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# fleet-drone
# chkconfig: - 85 15
# description:
# processname: fleet-drone
# config: /etc/node/fleet-drone.conf
# pidfile: /var/run/
puleos / jslint.json
Created April 15, 2012 23:17
sublime text jslint settings
// Path to the jslint jar.
// Leave blank to use bundled jar.
"jslint_jar": "",
// Options pass to jslint.
"jslint_options": "--node --browser --white --sloppy --nomen --undef --unparam --vars",
// Ignore errors, regex.
public class DiagnosticsTemplateBinder : ITemplateBinder
public bool CanBind(IBindRequest request)
var descriptor = request.Target.Descriptor as ViewDescriptor;
if(descriptor == null || descriptor.ViewModel == null)
return false;