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Prettify and nest comments from yt-dlp's info.json file and write it to a new html/json file
#!/usr/bin/env python3
SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
Copyright © 2021 [email protected]
* Input file is an info.json (with comments) that yt-dlp ( wrote
* Change FIELDS according to your needs
The output file will be in the format:
'text': 'comment 1',
'replies': [{
'text': 'reply 1',
'replies': [...],
}, ...],
}, ...]
import os.path
import json
import argparse
from datetime import datetime
def get_fields(dct):
for name, fn in FIELDS.items():
val = fn(dct, name)
if val is not None:
yield name, val
def filter_func(comments):
return [dict(get_fields(c)) for c in comments]
'text': dict.get,
'author': dict.get,
'timestamp': lambda dct, name: dct.get(name) and datetime.strftime(
datetime.utcfromtimestamp(dct.get(name)), '%Y/%m/%d'),
# Add more fields here
'replies': lambda dct, name: filter_func(dct.get(name, [])) or None
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
'--input-file', '-i',
dest='inputfile', metavar='FILE', required=True,
help='File to read video metadata from (info.json)')
'--output-file', '-o',
dest='outputfile', metavar='FILE', required=True,
help='File to write comments to (json / html)')
args = parser.parse_args()
ext = os.path.splitext(args.outputfile)[1][1:]
if ext == 'html': # Error early
from json2html import json2html
except ImportError:
raise SystemExit('ERROR: json2html is required for html output. Install it with pip install json2html')
elif ext != 'json':
raise SystemExit(f'ERROR: Only json and html formats are supported, not {ext}')
print('Reading file')
with open(args.inputfile, encoding='utf-8') as f:
info_dict = json.load(f)
comment_data = {c['id']: c for c in sorted(
info_dict['comments'], key=lambda c: c.get('timestamp') or 0)}
count = len(info_dict['comments'])
del info_dict
nested_comments = []
for i, (cid, c) in enumerate(comment_data.items(), 1):
print(f'Processing comment {i}/{count}', end='\r')
parent = nested_comments if c['parent'] == 'root' else comment_data[c['parent']].setdefault('replies', [])
del parent
nested_comments = filter_func(nested_comments)
if ext == 'json':
print('Converting to json')
out = json.dumps(nested_comments, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False)
elif ext == 'html':
print('Converting to html')
out = json2html.convert(nested_comments)
del nested_comments
print('Writing file')
with open(args.outputfile, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
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VXsz commented Oct 12, 2022

btw some files will fail due to some encoding issues, using open(args.inputfile, encoding="UTF-8") would be better.

I usually get this issue with files that have my language (and other shenanigans)

UnicodeDecodeError: 'charmap' codec can't decode byte 0x81 in position 41219: character maps to <undefined>

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@VXsz fixed. Python not using utf-8 by default always trips me up

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HalvorRaknes commented Oct 20, 2022

Is it possible to make this script also deal with comments on Rumble videos?

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It should work for any comments written by yt-dlp, irrespective of website

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cunlem commented Oct 30, 2022

Have you considered outputting to HTML page? Markup could pack more information and be more pleasant to read.

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iluvatyr commented Jun 16, 2023

Have you considered outputting to HTML page? Markup could pack more information and be more pleasant to read.

do "pip install json2html" and add the following code to the end of this python file, so it will generate a readable HTML file

print('\nWriting html')
from json2html import *
comments_html = json2html.convert(json = filter_func(nested_comments))
with open (str(args.outputfile)+".html", 'w') as f:

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Done. Though the html is ugly and I'm not gonna put in the effort to make it prettier.

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Have you considered outputting to HTML page? Markup could pack more information and be more pleasant to read.

do "pip install json2html" and add the following code to the end of this python file, so it will generate a readable HTML file

print('\nWriting html')
from json2html import *
comments_html = json2html.convert(json = filter_func(nested_comments))
with open (str(args.outputfile)+".html", 'w') as f:

For downloading comments on Youtube
Can you teach me how to use Visual Studio Code or Yt-dlp to download comments of video as HTML format? Which script and which way should I conduct?
Can I download only comments (without download URL video file of Youtube) of the whole playlist or the whole channel ?
Thank you

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tinyapps commented Jun 2, 2024

EDIT: See newer version below based on @pukkandan's feedback.

Thanks very much for sharing this; makes reading downloaded YT comments much more pleasant.

The HTML output can be made a bit easier to read by replacing:

    out = json2html.convert(nested_comments)


    def wrap_html(data, top_level=True):
        html = '<ul>'
        for comment in data:
            html += f'<li><div class="comment-box">'
            html += f'<p><strong>{comment.get("author", "Anonymous")}:</strong> {comment["text"]}</p>'
            if 'timestamp' in comment:
                html += f'<p><small>{comment["timestamp"]}</small></p>'
            if 'replies' in comment and comment['replies']:
                html += wrap_html(comment['replies'], top_level=False)
            html += '</div></li>'
        html += '</ul>'
        if top_level:
            style = '''
                .comment-box {
                    border: 1px solid #ccc;
                    padding: 10px;
                .comments ul {
                    list-style-type: none;
                    padding-left: 20px;
            meta = '<meta charset="UTF-8">'
            return f'{meta}{style}<div class="comments">{html}</div>'
        return html

    out = wrap_html(nested_comments)

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jftuga commented Jun 6, 2024

I'm just confirming that @tinyapps suggested changes really do improve the HTML output. One very nice thing about this change is that your script would no longer require the json2html module.

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pukkandan commented Jul 8, 2024

I am no longer maintaining this script. Feel free to fork and improve

PS: From a quick look, @tinyapps' script is not escaping the fields. This could cause the html to break, or worse, can cause arbitrary JS injection.

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tinyapps commented Jul 8, 2024

Thank you for your kind response, @pukkandan. By adding one more import statement (import html) to the top of the script, we can escape the fields like so:

    def wrap_html(data, top_level=True):
        html_content = '<ul>'
        for comment in data:
            author = html.escape(comment.get("author", "Anonymous"))
            text = html.escape(comment["text"])
            timestamp = html.escape(comment.get("timestamp", ""))

            html_content += f'<li><div class="comment-box">'
            html_content += f'<p><strong>{author}:</strong> {text}</p>'
            if timestamp:
                html_content += f'<p><small>{timestamp}</small></p>'
            if 'replies' in comment and comment['replies']:
                html_content += wrap_html(comment['replies'], top_level=False)
            html_content += '</div></li>'
        html_content += '</ul>'

        if top_level:
            style = '''
                .comment-box {
                    border: 1px solid #ccc;
                    padding: 10px;
                .comments ul {
                    list-style-type: none;
                    padding-left: 20px;
            meta = '<meta charset="UTF-8">'
            return f'{meta}{style}<div class="comments">{html_content}</div>'
        return html_content

    out = wrap_html(nested_comments)

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m3jorri commented Jul 13, 2024

@tinyapps when the html output is viewed in the browser, empty lines and indentations are lost. It shows up as a single very long line. It seems to be a display issue only. When the file is opened in a text editor, the line breaks and indentations are there. Any way to fix this?

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Thanks for catching that, @m3jorri. Please try replacing:

text = html.escape(comment["text"])


text = html.escape(comment["text"]).replace('\n', '<br>') # Convert newlines to <br>


html_content += f'<p><strong>{author}:</strong> {text}</p>'


html_content += f'<p><strong>{author}:</strong> <pre>{text}</pre></p>' # Wrap text in <pre> to preserve spaces and newlines

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m3jorri commented Jul 13, 2024

Thank you! This indeed fixes it, but perhaps creates another issue. If the user's original comment is a long single line without breaks/newlines, then it does not wrap around within the box in html output. It overflows, and creates a long single line while displaying in browser. Any solution for that?

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@m3jorri, Try replacing:

html_content += f'<p><strong>{author}:</strong> <pre>{text}</pre></p>' # Wrap text in <pre> to preserve spaces and newlines


html_content += f'<p><strong>{author}:</strong> <div class="comment-text">{text}</div></p>' # Wrap text in div with a class for styling

and add this just above the closing style tag:

.comment-text {
    white-space: pre-wrap; /* Preserve whitespace and line breaks */

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jftuga commented Jul 13, 2024

Once all of the fixes are in place, can one of you please post the full, revised version? @tinyapps @m3jorri

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@jftuga, I have forked the script and added a few more modifications. Please let me know if you have any questions.

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