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Created December 5, 2016 09:21
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module tube(h, d, wall){
cylinder(h=h, d=d);
translate([0,0,-1]) cylinder(h=h+2, d=d-wall);
module body(interlock, height, wall, od){
height = (height+interlock)/2;
ilw = wall*2; // interlock height
rw = 3; // rail width
difference() {
union() {
tube(h=wall-1, d=od, wall=wall*2); // base
tube(h=height, d=od, wall=wall); // shell
tube(h=height/3, d=od-(wall+2), wall=rw); // inner rail
for (a=[0 : 90: 360]) {
rotate([0,0,a]) {
translate([wall+2,wall+2,wall-1]) cube(height); // tube cutouts
translate([-od/2,0,height-interlock/2]) cube([ilw,ilw,ilw]); // interlocks
// canal
translate([0,0,2]) tube(h=wall+2, d=od-(wall+2), wall=rw); // inner rail
translate([0,0,2]) tube(h=wall, d=od, wall=wall); // outer rail
body(interlock = 15, height=78, od=79.5, wall=4);
// #translate([0,0,90]) rotate([180,0,0]) body(interlock = 15, height=78, od=79.5, wall=4);
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