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Created November 4, 2020 14:58
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nixpkgs-review pr 102669 execution result
➜ nixpkgs-review pr 102669
$ git -c fetch.prune=false fetch --force master:refs/nixpkgs-review/0 pull/102669/head:refs/nixpkgs-review/1
$ git worktree add /home/phil/.cache/nixpkgs-review/pr-102669-1/nixpkgs 0d3256564447e8cca0b0df4400790abff73c5401
Préparation de l'arbre de travail (HEAD détachée 0d325656444)
Mise à jour des fichiers: 100% (23093/23093), fait.
HEAD est maintenant à 0d325656444 libical: disable rest of failing tests
$ git merge --no-commit a9085c1b4f38e6b334853d87d6beb815c1087890
Fusion automatique de pkgs/top-level/all-packages.nix
La fusion automatique a réussi ; stoppée avant la validation comme demandé
$ nix build --no-link --keep-going --option build-use-sandbox relaxed -f /home/phil/.cache/nixpkgs-review/pr-102669-1/build.nix
warning: ignoring the user-specified setting 'sandbox', because it is a restricted setting and you are not a trusted user
[3 built, 287 copied (1345.8 MiB), 303.2 MiB DL]
1 package built:
$ nix-shell /home/phil/.cache/nixpkgs-review/pr-102669-1/shell.nix
these paths will be fetched (0.51 MiB download, 2.47 MiB unpacked):
copying path '/nix/store/rsaqzj41lvllljzkfxkr197rgggmx8i5-bash-interactive-4.4-p23-doc' from ''...
copying path '/nix/store/zrifphh20r2f5cqkh6kjpy11691zns85-bash-interactive-4.4-p23-info' from ''...
copying path '/nix/store/y6ldx55rb5vmlr9ld53wqxh457nzcvcx-bash-interactive-4.4-p23-man' from ''...
copying path '/nix/store/ak3ffs0n7kapwkk6lnww5jzssaizq5cy-bash-interactive-4.4-p23-dev' from ''...
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