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Created May 28, 2023 10:50
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#include <iostream>
#include <windows.h>
DWORD GetProcessIntegrityLevel()
DWORD dwIntegrityLevel = 0;
DWORD cbTokenIL = 0;
// Open the primary access token of the process with TOKEN_QUERY.
if (!OpenProcessToken(GetCurrentProcess(), TOKEN_QUERY, &hToken))
dwError = GetLastError();
goto Cleanup;
// Query the size of the token integrity level information. Note that
// we expect a FALSE result and the last error ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER
// from GetTokenInformation because we have given it a NULL buffer. On
// exit cbTokenIL will tell the size of the integrity level information.
if (!GetTokenInformation(hToken, TokenIntegrityLevel, NULL, 0, &cbTokenIL))
// When the process is run on operating systems prior to Windows
// Vista, GetTokenInformation returns FALSE with the
// ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER error code because TokenElevation
// is not supported on those operating systems.
dwError = GetLastError();
goto Cleanup;
// Now we allocate a buffer for the integrity level information.
pTokenIL = (TOKEN_MANDATORY_LABEL*)LocalAlloc(LPTR, cbTokenIL);
if (pTokenIL == NULL)
dwError = GetLastError();
goto Cleanup;
// Retrieve token integrity level information.
if (!GetTokenInformation(hToken, TokenIntegrityLevel, pTokenIL,
cbTokenIL, &cbTokenIL))
dwError = GetLastError();
goto Cleanup;
// Integrity Level SIDs are in the form of S-1-16-0xXXXX. (e.g.
// S-1-16-0x1000 stands for low integrity level SID). There is one and
// only one subauthority.
dwIntegrityLevel = *GetSidSubAuthority(pTokenIL->Label.Sid, 0);
// Centralized cleanup for all allocated resources.
if (hToken)
hToken = NULL;
if (pTokenIL)
pTokenIL = NULL;
cbTokenIL = 0;
// Throw the error if something failed in the function.
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != dwError)
throw dwError;
return dwIntegrityLevel;
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
// Get and display the process integrity level.
DWORD const dwIntegrityLevel = GetProcessIntegrityLevel();
switch (dwIntegrityLevel)
case SECURITY_MANDATORY_UNTRUSTED_RID: std::cout << "Integrity Level: Untrusted\n" << std::endl; break;
case SECURITY_MANDATORY_LOW_RID: std::cout << "Integrity Level: Low\n" << std::endl; break;
case SECURITY_MANDATORY_MEDIUM_RID: std::cout << "Integrity Level: Medium\n" << std::endl; break;
case SECURITY_MANDATORY_HIGH_RID: std::cout << "Integrity Level: High\n" << std::endl; break;
case SECURITY_MANDATORY_SYSTEM_RID: std::cout << "Integrity Level: System\n" << std::endl; break;
default: std::cout << "Integrity Level: Unknown\n" << std::endl; break;
return 0;
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