sudo apt-get install <pkg name>
install packagesudo apt-get remove <pkg name>
remove packageapt list | grep <txt to search>
search currently installed packagesxkill
kill an unresponsive window w. mousetouch
to create file,mkdir
to create dirrm
to delete file,rmdir
to delete dirrm -rf <path>
recursively deletes dir and suppresses warning (can be dangerious.rm -rf /
would delete everything. use with caution)
(list w. details)man <cmd name>
show manual pagesubl <path>
open in sublimeirb
interactive ruby shell; typeexit
to exit (Ctrl + C does nothing)<many commands>
followed by-h
show version of that command/programgit commit -a -m "<commit message>"
add all to staging and then commitsudo reboot
restart computerpwd
print working directory, i.e. path of current dir in file systemcat <file path> | xclip
copy contents of trg to clipboardnautilus <path>
open in graphical file explorerwget -qO- <url> | less
print HTTP response to terminal (paginated withless
)subl ~/.aliases
edit list of aliasesalias pag="less -RS#3NM~g +Gg"
alias ip-public="curl"
alias | less
print all aliasesexport VARNAME=value
set environment variableunset VARNAME
delete environment variableprintenv | less
print all environment variablescurl <url> > <new file path>
create new file from response to HTTP request to given URLgit reset HEAD^
revert last commit and put changes back into staginggit reset --hard HEAD^
revert last commit and discard changes
systemctl suspend
suspend/sleep computerhistory
show history of other commands entered into terminalhistory -<num>
only show lastnum
- Ctrl + Shift + + increase font size
- Ctrl + - decrease font size
- Ctrl + C stop execution
- Ctrl + Shift + C or Ctrl + Ins copy
- Ctrl + Shift + V or Shift + Ins paste
- Ctrl + Shift + T new tab
- Ctrl + Shift + W close tab
- Ctrl + PgUp and Ctrl + PgDn move between tabs
- Ctrl + Shift + Up and Ctrl + Shift + Down move up/down
- Shift + PgUp and Shift + PgDn page up/down
sudo apt-get install fonts-arphic-ukai fonts-arphic-uming fonts-ipafont-mincho fonts-ipafont-gothic fonts-unfonts-core
install CJK fonts- Create a swap file
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.peripherals.touchpad click-method areas
Enable right click (disabled by default in ubuntu 18.04)xmodmap -pke > ~/keymaptable
, thensudo subl /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/pc
Change key bindings