG key agent | |
fftw: C routines to compute the Discrete Fourier Transform | |
mycli: CLI for MySQL with auto-completion and syntax highlighting | |
isl: Integer Set Library for the polyhedral model | |
asciinema: Record and share terminal sessions | |
w3m: Pager/text based browser | |
aspell: Spell checker with better logic than ispell | |
rethinkdb: The open-source database for the realtime web | |
postgresql: Object-relational database system | |
little-cms2: Color management engine supporting ICC profiles | |
xctool: Drop-in replacement for xcodebuild with a few extra features | |
pypy: Highly performant implementation of Python 2 in Python | |
opus: Audio codec | |
neo4j: Robust (fully ACID) transactional property graph database | |
apr: Apache Portable Runtime library | |
dockutil: Tool for managing dock items | |
pyenv-virtualenvwrapper: Alternative to pyenv for managing virtualenvs | |
htop-osx: Improved top (interactive process viewer) for macOS | |
iftop: Display an interface's bandwidth usage | |
ideviceinstaller: Cross-platform library for communicating with iOS devices | |
wrk: HTTP benchmarking tool | |
lame: High quality MPEG Audio Layer III (MP3) encoder | |
spark: Sparklines for the shell | |
smpeg: SDL MPEG Player Library | |
ctop: Top-like interface for container metrics | |
cmatrix: Console Matrix | |
gnu-tar: GNU version of the tar archiving utility | |
plantuml: Draw UML diagrams | |
sphinx-doc: Tool to create intelligent and beautiful documentation | |
trash: CLI tool that moves files or folder to the trash | |
neofetch: Fast, highly customisable system info script | |
pngquant: PNG image optimizing utility | |
md5deep: Recursively compute digests on files/directories | |
optipng: PNG file optimizer | |
cabextract: Extract files from Microsoft cabinet files | |
findutils: Collection of GNU find, xargs, and locate | |
you-get: Dumb downloader that scrapes the web | |
hydra: Network logon cracker which supports many services | |
wxmac: Cross-platform C++ GUI toolkit (wxWidgets for macOS) | |
pgcli: CLI for Postgres with auto-completion and syntax highlighting | |
csshx: Cluster ssh tool for Terminal.app | |
grep: GNU grep, egrep and fgrep | |
autoenv: Per-project, per-directory shell environments | |
antigen: Plugin manager for zsh, inspired by oh-my-zsh and vundle. | |
lolcat: Rainbows and unicorns in your console! | |
gedit: The GNOME text editor | |
shadowsocks-libev: Libev port of shadowsocks | |
swi-prolog: ISO/Edinburgh-style Prolog interpreter | |
axel: Light UNIX download accelerator | |
typesafe-activator: Tools for working with Lightbend Reactive Platform | |
gnu-getopt: Command-line option parsing library | |
smartmontools: SMART hard drive monitoring | |
n: Node version management | |
e2fsprogs: Utilities for the ext2, ext3, and ext4 file systems | |
iproute2mac: CLI wrapper for basic network utilities on macOS - ip command | |
dfu-util: USB programmer | |
pygtk: GTK+ bindings for Python | |
gobject-introspection: Generate introspection data for GObject libraries | |
casperjs: Navigation scripting and testing tool for PhantomJS | |
ios-deploy: Install and debug iPhone apps from the command-line | |
handbrake: Open-source video transcoder available for Linux, Mac, and Windows. | |
oniguruma: Regular expressions library | |
etcd: Key value store for shared configuration and service discovery | |
tidy-html5: Granddaddy of HTML tools, with support for modern standards | |
flex: Fast Lexical Analyzer, generates Scanners (tokenizers) | |
hashcat: World's fastest and most advanced password recovery utility | |
uncrustify: Source code beautifier | |
bash-completion: Programmable completion for Bash 3.2 | |
sip: Tool to create Python bindings for C and C++ libraries | |
swiftformat: Formatting tool for reformatting Swift code | |
pinentry-mac: Pinentry for GPG on Mac | |
ranger: File browser | |
geos: Geometry Engine | |
scons: Substitute for classic 'make' tool with autoconf/automake functionality | |
mackup: Keep your Mac's application settings in sync | |
shared-mime-info: Database of common MIME types | |
jpegoptim: Utility to optimize JPEG files | |
solr: Enterprise search platform from the Apache Lucene project | |
tcptraceroute: Traceroute implementation using TCP packets | |
tesseract: OCR (Optical Character Recognition) engine | |
gdk-pixbuf: Toolkit for image loading and pixel buffer manipulation | |
tmate: Instant terminal sharing | |
weechat: Extensible IRC client | |
sshuttle: Proxy server that works as a poor man's VPN | |
nodenv: Manage multiple NodeJS versions | |
subversion: Version control system designed to be a better CVS | |
zsh-autosuggestions: Fish-like fast/unobtrusive autosuggestions for zsh. | |
gource: Version Control Visualization Tool | |
wakeonlan: Sends magic packets to wake up network-devices | |
sonar-scanner: Launcher to analyze a project with SonarQube | |
azure-cli: Official Azure CLI | |
bfg: Remove large files or passwords from Git history like git-filter-branch | |
ext4fuse: Read-only implementation of ext4 for FUSE | |
webpack: Bundler for JavaScript and friends | |
openshift-cli: OpenShift command-line interface tools | |
intltool: String tool | |
msgpack: Library for a binary-based efficient data interchange format | |
markdown: Text-to-HTML conversion tool | |
luajit: Just-In-Time Compiler (JIT) for the Lua programming language | |
gnuradio: SDK providing the signal processing runtime and processing blocks | |
cscope: Tool for browsing source code | |
cabal-install: Command-line interface for Cabal and Hackage | |
unzip: Extraction utility for .zip compressed archives | |
algol68g: Algol 68 compiler-interpreter | |
mecab: Yet another part-of-speech and morphological analyzer | |
binwalk: Searches a binary image for embedded files and executable code | |
cpanminus: Get, unpack, build, and install modules from CPAN | |
autossh: Automatically restart SSH sessions and tunnels | |
activemq: Apache ActiveMQ: powerful open source messaging server | |
typescript: Language for application scale JavaScript development | |
ipcalc: Calculate various network masks, etc. from a given IP address | |
jpeg-turbo: JPEG image codec that aids compression and decompression | |
byobu: Text-based window manager and terminal multiplexer | |
haproxy: Reliable, high performance TCP/HTTP load balancer | |
hive: Hadoop-based data summarization, query, and analysis | |
osquery: SQL powered operating system instrumentation and analytics | |
augeas: Configuration editing tool and API | |
qcachegrind: Visualize data generated by Cachegrind and Calltree | |
docker-compose-completion: Docker-compose completion script | |
jasper: Library for manipulating JPEG-2000 images | |
pinentry: Passphrase entry dialog utilizing the Assuan protocol | |
jmeter: Load testing and performance measurement application | |
arp-scan: ARP scanning and fingerprinting tool | |
fabric: Library and command-line tool for SSH | |
links: Lynx-like WWW browser that supports tables, menus, etc. | |
rbenv-gemset: Adds basic gemset support to rbenv | |
jansson: C library for encoding, decoding, and manipulating JSON | |
archey: Graphical system information display for macOS | |
mecab-ipadic: IPA dictionary compiled for MeCab | |
ossp-uuid: ISO-C API and CLI for generating UUIDs | |
sonarqube: Manage code quality | |
ncurses: Text-based UI library | |
couchdb: Document database server | |
git-crypt: Enable transparent encryption/decryption of files in a git repo | |
fdupes: Identify or delete duplicate files | |
hping: Command-line oriented TCP/IP packet assembler/analyzer | |
transmission: Lightweight BitTorrent client | |
diffutils: File comparison utilities | |
jemalloc: malloc implementation emphasizing fragmentation avoidance | |
grpc: Next generation open source RPC library and framework | |
pigz: Parallel gzip | |
grails: Web application framework for the Groovy language | |
dbus: Message bus system, providing inter-application communication | |
ispell: International Ispell | |
terragrunt: Thin wrapper for Terraform e.g. for locking state | |
zenity: GTK+ dialog boxes for the command-line | |
node-build: Install NodeJS versions | |
x264: H.264/AVC encoder | |
avrdude: Atmel AVR MCU programmer | |
mpg123: MP3 player for Linux and UNIX | |
flyway: Database version control to control migrations | |
lz4: Extremely Fast Compression algorithm | |
xmlstarlet: XML command-line utilities | |
fping: Scriptable ping program for checking if multiple hosts are up | |
gnu-which: GNU implementation of which utility | |
tldr: Simplified and community-driven man pages | |
numpy: Package for scientific computing with Python | |
dex2jar: Tools to work with Android .dex and Java .class files | |
gzip: Popular GNU data compression program | |
boost: Collection of portable C++ source libraries | |
clisp: GNU CLISP, a Common Lisp implementation | |
netpbm: Image manipulation | |
cppcheck: Static analysis of C and C++ code | |
tcpreplay: Replay saved tcpdump files at arbitrary speeds | |
caddy: Alternative general-purpose HTTP/2 web server | |
xpdf: PDF viewer | |
bazaar: Friendly powerful distributed version control system | |
clamav: Anti-virus software | |
stunnel: SSL tunneling program | |
fasd: CLI tool for quick access to files and directories | |
usbmuxd: USB multiplexor daemon for iPhone and iPod Touch devices | |
elinks: Text mode web browser | |
infer: Static analyzer for Java, C and Objective-C | |
cryptopp: Free C++ class library of cryptographic schemes | |
gmp: GNU multiple precision arithmetic library | |
mpfr: C library for multiple-precision floating-point computations | |
flac: Free lossless audio codec | |
tcl-tk: Tool Command Language | |
gitlab-ci-multi-runner: The official GitLab CI runner written in Go | |
pngcrush: Optimizer for PNG files | |
ddrescue: GNU data recovery tool | |
zplug: The next-generation plugin manager for zsh | |
fcrackzip: Zip password cracker | |
ldid: Lets you manipulate the signature block in a Mach-O binary | |
kafkacat: Generic command-line non-JVM Apache Kafka producer and consumer | |
polipo: Web caching proxy | |
swiftgen: Swift code generator for assets, storyboards, Localizable.strings, … | |
icdiff: Improved colored diff | |
glm: C++ mathematics library for graphics software | |
privoxy: Advanced filtering web proxy | |
repo: Repository tool for Android development | |
rclone: Rsync for cloud storage | |
webkit2png: Create screenshots of webpages from the terminal | |
nghttp2: HTTP/2 C Library | |
elm: Functional programming language for building browser-based GUIs | |
xhyve: xhyve, lightweight macOS virtualization solution based on FreeBSD's bhyve | |
gperftools: Multi-threaded malloc() and performance analysis tools | |
oath-toolkit: Tools for one-time password authentication systems | |
supervisor: Process Control System | |
chisel: Collection of LLDB commands to assist debugging iOS apps | |
sourcekitten: Framework and command-line tool for interacting with SourceKit | |
terminator: Multiple terminals in one window | |
x265: H.265/HEVC encoder | |
c-ares: Asynchronous DNS library | |
reaver: Implements brute force attack to recover WPA/WPA2 passkeys | |
pssh: Parallel versions of OpenSSH and related tools | |
astyle: Source code beautifier for C, C++, C#, and Java | |
cvs: Version control system | |
goaccess: Log analyzer and interactive viewer for the Apache Webserver | |
john: Featureful UNIX password cracker | |
scala: JVM-based programming language | |
less: Pager program similar to more | |
conan: Distributed, open source, package manager for C/C++ | |
rtmpdump: Tool for downloading RTMP streaming media | |
megatools: Command-line client for Mega.co.nz | |
telegraf: Server-level metric gathering agent for InfluxDB | |
dialog: Display user-friendly message boxes from shell scripts | |
testssl: Tool which checks for the support of TLS/SSL ciphers and flaws | |
jetty: Java servlet engine and webserver | |
mpich: Implementation of the MPI Message Passing Interface standard | |
freetds: Libraries to talk to Microsoft SQL Server and Sybase databases | |
lzlib: Data compression library | |
wireshark: Graphical network analyzer and capture tool | |
gnuplot: Command-driven, interactive function plotting | |
miniupnpc: UPnP IGD client library and daemon | |
sslscan: Test SSL/TLS enabled services to discover supported cipher suites. | |
wdiff: Display word differences between text files | |
ipython: Interactive computing in Python | |
mongodb: High-performance, schema-free, document-oriented database | |
gist: Command-line utility for uploading Gists | |
py2cairo: Python 2 bindings for the Cairo graphics library | |
pypy3: Implementation of Python 3 in Python | |
micro: Modern and intuitive terminal-based text editor | |
calc: Arbitrary precision calculator | |
gpac: Multimedia framework for research and academic purposes | |
percona-server: Drop-in MySQL replacement | |
ammonite-repl: Ammonite is a cleanroom re-implementation of the Scala REPL | |
pidcat: Colored logcat script to show entries only for specified app | |
pre-commit: Framework for managing multi-language pre-commit hooks | |
procmail: Autonomous mail processor | |
fdk-aac: Standalone library of the Fraunhofer FDK AAC code from Android | |
pandoc-citeproc: Library and executable for using citeproc with pandoc | |
makedepend: Creates dependencies in makefiles | |
qpdf: Tools for and transforming and inspecting PDF files | |
aws-sdk-cpp: AWS SDK for C++ | |
aws-shell: Integrated shell for working with the AWS CLI. | |
net-snmp: Implements SNMP v1, v2c, and v3, using IPv4 and IPv6 | |
kops: Production Grade K8s Installation, Upgrades, and Management | |
dark-mode: Control the macOS dark mode from the command-line | |
pcre2: Perl compatible regular expressions library with a new API | |
ettercap: Multipurpose sniffer/interceptor/logger for switched LAN | |
docker-machine-completion: Docker-machine completion script | |
pidgin: Multi-protocol chat client | |
ruby: Powerful, clean, object-oriented scripting language | |
squid: Advanced proxy caching server for HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, and Gopher | |
mit-scheme: MIT/GNU Scheme development tools and runtime library | |
task: Feature-rich console based todo list manager | |
mpv: Media player based on MPlayer and mplayer2 | |
saltstack: Dynamic infrastructure communication bus | |
elasticsearch: Distributed search & analytics engine | |
ngrep: Network grep | |
ipmitool: Utility for IPMI control with kernel driver or LAN interface | |
pdf2htmlex: PDF to HTML converter | |
giter8: Generate files and directories from templates in a git repo | |
m-cli: Swiss Army Knife for macOS | |
shtool: GNU's portable shell tool | |
theora: Open video compression format | |
fltk: Cross-platform C++ GUI toolkit | |
radare2: Reverse engineering framework | |
tcpflow: TCP flow recorder | |
source-highlight: Source-code syntax highlighter | |
imagemagick: Tools and libraries to manipulate images in many formats | |
gdrive: Google Drive CLI Client | |
m4: Macro processing language | |
rbenv-default-gems: Auto-installs gems for Ruby installs | |
texinfo: Official documentation format of the GNU project | |
pixman: Low-level library for pixel manipulation | |
percona-toolkit: Percona Toolkit for MySQL | |
offlineimap: Synchronizes emails between two repositories | |
cntlm: NTLM authentication proxy with tunneling | |
asciidoc: Formatter/translator for text files to numerous formats. Includes a2x. | |
hyper: Client for HyperHQ's cloud service | |
macvim: GUI for vim, made for macOS | |
git-credential-manager: Stores Git credentials for Visual Studio Team Services | |
re2c: Generate C-based recognizers from regular expressions | |
lnav: Curses-based tool for viewing and analyzing log files | |
tmux: Terminal multiplexer | |
lua: Powerful, lightweight programming language | |
guile: GNU Ubiquitous Intelligent Language for Extensions | |
zbar: Suite of barcodes-reading tools | |
cmus: Music player with an ncurses based interface | |
berkeley-db: High performance key/value database | |
git-standup: Git extension to generate reports for standup meetings | |
jruby: Ruby implementation in pure Java | |
arping: Utility to check whether MAC addresses are already taken on a LAN | |
imagesnap: Tool to capture still images from an iSight or other video source | |
grunt-cli: JavaScript Task Runner | |
stow: Organize software neatly under a single directory tree (e.g. /usr/local) | |
mysql-utilities: Tools for maintaining and administering MySQL servers | |
godep: Dependency tool for go | |
hbase: Hadoop database: a distributed, scalable, big data store | |
zopfli: New zlib (gzip, deflate) compatible compressor | |
expect: Program that can automate interactive applications | |
hunspell: Spell checker and morphological analyzer | |
filebeat: File harvester to ship log files to Elasticsearch or Logstash | |
v8: Google's JavaScript engine | |
tomcat: Implementation of Java Servlet and JavaServer Pages | |
nikto: Web server scanner | |
cloog: Generate code for scanning Z-polyhedra | |
googler: Google Search and News from the command-line | |
autoconf-archive: Collection of over 500 reusable autoconf macros | |
expat: XML 1.0 parser | |
vegeta: HTTP load testing tool and library | |
lastpass-cli: LastPass command-line interface tool | |
mpd: Music Player Daemon | |
protobuf: Protocol buffers (Google's data interchange format) | |
rocksdb: Embeddable, persistent key-value store for fast storage | |
global: Source code tag system | |
zsh: UNIX shell (command interpreter) | |
qrencode: QR Code generation | |
p11-kit: Library to load and enumerate PKCS#11 modules | |
arangodb: The Multi-Model NoSQL Database. | |
ccat: Like cat but displays content with syntax highlighting | |
wine: Run Windows applications without a copy of Microsoft Windows | |
sassc: Wrapper around libsass that helps to create command-line apps | |
docker-machine-nfs: Activates NFS on docker-machine | |
freerdp: X11 implementation of the Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) | |
lcov: Graphical front-end for GCC's coverage testing tool (gcov) | |
lzip: LZMA-based compression program similar to gzip or bzip2 | |
pyqt: Python bindings for v5 of Qt | |
testdisk: Powerful free data recovery utility | |
gnupg: GNU Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) package | |
multitail: Tail multiple files in one terminal simultaneously | |
duti: Select default apps for documents and URL schemes on macOS | |
git-review: Submit git branches to gerrit for review | |
grace: WYSIWYG 2D plotting tool for X11 | |
jsoncpp: Library for interacting with JSON | |
autogen: Automated text file generator | |
sloccount: Count lines of code in many languages | |
bind: Implementation of the DNS protocols | |
foremost: Console program to recover files based on their headers and footers | |
texi2html: Convert TeXinfo files to HTML | |
gradle: Build system based on the Groovy language | |
doctl: Command-line tool for DigitalOcean | |
gst-plugins-good: GStreamer plugins (well-supported, under the LGPL) | |
nuget: Package manager for Microsoft development platform including .NET | |
prometheus: Service monitoring system and time series database | |
gauge: Test automation tool that supports executable documentation | |
enca: Charset analyzer and converter | |
qt: Cross-platform application and UI framework | |
gst-plugins-bad: GStreamer plugins less supported, not fully tested | |
vim: Vi 'workalike' with many additional features | |
purescript: Strongly typed programming language that compiles to JavaScript | |
lzo: Real-time data compression library | |
ncftp: FTP client with an advanced user interface | |
atk: GNOME accessibility toolkit | |
mkvtoolnix: Matroska media files manipulation tools | |
freeglut: Open-source alternative to the OpenGL Utility Toolkit (GLUT) library | |
git-cola: Highly caffeinated git GUI | |
ta-lib: Tools for market analysis | |
assimp: Portable library for importing many well-known 3D model formats | |
grip: GitHub Markdown previewer | |
minio: Amazon S3 compatible object storage server | |
ffmpeg: Play, record, convert, and stream audio and video | |
flake8: Lint your Python code for style and logical errors | |
sysdig: System-level exploration and troubleshooting tool | |
emscripten: LLVM bytecode to JavaScript compiler | |
rdesktop: UNIX client for connecting to Windows Remote Desktop Services | |
planck: Stand-alone ClojureScript REPL | |
dfu-programmer: Device firmware update based USB programmer for Atmel chips | |
pygobject3: GNOME Python bindings (based on GObject Introspection) | |
ipfs: Peer-to-peer hypermedia protocol | |
openjpeg: Library for JPEG-2000 image manipulation | |
open-ocd: On-chip debugging, in-system programming and boundary-scan testing | |
platformio: Ecosystem for IoT development (Arduino and ARM mbed compatible) | |
gnu-indent: C code prettifier | |
sfml: Multi-media library with bindings for multiple languages | |
rhino: JavaScript engine | |
dmd: D programming language compiler for macOS | |
minimal-racket: Modern programming language in the Lisp/Scheme family | |
sysbench: System performance benchmark tool | |
git-quick-stats: Simple and efficient way to access statistics in git. | |
go: Open source programming language to build simple/reliable/efficient software | |
gcc: GNU compiler collection | |
ios-sim: Command-line application launcher for the iOS Simulator | |
git-town: High-level command-line interface for Git | |
rpm2cpio: Tool to convert RPM package to CPIO archive | |
gibo: Access GitHub's .gitignore boilerplates | |
rbenv-bundler: Makes shims aware of bundle install paths | |
python: Interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming language | |
cgal: Computational Geometry Algorithm Library | |
boost-python: C++ library for C++/Python interoperability | |
ghq: Remote repository management made easy | |
ed: Classic UNIX line editor | |
openssl: SSL/TLS cryptography library | |
sphinx: Full-text search engine | |
mvnvm: Maven version manager |
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