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Created September 20, 2013 13:13
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Use scala.xml._ to parse atom rss according to dublin core namespaces
package rss
import scala.xml._
class Feed(val url: String) {
def downloadItems(): List[Item] = {
val root = XML.load(url)
(root \\ "item").map(buildItem(_)).toList
def buildItem(node: Node): Item = {
new Item(this,
(node \\ "title").text,
(node \\ "guid").text,
((node \\ "date") filter (n => n.namespace == ""):NodeSeq).text,
((node \\ "encoded") filter (n => n.namespace == ""):NodeSeq).text)
class Item(
val parent: Feed,
val title: String,
val link: String,
val pubDate: String,
val content: String) {
override def toString(): String = {
"Title : " + title + " Link: " + link + " Date: " + pubDate
object Feed {
def main(args: Array[String]) = {
val feed = new Feed("")
val feedList = feed.downloadItems
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