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Created August 14, 2019 18:03
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  • Save pulsation/fcac2bc208c3d13ce276003e12687a30 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save pulsation/fcac2bc208c3d13ce276003e12687a30 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.

Keybase proof

I hereby claim: * I am pulsation on github. * I am pulsation ( on keybase. * I have a public key ASB7h5_tSmXYXTtO3zKdiVeZ2Wg5kfOKhwZ2IufMAK8vgwo To claim this, I am signing this object:

{   "body": {     "key": {       "eldest_kid": "01207b879fed4a65d85d3b4edf329d895799d9683991f38a87067622e7cc00af2f830a",       "host": "",       "kid": "01207b879fed4a65d85d3b4edf329d895799d9683991f38a87067622e7cc00af2f830a",       "uid": "3a079d7e17eb61cd2eddbefe8a46f219",       "username": "pulsation"     },     "merkle_root": {       "ctime": 1565805634,       "hash": "fe188eb21153f07221fa5ab59ea3ced3be204a8add143ab0430fa68f72eacb64d9f1a7cf0f195ac7cab6152138bc83b5fabd5d9d91bbd0d4fb9cff965e0ab3d5",       "hash_meta": "697c53dd5477e7556b5a4444766d691bd11a09c19040b53dce75c8a18570effe",       "seqno": 6016018     },     "service": {       "entropy": "jOrxAxWVMpeoM6x1hUrmzuWx",       "name": "github",       "username": "pulsation"     },     "type": "web_service_binding",     "version": 2   },   "client": {     "name": " go client",     "version": "4.3.0"   },   "ctime": 1565805646,   "expire_in": 504576000,   "prev": "2871fd55ca3089ee7b3eb159fca9d8ed8aaa0884769a65ff9201b11b976aa64d",   "seqno": 7,   "tag": "signature"

with the key ASB7h5_tSmXYXTtO3zKdiVeZ2Wg5kfOKhwZ2IufMAK8vgwo, yielding the signature:


And finally, I am proving ownership of the github account by posting this as a gist.

My publicly-auditable identity:

From the command line:

Consider the keybase command line program.

# look me up
keybase id pulsation
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