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Proposed fix to Issue #9 of SPWidgets
* @fileOverview jquery.SPWidgets.js
* jQuery plugin offering multiple Sharepoint widgets that can be used
* for creating customized User Interfaces (UI).
* @version 20131106052852
* @author Paul Tavares,,
* @see
* @requires jQuery.js {@link}
* @requires jQuery-ui.js {@link}
* @requires jquery.SPServices.js {@link}
* Build Date: ptavares:November 06, 2013 05:28 PM
* Version: 20131106052852
// Local pointer to jQuery given on input
var jQuery = $;
// Need a shim because we insert styles into head
document.head || (document.head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]);
"use strict";
/*jslint nomen: true, plusplus: true */
* Namespace for all properties and methods
* @name pt
* @namespace pt
* @memberOf jQuery
try {
if (!$.pt) {
$.pt = {};
} catch (e) {
$.pt = {};
if ($.pt._cache === undefined) {
* Local cache of data that is unlikely to change during
* the live of the page.
$.pt._cache = {};
$.SPWidgets = {};
$.SPWidgets.version = "20131106052852";
$.SPWidgets.defaults = {};
* Given an XML message as returned by the Sharepoint WebServices API,
* this method will check if it contains an error and return a boolean
* indicating that.
* @return {Boolean} true|false
$.fn.SPMsgHasError = function() {
var spErrCode = $(this).find("ErrorCode"),
response = false;
if ( !spErrCode.length ) {
if ( $(this).find("faultcode").length ) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
if ( $(this).text() !== "0x00000000" ) {
response = true;
return false;
return response;
}; /* $.fn.SPMsgHasError() */
* Given a sharepoint webservices response, this method will
* look to see if it contains an error and return that error
* formated as a string.
* @return {String} errorMessage
$.fn.SPGetMsgError = function(){
var xMsg = $(this),
error = "",
spErr = xMsg.find("ErrorCode"),
count = 0;
if (!spErr.length) {
spErr = xMsg.find("faultcode");
if (!spErr.length) {
return "";
// Loop through and get all errors.
var thisErr = $(this);
if ( thisErr.text() !== "0x00000000" ) {
count += 1;
error += "(" + count + ") " + thisErr.text() + ": " +
thisErr.parent().children().not(thisErr).text() + "\n";
error = count + " error(s) encountered! \n" + error;
return error;
}; /* $.fn.SPGetMsgError() */
* An extreemly lightweight template engine for replacing
* tokens in the form of {{name}} with values from an object
* or a list (array) of objects
* @param {Object} tmplt
* @param {Object} data
* @return {String} templated filled out
$.SPWidgets.fillTemplate = function(tmplt, data) {
var opt = {},i,j,x,y,item, tokenVal;
// If user used an object to define input param, then parse that now
if (typeof tmplt === "object" && arguments.length === 1) {
data =;
tmplt = tmplt.tmplt;
opt.response = "";
opt.template = ( typeof tmplt !== "string"
? String($("<div/>").append(tmplt).html())
: tmplt
opt.tokens = opt.template.match(/(\{\{.*?\}\})/g);
if (!$.isArray(data)) {
data = [ data ];
if (opt.tokens !== null) {
for(x=0,y=data.length; x<y; x++){
item = opt.template;
for(i=0,j=opt.tokens.length; i<j; i++){
opt.tokens[i] = opt.tokens[i].replace(/[\{\{\}\}]/g, "");
tokenVal = data[x][ opt.tokens[i] ] || '';
if ($.isFunction(tokenVal)) {
tokenVal = tokenVal();
item = item.replace("{{" + opt.tokens[i] + "}}", tokenVal);
opt.response += item;
return opt.response;
}; //end: $.SPWidgets.fillTemplate()
* Parses a Sharepoint lookup values as returned by webservices
* (id;#title;#id;#Title) into an array of objects.
* @param {String} v
* Lookup items string as returned by SP webservices.
* @return {Array}
* Array of objects. Each object has two keys; title and id
$.SPWidgets.parseLookupFieldValue = function(v) {
var r = [],
a = String(v).split(';#'),
total = a.length,
i, n, t;
if (v === undefined) {
return r;
for (i=0; i<total; i++){
n = a[i];
t = a[i];
if (n || t) {
r.push({ id: n, title: t });
return r;
}; //end: $.SPWidgets.parseLookupFieldValue
* Given an array of CAML matches, this method will wrap them all in a
* Logical condition (<And></And> or a <Or></Or>).
* @param {Object} options
* Options for the call. See below.
* @param {String} options.type
* Static String. The type of logical condition that
* the 'values' should be wrapped in. Possible values
* are 'AND' or 'OR'. Default is 'AND'.
* @param {Array options.values
* The array of String elements that will be
* join into caml Logical condition.
* @param {Function} [options.onEachValue=null]
* A function to process each items in the 'values'
* array. Function must return the value that should
* be used instead of the one found in the array. Use
* it to define the xml around each value
* (ex. <Eq><FieldRef>...</Eq>).
* Function is given 1 input param - the item currently
* being processed (from the 'values' input param).
* @return {String} logical Query as a single string.
* @example
* $.SPWidgets.getCamlLogical({
* type: "or",
* values: [
* "<Eq><FieldRef Name='Title' /><Value Type='Text'>Test</Value></Eq>",
* "<Eq><FieldRef Name='Title' /><Value Type='Text'>Test1</Value></Eq>",
* "<Eq><FieldRef Name='Title' /><Value Type='Text'>Test2</Value></Eq>",
* "<Eq><FieldRef Name='Title' /><Value Type='Text'>Test3</Value></Eq>",
* "<Eq><FieldRef Name='Title' /><Value Type='Text'>Test4</Value></Eq>"
* ]
* })
* Concatenate multiple calls to getCamlLogical():
* $.SPWidgets.getCamlLogical({
* type: "or",
* values: [
* "<Eq><FieldRef Name='ID' /><Value Type='Text'>10</Value></Eq>",
* "<Eq><FieldRef Name='ID' /><Value Type='Text'>15</Value></Eq>",
* $.SPWidgets.getCamlLogical({
* type: "and",
* values: [
* "west",
* "east"
* ],
* onEachValue: function(loc){
* return "<Neq><FieldRef Name='Region'/><Value Type='Text'>" +
* loc + "</Value></Neq>";
* }
* })
* ]
* })
$.SPWidgets.getCamlLogical = function(options){
// FIXME: BUG: getCamlLogical() currently alters values array given on input.
var o = $.extend(
{ type: "AND",
values: [],
onEachValue: null
tagOpen = "<And>",
tagClose = "</And>",
logical = "",
total = 0,
last = 0,
haveFn = false,
o.type = String(o.type).toUpperCase();
if (!$.isArray(o.values)) {
o.values = [o.values];
if (o.type !== "AND") {
tagOpen = "<Or>";
tagClose = "</Or>";
logical = tagOpen;
total = o.values.length;
last = (total - 1);
haveFn = $.isFunction(o.onEachValue);
if (total < 2){
logical = "";
for ( i=0; i<total; i++){
if (haveFn) {
logical += String(o.onEachValue(o.values[i])).toString();
} else {
logical += String(o.values[i]).toString();
if ((last - i) > 1){
logical += $.SPWidgets.getCamlLogical(
$.extend({}, o, {
values: o.values.slice((i + 1), (total - i))
if (total > 1){
logical += tagClose;
return logical;
};// $.SPWidgets.getCamlLogical()
* Returns a date string in the format expected by Sharepoint
* Date/time fields. Usefull in doing filtering queries.
* Credit: Matt (twitter @iOnline247)
* {@see}
* @param {Date} [dateObj=Date()]
* @param {String} [formatType='local']
* Possible formats: local, utc
* @return {String} a date string.
$.SPWidgets.SPGetDateString = function( dateObj, formatType ) {
formatType = String(formatType || "local").toLowerCase();
dateObj = dateObj || new Date();
function pad( n ) {
return n < 10 ? '0' + n : n;
var ret = '';
if (formatType === 'utc') {
ret = dateObj.getUTCFullYear() + '-' +
pad( dateObj.getUTCMonth() + 1 ) + '-' +
pad( dateObj.getUTCDate() ) + 'T' +
pad( dateObj.getUTCHours() ) + ':' +
pad( dateObj.getUTCMinutes() )+ ':' +
pad( dateObj.getUTCSeconds() )+ 'Z';
} else {
ret = dateObj.getFullYear() + '-' +
pad( dateObj.getMonth() + 1 ) + '-' +
pad( dateObj.getDate() ) + 'T' +
pad( dateObj.getHours() ) + ':' +
pad( dateObj.getMinutes() )+ ':' +
pad( dateObj.getSeconds() );
return ret;
}; //end: $.SPWidgets.SPGetDateString()
* Parses a date string in ISO 8601 format into a Date object.
* Date format supported on input:
* 2013-09-01T01:00:00
* 2013-09-01T01:00:00Z
* 2013-09-01T01:00:00Z+05:00
* @param {String} dateString
* The date string to be parsed.
* @return {Date|Null}
* If unable to parse string, a Null value will be returned.
* @see {}
* Method was developed using some of the code from js-iso8601
* project on github by csnover.
$.SPWidgets.parseDateString = function(dateString) {
var dtObj = null,
re, dtPieces, i, j, numericKeys, minOffset;
if (!dateString) {
return dtObj;
// let's see if Date.parse() can do it?
// We append 'T00:00' to the date string case it is
// only in format YYYY-MM-DD
dtObj = Date.parse(
( dateString.length === 10
? dateString + "T00:00"
: dateString
if (dtObj) {
return new Date(dtObj);
// Once we parse the date string, these locations
// in the array must be Numbers.
numericKeys = [ 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11 ];
// Define regEx
re = /^(\d{4}|[+\-]\d{6})(?:-(\d{2})(?:-(\d{2}))?)?(?:T(\d{2}):(\d{2})(?::(\d{2})(?:\.(\d{3}))?)?(?:(Z)|([+\-])(\d{2})(?::(\d{2}))?)?)?$/;
// dtPieces:
// [0]
// [1] YYYY
// [2] MM
// [3] DD
// [4] HH
// [5] mm
// [6] ss
// [7] msec
// [8] Z
// [9] +|-
// [10] Z HH
// [11] Z mm
dtPieces = dateString.match(re);
if( !dtPieces ){
return dtObj;
for(i=0,j=numericKeys.length; i<j; i++){
dtPieces[numericKeys[i]] = ~~dtPieces[numericKeys[i]];
// Month is "zero" based
// Date specifed UTC Format?
if (dtPieces[8] === 'Z') {
// do we need to calculate offset to minutes?
if (dtPieces[9] !== undefined) {
minOffset = dtPieces[10] * 60 + dtPieces[11];
if (dtPieces[9] === '+') {
minOffset = (- minOffset);
dtPieces[5] += minOffset;
dtObj = new Date(
// Else: Date was did not seem to be UTC. Do local.
} else {
dtObj = new Date(
return dtObj;
}; //end: $.SPWidgets.parseDateString()
* Make a set of element the same height by taking the height of
* the longest element.
* @param {HTMLElement|Selector|jQuery} ele - Set of elements
* @param {Interger} [pad=0] - Number of pixels to add on to the height
* @return {Object} ele (input param) is returned
$.SPWidgets.makeSameHeight = function(ele, pad) {
var h = 0,
e = $(ele);
var thisEle = $(this).css("height", "");
if (h < thisEle.outerHeight(true)) {
h = thisEle.outerHeight(true);
if (h > 0) {
if (pad) {
h += pad;
return ele;
}; // end: $.SPWidgets.MakeSameHeight()
* Escapes html code. Characters that are escaped include
* <, > and &. These are converted to the HTML safe
* characters. This method can also be used to escape XML.
* @param {Object} xmlString
* The html code to be escaped.
* @return {String}
* html escaped
$.SPWidgets.escapeXML = function(xmlString) {
if ( typeof xmlString !== "string" ) {
return "";
return xmlString
}; /* $.SPWidgets.escapeXML() */
* Un-escapes html code. Characters that are un-escaped include
* "&lt;", "&gt;" "&apos;", "&quot;" and "&amp;". These are
* converted to <, >, ', " and &
* @param {Object} xmlString
* The html code to be un-escaped.
* @return {String}
* html string escaped.
$.SPWidgets.unEscapeXML = function(xmlString){
if ( typeof xmlString !== "string" ) {
return "";
return xmlString
}; /* $.SPWidgets.unEscapeXML() */
* Returns information about the runtime as it applies
* to SPWidgets.
* @return {Object} info
$.SPWidgets.getRuntimeInfo = function() {
// Class
function Info() {
this.SPWidgets = $.SPWidgets.version;
this.jQuery = ($.fn.jquery || '?');
this.jQueryUI = '?';
this.jQueryUICss = "?";
this.SPServices = "?";
return this
Info.prototype.asString = function() {
var me = this,
resp = "",
for (prop in me) {
if (me.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
resp += "[ " + prop + " = " + me[prop] + " ] "
return resp;
}; //end: asString()
var info = new Info(),
$testObj = $('<div style="position:fixed;width:100px;left:-1000px;"/>')
testInfo = '';
try {
info.jQueryUI = jQuery.ui.version;
} catch(e){}
try {
info.SPServices = $().SPServices.Version();
} catch(e){
if ($.fn.SPServices) {
info.SPServices = "loaded";
// Check if jQuery ui css loaded
testInfo = $testObj.css("background-image");
if ($testObj.css("background-image") !== testInfo) {
info.jQueryUICss = 'loaded';
return info;
}; //end: $.SPWidgets.getRuntimeInfo()
* Returns the SharePoint version number. This is accomplished by
* looking for the SP namespace and if it is define, parsing the
* SP.ClientSchemeversions value.
* @param {Boolean} returnExternal
* If true, then the external version (ex. 2007, 2010) is
* returned. Default is to return the internal version number
* (ex. 12, 14)
* @return {String}
$.SPWidgets.getSPVersion = function(returnExternal) {
// Some approaches below taken from:
var versionMap = {
12: '2007',
14: '2010',
15: '2013'
version = 12;
if (typeof SP !== "undefined") {
version = 14;
if (SP.ClientSchemaVersions) {
if (SP.ClientSchemaVersions.currentVersion) {
version = parseInt(SP.ClientSchemaVersions.currentVersion);
} else {
version = parseInt(_spPageContextInfo.webUIVersion);
if (version === 4) {
version = 14;
if (returnExternal) {
version = versionMap[version] || version;
return version
}; //end: $.SPWidgets.getSPVersion();
})(jQuery); /** *********** END: $.SPWidgets common */
* Displays data from a list in Kan-Ban board using a specific column from
* that list. Column (at this point) is assume to be a CHOICE type of field.
* Dependencies:
* - jQuery-UI Draggable
* BUILD: Paul:November 04, 2013 07:09 PM
"use strict";
/*jslint nomen: true, plusplus: true */
/*global SPWidgets */
* @class Baard
var Board = {};
/** @property {Boolean} */
Board.initDone = false;
/** @property {Integer} The max number of columns that can be built (not displayed) */
Board.maxColumns = 20;
* Board widget default options.
$.SPWidgets.defaults.board = {
list: '',
field: '',
CAMLQuery: '<Query></Query>',
CAMLViewFields: '',
fieldFilter: null,
optionalLabel: '(none)',
template: null,
webURL: $().SPServices.SPGetCurrentSite(),
showColPicker: false,
colPickerLabel: "Columns",
colPickerVisible: [],
colPickerCloseLabel: "Close",
colPickerApplyLabel: "Apply",
colPickerCheckLabel: "Check-Uncheck All",
colPickerTotalLabel: "Selected.",
colPickerMaxColMsg: "Can not exceed 10 columns!",
colPickerMinColMsg: "Mininum of 2 required!",
onGetListItems: null,
onPreUpdate: null,
onBoardCreate: null
* Given a selector, this method will insert a Kan-Ban board inside
* of it with data retrieved from a specific list.
* This widget will retrieve the List definition upon first call
* using SPServices and setting cache = true. In some implementations
* it may be desirable to get these defintions ahead of calling this
* widget so that a cached version is used.
* @param {Object} options
* @param {String} options.list
* The list name or UID.
* @param {String} options.field
* The field from the List from where the board should
* be built from. This field should be either of type
* @param {String|Function} [options.CAMLQuery="<Query></Query>"]
* String with CAML query to be used against the list
* to filter what is displayed or a function that will
* provide the list of items (an array). If defining
* a Function, it will be given two input parameter:
* 1) a function that must be called and be given the
* array of items.
* 2) The options defiend on input to this widget.
* The user defined function will be given a scope
* (this keyword) of the html element it was bound to.
* Example:
* options.CAMLQuery = '<Query><Where>\
* <FieldRef Name="Project" />\
* <Value Type="Text">Latin America</Value>\
* </Where></Query>';
* --or--
* options.CAMLQuery = function(sendResults) {
* //get items from DB
* sendResults([...]);
* }
* @param {String} [options.CAMLViewFields=""]
* String in CAML format with list of fields to be
* returned from the list when retrieving the rows
* to be displayed on the board.
* @param {String} [options.fieldFilter=""]
* A string with either a comma delimetered list of
* column values to show if field is of CHOICE type;
* or a string with a CAML query to filter field values,
* if field is of type Lookup
* @param {String} [options.optionalLabel="(none)"]
* The string to be used as the State column header when
* field from where Board was built is optional in the
* List.
* @param {String|Function} [options.template="<div></div>"]
* The HTML template that will be used to for displaying
* items on the board. The HTML can be defined with tokens
* in the format of {{Column_Internal_Name}}.
* When defining a Function, it will be called with
* a context of the board Html Element container and be
* given two input params:
* 1. Item data object
* 2. Null || jQuery object
* Example:
* function(listItemObj, $ItemUI){
* // this = jQuery - the container of the board.
* }
* @param {String} [options.webURL=$().SPServices.SPGetCurrentSite()]
* The WebURL for the list.
* @param {Boolean} [options.showColPicker=false]
* If true, the column picker option will be displayed
* on the page. Allows user to pick which column are
* visible/hidden.
* Note: This option is automatically turned to True
* if the number of columns available is greater than
* 10.
* @param {Array} [options.colPickerVisible=[]]
* The list of board columns that should be visible. Used
* only when showColPicker is true.
* @param {String} [options.colPickerLabel="Columns"]
* The label for the column picker button.
* @param {String} [options.colPickerCloseLabel="Close"]
* The label for the column picker pop-up close button
* @param {String} [options.colPickerCheckLabel="Apply"]
* Label for the Check all/uncheck all
* @param {String} [options.colPickerApplyLabel="Apply"]
* The label for the column picker pop-up apply button
* @param {String} [options.colPickerMaxColMsg="Can not exceed 10 columns!"]
* Message to display when more than 10 columns were selected
* @param {String} [options.colPickerMinColMsg="Minimum of 2 required!"]
* Message to display when less then 2 columsn were selected
* @param {String} [options.colPickerTotalLabel="Selected."]
* The label for the number of column selected text on
* the column picker popup.
* @param {Function} [options.onGetListItems=null]
* Callback function to be called after data has been
* retrieved from the 'list'. Function will be given a
* scope (this) of the selection they used on input to
* this method and two input parameters:
* An Array of Objects with the list of rows returned
* from the List, and
* A jQuery object representing the entire xml document
* response. Example:
* onGetListItems: function(items, xmlResponse){
* //this = jQuery element container selction
* }
* @param {Function} [options.onPreUpdate=null]
* Callback function to be called just prior to a List Item
* update. The callback will have a scope of the item being
* updated and be given 2 parameters:
* 1) the event object,
* 2) the item (DOM element) that triggered the event and
* 3) a data object with information/methods for the current
* item/widget binding. The object will include two
* attributes that will impact the updates:
* data.updates - An array of updates that will be made.
* The array will have, to start, the update to the
* state that was triggered by the move in the board.
* Additional updates can be added.
* Format will be identical to what SPServices uses:
* ["field", "value"]. Example:
* data.updates.push(["Title", "New title here"]);
* data.updatePromise - A jQuery.Promise that represents
* the update that will be made. This can be used to
* bind on additional functionality. The queued functions
* will be given the following as input:
* updatePromise.then(function(newItemObj, oldItemObj, xData){
* // this = jQuery of the row container on the board
* })
* - The update item object (as returned by SP)
* - current item object (the one used to display the item on the board)
* - XML Document of the response from SP (xData)
* The function should return a boolean indicating whether the
* update should be canceled. True will cancel the update.
* Example:
* onPreUpdate: function(ev, item, data){
* //this = jQuery element container selction
* }
* @param {Function} [options.onBoardCreate=null]
* Function triggered after board is initially created.
* See spwidget:boardcreate even for parameters that
* will be given to function.
* @return {jQuery} this
* @example
* $("#boardContainer").SPShowBoard({
* list: "Tasks",
* field: "Status"
* });
* spwidget:boardchange,
* spwidget:boardcreate - Events triggered anytime a change happens
* in the board or when the board is first created.
* Event is provided 3 parameters
* 1) the event object,
* 2) the item (DOM element) that triggered
* the event and
* 3) a data object with information/methods for the current
* item/widget binding. The objects's .updates attribute
* will contain an array of array's with the updates that
* will be made to the item.
* The function's 'this'
* variable will point to the column element that
* received the new item.
* Example:
* ele.on("spwidget:boardchange", function(ev, item, data){
* // this = ele;
* })
* spwidget:boarditemadd - Event triggered when new items are added to the
* board (ex. from a refresh). Event will be given
* the following input params:
* 1) the event object (jquery)
* 2) the item (DOM element) that triggered
* the event and
* 3) a data object with information/methods for the current
* item/widget binding. The objects's .itemsModified attribute
* will contain an array of Objects that were added.
* spwidget:boarditemremove - Event triggered when items are removed from the
* board (ex. from a refresh). Event will be given
* the following input params:
* 1) the event object (jquery)
* 2) the board container (DOM element)
* 3) a data object with information/methods for the current
* item/widget binding. The objects's .itemsModified attribute
* will contain an array of Objects that were removed.
* spwidget:boardColumnChange - Event triggered when columns on the board are changed.
* Event will be given the following input params:
* 1) jQuery: the event object (jquery)
* 2) jQuery: the board container (DOM element)
* 3) Object of Column Names currently visible. Key is internal
* static name, while value is the external visible name.
* For boards created from CHOICE values, key and value is
* the same.
* $("#board")
* .on(
* "spwidget:boardColumnChange",
* function($board, columnsObj){
* //this = $board object
* })
* refresh - Refreshes the data in the Board by retrieving the data
* from the list again. During a refresh, existing board
* items (the html element in DOM) is not actually deleted
* and recreated if it already exists, but re-used. It is
* important to note this specially if a custom template
* function was defined as an input param.
* $().SPShowBoard("refresh");
* redraw - Redraws the board without pulling in data from the list.
* Column heights will be normalized and jQuery UI's sortable
* widget will be refreshed.
* $().SPShowBoard("redraw");
* setVisible - Sets which Board columns should be visible. Method takes
* as input an array of board column values (the visible name)
* $().SPShowBoard("setVisible", ['Not Started', 'Completed']);
* // TODO: Destroy method (must remove all event bindings)
* // TODO: move method - moves an item on the board (identified by ID) to
* a different state
$.fn.SPShowBoard = function(options){
// TODO: need to determine how to page large datasets.
// If initialization was not done yet, then do it now.
// if the global styles have not yet been inserted into the page, do it now
if (!Board.initDone) {
Board.initDone = true;
if (Board.styleSheet !== "") {
$('<style type="text/css">' + "\n\n" +
Board.styleSheet + "\n\n</style>" )
// Capture original set of input arguments.
var args = arguments;
// Attach the board to each element
return this.each(function(){
var ele = $(this),
isMethod = (typeof options === "string"),
hasBoard = ele.hasClass("hasSPShowBoard"),
opt = null,
method = '',
board = null;
// if this element alraedy has a board on it, and
// options is not a string, then exit.
if ( hasBoard && !isMethod ) {
return this;
// Handle METHODS
} else if (isMethod && hasBoard && !ele.hasClass("loadingSPShowBoard")) {
method = options.toLowerCase();
board ="SPShowBoardOptions");
//*** REFRESH ***\\
if (method === "refresh") {
board.showItemsOnBoard({ refresh: true });
//*** REDRAW ***\\
} else if (method === "redraw") {
//*** SETVISIBLE ***\\
} else if (method === "setvisible") {
if (board.showColPicker) {
board.setUserDefinedVisibleCol( args[1] );
}//end: if(): methods
return this;
}//end: if()
// If this element is already loading the UI, exit now
if (ele.hasClass("loadingSPShowBoard")) {
return this;
// Define this Widget instance
opt = $.extend({},
ele: ele,
states: [], // List of states
statesMap: {}, // Map of State->object in states[]
tmpltHeader: '', // Header template
tmpltState: '', // State item template
statesCntr: '', // DOM element where rows are located
headersCntr: '', // DOM element where headers are located
listItems: [], // Array with items from the list.
initDone: false,
formUrls: null, // Object with url's to form. Used by opt.getListFormUrl()
isStateRequired: true,
maxColumnVisible: 10,
showNumberOfColumns: 10, // number of columns shown on the board
* Populates the opt.stats and opt.statesMap by
* pulling info. from the List definition
* @return {jQuery.Promise}
* Success, promise get resolved with a scope of 'opt' and
* receives the xData and status variables
* Failure, promise gets resolved with cope of 'ele' and
* received a string with the error, xData and Status.
getBoardStates: function(){
return $.Deferred(function(dfd){
// Get List information (use cached if already done in prior calls)
// and get list of States to build
operation: "GetList",
listName: opt.list,
cacheXML: true,
async: false,
webURL: opt.webURL,
completefunc : function(xData, status) {
// FIXME: need to handle errors
// if (resp.hasSPError()) {
// spAgile.logMsg({
// type: "error",
// msg: resp.getSPError()
// });
// return null;
// }
var resp = $(xData.responseXML),
f = resp.find("Fields Field[StaticName='" + opt.field + "']");
// If we did not find the field by internal name, try external.
// If we found it by Display name, then lets change the
// field value... We need internal name for referencing
// item column values.
if (!f.length) {
f = resp.find("Fields Field[DisplayName='" + opt.field + "']");
if (!f.length) {
[ 'Field (' + opt.field + ') not found in list definition!',
xData, status ]);
opt._origField = opt.field;
opt.field = f.attr("StaticName");
// store if field is required
if ( f.attr("Required") === "FALSE" ) {
opt.isStateRequired = false;
switch(f.attr("Type").toLowerCase()) {
case "choice":
// Should there be a blank column?
if ( !opt.isStateRequired ) {
type: 'choice',
title: opt.optionalLabel,
name: opt.optionalLabel
opt.statesMap[""] = opt.states[opt.states.length - 1];
if (opt.fieldFilter) {
opt.fieldFilter = opt.fieldFilter.split(/\,/);
f.find("CHOICES CHOICE").each(function(i,v){
var thisChoice = $(this).text();
// if there i sa filter and this column
// is not part of it, exit now
if (opt.fieldFilter) {
if (!$.grep(opt.fieldFilter, function(e){ return (e === thisChoice); }).length) {
// If we reached a max column number, exit here.
if (i >= Board.maxColumns){
try { console.log(
"SPWIDGETS:BOARD:Warning: Can only build a max of " +
Board.maxColumns + " columns!");
} catch(e){ }
return false;
type: 'choice',
title: thisChoice, // extenal visible
name: thisChoice // internal name
// Store State value in mapper (use internal name)
opt.statesMap[thisChoice] = opt.states[opt.states.length - 1];
dfd.resolveWith(opt, [xData, status]);
case "lookup":
if ( !opt.fieldFilter ) {
opt.fieldFilter = "<Query></Query>";
// Query the lookup table and get the rows that
// should be used to build the states
operation: "GetListItems",
listName: f.attr("List"),
async: true,
cacheXML: true,
CAMLQuery: opt.fieldFilter,
webURL: opt.webURL,
CAMLRowLimit: Board.maxColumns,
'<ViewFields><FieldRef Name="' +
f.attr("ShowField") +
'" /></ViewFields>',
completefunc: function(xData, status){
// Process Errors
if (status === "error") {
[ 'Communications Error!', xData, status ]);
var resp = $(xData.responseXML);
if ( resp.SPMsgHasError() ) {
[ resp.SPGetMsgError(), xData, status ]);
// Should there be a blank column?
if ( !opt.isStateRequired ) {
type: 'lookup',
title: opt.optionalLabel, // extenal visible
name: "" // internal name
opt.statesMap[""] = opt.states[opt.states.length - 1];
// Loop thorugh all rows and build the
// array of states.
// If we reached a max column number, exit here.
if (i >= Board.maxColumns){
try { console.log(
"SPWIDGETS:BOARD:Warning: Can only build a max of " +
Board.maxColumns + " columns!");
} catch(e){ }
return false;
var thisRow = $(this),
thisId = thisRow.attr("ows_ID"),
thisTitle = thisRow.attr( "ows_" + f.attr("ShowField") ),
thisName = thisId + ";#" + thisTitle;
type: 'lookup',
title: thisTitle, // Extenal visible
name: thisName // internal name
// Store State value in mapper (use internal name)
opt.statesMap[thisName] = opt.states[opt.states.length - 1];
dfd.resolveWith(opt, [xData, status]);
} //end: completefunc
// DEFAULT: Type on the column is not supported.
[ 'Field (' + opt.field +
') Type (' + f.attr("Type") +
') is not supported!',
status ]);
}//end: completefunc()
});//end: spservices
}, //end: getBoardStates()
* Retrieves the items from the list for display on the board.
* Method return a promise whose input param is an array of
* object.
* @param {object} options
* @return {jQuery.Promise} jQuery promise
_getListItems: function(){
return $.Deferred(function(dfd){
* Resolves the Deferred object.
* @param {jQuery|Function} rawResponse
* Raw response from teh call to get data.
* is passed along to the user's onGetListItems()
* callback.
function resolveDeferred(rawResponse) {
// If a callback was defined for onGetListItems,
// then call it now
if ($.isFunction(opt.onGetListItems)) {
dfd.resolveWith(ele, [opt.listItems]);
} //end: resolveDeferred()
// If CAMLQuery is a function, then call user'
// data retrieval method.
if ($.isFunction( opt.CAMLQuery )) {
if ($.isArray(items)) {
opt.listItems = items;
resolveDeferred( opt.CAMLQuery );
options );
// ELSE, opt.CAMLQuery is not a function...
// call GetListItems operation.
} else {
operation: "GetListItems",
listName: opt.list,
async: true,
CAMLQuery: opt.CAMLQuery,
CAMLRowLimit: 0, // FIXME: SP data should be paged??
CAMLViewFields: opt.CAMLViewFields,
webURL: opt.webURL,
completefunc: function(xData, status){
// Process Errors
if (status === "error") {
[ 'Communications Error!', xData, status ]);
var resp = $(xData.responseXML);
if ( resp.SPMsgHasError() ) {
[ resp.SPGetMsgError(), xData, status ]);
// Store the list of items
opt.listItems = resp
includeAllAttrs: true
resolveDeferred( resp );
}//end: completefunc()
});//end: SPServices
} //end: else: do SPServices call
}, //end: _getListItems()
* Given an ID, this method will return the data object
* for that item - the element retrieved during for
* display on the board.
* @param {String|Interger}
* @return {Object} Item Object
getBoardItemDataObject: function(itemId){
var itemObject = null,
if (itemId) {
itemId = String(itemId);
for(x=0,y=opt.listItems.length; x<y; x++){
id = opt.listItems[x].ID;
if ($.isFunction(id)) {
id = opt.listItems[x].ID();
id = String(id);
if (itemId === id) {
itemObject = opt.listItems[x];
x = y + y;
return itemObject;
}, // end: pageSetup.getBoardItemDataObject
* Shows the List items on the board.
* @param {Object} [options]
* @param {Array} [options.rows=opt.listItems]
* The rows to display on tehe board. Default
* to list stored in opt.listItems.
* @param {Boolean} [options.refresh=false]
* If true, then items currently on the board
* will not be erased; only new items will be
* added and invalid item will be removed.
* @param {Boolean} [options.doBoardInsert=true]
* When true, the items created will be inserted
* into the board widget. Set to false if doing it
* elsewhere.
* @return {Object} itemsForBoard
* An object with state=string of html for
* insertion into the Board.
showItemsOnBoard: function(options){
// console.time("Board.ShowItemsOnBoard()");
var thisOpt = $.extend({}, {
rows: opt.listItems,
refresh: false,
doBoardInsert: true
}, options),
newItems = [],
delItems = [],
chgItems = [],
itemsForBoard = {}, // each state as the key... string of html as value
boardItemStr = "",
boardItemCntr = null,
thisRowState = null,
thisRowID = null,
evData = null,
thisListRow = null,
* Creates a new items using the given template
* and returns a string of that new items.
* @param {Object} itemDataObj - The item's object.
* @param {jQUery} $uiELe - The UI container.
* @return {String} new item html
function createNewItem(itemDataObj, $uiEle) {
var newItem = "",
itemId = null,
css = "";
// Caller defined a function for item template?
if ($.isFunction(opt.template)) {
newItem =
ele, itemDataObj, $uiEle);
if (newItem) {
newItem = String(newItem);
// ELSE: Caller did not define function for template
} else {
newItem = $.SPWidgets.fillTemplate(opt.template, thisListRow );
// If we have a UI element already and a new item was created
// insert it directly into the UI element.
if ($uiEle !== undefined && newItem !== "") {
// Else, we have no UI Element... If the new Item is not
// blank, then create a new item for insertion.
} else if (newItem !== "") {
// Accomodate possible knockout objects
itemId = itemDataObj.ID;
if ($.isFunction(itemDataObj.ID)) {
itemId = itemDataObj.ID();
// Store this item to be added to the board in bulk
if ( itemsForBoard[thisRowState] === undefined ) {
itemsForBoard[thisRowState] = "";
if (opt.initDone && thisOpt.refresh) {
css += " spwidget-temp";
itemsForBoard[thisRowState] +=
'<div class="spwidget-board-state-item ui-state-default ui-corner-all' +
css + '" data-id="' + itemId + '">' + newItem + '</div>';
return newItem;
} //end: ------> createNewItem()
// If refresh is false, then erase all items
// currently in the board
if (!thisOpt.refresh) {
for(x=0,y=opt.states.length; x<y; x++){
// console.time("Board.ShowItemsOnBoard().each(rows)");
// Populate each row into its respective column
for(x=0,y=thisOpt.rows.length; x<y; x++){
thisListRow = thisOpt.rows[x];
// Get this row's State and ID.
// Accomodate possible knockout objects
thisRowState = thisListRow[opt.field] || "";
thisRowID = thisListRow.ID;
if ($.isFunction(thisRowState)) {
thisRowState = thisListRow[opt.field]();
if ($.isFunction(thisRowID)) {
thisRowID = thisRowID();
// If this state value is on the board (as a column),
// Then proced to build the item into the board.
if (opt.statesMap[thisRowState]) {
// If not a refresh, then the entire UI is being
// rebuilt. We'll be working with Strings.
if (thisOpt.refresh === false) {
// if INIT is done (true), then capture this as a new
// item on the board (for events)
if (opt.initDone) {
// ELSE, must be doing a Refresh and these
// items could already exist on the board.
} else {
// Try to find this row in the board
boardItemCntr = opt.statesCntr
.find( "div[data-id='" + thisRowID + "']" );
// If item was NOT found on the board, then
// we're adding it now.
if ( !boardItemCntr.length ) {
// if INIT is done (true), then capture this as a new
// item on the board (for events)
if (opt.initDone) {
// Else, item was found on the Board.
} else {
// Add a temporary class to the item, so that we
// know a little later (below) that this is still
// a valid item
// Check if it should be moved to a new STate (column)
if (boardItemCntr.closest("div.spwidget-board-state")
.data("boardstate") !== thisRowState
) {
// Refresh the UI for the item with the new data
createNewItem(thisListRow, boardItemCntr);
} //end: if(): is it refresh?
} //end: if(): Does the state appear on the board?
} //end: for() - each thisOpt.rows[]
// console.timeEnd("Board.ShowItemsOnBoard().each(rows)");
// should we update the board?
if (thisOpt.doBoardInsert) {
// console.time("Board.ShowItemsOnBoard().InsertIntoDOM");
for (x in itemsForBoard) {
if ( itemsForBoard.hasOwnProperty(x) && itemsForBoard[x] !== "" ) {
opt.statesMap[x].dataEle.append( itemsForBoard[x] );
// Update the board headers with the totals
// Add the mouseover hover affect.
// console.timeEnd("Board.ShowItemsOnBoard().InsertIntoDOM");
// If initialization is done and board is being
// refreshed, then check to see if any items are
// no longer valid
if (opt.initDone && thisOpt.refresh) {
opt.getBoardItemDataObject( $(this).data("id") )
// If initialization was done already, then
// trigger events and refresh jQuery UI widget
if (opt.initDone) {
// Refresh sortable widget if init was already done
// Get a new event object
evData = opt.getEventObject();
// Trigger events if init has already been done
if (newItems.length) {
evData.itemsModified.length = 0;
[ ele, $.extend( {}, evData ) ] );
if (delItems.length) {
evData.itemsModified.length = 0;
[ ele, $.extend( {}, evData ) ] );
// Push both updates and removals to the eventObject
evData.itemsModified.length = 0;
evData.itemsModified.push.apply(evData.itemsModified, newItems);
evData.itemsModified.push.apply(evData.itemsModified, delItems);
evData.itemsModified.push.apply(evData.itemsModified, chgItems);
// Trigger event if anything has changed.
if (evData.itemsModified.length) {
ele.trigger("spwidget:boardchange", [ ele, evData ]);
}//end: if(): initDone == true
// console.timeEnd("Board.ShowItemsOnBoard()");
return itemsForBoard;
}, //end: opt.showItemsOnBoard()
* Updates the board headers with the total number of
* items under each state column
* @param {options} [options]
* @param {String|} [options.state=null] The state to be updated
updBoardHeaders: function(options) {
var thisOpt = $.extend({}, {
state: null
}, options ),
// Specific state
if (thisOpt.state) {
// FIXME: Need to implement functionality
// ALL States
} else {
for( x=0,y=opt.states.length; x<y; x++ ){
}, //end: opt.updBoardHeaders()
* Returns an object with data about the board that can
* be used to pass along to events.
* @param {jQuery|HTMLElement} [uiItemEle]
* The board item to initiate the event object from.
* @return {Object}
getEventObject: function(uiItemEle){
if (!uiItemEle) {
uiItemEle = opt.statesCntr.find("div.spwidget-board-state-item:first");
uiItemEle = $(uiItemEle);
var evObj = {
/** @property {Object} evObj.stateTotal A map of state name to total number of items */
stateTotals: {},
/** @property {Integer} itemTotal The total number of items in the board, across all states. */
itemTotal: 0,
/** @property {String} evObj.currentState The state name */
currentState: uiItemEle.closest("div.spwidget-board-state")
/** @property {Object} evObj.itemObj The individual board item data */
itemObj: ( opt.getBoardItemDataObject("id") ) || {} ),
/** @property {Array} evObj.itemsModified The list of objects representing the modified items */
itemsModified: []
// Build totals
for( x=0,j=opt.states.length; x<j; x++ ){
evObj.itemTotal += evObj.stateTotals[opt.states[x].name] = Number( opt.states[x].headerTotalEle.text() );
return evObj;
}, //end: opt.getEventObject()
* Returns the url (full url) for the requested form
* of the List.
* @param {String} type
* A static string value indicating the type
* of form to return. Valid values include
* 'EditForm', 'DisplayForm' and 'NewForm'
* @return {String}
* The url to the list form.
getListFormUrl: function(type) {
type = String(type).toLowerCase();
function loadFormCollection() {
operation: "GetFormCollection",
listName: opt.list,
webURL: opt.webURL,
cacheXML: true,
async: false,
completefunc: function(xData, Status) {
// Need to check for errors?
var $thisForm = $(this);
opt.formUrls[ String($thisForm.attr("Type")).toLowerCase() ] =
opt.webURL + "/" + $thisForm.attr("Url");
} //end: completefunc
} //end: loadFormCollection()
if (opt.formUrls === null) {
opt.formUrls = {};
return ( opt.formUrls[type] || "" );
}, // end: opt.getListFormUrl()
* Sets the class on the board based on the number
* of columns displayed.
* @param {Integer} colCount
* Number of columns. If not defined, then this
* method will loop through opt.states to determine
* what is visible
* @return {Object} opt
setBoardColumnClass: function(colCount) {
var $colCntr = opt.headersCntr.add(opt.statesCntr);
colCount = parseInt( colCount );
if (!colCount || colCount < 2) {
colCount = 0;
$.each(opt.states, function(i, colDef){
if (colDef.isVisible) {
if (opt.showNumberOfColumns === colCount) {
return opt;
// Add the new class...
$colCntr.addClass("spwidget-states-" + colCount);
if (opt.showNumberOfColumns) {
"spwidget-states-" + opt.showNumberOfColumns);
opt.showNumberOfColumns = colCount;
return opt;
}, //end: opt.setBoardColumnClass()
* Sets up the button for the Column picker.
setupColumnPicker: function(){
var $colCntr = ele.find(".spwidget-board-column-list-cntr"),
$colList = $colCntr.find("div.spwidget-board-column-list"),
$colFooter = $colCntr.children("div.ui-state-default:last"),
Picker = {
$totalCntr: $colCntr.find("span.spwidget-board-column-total")
* SEts the total selected on the picker and returns
* that total to the caller.
* @return {Integer}
Picker.setTotalSelected = function(){
var total = Picker.getSelected().length;
return total;
}; //end: Picker.setTotalSelected()
* Returns a jQuery object with the list of columns
* selected by the user (anchors <a>)
* @return {jQuery}
Picker.getSelected = function() {
return $colList.find("a.ui-state-highlight");
}; //end: Picker.getSelected()
* Shows a message on the picker
Picker.showMessage = function(msg) {
$('<div class="spwidget-board-msg ui-state-error ui-corner-all">' +
msg + '</div>')
.fadeOut(8000, function(){
* Sets the currently displayed columns on the picker
Picker.setSelected = function() {
var $columns = $colList.find("a");
$.each(opt.states, function(i, colDef){
var $thisCol = $columns.filter(
"[data-board_col_index='" + i + "']" );
if (colDef.isVisible) {
Picker.selectColumn($thisCol, false);
} else {
Picker.selectColumn($thisCol, true);
}; //end: Picker.setSelected()
* Sets the columns (an <a> anchor) to either
* selected or not selected
* @param {HTMLElement} colEle
* Single html element or an array of elements
* @param {Boolean} unSelect
* If true, then the column, regardless of its
* current display setting, will be un-selected.
* @return {HTMLElement} anchor
Picker.selectColumn = function(colEle, unSelect){
var $a = $(this),
$icon = $a.find(".ui-icon");
if ($a.hasClass("ui-state-highlight") || unSelect) {
if (unSelect !== false) {
} else {
return colEle;
}; //end: Picker.selectColumn()
* CHanges the board columns and makes only those selected
* on the COlumn Picker visible. A set of colunsn (the <a>
* element on the picker) can also be given on input, which
* will be used as the set to make visible, regardless of
* their state on the picker.
* @param {jQuery} $selected
* @return {undefined}
Picker.setVisibleColumns = function($selected){
if (!$selected) {
$selected = Picker.getSelected();
var colNum = $selected.length;
// Apply columns
$.each(opt.states, function(i, colDef){
if ($selected.filter(
"[data-board_col_index='" + i + "']"
) {
if (colDef.isVisible === false) {
colDef.isVisible = true;
colDef.dataEle.css("display", "");
colDef.headerEle.css("display", "");
} else {
colDef.isVisible = false;
colDef.dataEle.css("display", "none");
colDef.headerEle.css("display", "none");
// Adjust the board columns height
}; //end: Picker.setVisibleColumns()
* Given an array of visible column names, this method
* will make that set of columns visible.
* Columns are first validated to ensure they exist,
* and the min/max limits are also honored.
Picker.setUserDefinedVisibleCol =
opt.setUserDefinedVisibleCol = function(colList){
var count = 0,
selector = "";
if (!$.isArray(colList)) {
// Build the jQUery selector for the set of columns
// that should be made visible. This selector is used
// to get a set of elements (columns) from the Picker
// that will then drive which columns are visible.
$.each(colList, function(i,columnName){
// loop through the Array of states looking
// for this column. Once found, build the
// jquery selector for it and exit loop
$.each(opt.states, function(i, state){
if (state.title === columnName) {
if (count > 1) {
selector += ",";
selector += "a[data-board_col_name='" + +
return false;
// if we reached the MAX allowed number
// of visible columns, then break loop.
if (count >= opt.maxColumnVisible) {
return false;
// if we have at least 2 columns, then make only the
// requested set visible
if (count >= 2) {
}; //end: Picker.setUserDefinedVisibleCol() and opt.setUserDefinedVisibleCol()
* Triggers a spwidget:boardColumnChange event on the board.
* This is done only if initiazliation has been done.
Picker.triggerEvent = function() {
var columns = [];
if (opt.initDone) {
$.each(opt.statesMap, function(key,defObj){
if (defObj.isVisible){
[ opt.ele, columns ] );
}; //end: PIcker.triggerEvent()
// ----------------- [ setup ] ------------------
// Setup Picker apply button
label: opt.colPickerApplyLabel,
icons: {
secondary: "ui-icon-circle-check"
.on("click", function(ev){
var $selected = Picker.getSelected(),
colNum = $selected.length;
// validate
if (colNum > opt.maxColumnVisible) {
} else if (colNum < 2) {
// Hide container
// Setup Picker CHECK button
.attr("title", opt.colPickerCheckLabel)
text: false,
icons: {
primary: "ui-icon-check"
.on("click", function(ev){
var $sel = Picker.getSelected();
if ($sel.length) {
Picker.selectColumn($sel, true);
} else {
Picker.selectColumn( $colList.find("a") );
// Setup Picker Close button
.attr("title", opt.colPickerCloseLabel)
text: false,
icons: {
primary: "ui-icon-circle-close"
.on("click", function(ev){
// Setup the columns button
.css("display", "")
var $btn = $(this);
label: opt.colPickerLabel,
icons: {
secondary: "ui-icon-triangle-1-s"
.on("click.SPWidgets", function(){
if ($":visible")) {
} else {
my: "left top",
at: "left bottom",
of: $btn
return false;
// Setup the Column choices in the popup
var $cntr = $(this),
columns = "";
$.each(opt.states, function(i,colDef){
columns += '<a href="javascript:" data-board_col_index="' +
i + '" data-board_col_name="' + +
'"><span class="ui-icon ui-icon-minus"></span>' +
'<span>' + colDef.title + '</span></a>';
return false;
.on("click", "a", function(){
// Set the label of the Total
.html( opt.colPickerTotalLabel );
// If user defined colPickerVisible on input, then
// make only those items visible
if ($.isArray(opt.colPickerVisible) && opt.colPickerVisible.length) {
} //end: if() Have opt.colPickerVisible?
}, //end: opt.setupColumnPicker()
* Sets the height on the board header and
* data columns so that they are all equal.
setBoardColumnHeight: function() {
if (":visible")) {
20 );
if (":visible")) {
0 );
} // end: opt.setBoardCOlumnHeight()
});//end: $.extend() set opt
//----------------[ Initialize this instance ]--------------
// Check for Required params
if ( !opt.list || !opt.field ) {
ele.html("<div>SPWidgets:Board [ERROR] Missing required input parameters!</div>");
return this;
// Store instance object and mark element "loading"
ele.addClass("loadingSPShowBoard").data("SPShowBoardOptions", opt);
// get board states from the table definition
// If user did not define CAMLViewFields or the definition
// by the user did not include the Board column then either
// define it here or add on to the set.
if (opt.CAMLViewFields === "") {
opt.CAMLViewFields =
'<ViewFields>' +
'<FieldRef Name="ID" />' +
'<FieldRef Name="Title" />' +
'<FieldRef Name="' + opt.field + '" />' +
} else if (opt.CAMLViewFields.indexOf(opt.field) < 0){
opt.CAMLViewFields = opt.CAMLViewFields.replace(
'<FieldRef Name="' +
opt.field + '" /></ViewFields>'
// Populate the element with the board template
// Get a copy of the state column for both headers and values
opt.tmpltHeader = $("<div/>")
ele.find("div.spwidget-board-headers-cntr div.spwidget-board-state").clone()
opt.tmpltState = $("<div/>")
ele.find("div.spwidget-board-states-cntr div.spwidget-board-state")
// Set the number of columns to display
// If less then 11, then set it to that number
if (opt.states.length <= opt.maxColumnVisible) {
opt.showNumberOfColumns = opt.states.length;
// ELSE, must be higher than 10... Force columnsPicker.
} else {
opt.showColPicker = true;
// Get pointers to the containers in the UI
opt.statesCntr = ele
"spwidget-states-" +
opt.headersCntr = ele
"spwidget-states-" +
// Build the board columns
$.each(opt.states, function(i,v){
v.headerEle = $(opt.tmpltHeader).appendTo(opt.headersCntr)
.attr("data-boardindex", i)
v.dataEle = $(opt.tmpltState).appendTo(opt.statesCntr)
.attr("data-boardindex", i)
// Create the header element that holds the total
v.headerTotalEle = $('<span>&nbsp;[<span class="spwidget-state-item-total">0</span>]</span>')
// Create variable to track if column is visible
v.isVisible = true;
// If the index is greater than 9 (10 columns) then Column
// must be hidden - only support 10 columns.
if (i > (opt.maxColumnVisible - 1) ) {
v.headerEle.css("display", "none");
v.dataEle.css("display", "none");
v.isVisible = false;
}); //end: .each()
// Insert element to clear float elements
.append('<div style="clear:both;"></div>');
// If showColPicker is true, then show the column selector
if (opt.showColPicker === true) {
// Create listeners on the board.
// Bind function to sortable events so that headers stay updated
.on("sortreceive sortremove", function(ev, ui){
// On Sortreceive: update item
.on("sortreceive", function(ev, ui){
var evData = opt.getEventObject(ui.item),
dfd = $.Deferred(),
itemId = '';
// Handle possibly the itemObject being a knockout object
if ($.isFunction(evData.itemObj.ID)) {
itemId = evData.itemObj.ID();
} else {
itemId = evData.itemObj.ID;
// Make the update to the state in SP
evData.updates = []; // Format = SPService UpdateListItems
evData.updatePromise = dfd.promise();
evData.updates.push([ opt.field, evData.currentState ]);
// TODO: need to normalize evData by adding values to itemsModified
// Call any onPreUpdate event. If TRUE (boolean) is returned,
// update is canceled. Note that the UI is not updated to
// reflect a canceled update (ex. item is not moved back to
// original position)
if ($.isFunction(opt.onPreUpdate)) {
if (, ev, ui.item, evData) === true) {
return this;
// If no updates to make, exit here.
if (!evData.updates.length) {
return this;
// Make update to SP item
operation: "UpdateListItems",
listName: opt.list,
async: true,
ID: itemId,
valuepairs: evData.updates,
webURL: opt.webURL,
completefunc: function(xData, status){
// Process Errors
if (status === "error") {
[ 'Communications Error!', xData, status ]);
var resp = $(xData.responseXML),
row = null;
if ( resp.SPMsgHasError() ) {
[ resp.SPGetMsgError(), xData, status ]);
row = $(xData.responseXML).SPFilterNode("z:row")
.SPXmlToJson({includeAllAttrs: true});
"spwidget:boardchange", [ ui.item, evData ] );
dfd.resolveWith(, [row[0], evData.itemObj, xData]);
}//end: completefunc()
}) // end: ele.on("sortreceive")
// Buind event to catch board actions
.on("click", "a.spwidgets-board-action", function(ev){
var $actionEle = $(ev.currentTarget),
action = String(
gotoUrl = "",
thisPageUrl = $.pt.getEscapedUrl(window.location.href);
// TODO: enhance to open item in dialog (SP2010) if that feature is on
switch (action) {
case "edit-item":
gotoUrl = opt.getListFormUrl("EditForm");
case "view-item":
gotoUrl = opt.getListFormUrl("DisplayForm");
} //end: switch()
window.location.href = gotoUrl +
"?ID=" + $"spwidgets_id") +
"&Source=" + thisPageUrl;
return this;
}); //end: ele.on()
// If no template was defined, use default
if (opt.template === null) {
opt.template = $( Board.htmlTemplate )
// Retrieve the items from the List and then
// Display items retrieved on the board
// Make the columns "sortable"
var thisState = $(this);
connectWith: thisState.siblings(),
containment: ele,
cursor: "move",
tolerance: "pointer",
opacity: ".80",
placeholder: "ui-state-highlight spwidget-board-placeholder",
forcePlaceholderSize: true,
remove: function(ev, ui){
}//end: remove()
// Make text inside the states container un-selectable.
opt.initDone = true;
// remove temp class and add the hasSPShowBoard to it.
// Call any user defined callback and trigger create event
if ($.isFunction(opt.onBoardCreate)) {, opt.getEventObject());
[ ele, opt.getEventObject() ] );
}) //end: .then() (get board states)
.fail(function(failureMsg, xData, status){
ele.append('<div class="ui-state-error"><p>' + failureMsg + '</p></div>');
}); //end: .fail() (get board states)
return this;
});//end: return .each()
};//end: $.fn.SPShowBoard()
* @property
* Stores the Style sheet that is inserted into the page the first
* time SPShowBoard() is called.
* Value is set at build time.
Board.styleSheet = "/** \n"
+ " * Stylesheet for the Board widget\n"
+ " * \n"
+ " * BUILD: September 07, 2013 - 03:52 PM\n"
+ " */\n"
+ "div.spwidget-board {\n"
+ " width: 100%;\n"
+ " position: relative;\n"
+ "}\n"
+ "\n"
+ "div.spwidget-board div.spwidget-board-headers,\n"
+ "div.spwidget-board div.spwidget-board-headers-cntr,\n"
+ "div.spwidget-board div.spwidget-board-states-cntr, \n"
+ "div.spwidget-board div.spwidget-board-states {\n"
+ " width: 100%;\n"
+ "}\n"
+ "\n"
+ "div.spwidget-board div.spwidget-board-state {\n"
+ " width: 49%;\n"
+ " float: left;\n"
+ " margin: .1%;\n"
+ " padding: .2%;\n"
+ " overflow: auto;\n"
+ "}\n"
+ "\n"
+ "div.spwidget-board div.spwidget-board-headers-cntr {\n"
+ " border: none;\n"
+ "}\n"
+ "div.spwidget-board div.spwidget-board-headers-cntr div.spwidget-board-state {\n"
+ " text-align: center;\n"
+ " font-weight: bold;\n"
+ " font-size: 1.1em;\n"
+ " overflow: hidden;\n"
+ " word-wrap: break-word;\n"
+ "}\n"
+ "div.spwidget-board div.spwidget-board-states div.spwidget-board-state {\n"
+ " margin-bottom: 1em;\n"
+ " min-height: 10em;\n"
+ "}\n"
+ "\n"
+ "div.spwidget-board div.spwidget-board-state div.spwidget-board-state-item {\n"
+ " padding: .2em;\n"
+ " margin: .5em .2em;\n"
+ " font-weight: normal;\n"
+ " cursor: move;\n"
+ " overflow: auto;\n"
+ "}\n"
+ "div.spwidget-board div.spwidget-board-state-item div.spwidget-board-item-actions{\n"
+ " margin-top: .2em;\n"
+ " padding: .2em .5em;\n"
+ " overflow: hidden;\n"
+ "}\n"
+ "div.spwidget-board .spwidget-board-placeholder {\n"
+ " height: 3em;\n"
+ "}\n"
+ "\n"
+ "/** Setting container */\n"
+ "div.spwidget-board-settings {\n"
+ " font-size: .8em;\n"
+ " margin: .2em;\n"
+ "}\n"
+ "div.spwidget-board-settings div.spwidget-board-column-list-cntr {\n"
+ " z-index: 5;\n"
+ " position: absolute;\n"
+ "}\n"
+ "div.spwidget-board-settings div.spwidget-board-column-list-cntr > div {\n"
+ " padding: .2em;\n"
+ "}\n"
+ "div.spwidget-board-settings div.spwidget-board-column-list-cntr > div:first-child,\n"
+ "div.spwidget-board-settings div.spwidget-board-column-list-cntr > div:last-child {\n"
+ " text-align: right;\n"
+ "}\n"
+ "div.spwidget-board-settings div.spwidget-board-column-list {\n"
+ " width: 20em;\n"
+ " height: 17em;\n"
+ " overflow: auto;\n"
+ " position: relative\n"
+ "}\n"
+ "div.spwidget-board-settings div.spwidget-board-column-list-cntr .spwidget-board-msg {\n"
+ " position: absolute;\n"
+ " top: 1px;\n"
+ " left: 1px;\n"
+ " padding: .2em;\n"
+ "}\n"
+ "div.spwidget-board-settings div.ui-state-default {\n"
+ " position: relative;\n"
+ "}\n"
+ "div.spwidget-board-settings div.spwidget-board-column-list > a {\n"
+ " display: block;\n"
+ " margin: .2em;\n"
+ " padding: .2em;\n"
+ "}\n"
+ "div.spwidget-board-settings div.spwidget-board-column-list > a > span.ui-icon {\n"
+ " display: inline-block;\n"
+ "}\n"
+ "\n"
+ "/* Number of Columns (96 % #columns)\n"
+ " * Currently support 10 columns. \n"
+ " */\n"
+ "div.spwidget-board .spwidget-states-3 div.spwidget-board-state {\n"
+ " width: 32.4%;\n"
+ "}\n"
+ "div.spwidget-board .spwidget-states-4 div.spwidget-board-state {\n"
+ " width: 24%;\n"
+ "}\n"
+ "div.spwidget-board .spwidget-states-5 div.spwidget-board-state {\n"
+ " width: 19.1%;\n"
+ "}\n"
+ "div.spwidget-board .spwidget-states-6 div.spwidget-board-state {\n"
+ " width: 15.8%;\n"
+ "}\n"
+ "div.spwidget-board .spwidget-states-7 div.spwidget-board-state {\n"
+ " width: 13.4%;\n"
+ "}\n"
+ "div.spwidget-board .spwidget-states-8 div.spwidget-board-state {\n"
+ " width: 11.6%;\n"
+ "}\n"
+ "div.spwidget-board .spwidget-states-9 div.spwidget-board-state {\n"
+ " width: 10.2%;\n"
+ "}\n"
+ "div.spwidget-board .spwidget-states-10 div.spwidget-board-state {\n"
+ " width: 9.1%;\n"
+ "}\n";
* @property
* Stores the HTML template for each Board widget.
* Value is set at build time.
Board.htmlTemplate = "<div class=\"spwidget-board\">\n"
+ " <div class=\"spwidget-board-settings\" style=\"display:none;\">\n"
+ " <div class='spwidget-board-settings-columns'>Columns</div>\n"
+ " <div class=\"spwidget-board-column-list-cntr ui-widget-content ui-corner-all\" style=\"display: none\">\n"
+ " <div class=\"ui-state-default\">\n"
+ " <span>\n"
+ " <span class=\"spwidget-board-column-total\"></span> \n"
+ " <span class=\"spwidget-board-column-total-label\">Selected.</span>\n"
+ " </span>\n"
+ " <button type=\"button\" name=\"check\" title=\"Check-Uncheck All\">Check</button>\n"
+ " <button type=\"button\" name=\"close\" title=\"Close\">Close</button>\n"
+ " </div>\n"
+ " <div class=\"spwidget-board-column-list\">\n"
+ " </div>\n"
+ " <div class=\"ui-state-default\">\n"
+ " <button type=\"button\" name=\"apply\">Apply</button>\n"
+ " </div>\n"
+ " </div>\n"
+ " </div>\n"
+ " <div class=\"spwidget-board-headers\">\n"
+ " <div class=\"spwidget-board-headers-cntr ui-widget-content ui-corner-all\">\n"
+ " <div class=\"spwidget-board-state ui-widget-content ui-corner-all\"></div>\n"
+ " <div style=\"clear:both;\"></div>\n"
+ " </div>\n"
+ " </div>\n"
+ " <div style=\"clear:both;\"></div>\n"
+ " <div class=\"spwidget-board-states\">\n"
+ " <div class=\"spwidget-board-states-cntr\">\n"
+ " <div class=\"spwidget-board-state ui-widget-content ui-corner-all\"></div>\n"
+ " <div style=\"clear:both;\"></div>\n"
+ " </div>\n"
+ " </div>\n"
+ " <div style=\"clear:both;\"></div>\n"
+ "</div>\n"
+ "<div class=\"spwidget-item-template\">\n"
+ " <div>\n"
+ " <div>#{{ID}}: {{Title}}</div>\n"
+ " <div class=\"ui-state-active ui-corner-all spwidget-board-item-actions\">\n"
+ " <a class=\"spwidgets-board-action\" href=\"javascript:\" title=\"View Item\" data-spwidgets_id=\"{{ID}}\" data-spwidgets_board_action=\"view-item\"><img src=\"/_layouts/images/icgen.gif\" border=\"0\"/></a>\n"
+ " <a class=\"spwidgets-board-action\" href=\"javascript:\" title=\"Edit Item\" data-spwidgets_id=\"{{ID}}\" data-spwidgets_board_action=\"edit-item\"><img src=\"/_layouts/images/CMSEditSourceDoc.GIF\" border=\"0\"/></a>\n"
+ " </div>\n"
+ " </div>\n"
+ "</div>\n";
* Widget that turn an input field into a lookup field. The
* field will store only the ID's (one or more) for the items
* that the user picks.
* THe user, however, is presented with the existing items
* and has the ability to Remove them and add new ones.
* BUILD: Paul:November 04, 2013 07:09 PM
"use strict";
/*jslint nomen: true, plusplus: true */
/*global SPWidgets */
* Namespace for pickSPUser specific methods.
* @name Lookup
* @class Namespace for lookup Field plugin
var Lookup = {
_islookupFieldCssDone: false,
_isLookupbodyEventDone: false
// Default options
$.SPWidgets.defaults.LookupField = {
list: '',
allowMultiples: true,
inputLabel: '',
inputPlaceholder: 'Type and Pick',
readOnly: false,
exactMatch: true,
uiContainer: null,
selectFields: ['Title'],
filter: '',
filterFields: ['Title'],
filterOrderBy: '',
template: '<div>{{Title}} <span class="spwidgets-item-remove">[x]</span></div>',
listTemplate: '{{Title}}',
listHeight: 0,
onItemAdd: null,
onItemRemove: null,
onReady: null,
msgNoItems: "",
maxResults: 50,
minLength: 2,
hideInput: true,
padDelimeter: false,
showSelector: false
* Converts the selection into a Sharepoint Lookup Field.
* @param {Object} options
* @param {String} options.list
* List name from where lookup will be done.
* @param {Boolean} [options.allowMultiples=true]
* Set to false if wanting only 1 item to be referenced.
* @param {String} [options.inputLabel=""]
* The label for the input field.
* @param {String} [options.inputPlaceholder="Type and Pick"]
* The value to be used in the Input Field placeholder
* attribute (HTML5 attribute)
* @param {Boolean} [options.exactMatch=true]
* If set to false, then the text entered by the user will
* be parsed into individual keywords and a search will be
* done on those instead.
* @param {Boolean} [options.readOnly=false]
* If true, field is displayed as readonly.
* @param {Selector|Object} [options.uiContainer=null]
* The container where the UI widget should be inserted.
* Default is directly after the input field
* @param {Array} options.selectFields=["Title"]
* Array of field names (internal names) that should be
* returned. ID is also used when the input value by the
* user is an integer.
* @param {String} [options.filter=""]
* Any additional filter criteria (in CAML format) to be
* added to the query when retrieving the Lookup values
* from the list.
* Example:
* <Contains>
* <FieldRef Name="Title" />
* <Value Type="Text">New</Value>
* </Contains>
* @param {String} [options.filterOrderBy='']
* The OrderBy (sort) CAML string used when retrieving values
* from the List.
* Example:
* <OrderBy>
* <FieldRef Name="Title" Ascending="TRUE"/>
* </OrderBy>
* @param {Array} [options.filterFields=["Title"]]
* Array of fields name (internal names) that will be used
* to filter data against.
* Example:
* options.filterFields=[
* "Title",
* "Description",
* "Notes"
* ]
* @param {String} [options.template="..."]
* The template to be used for displaying the item once selected.
* Use the following format for item Field placeholders
* {{fieldInternalName}}. When defining HTML, an element containing
* a call of 'spwidgets-item-remove' will be used to remove the item
* from the selected list.
* Example:
* options.template='<div>{{Title}} [<span class="spwidgets-item-remove">x</span>]</div>',
* @param {String} [options.listTemplate="..."]
* The template to be used for displaying the items displayed as
* suggestion (autocomplete values).
* Use the following format for item Field placeholders
* {{fieldInternalName}}. Example: {{Title}}
* @param {Number} [options.listHeight=0]
* The height to be set on the Autocomplete suggesion box.
* Use this value when there is a chance for allot of values
* to be returned on a query.
* @param {Boolean} [options.padDelimeter=false]
* If true, then an extra delimeter (;#) will be inserted at
* the begining of the stored value.
* Example: ;#;#5;# (normal would be: 5;#)
* @param {Function} [options.onReady=null]
* Triggered after the LookupField has been setup. This is
* triggered either after completing the UI setup, or if the
* field already had pre-defined values, after retrieving that
* data and displaying it.
* Function will be given a scope of the original selector
* (the field) as well as the following input params:
* 1) widget container (jQuery)
* Example:
* onReady: function(widgetCntr){
* //this=original selector to where the widget was bound
* }
* @param {Function} [options.onItemAdd=null]
* Function that will be called when adding a new item reference
* to the list of currently picked item. This method could, if
* necessary remove the new item from the UI (ex. due to some
* custom validation rule).
* The function will be given a scope of the bound area (the
* input field) as well as two input parameters:
* 1) A jQuery object representing the new item
* on the UI and
* 2) An object with the item's information
* Example:
* onItemAdd: function($newItemSelection, itemObject, widgetCntr){
* //this=original selector to where the widget was bound
* }
* @param {Function} [options.onItemRemove=null]
* Function that is called when items are removed. Return Boolean
* false will cancel the removal of the items.
* Function is given the list of items on the UI, an array of
* objects that represent the row data structure (as retrieved from
* SP) and the Widget container on the page
* Example:
* onItemRemove: function($items, itemObjects, $widgetCntr ){
* //this=bound element
* }
* @param {String} [options.msgNoItems=""]
* Message to be displayed when no items are selected. Set this
* to null/blank if wanting nothing to be displayed, which will
* result in only the input selection field being displayed.
* @param {Integer} [options.maxResults=50]
* Max number of results to be returned as the user types the filter
* @param {Integer} [options.minLength=2]
* The minimum length before the autocomplete search is triggered.
* @param {Boolean} [options.hideInput=true]
* Option used only when allowMultiples is false. It will hide
* the input field once a value has been selected. Only way to
* get it displayed again is to remove existing selected item.
* @param {Boolean} [options.hideInput=false]
* If true, then an icon will be displayed to the right of the
* selection input field that displays a popup displaysing all
* values currently in the lookup List.
* @return {jQuery} Selection
* Methods:
* jQuery(ele).SPLookupField("method", <action>, <options>)
* clear Clears all items currently reference.
* Usage:
* $(ele).SPLookupField("method", "clear"); // clears all
* $(ele).SPLookupField("method", "clear", 5); // clear ID=5
* $(ele).SPLookupField("method", "clear", [5, 123455]); // clear ID=5 and 123455
* add Adds a lookup value to the widget. (does not clear existing)
* Usage:
* $(ele).SPLookupField("method", "add", "45;#test;#234;#test 2")
$.fn.SPLookupField = function(options) {
// if the global styles have not yet been inserted into the page, do it now
if (!Lookup._islookupFieldCssDone) {
Lookup._islookupFieldCssDone = true;
$('<style type="text/css">' + "\n\n" +
Lookup.styleSheet +
// Store the arguments given to this function. Used later if the
// user is trying to execute a method of this plugin.
var arg = arguments;
// Initiate each selection as a Lookup element
var ele = $(this);
// TODO: may need to change code below if going to bind to other types of fields (like select)
// FIXME: when allowing textarea, need to ensure that its definition is textonly (no HTML)
if ( ( !"input") && !"textarea") )
|| ele.hasClass("hasLookupSPField")
// if the first argument is a string, and this is an input
// field, then process methods
if (typeof options === "string" &&"input")) {
var o ="SPWidgetLookupFieldUI").data("SPWidgetLookupFieldOpt");
if (options.toLowerCase() === 'method') {
var cmd = String(arg[1] || '').toLowerCase();
var cmdOpt = arg[2];
// ====> ACTION: clear
if (cmd === "clear") {
if (!$.isArray(cmdOpt)) {
if (cmdOpt) {
cmdOpt = [ cmdOpt ];
} else {
cmdOpt = [];
// If we have no ID, then blank them all out.
if (!cmdOpt.length) {
// Else, we must have an id defined. Parse that
// and remove only those items.
} else {
// find all the ID's in the UI
var $rmItems = $();
$.each(cmdOpt, function(i, id){
$rmItems = $rmItems.add(
.find("div.spwidgets-item-id-" + id)
// Remove them.
Lookup.removeItem(o, $rmItems);
// ====> ACTION: add
} else if (cmd === "add") {
Lookup.addItem(o, cmdOpt);
}//end: options === method
// Exit
return this;
// Options for this element
var o = $.extend(
_ele: ele.css("display", "none").addClass("hasLookupSPField")
* Displays items selected by the user on the UI and updates
* the original input element if necessary.
* @params {Array|Object} items
* An object or array of objects with the rows
* to be shown as slected. Object contains the row
* metadata as retrieved from Sharepoint and used on
* the autocomplete widget
* @params {Boolean} [doNotStoreIds=false]
* If true, then the IDs of the items that will be
* shown as selected will not be added to the input
* field. Good for when initially displaying data
* that is defined in the intput field
* (ex. when the widget is first bound)
o.showSelectedItems = function(items, doNotStoreIds) {
var itemCntr = o._selectedItemsCntr.css("display", ""),
itemList = [],
wasUpdated = false;
// If this is the first item, empty container
if ( !itemCntr.find("div.spwidgets-item").length
|| o.allowMultiples === false
) {
// If input is an array, then use that to iterate over.
if ( $.isArray(items) ) {
itemList = items;
// Else, the input must not be an array (assume single object)
// Add it as an item in the defiend array.
} else {
// Loop through each item to be shown as selected
$.each(itemList, function(i, item){
// If this item is not yet displayed, then add it now
if (!itemCntr.find("div.spwidgets-item-id-" + item.ID).length) {
// Create the new item UI and append it to the
// display area.
var thisItemUI =
$('<div class="spwidgets-item spwidgets-item-id-' + item.ID +
'" data-spid="' + item.ID + '" style="display:none">' +
$.SPWidgets.fillTemplate(o.template, item) +
.appendTo( itemCntr )
.on("click.SPWidgets", function(ev){
// If an onAddItem event was defined, AND the storage
// of the ID are is not being bypassed, then then run it now
if ($.isFunction(o.onItemAdd) && doNotStoreIds !== true) {, thisItemUI, item, o._cntr);
// If item is still present in the selction list
// then continue on to add its ID to the input field
// which is used to store it in the DB.
// We check this here because the .onItemAdd() event
// could have removed it from the UI
if ( itemCntr.find("div.spwidgets-item-id-" + item.ID).length > 0 ) {
wasUpdated = true;
// Show the new item on the page.
$(this).css("display", "");
// Store this item's ID in the input field
if (doNotStoreIds !== true) {
o.storeItemIDs(item.ID, o.allowMultiples);
// If allowMultiples is false, then check if the input field
// should be hidden
if (o.allowMultiples === false && o.hideInput === true) {
o._lookupInputEleCntr.css("display", "none");
} //end: if() is item still in the UI (after .onItemAdd())
} //end: if(): item already displayed?
});//end: .each() item
// If readOnly = true, then remove the "delete item"
// link from the elements
if (o.readOnly) {
// if an update was made, then trigger the change() event on the
// original input element.
if (wasUpdated) {
};//end: o.showSelectedItems()
* Stores the ID's of the selected items in the
* input field that this widget was bound to.
* @param {Array|String} ids
* @param {Boolean} [append=false]
o.storeItemIDs = function(ids, append) {
// Store item in input field, by appending this new
// item to the end of the existing data in the input.
var newItemValue = $.trim( o._ele.val() ),
isPadDone = false;
// If ID's not an array, then converted to one and
// assign its value to the new array.
if ( !$.isArray(ids) ) {
ids = [ ids ];
// If append is not true, then erase whatever
// data might be there now.
if (append !== true) {
newItemValue = "";
// Loop through all element and add them to the string
// that will be used to update the input field.
$.each( ids, function( i, thisID ){
if (thisID){
// If existing input is blank and padDelimeter is
// true, then add an extra delimeter to the begening of the
// string.
if (newItemValue.length < 1 && o.padDelimeter === true && !isPadDone ) {
newItemValue += ";#";
isPadDone = true;
// If data is already in the input field, then add
// delimeter to end of the data.
if (newItemValue.length > 0) {
newItemValue += ";#";
newItemValue += thisID + ";#";
// TODO: Support for having the Title also be saved - similar to SP
// Does the .Title value need to be escaped
// Store the values back on the input element.
};//end: o.storeItemIDs()
* Looks at the input field where this widget was bound to
* and displays the items (rows) that are currently stored
* there in the widget.
* @param {Object} options
* @param {Boolean} [options.aysnc=true]
* @return {jQuery.Deferred}
* A deferred because based on those values in the input
* calls will be made to the server to retrieve their data.
* Deferred is resolved with a scope of the intance object
* (o) and given two input params: xData, Status.. Note that
* these could be null if input was not set
o.showCurrentInputSelection = function(options) {
return $.Deferred(function(dfd){
var opt = $.extend({}, {
async: true
}, options),
items = $.SPWidgets.parseLookupFieldValue(o._ele.val());
if (!items.length) {
dfd.resolveWith(o, [null, null]);
operation: "GetListItems",
async: opt.async,
listName: o.list,
CAMLQuery: '<Query><Where>' +
type: 'OR',
values: items,
onEachValue: function(n){
var s = "";
if ( {
s = "<Eq><FieldRef Name='ID'/>" +
"<Value Type='Counter'>" + + "</Value></Eq>";
return s;
}) +
CAMLViewFields: "<ViewFields>" +
o._selectFields + "</ViewFields>",
CAMLRowLimit: 0,
completefunc: function(xData, status) {
// Display the items.
var arrayOfCurrentItems = $(xData.responseXML)
includeAllAttrs: true,
removeOws: true
// Add to autocomplete cache
o.showSelectedItems( arrayOfCurrentItems, true );
dfd.resolveWith(o, [xData, status]);
}//end: completefunc()
}); //end: SPSErvices
}) //end: deferred()
}; //end: o.showCurrentInputSelection()
* Checks the cache object (o._autocompleteCache), which is
* used to store the objects of data used by the Autocomplete
* function, for an object matching the ID provided on input.
* @param {String} itemId
* @return {null|Object}
o.getItemObjectFromCache = function(itemId) {
var itemObj = null;
$.each(o._autocompleteCache, function(key, rows){
$.each(rows, function(i, row){
if (row.ID == itemId){
itemObj = row;
return false;
if (itemObj !== null) {
return false;
return itemObj;
}; //end: o.getItemObjectFromCache()
* Add a new row or rows to the autocomplete
* cache. Cache token will be each row ID.
o.addToAutocompleteCache = function(rows){
if (!$.isArray(rows)) {
rows = [rows];
$.each(rows, function(i, row){
if (!o._autocompleteCache[row.ID]) {
o._autocompleteCache[row.ID] = [];
o._autocompleteCache[row.ID].push( row );
}; //end: o.addToAutocommpleteCache();
// Create the UI container and store the options object in the input field
o._cntr = $(Lookup.htmlTemplate)
// Insert the widget container into the UI
if (o.uiContainer === null) {
} else {
// Define references to the different elements of the UI
o._selectedItemsCntr = o._cntr.find("div.spwidgets-lookup-selected");
o._lookupInputEleCntr = o._cntr.find("div.spwidgets-lookup-input");
o._lookupInputEle = o._lookupInputEleCntr
o._ignoreKeywordsRegEx = (/^(of|and|a|an|to|by|the|or)$/i);"SPWidgetLookupFieldOpt", o);"SPWidgetLookupFieldUI", o._cntr);
// If showSelector is false, remove the option from the UI...
// FIXME: maybe we realy want to hide it? case the option is changed later?
if (!o.showSelector){
// Else, bind methods for handling the selector.
} else {
o._selectorCntr = o._cntr.find("div.spwidget-lookup-selector-cntr");
o._queryInitDone = false;
.on("click", function(ev){
if (":visible")) {
o._selectorCntr.css("display", "none");
} else {
.css("display", "block")
my: "left top",
at: "left bottom",
of: o._lookupInputEle
if (!o._queryInitDone) {
o._queryInitDone = true;
} //end: if/else(): how/hide
text: false,
icons: {
primary: "ui-icon-circle-close"
o._selectorCntr.css("display", "none");
// If user focuses on the Input field (autocomplete),
// then hide the selector if visible
o._lookupInputEle.on("focus", function(ev){
if (":visible")) {
o._selectorCntr.css("display", "none");
} //end: else(): ShowSelector is true
// If an input label was defined, then set it, else, remove input label
if (o.inputLabel) {
o._cntr.find("div.spwidgets-lookup-input label")
} else {
o._cntr.find("div.spwidgets-lookup-input label").remove();
// insert placeholder
if (o.inputPlaceholder) {
.attr("placeholder", o.inputPlaceholder);
// Hide the ADD input field if we're in readonly mode
if (o.readOnly === true) {
o._lookupInputEleCntr.css("display", "none");
// Convert the list of fields to CAML
o._selectFields = "";
$.each(o.selectFields, function(i, f){
o._selectFields += "<FieldRef Name='" + f + "'/>";
// Get the token names from the text template
o._templateTokens = String(o.template).match(/(\$\{.*?\})/g);
if (o._templateTokens == null) {
o._templateTokens = [];
$.each(o._templateTokens, function(i, thisToken){
o._templateTokens[i] = thisToken.replace(/[\$\{\}]/g, "");
// Bind an Autocomplete to the ADD input of the Lookup widget
// Cache is kept by [searchTerm]: ArrayOfObjects (rows from DB)
var cache = o._autocompleteCache = {};
o._cntr.find("div.spwidgets-lookup-input input")
minLength: 2,
appendTo: o._cntr,
* Add format to the pick options and set height
* if it was defined on input.
open: function(ev, ui){
if (o.listHeight > 0) {
$(this).css("height", o.listHeight + "px");
return false;
// TODO: need to create a class to place a border around suggestion.
// then, add to the above: .find("a").addClass("classname here")
* Searches for the data to be displayed in the autocomplete choices.
source: function(request, response){
request.term = $.trim(request.term);
// If search term is in cache, return it now
var termCacheName = String($.trim(request.term)).toUpperCase();
if (termCacheName in cache) {
cache[termCacheName] = [];
var filterItems = [];
// If search term contains only digits, then do a search on ID
var term = String(request.term);
if ( term.match(/\D/) === null
&& term.match(/\d/) !== null) {
"<Eq><FieldRef Name='ID'/>" +
"<Value Type='Counter'>" +
term + "</Value></Eq>" );
// Else, search all Fields defined by the caller for the term
} else {
var keywords = [request.term];
if (!o.exactMatch) {
keywords = String(request.term).split(/ /);
// For each search field, build the search using AND logical
for (var n=0,m=o.filterFields.length; n<m; n++){
var fieldFilters = [];
for (var i=0,j=keywords.length; i<j; i++){
if (!o._ignoreKeywordsRegEx.test(keywords[i])) {
"<Contains><FieldRef Name='" + o.filterFields[n] + "'/>" +
"<Value Type='Text'>" + keywords[i] + "</Value></Contains>" );
values: fieldFilters,
type: "AND"
// Build the query using OR statements
var camlFilter = $.SPWidgets.getCamlLogical({
values: filterItems,
type: "OR"
// If caller defined extra REQUIRED criteria, then
// build it into the query.
if (o.filter) {
camlFilter = $.SPWidgets.getCamlLogical({
values: [camlFilter, o.filter],
type: "AND"
// Find the items based on the user's input
operation: "GetListItems",
listName: o.list,
async: true,
CAMLQuery: '<Query><Where>' + camlFilter + '</Where>' +
o.filterOrderBy + '</Query>',
CAMLRowLimit: o.maxResults,
CAMLViewFields: "<ViewFields>" + o._selectFields + "</ViewFields>",
completefunc: function(xData, status){
var thisEle = $(this);
var thisDt = thisEle.SPXmlToJson({includeAllAttrs: true})[0];
thisDt.value = "";
thisDt.label = $.SPWidgets.fillTemplate(o.listTemplate, thisDt );
// Add to cache
// Return response
* Event bound to an autocomplete suggestion.
* @param {jQuery} ev - jQuery event.
* @param {Object} u - An object containing the element generated above
* by the <source> method that represents the item
* that was selected.
select: function(ev, u){
}//end: event: select()
* ON enter key, if value is less than the minLength, then
* Force a search. We pad the query string with spaces so
* that it gets pass the autocomplete options set during setup.
.on("keyup.SPWidgets", function(ev){
if (ev.which != 13 ) { return; }
var v = $(;
if (v) {
if (String(v).length < o.minLength) {
$("search", v + " ");
// If the input field has values, then parse them and display them
if (o._ele.val()) {
.then(function(xData, status){
// Call onReady function if one was defined.
if ($.isFunction(o.onReady)) {, o._cntr);
// ELSE, input was blank. Trigger onReady if applicable.
} else {
if ($.isFunction(o.onReady)) {, o._cntr);
} // end: if()
return this;
return this;
};//end: $.fn.SPLookupField()
* Removes an item or array of item from the selection.
* The html element is removed from UI and the input
* element is updated to not contain that ID
* @memberOf Lookup.lookupField
* @param {Object} o
* @param {Object} htmlEle
* A jQuery selection of elements to remove.
* @return {Object} Lookup
Lookup.removeItem = function(o, htmlEle) {
var e = $(htmlEle).closest('div.spwidgets-item'),
cntr = o._selectedItemsCntr,
store = [];
// If an onItemRemove param was defined, then trigger it now
// Use the store[] array to temporarly store the item IDs that
// will be removed. This is used to provide it to the callback.
if ($.isFunction(o.onItemRemove)) {
o.getItemObjectFromCache( $(this).data("spid") )
if (, e, store, o._cntr) === false){
return Lookup;
store = [];
// Hide the item the user removed from the UI
// If AllowMultiple is false and msgNoItem is false
// then hide the selected items container
if ( !o.msgNoItems
&& ( o.allowMultiples === false
|| ( o.allowMultiples === true
&& cntr.find("div.spwidgets-item").length < 1
) {
cntr.css("display", "none");
// If allowMultiples is false, and hideInput is true, then make sure
// it is visible again
if ( o.allowMultiples === false && o.hideInput === true ) {
o._lookupInputEleCntr.css("display", "");
// If a message was defined for no items selected,
// then show it now.
if ( cntr.find("div.spwidgets-item").length < 1 && o.msgNoItems ) {
cntr.append("<div>" + o.msgNoItems + "</div>");
// Get a new list of items to store
// Focus on the autocomplete field.
// remove the item and trigger a change event
o.storeItemIDs( store );
return Lookup;
* Adds items to the Lookup widget. Method is used with the
* "add" method on this widget.
* Takes a string of values in format id;#title (title optional)
* and adds them to the input element and then calls the
* Inst.showCurrentInputSelection() method to display them.
* @param {Object} Inst The instance object for the widget
* @param {String} strItems The sting of items to add.
* @return {Object} Inst
Lookup.addItem = function(Inst, strItems) {
if (!strItems || typeof strItems !== "string") {
return Inst;
var newVal = Inst._ele.val();
if (newVal === "" && Inst.padDelimeter === true) {
newVal += ";#";
if (newVal) {
newVal += ";#";
newVal += strItems;
return Inst;
}; //end: Lookup.addItem()
* Initializes the Selector with data from the List.
* @param {Object} Inst
* The widget instance object.
* @return {Object} Inst
Lookup.doSelectorDataInit = function(Inst) {
var opt = {
$resultsCntr: Inst._selectorCntr
nextPageToken: '',
isLoading: false,
hasMorePages: true,
$lastPage: $(),
queryXml: (
? '<Query><Where>' + Inst.filter +
'</Where>' + Inst.filterOrderBy + '</Query>'
: '<Query>' + Inst.filterOrderBy + '</Query>'
// If the global listner is not yet setup, do it now
if (!Lookup._isLookupbodyEventDone) {
Lookup._isLookupbodyEventDone = true;
$("body").on("click", function(ev){
var $ele = $(,
$allSelectors = $("div.spwidget-lookup-selector-cntr:visible"),
$clickArea = null;
if ($allSelectors.length) {
$clickArea = $ele.closest("div.spwidget-lookup-selector-cntr");
if (!$clickArea.length && $".spwidget-lookup-selector-showhide")) {
$clickArea = $ele.parent().find("div.spwidget-lookup-selector-cntr");
* Gets the rows from the list and keeps
* a reference to the next page ID so that
* on subsquent calls, it will be used.
* @return {jQuery.Promise}
* Promise is resolved with a context of the
* page of data that was inserted into the
* selector.
opt.getListRows = function(){
return $.Deferred(function(dfd){
// If we're already busy getting results, exit...
if (opt.isLoading) {
dfd.resolveWith($lastPage, [$lastPage]);
opt.isLoading = true;
// Get the data from the list using the user's filter,
// maxResult and SelectFields. Then populate the selector
// with the data found.
operation: "GetListItems",
listName: Inst.list,
async: true,
CAMLQuery: opt.queryXml,
CAMLRowLimit: Inst.maxResults,
CAMLViewFields: "<ViewFields>" + Inst._selectFields +
CAMLQueryOptions: (function(){
if (opt.nextPageToken !== "") {
return '<QueryOptions>' +
"<Paging ListItemCollectionPositionNext='" +
$.SPWidgets.escapeXML(opt.nextPageToken) +
completefunc: function(xData, status){
var $resp = $(xData.responseXML),
$rsData = $resp.SPFilterNode("rs:data").eq(0),
rows = $resp
includeAllAttrs: true,
removeOws: true
$page = $("<div/>").insertBefore(opt.$nextPage),
rowsHtml = '';
// Store the NextPage Token
opt.nextPageToken = $rsData.attr("ListItemCollectionPositionNext") || '';
if (opt.nextPageToken === "") {
opt.hasMorePages = false;
$.each(rows, function(i, row){
// Add row to autocomplete cache
// Create the same attribute as those that are created for
// the Autocomplete widget. Ensure consistency should we
// do more with this in the future.
row.value = "";
row.label = $.SPWidgets.fillTemplate(Inst.listTemplate, row );
rowsHtml += '<div class="spwidget-lookup-item" data-spwidgetsindex="' +
i + '">' + row.label + '</div>'
var $e = $(this)
.on("click", "div.spwidget-lookup-item", function(ev){
var thisRowIndex = $(this).data("spwidgetsindex");
opt.isLoading = false;
dfd.resolveWith($page, [$page]);
} //end: completefunc()
// Create the "next page" button
opt.$nextPage = $('<div class="ui-state-highlight spwidget-lookup-selector-next">Next...</div>')
if (!opt.hasMorePages) {
opt.$nextPage.css("display", "none");
// Get teh list of rows and then:
// if more pages exist - display the next button
// if not and no items were displayed, then show message
if (opt.hasMorePages) {
opt.$nextPage.css("display", "");
} else if (!$page.children().length) {
$page.append("<div class='ui-state-highlight'>No Items Found!</div>");
return Inst;
}; //end: Lookup.doSelectorDataInit()
* @property
* @memberOf Lookup.lookupField
* Stores the Style sheet that is inserted into the page the first
* time lookupField is called.
* Value is set at build time.
Lookup.styleSheet = "/**\n"
+ " * Stylesheet for the Lookup Field widget.\n"
+ " * \n"
+ " */\n"
+ "\n"
+ ".spwidgets-lookup-cntr {\n"
+ " position: relative;\n"
+ " display: inline-block;\n"
+ " zoom: 1; /* IE7 hack */\n"
+ " *display: inline; /* IE7 hack */\n"
+ "}\n"
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ ".spwidgets-lookup-cntr .spwidgets-lookup-selected {\n"
+ " -moz-appearance: textfield;\n"
+ " -webkit-appearance: textfield;\n"
+ " background-color: white;\n"
+ " background-color: -moz-field;\n"
+ " border: 1px solid darkgray;\n"
+ " box-shadow: 1px 1px 1px 0 lightgray inset; \n"
+ " font: -moz-field;\n"
+ " font: -webkit-small-control;\n"
+ " margin-top: 5px;\n"
+ " padding: 2px 5px; \n"
+ "}\n"
+ "\n"
+ ".spwidgets-lookup-cntr .spwidgets-lookup-selected .spwidgets-item {\n"
+ " display: inline-block;\n"
+ " margin-left: .5em;\n"
+ "}\n"
+ ".spwidgets-lookup-cntr .spwidgets-item:first-child {\n"
+ " margin-left: 0px;\n"
+ "}\n"
+ ".spwidgets-lookup-cntr .spwidgets-item-remove {\n"
+ " color: red;\n"
+ " font-size: xx-small;\n"
+ " vertical-align: super;\n"
+ " cursor: pointer;\n"
+ "}\n"
+ "\n"
+ ".spwidgets-lookup-cntr .spwidgets-lookup-input {\n"
+ " margin: .2em 0em;\n"
+ " position: relative;\n"
+ "}\n"
+ ".spwidgets-lookup-cntr .spwidgets-lookup-input input {\n"
+ " width: 99%;\n"
+ "}\n"
+ ".spwidgets-lookup-cntr ul.ui-autocomplete {\n"
+ " overflow: auto;\n"
+ " z-index: 1;\n"
+ "}\n"
+ "\n"
+ "/* Ready only display */\n"
+ ".spwidgets-lookup-cntr div.spwidget-lookup-readyonly .spwidgets-lookup-selected {\n"
+ " -moz-appearance: none;\n"
+ " -webkit-appearance: none;\n"
+ " background-color: transparent;\n"
+ " border: none;\n"
+ " box-shadow: none;\n"
+ " font: inherit;\n"
+ "}\n"
+ ".spwidgets-lookup-cntr div.spwidget-lookup-readyonly .spwidgets-item-remove {\n"
+ " display: none;\n"
+ "}\n"
+ "\n"
+ "/** SELECTOR */\n"
+ ".spwidgets-lookup-cntr .spwidget-lookup-selector-showhide {\n"
+ " background-repeat: no-repeat;\n"
+ " background-image: url(\"/_layouts/images/bizdatacontentsource.gif\");\n"
+ " cursor: pointer;\n"
+ " display: block;\n"
+ " position: absolute;\n"
+ " text-indent: -99999px;\n"
+ " z-index: 5;\n"
+ " height: 16px;\n"
+ " width: 16px;\n"
+ " right: 5px;\n"
+ " top: .3em;\n"
+ "}\n"
+ ".spwidgets-lookup-cntr div.spwidget-lookup-selector-cntr {\n"
+ " display: none;\n"
+ " position: absolute;\n"
+ " left: 0px;\n"
+ " z-index: 10;\n"
+ " padding: .2em;\n"
+ " width: 98%;\n"
+ " font-size: .8em;\n"
+ "}\n"
+ ".spwidgets-lookup-cntr div.spwidget-lookup-selector-cntr > .ui-state-default {\n"
+ " padding: .2em;\n"
+ " text-align: right;\n"
+ "}\n"
+ "\n"
+ ".spwidgets-lookup-cntr div.spwidget-lookup-selector-item-cntr {\n"
+ " height: 15em;\n"
+ " overflow: auto;\n"
+ " padding: .2em;\n"
+ " font-size: 1em;\n"
+ "}\n"
+ ".spwidgets-lookup-cntr div.spwidget-lookup-selector-item-cntr .ui-state-highlight {\n"
+ " padding: .5em;\n"
+ " margin: 1em .2em;\n"
+ " text-align: center;\n"
+ " font-size: 1.1em;\n"
+ " font-weight: bold;\n"
+ "}\n"
+ ".spwidgets-lookup-cntr div.spwidget-lookup-selector-item-cntr .spwidget-lookup-selector-next {\n"
+ " cursor: pointer;\n"
+ "}\n"
+ ".spwidgets-lookup-cntr div.spwidget-lookup-selector-item-cntr .spwidget-lookup-item {\n"
+ " padding: .2em .5em;\n"
+ " margin: .2em;\n"
+ " cursor: pointer;\n"
+ " font-weight: normal;\n"
+ "}\n"
+ "\n";
* @property
* @memberOf Lookup.lookupField
* Stores the HTML template for each lookup field.
* Value is set at build time.
Lookup.htmlTemplate = "<div>\n"
+ " <div class=\"spwidgets-lookup-cntr\">\n"
+ " <div class=\"spwidget-lookup\">\n"
+ " <div class=\"spwidgets-lookup-selected\" style=\"display:none;\">\n"
+ " </div>\n"
+ " <div class=\"spwidgets-lookup-input\">\n"
+ " <label>Add</label>\n"
+ " <input type=\"text\" name=\"spwidgetLookupInput\" value=\"\" />\n"
+ " <span class=\"spwidget-lookup-selector-showhide\" title=\"Browse\">Browse</span>\n"
+ " <div class=\"spwidget-lookup-selector-cntr ui-widget-content\">\n"
+ " <div class=\"ui-state-default\">\n"
+ " <button type=\"button\" name=\"close\" title=\"Close\">Close</button>\n"
+ " </div>\n"
+ " <div class=\"spwidget-lookup-selector-item-cntr\"></div>\n"
+ " </div>\n"
+ " </div>\n"
+ " </div>\n"
+ " </div>\n"
+ "</div>\n"
+ "\n";
* @fileOverview jquery.SPControlPickUser.js
* jQuery plugin that attaches to an input field and provide a people
* picker widget for interaction by the user. This Plugin is dependent
* on jQuery UI's Autocomplete and SPServices library.
* @version 20131104070903NUMBER_
* @author Paul Tavares,
* @see TODO: site url
* @requires jQuery.js {@link}
* @requires jQuery-ui.js {@link}
* @requires jquery.SPServices.js {@link}
* Build Date Paul:November 04, 2013 07:09 PM
/*jslint nomen: true, plusplus: true */
/*global SPWidgets */
* Namespace for pickSPUser specific methods.
* @name pickSPUser
* @class Namespace for pickSPUser plugin
* @memberOf
$.pt.pickSPUser = {
_isPickSPUserCssDone: false
* Given an input field, this method will display an interface that
* allows the users to select one or more users from SharePoint and
* stores the selected user information into the intput field in the
* format expected when making an update via webservices.
* The input field will be hidden in its current position and a UI
* will displayed instead. As the user picks or removes users, the
* input field will be updated at the same time, thus it will always
* be ready to be submitted as part of an update to the server.
* @alias $.pickSPUser()
* @alias jQuery.pickSPUser()
* @alias $().pickSPUser()
* @alias jQuery().pickSPUser()
* @param {Object} options
* Object with the options. See below.
* @param {Boolean} [options.allowMultiples=true]
* Determine whether multiple users can be picked.
* @param {String} [options.webURL=$().SPServices.SPGetCurrentSite()]
* The URL of the site
* @param {String} [options.type='User']
* The type of search to conduct. Default is User. Others
* include: None, DistributionList, SecurityGroup,
* SharePointGroup, All
* @param {Interger} [options.maxSearchResults=50]
* The max number of results to be returned from the
* server.
* @param {Function} [onPickUser=null]
* Function that is called when user makes a selection.
* Function will have a context (this keyword) of the
* input field to which this plugin is called on, and
* will be given one input param; an object containing
* information about the selected user.
* @param {Function} [onCreate=null]
* Function that is called after the widget has been
* initiated on an input element.
* Function will have a context (this keyword) of the
* input field to which this plugin is called on, which
* will also be provided as the first argument to the
* function.
* @param {Function} [onRemoveUser=null]
* Function called when removing a user from the selected
* list. Returning false (boolean) will cancel the removal
* of the person from the selected list.
* Function will have a context (this keyword) of the
* input field to which this plugin is called on, and is
* given 3 input params: $input, $personUI, personObj
* @param {String} [inputPlaceholder="Type and Pick"]
* The text to appear in the HTML5 placeholder attribute
* of the input field.
* @return {jQuery} selection
* $().pickSPUser("method", "clear")
* Clears the currently selected users.
* $().pickSPUser("method", "destroy")
* Destroys the widget.
* $().pickSPUser("method", "add", "person in id;#name format")
* adds a person
* $().pickSPUser("method", "remove", "person id or displayed name")
* removes a person
* $().pickSPUser("method", "getSelected")
* Returns array of people selecte.
* spwidget:peoplePickerCreate
* Triggered when the widget is initiated. Event will received
* a scope of the input element or whatever object it bubled to
* as well as the following input parameter:
* 1. jQuery Event object
* 2. Input element that widget was attached to (as jQuery object)
* spwidget:peoplePickerAdd
* Triggered when an item is added to the input field. Event will
* receive a scope of the input element or whatever object it
* bubbled to, as well as the following input parametes:
* 1. jQuery Event Object
* 2. Input element (as jQuery object)
* 3. Object with information on the user that was added.
* spwidget:peoplePickerRemove
* Triggered when an item is removed from the selected list. Event will
* receive a scope of the input element or whatever object it
* bubbled to, as well as the following input parametes:
* 1. jQuery Event Object
* 2. Input element (as jQuery object)
* 3. Object with information on the user that was added.
$.fn.pickSPUser = function(options) {
// if the global styles have not yet been inserted into the page, do it now
if (!$.pt.pickSPUser._isPickSPUserCssDone) {
$.pt.pickSPUser._isPickSPUserCssDone = true;
$('<style type="text/css">' + "\n\n" +
$.pt.pickSPUser.styleSheet +
// Store the arguments given to this function. Used later if the
// user is trying to execute a method of this plugin.
var arg = arguments;
// Define options with globals
// var options = $.extend({}, options2);
// Initiate each selection as a pickSPUser element
var ele = $(this);
if (!"input") || ele.hasClass("hasPickSPUser")){
// if the first argument is a string, and this is an input
// fild, then process methods
if (typeof options === "string" &&"input")) {
return $.pt.pickSPUser.handleAction.apply(this, arg);
// ELse, exit
} else {
return this;
// Options for this element
var o = $.extend({},
allowMultiples: true,
maxSearchResults: 50,
webURL: $().SPServices.SPGetCurrentSite(),
type: 'User',
onPickUser: null,
onCreate: null,
onRemoveUser: null,
inputPlaceholder: "Type and Pick"
eleUserInput: ele.css("display", "none").addClass("hasPickSPUser")
// insure that maxsearchResults is an interger
o.maxSearchResults = parseInt(o.maxSearchResults) || 50;
// Create pick user container and insert it after the input element
// TODO: Clean up
// var cntr = $(o.htmlTemplateSelector + " .pt-pickSPUser")
// .clone(1).insertAfter(ele);
var cntr = $($.pt.pickSPUser.htmlTemplate)
o.eleSelected = cntr.find("")
.on("click", ".tt-delete-icon", function(){
o.elePickInput = cntr.find("");
* Adds people to the selected list.
* @param {String} peopleString
* @param {Boolean} noEvents
o.addPeopleToList = function(peopleString, noEvents) {
var curUsers = new String(peopleString).split(';#'),
total = curUsers.length,
i,id,user, $ui;
for (i=0; i<total; i++){
id = curUsers[i];
user = curUsers[i];
$ui = $.pt.pickSPUser
.getUserHtmlElement(o, id, user)
.appendTo( o.eleSelected );
// Get this user's info. and store it in the input element
(function($thisUserUI, thisUserName){
.done(function(rows, xData, status){
var personName = String(thisUserName).toLowerCase();
$.each(rows, function(i,v){
var thisName = String(v.displayName).toLowerCase();
if (thisName === personName) {
$"pickspuser_object", v);
return false;
// TODO: should something be done if we're unable to find user?
})($ui, user);
o.eleSelected.find("") );
// if we don't allow multiple, then hide the input area
if (o.allowMultiples === false) {
o.elePickInput.css("display", "none");
$.pt.pickSPUser.storeListOfUsers(o.eleSelected, noEvents);
}; //end: o.addPeopleToList()
* Searches SP for the value providedon input
* @param {String} searchString
* @return {jQuery.Promise}
o.getSearchResults = function(searchString) {
return $.Deferred(function(dfd){
operation: "SearchPrincipals",
searchText: searchString,
maxResults: o.maxSearchResults,
principalType: o.type,
async: true,
webURL: o.webURL,
completefunc: function(xData, status){
var resp = $(xData.responseXML),
rows = [];
var thisEle = $(this),
thisUser = {
displayName: thisEle.find("DisplayName").text(),
accountId: thisEle.find("UserInfoID").text(),
accountName: thisEle.find("AccountName").text(),
accountType: thisEle.find("PrincipalType").text(),
// needed attributes for autocomplete
value: thisEle.find("DisplayName").text(),
label: ''
// TODO: in the future, need to find a way to show type icon on the suggestions
// if (thisUser.accountType === "User") {
// thisUser.label = "<img src='/_layouts/images/CheckNames.gif' /> ";
// } else {
// thisUser.label = "<img src='/_layouts/images/ALLUSR.GIF' /> ";
// }
thisUser.label += thisUser.displayName;
dfd.resolveWith(xData, [rows, xData, status]);
}; //end: o.getSearchResults()
// If multiple user are allowed to be picked, then add style to
// selected input area
if (o.allowMultiples === true) {
// If the current input field has a value defined, then parse it
// and display the currently defined values
if (ele.val()) {
o.addPeopleToList(ele.val(), noEvents);
// Variable that store all search results
var cache = {};
// Add the AutoComplete functionality to the input field
.attr("placeholder", o.inputPlaceholder)
minLength: 3,
appendTo: o.elePickInput,
source: function(request, response){
// If search term is in cache, return it now
if (request.term in cache) {
cache[request.term] = [];
// Search SP
.then(function(rows, xData, status){
* Event bound to an autocomplete suggestion.
* @param {jQuery} ev - jQuery event.
* @param {Object} u - An object containing the element generated above
* by the <source> method that represents the person
* that was selected.
select: function(ev, u){
// If we store only 1 user, then clear out the current values
if (o.allowMultiples === false) {
// Check if already displayed.
} else if (
"div[data-pickspuserid='" +
u.item.accountId + "']" ).length
) {
var $newPersonUI = $.pt.pickSPUser.getUserHtmlElement(
o, u.item.accountId, u.item.displayName
.appendTo( o.eleSelected );
// Store a copy of the user object on the UI
$"pickspuser_object", u.item);
cntr.find("") );
// clear out the autocomplete box
setTimeout(function(){ = "";}, 50);
if (o.allowMultiples === false) {
// if a callback was defined, call it now
if ($.isFunction(o.onPickUser)) {, $.extend({},u.item));
// Triggere event
[ o.eleUserInput, $.extend({},u.item) ]
// Store the options for this call on the container and include a pointer
// in the input field to this element"pickSPUserContainerOpt", o);"pickSPUserContainer", cntr);
// call onCreate if defined
if ($.isFunction(o.onCreate)) {, ele);
// Trigger create event on this instance
return this;
return this;
};// $.fn.pickSPUser()
* Builds the html element that surrounds a user for display on the page.
* @param {Object} opt - The options object given to <jQuery.fn.pickSPUser()>
* @param {String} id - The User's Sharepoint UID
* @param {String} name - The User's name.
* @return {jQuery} Html element
$.pt.pickSPUser.getUserHtmlElement = function(opt, id, name){
var ele = $($.pt.pickSPUser.htmlTemplate)
ele.attr("data-pickSPUserID", id);
.attr("data-pickSPUserNAME", name);
return ele;
};// $.pt.pickSPUser.getUserHtmlElement()
* Method is bound to the X (remove) button that appears when the one
* hovers over the names curerntly displayed. Removes the user from
* the UI and updates the input field to reflect what is currently
* displayed.
* @param {Object} ele - The HTML element from where this method was
* called. Used to find both the
* overall parent element as well as the specific
* .pt-pickSPUser-person element for the user that
* was clicked on.
* @return {undefined}
$.pt.pickSPUser.removeUser = function(ele){
var cntr = $(ele).closest(""),
o ="pickSPUserContainerOpt"),
$personUI = $(ele).closest(""),
personObj = $"pickspuser_object"),
doRemove = true;
// If an onRemoveUser is defined, then call method
// and capture response
if ($.isFunction(o.onRemoveUser)) {
personObj );
if (doRemove === false) {
// remove user from the view
$personUI.fadeOut('fast', function(){
// if AllowMultiple is false, then make the picker input visible
if (o.allowMultiples === false) {"fast", function(){
// trigger event
[ o.eleUserInput, personObj ]
};// $.pt.pickSPUser.removeUser()
* Method will look at the container that holds the currently selected
* users and will populate the initial input field given to
* <jQuery.fn.pickSPUser()> with a sting representing those users.
* @param {Object} ele - The HTML element from where this method was
* called. Used to find both the
* overall parent element as well as the specific
* .pt-pickSPUser-person element for the user that
* was clicked on.
* @return {undefined}
$.pt.pickSPUser.storeListOfUsers = function(ele, noEvents){
var cntr = $(ele).closest(""),
opt ="pickSPUserContainerOpt"),
newVal = "",
// isDone: keep track of the user already selected,
// so we don't add them twice to the input field.
isDone = {};
if (isDone[$(this).attr("data-pickSPUserID")]) {return;};
isDone[$(this).attr("data-pickSPUserID")] = true;
if (newVal) {
newVal += ";#";
newVal += $(this).attr("data-pickSPUserID");
newVal += ";#";
newVal += $(this).attr("data-pickSPUserNAME");
if (!noEvents) {
};// $.pt.pickSPUser.storeListOfUsers()
* Handles method actions given to $().pickSPUser()
* @param {String} type1
* @param {String} action
* @param {Object} options
* @return {this}
$.pt.pickSPUser.handleAction = function(type, action, options) {
type = String(type).toLowerCase();
action = String(action).toLowerCase();
var o = $(this)
ret = this;
if (type === "method") {
switch (action) {
case "clear":
if (o.allowMultiples === false) {
o.eleSelected.css("display", "none");;
case "destroy":
if ( $(this).hasClass('hasPickSPUser')) {
case "add":
case "remove":
if (options) {
var rmEle = o.eleSelected
"div[data-pickspuserid='" +
options + "']" );
if (!rmEle.length) {
rmEle = o.eleSelected
"div[data-pickspusername='" +
options + "']" );
if (rmEle.length) {
case "getSelected":
ret = $.SPWidgets.parseLookupFieldValue(o.eleUserInput.val());
return ret;
};// $.pt.pickSPUser.handleAction()
* @property
* Stores the Style sheet that is inserted into the page the first
* time pickSPUser is called.
* Value is set at build time.
$.pt.pickSPUser.styleSheet = "/**\n"
+ " * Styles for the Pick User Widget\n"
+ " */\n"
+ ".pt-pickSPUser .pt-pickSPUser-selected-multiple {\n"
+ " min-height: 3em;\n"
+ "}\n"
+ "\n"
+ ".pt-pickSPUser .pt-pickSPUser-selected .pt-pickSPUser-person {\n"
+ " float: left;\n"
+ " margin-left: .2em;\n"
+ "}\n"
+ ".pt-pickSPUser .pt-pickSPUser-hint {\n"
+ " font-size: .9em;\n"
+ "}\n"
+ "\n"
+ ".pt-pickSPUser input.ui-autocomplete {\n"
+ " width: 99%;\n"
+ "}\n"
+ ".pt-pickSPUser ul.ui-autocomplete {\n"
+ " z-index: 1;\n"
+ "}\n"
+ "\n"
+ ".pt-pickSPUser .pt-pickSPUser-person-cntr {\n"
+ " margin: .2em 0em;\n"
+ " padding: .2em;\n"
+ " position: relative;\n"
+ "}\n"
+ "\n"
+ ".pt-pickSPUser .pt-pickSPUser-person-cntr .pt-person-name {\n"
+ " padding-right: 2em;\n"
+ "}\n"
+ "\n"
+ "/* Item action container (delete button) */\n"
+ ".pt-pickSPUser .pt-pickSPUser-person-cntr .pt-pickSPUser-person-actions {\n"
+ " position: absolute;\n"
+ " right: 1px;\n"
+ " top: 1px;\n"
+ " padding: .2em;\n"
+ " display: none;\n"
+ "}\n"
+ ".pt-pickSPUser .pt-pickSPUser-person-cntr .pt-pickSPUser-person-actions .pt-pickSPUser-person-action-links,\n"
+ ".pt-pickSPUser .pt-pickSPUser-person-cntr .pt-pickSPUser-person-actions .pt-pickSPUser-person-action-links .tt-confirm-delete {\n"
+ " float:right;\n"
+ "}\n"
+ "\n"
+ "/* Make the action visible if we hover or we are trying to confirm a deletion */\n"
+ ".pt-pickSPUser .pt-pickSPUser-person-cntr.ui-state-hover .pt-pickSPUser-person-actions,\n"
+ ".pt-pickSPUser .pt-pickSPUser-person-cntr,\n"
+ ".pt-pickSPUser .pt-pickSPUser-person-cntr .pt-pickSPUser-person-actions a {\n"
+ " display:block;\n"
+ " float: right;\n"
+ "}\n"
+ "\n"
+ "/* autocomplete busy image */\n"
+ ".ui-autocomplete-loading {\n"
+ " background: white url('/_layouts/images/loading.gif') right center no-repeat;\n"
+ "}\n"
+ "\n"
+ "\n";
* @property
* Stores the HTML template for each people picker.
* Value is set at build time.
$.pt.pickSPUser.htmlTemplate = "<!--\n"
+ " Html Templates for the PickSPUser plugin.\n"
+ " \n"
+ " |\n"
+ " | $Author$\n"
+ " | $Revision$\n"
+ " | $Date$\n"
+ " | $Id$\n"
+ " |\n"
+ "-->\n"
+ "<div>\n"
+ " <div class=\"pt-pickSPUser\">\n"
+ " <div class=\"pt-pickSPUser-selected\">\n"
+ " None Selected!\n"
+ " </div>\n"
+ " <div style=\"clear:both\"></div>\n"
+ " <div class=\"pt-pickSPUser-input\" \n"
+ " title=\"Type user name above to view search results.\">\n"
+ " <input name=\"pickSPUserInputField\" value=\"\" type=\"text\"/>\n"
+ " </div>\n"
+ " </div>\n"
+ " \n"
+ " <div class=\"pt-pickSPUser-person\">\n"
+ " <div class=\"pt-pickSPUser-person-cntr ui-state-default ui-corner-all\">\n"
+ " <span class=\"pt-person-name\"></span>\n"
+ " <div class=\"pt-pickSPUser-person-actions\">\n"
+ " <div class=\"tt-record-item-action-links\">\n"
+ " <a class=\"tt-delete-icon\" href=\"javascript:\" onclick=\";\">\n"
+ " <img style=\"border: medium none; margin-right: 2px;\" alt=\"Delete\" src=\"/_layouts/images/delitem.gif\">\n"
+ " </a>\n"
+ " <div style=\"clear:both;\"></div>\n"
+ " </div>\n"
+ " <div style=\"clear:both;\"></div>\n"
+ " </div>\n"
+ " </div>\n"
+ " </div>\n"
+ "</div>\n";
* Given a list of elements, this will add a hover affect to
* those elements by toggling some classes from jQuery UI
* @memberof
* @param {jQuery|String} ele A jQuery selector or object containing
* the list of elements to receive the hover
* effect.
* @return {jQuery}
* @example
* $(".tt-hover-animate").addHoverEffect();
* $(".container a").addHoverEffect();
$.pt.addHoverEffect = function(ele){
return $(ele).each(function(){
if ($(this).hasClass("addHoverEffectDone")) {
} else {
var e = this;
};// $.pt.addHoverEffect()
* @fileOverview jquery.SPControlUpload.js
* jQuery plugin that interacts with Sharepoint built in Upload.aspx through an iframe
* to provide to the user an upload UI without leaving actually leaving the page, thus
* simulating an ajax file upload interaction.
* Currently used to upload files to a Document Library with out having the user go
* through the many SP pages and without having to leave the user's current page.
* @version 20131106052852NUMBER_
* @author Paul Tavares,
* @requires jQuery.js {@link}
* @requires jQuery-ui.js {@link}
* @requires jquery.SPServices.js {@link}
* Build Date etavapa:November 06, 2013 05:28 PM
// Commented out strict mode. Causing errors. "use strict";
/*jslint nomen: true, plusplus: true */
/*global SPWidgets, unescapeProperly, escapeProperly */
* jQuery definition
* @see
* @name jQuery
* @class jQuery Library
* jQuery 'fn' definition to anchor all public plugin methods.
* @see
* @name fn
* @class jQuery Library public method anchor
* @memberOf jQuery
* @name Upload
* @class Upload widget
var Upload = {};
* @property {Boolean} Tracks if the CSS injection into the page has been done.
Upload.isSPUploadCssDone = false;
* Defaults
$.SPWidgets.defaults.upload = {
listName: '',
folderPath: '',
uploadDonePage: '/_layouts/images/STS_ListItem_43216.gif',
onPageChange: null,
onUploadDone: null,
uploadUrlOpt: '',
overwrite: false,
uploadPage: '',
overlayClass: '',
overlayBgColor: 'white',
overlayMessage: '<div>Working on it</div>',
selectFileMessage: "Click here to select file...",
uploadDoneMessage: "Upload Successful!",
fileNameErrorMessage: "A file name cannot contain any of the following characters: \\ / : * ? \" &lt; &gt; | # { } % ~ &amp;",
noFileErrorMessage: "No file selected!",
checkInFormHeight: '25em',
webURL: $().SPServices.SPGetCurrentSite(),
debug: false
* jQuery plugin that populates the elements selected with a UI for
* uploading a file to a Sharepoint location (library) without having
* to leave the current page that the user is currently on.
* @param {Object} options Object with the options below.
* @param {String} options.listName REQUIRED. The name or UID of the list.
* Example 'Shared Documents' or '{67587-89284-93884-78827-78823}'
* @param {String} [options.folderPath="/"]
* Optional. The full path to the folder inside of the List where
* the document should be uploaded to. Default is to place the
* document at the root of the Document Library
* Examples ' Documents' or
* '/sites/site1/Shared Documents'
* @param {String} [options.uploadDonePage="/_layouts/viewlsts.aspx"]
* Optional. The url of the page that should be loaded after the
* file has been uploaded successful. Value MUTST start with http.
* Default is ''
* @param {Funtion} [options.onPageChange=null]
* Function that is called each time the form in the
* iFrame is changed. The function 'this' keyword points to the
* element that was used when this method was called. The function
* is given one param; the event object created by this method.
* ({@link SPControlLoadEvent})
* Return value of this function will control flow of plugin.
* Returning true (boolean), will allow processing to continue
* at different stages (see the event object below), while
* returnin false (boolean) will stop flow from continuing. The
* check is strict; meaning that it has to be a boolean false in
* order for flow to stop.
* @param {Function} [options.onUploadDone=null]
* Triggered when file is successfully uploaded - or when it reaches
* the uploadDonePage. This is normally triggered after a file is
* checkedIn (if library requires it to be checked in).
* Function will have a scope of the element used on input and
* be given 1 parameter: An object with the upload file metadata.
* @param {String} [options.uploadUrlOpt=""]
* String of data that should be appended to the upload page url,
* following this '?".
* NOTE; The option "MultipleUpload=1" is NOT SUPPORTED.
* This string value is assumed to have already been properly
* escaped for use in the url.
* @param {Boolean} [options.overwrite=False]
* True or False indicating if document being uploaded should
* overwrite any existing one. Default is False (don't overwrite)
* @param {String} [options.uploadPage=""]
* The relative URL from the WebSite root to the upload page.
* Default is "/_layouts/Upload.aspx". This value is appended to
* to the website full url, which is retrieved using SPServices
* utility.
* @param {String} [options.overlayClass=""]
* A css class to be associated with the overlay that is displayed
* over the iframe while loading of the page is going on.
* @param {String} [options.overlayBgColor="white"]
* A color to be used for the overlay area that is displayed over
* the iframe wile loading of the page is going on. Default is
* white. Set this to null if wanting only to use a class.
* @param {String|HTMLElement|jQuery} [options.overlayMessage="Loading..."]
* String or object/element to be displayed inside of the overlay
* when it is displayed. Default is "Loading..."
* @param {String|HTMLElement|jQuery} [options.selectFileMessage="Click here to select file..."]
* The message displayed for user to select file
* @param {String} [options.checkInFormHeight='20em']
* The height of the form when a checkin is required.
* @param {String} [options.webURL=Current site]
* The URL of the web site/sub site.
* @param {String} [options.debug=false]
* Turns debug on for this widget.
* @return {jQuery}
* @example
* $("&lt;di&gt;&lt;/div&gt;").appendTo("body")
* .SPControlUpload({
* listName: "Shared Documents"
* });
$.fn.SPControlUpload = function (options) {
return $(this).each(function(){
var opt = $.extend({}, $.SPWidgets.defaults.upload, options),
// if the global styles have not yet been inserted into the page, do it now
if (!Upload.isSPUploadCssDone) {
Upload.isSPUploadCssDone = true;
$('<style type="text/css">' + "\n\n" +
Upload.StyleSheet + "\n\n</style>"
* Define the log method for this instance.
opt.log = ( opt.debug ? Upload.log : function(){} );
* Shows or hides the Busy loading animation.
* @param {Boolean} hide
* if True, then loading busy animation will be hidden.
* @return {jQuery.Promise}
opt.showHideBusy = function(hide) {
return $.Deferred(function(dfd){
if (hide) {
} else {
}; //end: showHideBusy()
* Shows or hides the full Upload form. Used when the document has
* been upload and perhaps there is a CheckIn page to go through.
* @param {Boolean} hide
* @return {Object} opt
opt.showHideFullForm = function(hide) {
// HIde full form
if (hide) {
overflow: "",
height: ""
// SHOW full form
} else {
overflow: "auto",
height: "auto" // (opt.$iframe.outerHeight() + 5) + "px"
return opt;
}; //end: opt.showHideFullForm
* Shows or hides the Upload Success message.
* @param {Boolean} [hide=false]
* @return {Object} opt
opt.showHideSuccess = function(hide){
if (hide) {
opt.$successCntr.css("display", "none");
} else {
opt.$successCntr.css("display", "block");
return opt;
}; //end: opt.showHideSuccess()
* Shows an error on the widget.
* @param {Object} showErrorOptions
* @param {String} showErrorOptions.message
* @param {Boolean} [showErrorOptions.autoHide=true]
* @return {Object} opt
opt.showError = function(showErrorOptions){
var thisOpt = $.extend({}, {
message: '',
autoHide: true
.css("display", "block");
if (thisOpt.autoHide) {
{ opacity: 1 },
return opt;
}; //end: opt.showError()
* Clears any error currently displayed on the widget.
* @return {Object} opt
opt.clearError = function() {
opt.$errorCntr.css("display", "none");
return opt;
}; //end: opt.clearError
* Resets the Upload widget after the upload.
* @return {Object} opt
opt.resetWidget = function() {
opt.ev = {
state: 1,
action: "uploading",
hideOverlay: true,
pageUrl: "",
page: null, // a jquery object
isUploadDone: false,
file: {}
opt.$iframe.attr("src", opt.uploadPage);
return opt;
}; //end: opt.resetWidget()
* Returns the last uploaded file for the user.
* @return {Object} z:row object
opt.getUploadedFileRow = function() {
var lastFile = {};
operation: "GetListItems",
async: false,
webURL: opt.webURL,
listName: opt.listName,
CAMLQuery: "<Query><Where>" +
"<Eq><FieldRef Name='Author' LookupId='TRUE'/>" +
"<Value Type='Integer'><UserID/></Value></Eq>" +
"</Where><OrderBy><FieldRef Name='Modified' Ascending='FALSE'/>" +
CAMLViewFields: "<ViewFields>" +
"<FieldRef Name='ID'/>" +
"<FieldRef Name='EncodedAbsUrl'/>" +
"<FieldRef Name='FileLeafRef' />" +
"<FieldRef Name='Author' />" +
"<FieldRef Name='Editor' />" +
"<FieldRef Name='Created' />" +
"<FieldRef Name='Modified' />" +
CAMLRowLimit: 1,
CAMLQueryOptions: "<QueryOptions><ViewAttributes Scope='Recursive' /></QueryOptions>",
completefunc: function(xData, status) {
var rows = $(xData.responseXML)
.SPXmlToJson({includeAllAttrs: true});
if (rows.length) {
lastFile = rows[0];
return lastFile;
}; //end: opt.getUploadedFileRow()
* Given a URL, this method will check if it is one of the
* known upload pages of SharePoint. True = yes it is.
* False = no it is not.
* @param {String} url
* URL is assumed to be full url, including http.
* @return {Boolean}
opt.isUploadPage = function(url) {
// Uses parser apprach shown here:
var answer = false,
parser = document.createElement('a'),
parser2 = null;
parser.href = String(url).toLowerCase();
// If user defined their own Upload page, then
// parse that URL and use it in matching.
// Else, just see if the input url has Upload.aspx
// or UploadEx.aspx.
if (opt.userUploadPage) {
parser2 = document.createElement('a');
parser2.href = String(opt.userUploadPage).toLowerCase();
if (parser.pathname === parser2.pathname) {
answer = true;
} else {
// 2007 = Upload.aspx
// 2010, 2013 = UploadEx.aspx
answer = /upload(ex)?\.aspx$/.test(parser.pathname);
return answer;
}; //end: opt.isUploadPage()
/** ---------------------------------------------------------- **/
/** -------------[ SETUP WIDGET ]----------------- **/
/** ---------------------------------------------------------- **/
// If list Name is not the UID, then get it now
if (opt.listName && opt.listName.indexOf("{") !== 0) {
opt.listName = $.pt.getListUID(opt.listName);
// If list name is not defined - error
if (!opt.listName) {
$(this).html('<div class="ui-state-error">Input parameter [listName] not valid!</div>');
return this;
// If user did not define the Upload page on input, then set it depending
// on SP version. Else, if the user defined the upload page, ensure it
// is a full url starting at http...
opt.spVersion = $.SPWidgets.getSPVersion(true);
opt.userUploadPage = opt.uploadPage;
opt.uploadPage = String(opt.uploadPage);
if (!opt.uploadPage) {
switch(opt.spVersion) {
case "2013":
opt.uploadPage = opt.webURL + '/_layouts/15/UploadEx.aspx';
case "2010":
opt.uploadPage = opt.webURL + "/_layouts/UploadEx.aspx";
// Default: SP 2007
opt.uploadPage = opt.webURL + '/_layouts/Upload.aspx';
} else if (opt.uploadPage.toLowerCase().indexOf("http") === -1) {
var s = "/";
if (opt.uploadPage.indexOf('/') == 0) {
s = "";
opt.uploadPage = opt.webURL + s + opt.uploadPage;
// Set the uploadDonePage url
if (String(opt.uploadDonePage).toLowerCase().indexOf("http") === -1) {
var s = "/";
if (opt.uploadDonePage.indexOf('/') == 0) {
s = "";
opt.uploadDonePage = opt.webURL + s + opt.uploadDonePage;
// _iframeLoadId is used to determine if the onIframeChange() function
// should be run or not... It ensure that when a page is redirected, that
// only the last function to be spawn (via setTimeout) is run.
opt._iframeLoadId = 1;
// Create additional non-overridable options
opt._uploadUrlParams = "?List=" +
$.pt.getEscapedUrl(opt.listName) + "&RootFolder=" +
$.pt.getEscapedUrl(opt.folderPath) + "&Source=" +
$.pt.getEscapedUrl(opt.uploadDonePage) + "&" + opt.uploadUrlOpt;
opt.uploadPage = opt.uploadPage + opt._uploadUrlParams;
opt._lastError = "";
opt._reloadCount = 0;
* @name SPControlLoadEvent
* Event object that is given as input to the function defined in the
* $.fn.SPControlUpload-onPageChange parameter.
* @event
* @memberof $.fn.SPControlUpload
* @param {SPControlLoadEvent} ev
* @param {Integer} ev.state
* A value from 1 through 3 that represents the state of
* the file upload form. The flow is:
* [1] [2] [3]
* [ready for input] -> [pre-upload] -> [file uploaded]
* 1 = is set when the form is initially loaded and the
* File html element is ready for the user to attach the file.
* File has not yet been uploaded.
* 2 = is set when the form is ready to be submitted to the server
* along with the file set by the user. File has not yet been
* uploaded.
* 3 = is set when the user has successfully uploaded the file to
* the server and no errors were encountered.
* File has been uploaded and now sits on the server.
* @param {String} ev.action
* The event action as it pertains to this plugin.
* preLoad = action is taking place before the page is sent
* to the server. State of '2' are handled by Upload.onUpdate
* postLoad = action is taking place after page has completed
* loading, but is not yet "visible" to the user.
* @param {Boolean} ev.hideOverlay
* Used when action=postLoad. Can be set by
* a callback function to false, so that the busy overlay remains
* displayed and is not automaticaly hidden. Default value is "true".
* @param {String} ev.pageUrl
* The url of the page currently loaded in the iframe.
* @param {jQuery}
* An object representing the page loaded inside the
* iFrame. This can be used to further manipulate the iframe's
* page content.
* @param {Boolean} ev.isUploadDone
* Indicates if the upload process is done. Basically,
* this means that the processess has reached the page defined
* in the updatePageDone parameter.
opt.ev = {
state: 1,
action: "uploading",
hideOverlay: true,
pageUrl: "",
page: null, // a jquery object
isUploadDone: false,
file: {} // populated when file is uploaded
// Create the UI on the element given used by the SPCOntrolUpload plugin
opt.$ele = $(this);
overlayCss = {};
if (opt.overlayBgColor) {
overlayCss["background-color"] = opt.overlayBgColor;
// Create the UI on the page
opt.$cntr = $(
.data("SPControlUploadOptions", opt);
opt.$buttonCntr = opt.$cntr.find("div.buttonPane")
// Store references
opt.$content = opt.$cntr.find("div.mainContainer");
opt.$iframeCntr = opt.$cntr.find("div.iFrameWindow");
opt.$iframe = opt.$iframeCntr.children('iframe');
opt.$busyOverlay = opt.$cntr.find("div.loadingOverlay");
opt.$busyOverlayMsg = opt.$busyOverlay.find("div.loadingOverlayMsg");
opt.$successCntr = opt.$cntr.find("div.spwidget-success-cntr");
opt.$errorCntr = opt.$cntr.find("div.spwidget-error-cntr");
opt.$errorCntrMsg = opt.$errorCntr.find(".spwidget-msg");
opt.reInvalidChr = new RegExp("[\\\/\:\*\?\"\<\>\|\#\{\}\%\~\&]");
// Setup success message closure listner and include user's message
.on("click", ".spwidget-close", function(ev){
// Setup error message closure
opt.$errorCntr.on("click", ".spwidget-close", function(ev){
// Setup the overlay
// Show the loading animation and load the UI
.css("height", opt.checkInFormHeight)
.attr("src", opt.uploadPage)
return this;
};// $.fn.SPControlUpload
* FUNCTION: Upload.onUpload()
* Submits the upload form that is loaded in the iframe window.
* Also calls any callback function defined by the user.
* @param {Object} ele - Element from within the
* .SPControlUploadUI class html container
* @return {undefined} Nothing.
Upload.onUpload = function(ele){
var e = $(ele).closest(".SPControlUploadUI"),
page = e.find("iframe").contents(),
msgs = page.find("input[type='file']").closest("tr").siblings().find("span"),
opt ="SPControlUploadOptions"),
ev = opt.ev;
opt.log("Upload.onUpload(" + opt._iframeLoadId + "): Start....");
// Insure all messages are initially hidden (these might have been
// visible from any prior call to upload the document where it failed.)
msgs.css("display", "none");
// If no file was entered, then there is nothing to upload.
if (!page.find("input[type='file']").val()) {
opt.showError({message: opt.noFileErrorMessage});
// If file contains invalid charactors, then error
if (opt.reInvalidChr.test(page.find("div.SPControlUploadModUIFileSelected").text())) {
opt.showError({message: opt.fileNameErrorMessage});
// Set the event info
// TODO: Look into building the event with $.Event("ev name here")
ev.state = 2;
ev.action = "preLoad";
// if a user function was defined, then call it now and give it the event
// object defined above.
// If fucntion returns a boolean false, then we exit here and never submit
// the form.
if (opt.onPageChange) {
if ($ele, ev) === false){
return false;
// Hide the upload button, and Submit the form after showing the busy animation
opt.log("Upload.onUpload(" + opt._iframeLoadId + "): Clicking the OK button on upload form.");
ev.action = "postLoad";
// If error message are displayed (after we click upload button),
// then just return control back to the user.
if (":visible")) {
.css("display", "none")
return false;
};//* Upload.onUpload()
* FUNTION: Upload.onIframeChange()
* Called when ever the iframe is "load"ed. Function is bound to
* the iframe html element's _load event so that it is called each
* time the content of the iframe (the page) is reloaded.
* @param {jQuery} ele - jQuery object representing the .SPControlUploadUI
* element.
* @return {undefined} nothing.
Upload.onIframeChange = function(ele){
var e = $(ele).closest(".SPControlUploadUI"),
opt ="SPControlUploadOptions"),
id = 0;
// Need to capture the SP2013 page that says somethign like "wait"...
// window[opt.ev.state + "-" + opt.ev.action + "-html"] = $(e.find("iframe").contents()).find("html").html();
// If the upload event state is 2, then {Upload.onUpload} has already
// taken care of the form and user call back... There is nothing to do
// here and form is arleady being submitted... Set the ev. to
// postLoad and Exit.
if (opt.ev.state === 2 && opt.ev.action === "preLoad") {
opt.log("Upload.onIframeChange(" + opt._iframeLoadId +
"): ev.action=[" + opt.ev.action + "] and ev.state=[" +
opt.ev.state+ "] - handled by onUpload(). Setting action to postLoad"
opt.ev.action = "postLoad";
// FIXME: needed to comment this out for SP2007
id = opt._iframeLoadId;
opt.log("Upload.onIframeChange(" + id + "): State=[" + opt.ev.state +
"] Action=[" + opt.ev.action + "] iframe.url: " +
// Because just about every browser differs on how the load() event
// is triggered, we do all our work in a function that is triggered
// 500 millisends from now. By then, the page (regardless of browser)
// should be in a state that is useful.
// if this invocation is not the last iframe refresh ID,
// then exit... there is another fucntion queued up...
if (id !== opt._iframeLoadId) {
opt.log("Upload.onIframeChange(" + id + "): not latest invokation! Existing.");
opt.log("Upload.onIframeChange(" + id + "): START... Executing setTimeout() for iframe ID: " + id);
var page = $(e.find("iframe").contents()),
ev = opt.ev,
form = page.find("form").eq(0);
ev.pageUrl = page[0].location.href; = page;
// Focus at the top of the form
// If the URL of the page in the iFrame is the same as the
// upload page then this is either the
// initial load of the page or an error has occured...
// Hide the page and show only the upload form element.
if (opt.isUploadPage(ev.pageUrl)) {
opt.log("Upload.onIframeChange(" + id + "): URL is the upload page!");
overflow: "hidden"
$(Upload.HtmlUI).filter("div#SPControlUploadModUI").clone() )
// Is the page displaying an error page without the upload interface?
// Capture error message and reload the page.
// SP2010 Seems to behave differntly and land display errors a little
// differently... so we try the <title> tag adn then the form action value.
if ( new RegExp(/error/i).test($.trim(page.find(".ms-pagetitle").text()))
|| new RegExp(/error/i).test($.trim(page.find("title").text()))
|| new RegExp(/error\.aspx/i).test($.trim(page.find("form").attr("action")))
) {
opt.log("Upload.onIframeChange(" + id + "): page displaying an error... Storing it and reloading upload form.");
opt._lastError = page.find("[id$='LabelMessage']").text();
// Lets avoid looping... Dont if it possible, but just in case.
if (opt._reloadCount > 1) {
alert("Error encountered during upload which is causing program to loop. Last upload error was: " + opt._lastError);
opt._reloadCount += 1;
e.find("iframe").attr("src", opt.uploadPage);
}/* if: error page or upload UI? */
// SP2010 Code
// If this is the new SP2010 "Processing..." page, then
// the just exit... there is nothing for us to do yet...
if ( page.find("#GearPage")
&& !page.find("input[type='file']").length
) {
opt.log("Upload.onIframeChange(" + id +
"): SP processing page (GearPage)... Exiting and waiting for next page..."
// setup upload input field on the iframe page, including
// setting up the change, focus and click event to update
// the input div that shows the file name selected to the
// user.
var $fileInput = page.find("#SPControlUploadModUI")
.css("display", "none")
.siblings("tr .ms-error")
.css("display", "")
.on("change focus click", function(ev){
var $this = $(this),
filePath = $this.val(),
fileExt = '',
icon = '/_layouts/images/urn-content-classes-smartfolder16.gif';
if (filePath) {
try {
fileExt = filePath.substr(filePath.lastIndexOf(".") + 1);
} catch(e) {
fileExt = 'GEN';
icon = "/_layouts/images/IC" +
fileExt.toUpperCase() + ".GIF";
// Get only the file name
filePath = (filePath.replace(/\\/g, '/').split('/').pop())
|| filePath;
} else {
filePath = opt.selectFileMessage;
page.find("#SPControlUploadModUI > div")
"url('" + icon + "')");
}) //end: .on()
cursor: "pointer",
height: "100px",
position: "absolute",
left: "0px",
top: "0px",
filter: "alpha(opacity=1)",
opacity: "0.01",
outline: "none",
"-moz-opacity": "0.01",
"font-size": "100px",
'z-index': "5"
// Setup the mouseover event so that the input file field
// follows the mouse around while user hovers over
// the iframe.
form.on("mousemove", function(ev){
left: (ev.pageX - ($fileInput.width() - 50)),
top: (ev.pageY - 30)
// If there were any errors found during a previous call, then
// display them now
if (opt._lastError) {
opt.showError({message: opt._lastError});
opt._lastError = "";
opt._reloadCount = 0;
// Set the override checkbox
if (opt.overwrite) {
.prop("checked", "checked");
} else {
.prop("checked", "");
// Set proper event values for user's callback
ev.state = 1;
ev.action = "postLoad";
ev.hideOverlay = true;
// Else, we must be passed the upload page...
// set the state to 3 (passed upload) and bind a function to the
// iframe document's form element (which in turn calls the user defined
// onPageChange event prior to sending the form on.
} else {
"Upload.onIframeChange(" + opt._iframeLoadId +
"): File was uploaded to server!"
ev.state = 3;
ev.action = "postLoad";
ev.hideOverlay = true;
ev.file = opt.getUploadedFileRow();
// If the current page is the 'uploadDonePage', then set
// flag in the event, set flag to not hide the overlay
// and insert message indicating upload is done.
if (Upload.isSameUrlPage(ev.pageUrl, opt.uploadDonePage)) {
opt.log("Upload.onIframeChange(" + opt._iframeLoadId +
"): Upload widget process DONE!");
ev.isUploadDone = true;
ev.hideOverlay = false;
// Show the busy indicator and success message.
// Else, page is not the uploadDonePage... manipulate the form's
// onsubmit event.
} else {
opt.log("Upload.onIframeChange(" + opt._iframeLoadId +
"): Post Upload Form being displayed! Hooking into form.onsubmit!");
var formOnSubmit = form.prop("onsubmit");
// Show only the form in the page
.css("display", "none")
// 8/30/2013: ensure the UI is visible.
// Just in case it was at root of form
.css("display", "")
// SP seems to have a good hold of the Form, because
// we are unable o bind an event via $. Thus:
// The form's onsubmit has to be overriden with our
// own function... The original function was captured
// above, thus it will triggered... but we now control
// when we trigger it.
// FIXME: this does not seem to do anything (at least in FF)
form[0].onsubmit = function(){
opt.log("Upload.onIframeChange(" + id + "): iframe form.onsubmit triggered!");
// Show the overlay without animation.
var allowFormToContinue = true;
// if the user defined a function, then run it now and
// exit if the resposne is false (stop submition)
if ($.isFunction(opt.onPageChange)) {
allowFormToContinue =
$.extend({}, ev, {state: 3, action: "preLoad"}));
if (allowFormToContinue === false) {
return allowFormToContinue;
// if SP had a onSubmit defined, then execute it now and
// exit if the resposne is false (stop submition)
if ($.isFunction(formOnSubmit)) {
allowFormToContinue = formOnSubmit();
if (allowFormToContinue === false) {
return allowFormToContinue;
// hide the form before continuing
// Return true, allowing the form to be submitted.
return allowFormToContinue;
} //end: if(): onUpdateDonePage? or not?
// Bind a function to the iframe WINDOW object for when it is
// unloaded.. At this point, nothing can be done to prevent
// the page from being submitted, but we can still execute
// the caller's function.
opt.log("Upload.onIframeChange(" + opt._iframeLoadId +
"): iframe.unload() triggered!");
// Make the busy panel visible without animation
// opt.$buttonCntr.css("display", "");
if ($.isFunction(opt.onPageChange)) {
$.extend({}, ev, {state: 3, action: "preLoad"}) );
}//end:if: is uploadPage? or past the file uploaded?
opt.log("Upload.onIframeChange(" + opt._iframeLoadId +
"): iframe page setup done!");
// Call user event function
if (opt.onPageChange) {$ele, ev);
// Hide our overlay area
if (ev.action.toLowerCase() !== "postload" || ev.hideOverlay === true) {
if (ev.isUploadDone === false && ev.state === 3) {
// If Upload is DONE, then reset form
if (ev.isUploadDone) {
// Reset upload form
// Wait 4 seconds then hide success message
{ opacity: 1 },
if ($.isFunction(opt.onUploadDone)) {$ele, ev.file);
};// Upload.onIframeChange
* Determines whether two URLs are the same page. URLs could be the same page, but
* have difference url params. This function will look only at the page (eveything
* up to the "?") and will then compare them.
* @param {String} u1 First URL
* @param {String} u2 Second URL
* @return {Boolean}
* @memberOf
Upload.isSameUrlPage = function(u1, u2) {
if (!u1 || !u2) { return false; }
var matchString = u1;
if (u1.indexOf("?") > -1) {
matchString = u1.substring(0, u1.indexOf("?"));
if (u2.indexOf(matchString) == 0) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
};// Upload.isSameUrlPage()
* Uses sharepoint default function from {/_layouts/1033/core.js}
* for escaping urls.
* @function
$.pt.getEscapedUrl = escapeProperly;
* Uses sharepoint default function from {/_layouts/1033/core.js}
* to un-escape urls.
* @function
$.pt.getUnEscapedUrl = unescapeProperly;
* Given a List name or a DOcument Library name, this method will retrieve
* it's UID from SP.
* @param {String} listName The name of the list.
* @return {String}
* @memberOf
$.pt.getListUID = function(listName) {
if (!listName) {
return "";
var id = "";
if ($.pt._cache["getListUID:" + listName]) {
id = $.pt._cache["getListUID:" + listName];
return id;
operation: "GetList",
listName: listName,
async: false,
completefunc: function (xData, Status) {
id = $(xData.responseXML).find("List").attr("ID");
if (id) {
$.pt._cache["getListUID:" + listName] = id;
return id;
};// $.pt.getListUID()
* Logs information to the output console.
* @param {String} msg
Upload.log = (function(){
var logit, $output,
n = 1,
c = 0,
isNative = false,
initDone = false,
bgColor = [
if ( typeof console === "undefined"
|| typeof console.debug === "undefined"
) {
logit = function(){
var i,j,
data = "";
for(i=0,j=arguments.length; i<j; i++){
data += '<div style="padding: .1em .1em;background-color:' +
bgColor[c] + '"><span>[' + n + '] </span>' +
arguments[i] + '</div>';
if (c === 1) {
c = 0;
} else {
c = 1;
if (data) {
if (!$output.dialog("isOpen")) {
} else {
isNative = true;
return function(){
if (!initDone) {
initDone = true;
if (!isNative) {
$output = $("<div><h2>SPWidgets Debug Output</h2></div>")
title: "Debug output",
height: 300
if (isNative) {
var i,j;
for(i=0,j=arguments.length; i<j; i++){
} else {
logit.apply(this, arguments);
})(); // end: Upload.log();
* @property
* Stores the Style sheet that is inserted into the page the first
* time SPControlUpload is called.
* Value is set at build time.
Upload.StyleSheet = "/**\n"
+ " * FILE: jquery.SPControlUpload.css\n"
+ " * \n"
+ " * \n"
+ " */\n"
+ ".spcontrolupload .mainContainer {\n"
+ " position: relative;\n"
+ " display:block;\n"
+ " height: 4em;\n"
+ "}\n"
+ "\n"
+ ".spcontrolupload .iFrameWindow,\n"
+ ".spcontrolupload .buttonPane,\n"
+ ".spcontrolupload .spwidget-success-cntr,\n"
+ ".spcontrolupload .loadingOverlay {\n"
+ " position: absolute;\n"
+ " top: 0px;\n"
+ " height: 3em;\n"
+ " width: 100%;\n"
+ "}\n"
+ ".spcontrolupload .buttonPane {\n"
+ " left: 0px;\n"
+ " width: 10%;\n"
+ " overflow: hidden;\n"
+ " cursor: pointer;\n"
+ "}\n"
+ ".spcontrolupload .buttonPane .upload_button {\n"
+ " font-weight: bold;\n"
+ " font-size: 1.1em;\n"
+ " text-align: center;\n"
+ " margin-top: .8em;\n"
+ "}\n"
+ "\n"
+ ".spcontrolupload .iFrameWindow {\n"
+ " width: 90%;\n"
+ " left: 10%;\n"
+ " overflow: hidden;\n"
+ "}\n"
+ ".spcontrolupload .iFrameWindow iframe {\n"
+ " overflow: auto;\n"
+ " width: 100%;\n"
+ " height: 99%;\n"
+ "}\n"
+ "\n"
+ ".spcontrolupload .spwidget-show-full-form .iFrameWindow {\n"
+ " overflow: auto;\n"
+ " width: 100%;\n"
+ " margin: 0em;\n"
+ " left: 0px;\n"
+ " right: auto;\n"
+ "}\n"
+ "\n"
+ ".spcontrolupload .loadingOverlayMsg {\n"
+ " font-size: 1em;\n"
+ " background-position: left top;\n"
+ " background-repeat: no-repeat;\n"
+ " background-image: url('/_layouts/images/loadingcirclests16.gif');\n"
+ " margin: 0.5em;\n"
+ " padding-left: 25px;\n"
+ "}\n"
+ "\n"
+ ".spcontrolupload .spwidget-success-cntr,\n"
+ ".spcontrolupload .spwidget-error-cntr {\n"
+ " display: none;\n"
+ "}\n"
+ ".spcontrolupload div.spwidget-msg-cntr {\n"
+ " margin: 0.5em .5em .5em 3em;\n"
+ " font-size: 1em;\n"
+ " background-position: left top;\n"
+ " background-repeat: no-repeat; \n"
+ "}\n"
+ ".spcontrolupload .spwidget-close {\n"
+ " color: red;\n"
+ " font-size: xx-small;\n"
+ " font-weight: bold;\n"
+ " vertical-align: super;\n"
+ " cursor: pointer;\n"
+ "}\n"
+ "\n"
+ ".spcontrolupload .spwidget-success-cntr div.spwidget-msg-cntr {\n"
+ " background-image: url('/_layouts/images/STS_ListItem_43216.gif');\n"
+ " padding-left: 30px;\n"
+ "}\n"
+ "\n"
+ ".spcontrolupload .spwidget-error-cntr {\n"
+ " bottom: -1.5em;\n"
+ " left: 0px;\n"
+ " width: 100%;\n"
+ " position: absolute;\n"
+ "}\n"
+ "\n"
+ ".spcontrolupload-dev-mode .iFrameWindow {\n"
+ " overflow: auto !important;\n"
+ " height: auto !important;\n"
+ "}\n"
+ "\n"
+ "\n";
* @property
* Stores the HTML templates used by this widget.
* Populated during the build process from the
* html.SPControlUpload.html file
Upload.HtmlUI = "<div class=\"SPControlUploadUI spcontrolupload\">\n"
+ " <div class=\"mainContainer\">\n"
+ " <div class=\"buttonPane ui-state-default\">\n"
+ " <div class=\"upload_button\">\n"
+ " Upload\n"
+ " </div>\n"
+ " </div>\n"
+ " <div class=\"iFrameWindow ui-state-default\">\n"
+ " <iframe name=\"SPControlUploadUI\" frameborder=\"0\" scrollbars=\"yes\" scrolling=\"yes\"></iframe>\n"
+ " </div>\n"
+ " <div class=\"loadingOverlay ui-widget-content\">\n"
+ " <div class=\"loadingOverlayMsg\"></div>\n"
+ " </div>\n"
+ " <div class=\"spwidget-success-cntr ui-widget-content\">\n"
+ " <div class=\"spwidget-msg-cntr\">\n"
+ " <span class=\"spwidget-msg\">Upload Successful!</span> \n"
+ " <span class=\"spwidget-close\">x</span> \n"
+ " </div>\n"
+ " </div>\n"
+ " <div class=\"spwidget-error-cntr ui-state-error\">\n"
+ " <div class=\"spwidget-msg-cntr\">\n"
+ " <span class=\"spwidget-msg\">Error</span> \n"
+ " <span class=\"spwidget-close\">x</span> \n"
+ " </div>\n"
+ " </div>\n"
+ " </div>\n"
+ "</div>\n"
+ "\n"
+ "<div id=\"SPControlUploadModUI\" \n"
+ " style=\"\n"
+ " position: absolute;\n"
+ " width: 99.9%;\n"
+ " height: 99.9%;\n"
+ " left: 0px;\n"
+ " top: 0px;\n"
+ " padding-left: .5em;\n"
+ " background-color: white;\">\n"
+ " <div class=\"SPControlUploadModUIFileSelected\"\n"
+ " style=\"\n"
+ " background-position: left center;\n"
+ " background-repeat: no-repeat;\n"
+ " background-image: url('/_layouts/images/urn-content-classes-smartfolder16.gif');\n"
+ " padding: 0.5em 2em;\">Select...</div>\n"
+ "</div>\n";
* jquery.SPDateField.js
* The SPDateField widget. Introduced with v2.2, August 2013
* BUILD: Paul:November 04, 2013 07:09 PM
"use strict";
/*jslint nomen: true, plusplus: true */
/*global SPWidgets */
* @class SPDate
* @namespace
var SPDate = {};
/** @property {Boolean} Is initialization done */
SPDate.isInitDone = false;
/** @property {String} Event namespace */
SPDate.evNamespace = '.spwidgets.spdatefield';
* Default options.
* @member Inst.opt
* @memberOf Inst.opt
$ = {
allowMultiples: false,
delimeter: ";",
remainOpen: true,
datepicker: {
dateFormat: 'mm/dd/yy',
buttonImage: '/_layouts/images/CALENDAR.GIF',
showOn: "both",
buttonImageOnly: true
dateTemplate: '{{date}} <span class="spwidgets-item-remove">[x]</span>',
showTimepicker: false,
timeFormat: ' {{hour}}:{{minutes}} {{ampm}}',
timeUTC: true,
labelHour: 'Hour',
labelMinutes: 'Minutes',
labelAMPM: 'AM|PM',
labelTime: 'Time',
labelSet: 'Set'
* Inserts a jQuery datepicker into the UI that allows the user to
* pick a date and save the Sharepoint format of that date to the
* original input field that this widget was bound to.
* Display format could be defined as the local locale while the
* value that will actually be stored in the input value will be
* the format expected by SharePoint webservices mainly ISO format
* @param {Object} [options]
* @param {Boolean} [options.allowMultiples=false]
* @param {String} [options.delimeter=";"]
* @param {Boolean} [options.remainOpen=true]
* @param {Object} [options.datepicker={...}]
* @param {String} [options.dateTemplate=""]
* @param {Boolean} [options.showTimepicker=false]
* @param {String} [options.timeFormat='{{our}}:{{minutes}} {{ampm}}']
* @param {Boolean} [options.timeUTC=true]
* @param {String} [options.labelHour='Hour']
* @param {String} [options.labelMinutes='Minutes']
* @param {String} [options.labelAMPM='AM|PM']
* @param {String} [options.labelTime='Time']
* @param {String} [options.labelSet='Set']
* return {jQuery} this
* This widget supports the following methods:
* $().SPDateField("reset");
* $().SPDateField("getDate");
* $().SPDateField("setDate", dates[], "format");
* $().SPDateField("removeDate", dates[], "format");
* $().SPDateField("destroy");
$.fn.SPDateField = function(options){
var arg = arguments,
inputEle = this;
// If initialization is not yet done, then do it now
if ( !SPDate.isInitDone ) {
SPDate.isInitDone = true;
if ( SPDate.styleSheet !== "" ) {
$('<style type="text/css">' + "\n\n" +
SPDate.styleSheet + "\n\n</style>" )
$("body").on("click" + SPDate.evNamespace, SPDate.onPageClick);
// Process Methods
if (typeof options === "string") {
return (function(){
var action = String(arg[0]).toLowerCase(),
resp = inputEle;
// Loop through all inputs and process the method
// on it. Note that for methods that return data
// if user defined more than one element in the
// selection, only the data for the last item on
// that selection will be returned.
$(inputEle).each(function(i, thisInput){
if (!$(inputEle).hasClass("hasSPDateField")) {
var $this = $(thisInput),
Inst = $"SPDateFieldInstance");
if (Inst && $this.length > 0) {
switch(action) {
//------> GET DATE METHOD: dateObj = $().SPDateField("getDate")
case "getdate":
resp = Inst.getDate();
//------> SET DATE METHOD: $().SPDateField("setDate", dates, format)
case "setdate":
if (arg[1]) {
date: arg[1],
format: (arg[2] || Inst.opt.datepicker.dateFormat)
//------> REMOVE DATE METHOD: $().SPDateField("removeDate", dates, format)
case "removedate":
if (arg[1]) {
date: arg[1],
format: (arg[2] || Inst.opt.datepicker.dateFormat)
//------> RESET METHOD: $().SPDateField("reset")
case "reset":
//------> DESTROY METHOD: $().SPDateField("destroy")
case "destroy":
} //end: switch()
return resp;
} //end: Method? ---------------------------
// BUILD the widget on each input element
// provided by the user's selection
return this.each(function(){
* @class SPDate
var Inst = {
/** @property {jQuery} The input element used by the user */
$ele: $(this).addClass("hasSPDateField")
if (!Inst.$"input[type='text']")) {
* @property {String} The original value in the input
* @member Inst
* @memberOf Inst
Inst.eleOrigVal = Inst.$ele.val();
* @property {Object} The input options after defaults
* @member Inst
* @memberOf Inst
Inst.opt = $.extend(true, {}, $, options);
* @property {jQuery} the UI container for the Date field.
* @member Inst
* @memberOf Inst
Inst.$ui = $(SPDate.htmlTemplate)
.css("display", "none");
* @property {jQuery} the Datepicker input field.
* @member Inst
* @memberOf Inst
Inst.$input = Inst.$ui
* @property {jQuery} The container used to display date when allowMuliples is true.
* @member Inst
* @memberOf Inst
Inst.$dtCntr = Inst.$ui.find("div.spwidget-date-selected-cntr");
* Returns the date selected by the user. An object is returned
* with the date formatted in differnt ways. See below.
* @return {Object}
* The returned objec will have the following format:
* {
* input: 'value of input',
* dates: [
* 'date 1',
* 'date 2'
* ]
* }
Inst.getDate = function() {
var dtObj = {
input: Inst.$ele.val(),
dates: []
if (dtObj.input) {
if (Inst.opt.allowMultiples) {
dtObj.dates = dtObj.input.split(Inst.opt.delimeter);
} else {
return dtObj;
}; //end: Inst.getDate()
* Resets the widget to its initial state, which could have
* had a prepopluated value on it.
* @return {Object} Inst
Inst.reset = function() {
return Inst;
}; //end: Inst.reset()
* Sets a date on the date widgets. Upon setting the date, the
* input's change() event is triggered.
* @param {Object} setDateOpt
* @param {Date|Array|String}
* The date or array of dates to set on the picker.
* @param {Boolean} [setDateOpt.setDatepicker=true]
* Then true, the datepicker jQuery UI widget input will
* be set to the value that was provided via this method.
* Used only when allowMultiples is false
* @param {String} [setDateOpt.format=Inst.opt.datepicker.dateFormat]
* The format of the dates provided on input. This param
* is used only if the input date (or one of them) is a
* string.
* @param {Boolean} [setDateOpt.triggerEvent=true]
* @return {Object} Inst
Inst.setDate = function(setDateOpt) {
var opt = $.extend(
date: '',
time: '',
format: Inst.opt.datepicker.dateFormat,
setDatepicker: true,
triggerEvent: true
eleVal = Inst.$ele.val(),
dtShow = '';
if (! {
return Inst;
if (!$.isArray( { = [ ];
// Loop through each date and create the string that will be used
// to set the date on the widget.
$.each(, function(i, dt){
var dtObj = dt,
dt1 = '',
dt2 = '';
// If this date object is not an instance of Date, then
// parse it into a Date object.
// If the string has a T on it, then we assume that it is
// an ISO 8601 compliant string and use the $.SPWidgets.parseDateString
// to get a Date object.
// Else, it could be a date in the format defined by the datepicker
// date format param.
if (!(dtObj instanceof Date)) {
dtObj = String(dtObj);
if (dtObj.indexOf("T") > -1) {
dtObj = $.SPWidgets.parseDateString(dtObj);
} else {
try {
dtObj = $.datepicker.parseDate(opt.format, dt);
} catch(e){
return Inst;
dt1 = $.datepicker.formatDate('yy-mm-dd', dtObj);
dt2 = $.datepicker
.formatDate(Inst.opt.datepicker.dateFormat, dtObj);
if (Inst.opt.showTimepicker) {
dt1 = $.SPWidgets.SPGetDateString(dtObj, Inst.opt._timeFmt);
dt2 += Inst.$timepicker.formatTime(dtObj);
// AllowMultiples = false
if (!Inst.opt.allowMultiples) {
eleVal = dt1;
dtShow = dt2;
// allowMultiples = true and date not yet stored
} else if (eleVal.indexOf(dt1) < 0) {
if (eleVal) {
eleVal += Inst.opt.delimeter;
eleVal += dt1;
dtShow += '<span class="spwidgets-item" data-spwidget_dt1="' +
dt1 + '" data-spwidget_dt2="' + dt2 + '">' +
tmplt: Inst.opt.dateTemplate,
data: { date: dt2 }
}) +
' </span>';
// If allow multiple is true, then set teh multiple dates
// on the display area. Then set the input value and trigger
// change event
if (Inst.opt.allowMultiples) {
} else if (opt.setDatepicker) {
if (opt.triggerEvent) {
return Inst;
}; //end: Inst.setDate()
* Removes a date from the list of selected dates.
* @param {Object} removeDateOpt
* @param {Date|String|Array} date
* The date or array of dates to be removed. Can be
* Date objects or strings. If defined as a string
* the 'format' option should be set accordingly
* @return {Object} Inst
Inst.removeDate = function(removeDateOpt){
var opt = $.extend(
date: '',
format: Inst.opt.datepicker.dateFormat
eleDtObj = Inst.getDate();
if (! {
return Inst;
if (!$.isArray( { = [ ];
$.each(, function(i, dt){
var dtObj = dt,
dt1 = '',
dt1Regex = '';
if (!(dtObj instanceof Date)) {
try {
dtObj = $.datepicker.parseDate(opt.format, dt);
} catch(e){
return Inst;
// Get the internal representation of the date (ISO 8601)
// so that we can remove it from the list of selected
// dates. The internal representation can be just the date
// or the date + time.
// The dt1Regex is used to search and replace the
// date in the input to where this widget was bound, which
// could include multiple dates.
if (Inst.opt.showTimepicker) {
dt1 = $.SPWidgets.SPGetDateString(dtObj, Inst.opt._timeFmt);
} else {
dt1 = $.datepicker.formatDate('yy-mm-dd', dtObj);
dt1Regex = new RegExp(
"(" + Inst.opt.delimeter + ")?" + dt1,
eleDtObj.input = eleDtObj.input.replace(dt1Regex, "");
if (Inst.opt.allowMultiples) {
.find("span[data-spwidget_dt1='" + dt1 + "']")
// Set the value on bound input.
// Clean up the new string (misc. delimeteres at begining or
// end of string), set it to the input field and trigger event.
eleDtObj.input = eleDtObj.input
.replace((new RegExp("^" + Inst.opt.delimeter)), "")
.replace((new RegExp(Inst.opt.delimeter + "$")), "");
return Inst;
}; //end: Inst.removeDate()
* Removes the widget from the page and makes the original
* Element visible
Inst.destroy = function() {
Inst.$ele.removeClass("hasSPDateField").css("display", "");
Inst.$ui.css("display", "none");
if (Inst.$timepicker) {
}; //end: Inst.destroy()
* Creates the date picker on this field. Depending on the
* input options, this could be a strait jQuery UI datepicker
* or a customized picker that allows selection of time as well.
* @return {Object} Date time Picker (if showTimepicker is true)
Inst.createDatePicker = function() {
var wdg = {};
// If showTimepicker is true, then lets build our own
// date and time picker, which wraps jQuery datepicker.
if (Inst.opt.showTimepicker) {
wdg.$selectorCntr = $(SPDate.htmlTemplate)
.css("display", "none");
wdg.$datePicker = wdg.$selectorCntr.find("div.spwidget-date-selector");
wdg.$timePicker = wdg.$selectorCntr.find("div.spwidget-time-selector");
wdg.$setButton = wdg.$selectorCntr.find("div.spwidget-btn-set");
wdg.$hourSelect = wdg.$timePicker.find("select.spwidget-hour");
wdg.$minSelect = wdg.$timePicker.find("select.spwidget-min");
wdg.$ampmSelect = wdg.$timePicker.find("select.spwidget-ampm");
wdg.heightDone = false;
wdg.firstShowDone = false;
* Returns an object with the time currently selected.
* @return {Object}
* An object with the following format:
* {
* hour: '',
* hour24: '',
* minutes: ''
* ampm: ''
* }
wdg.getTime = function() {
var time = {
hour: wdg.$hourSelect.val(),
minutes: wdg.$minSelect.val(),
ampm: wdg.$ampmSelect.val()
time.hour24 = time.hour;
if (time.ampm === "PM" && time.hour !== "12") {
time.hour24 = String(parseInt(time.hour) + 12);
} else if (time.ampm === "AM" && time.hour === "12") {
time.hour24 = "0";
return time;
}; //end: wdg.getTime()
* Formats the time on the widget, either based on the
* values returned from getTime() or a Date object.
* @param {Date|Object} time
* The object that will be used to format the Time.
* @return {String}
* Date formated with the dateFormat input parameter
wdg.formatTime = function(time) {
var timeObj = time,
timeFormated = '';
if (time instanceof Date) {
timeObj = {
hour: time.getHours(),
hour24: String(time.getHours()),
minutes: String(time.getMinutes()),
ampm: 'AM'
if (timeObj.hour > 12) {
timeObj.hour = String(timeObj.hour - 12);
timeObj.ampm = 'PM';
} else if (timeObj.hour === 12) {
timeObj.ampm = 'PM';
timeObj.hour = String(timeObj.hour);
if (timeObj.hour === "0") {
timeObj.hour = "12";
if (String(timeObj.minutes).length < 2) {
timeObj.minutes = "0" + timeObj.minutes;
} else if (!time) {
timeObj = wdg.getTime();
timeFormated = $.SPWidgets.fillTemplate(
return timeFormated;
}; //end: wdg.formatTime()
* Updates the widget date/time with what's currently selected.
* If no date is selected, Today will be used.
* @return {undefined}
wdg.updateDateTime = function(dtObj){
var time = wdg.getTime();
// If dtObj is not a Date object, then create it now.
// First try to get it from the Datepicker... If thats
// Null (not yet selected by user), then just create a
// default Date.
if (!(dtObj instanceof Date)) {
dtObj = wdg.$datePicker.datepicker("getDate");
if (dtObj === null) {
dtObj = new Date();
// Add time elements to date object
date: dtObj,
format: Inst.opt.datepicker.dateFormat,
setDatepicker: true
}; //end: wdg.updateDateTime()
* Makes the Time picker visible on the page.
* @return {undefined}
wdg.showPicker = function() {
var currentDate, tmpVal;
if (!wdg.heightDone) {
wdg.heightDone = true;
// If this is the first time showing the picker,
// then pre-set the picker to the last date that
// was selected.
// If no date was selected (or was pre-set on the
// input), then create a new date object (now)
if (!wdg.firstShowDone) {
wdg.firstShowDone = true;
currentDate = Inst.getDate();
if (currentDate.dates.length) {
currentDate = $.SPWidgets
currentDate.dates.length - 1
} else {
currentDate = new Date();
tmpVal = currentDate.getHours();
if (tmpVal === 0) {
tmpVal = "12";
} else if (tmpVal > 12) {
tmpVal = (tmpVal - 12);
if (currentDate.getHours() > 11) {
} else {
wdg.$datePicker.datepicker("setDate", currentDate);
}//end: if(): pre-set the picker values
my: "left top",
at: "left bottom",
of: Inst.$input
}; //end: wdg.showPicker()
/* ------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ------------------------------------------------------ */
// Remove alt field updates from datepicker. We'll handle it
// with the time picker
Inst.opt.datepicker.altFormat = '';
Inst.opt.datepicker.altField = '';
// If user set the icon option in the Datepicker, then need
// to build it manually
if (Inst.opt.datepicker.buttonImage) {
$('<img class="ui-datepicker-trigger" src="' +
Inst.opt.datepicker.buttonImage +
'" alt="..." title="...">'
.on("click" + SPDate.evNamespace, function(){
// If allowMultiples is true, then make set button visible
if (Inst.opt.allowMultiples) {
.button({label: Inst.opt.labelSet})
.on("click" + SPDate.evNamespace, function(ev){
return this;
// Apply the Labels for the time picker for this instance
.find("div.spwidget-time-hour > label")
.find("div.spwidget-time-min > label")
.find("div.spwidget-time-ampm > label")
// Set up a listener on the datepicker widget so that when user picks
// a date, we catch it and add the time portion to it.
// Let's also save the existing onSelect function, if one was defined
// on input, so we can call it later.
if ($.isFunction(Inst.opt.datepicker.onSelect)) {
Inst.opt.datepicker._onSelect = Inst.opt.datepicker.onSelect;
// Ensure only 1 month
Inst.opt.datepicker.numberOfMonths = 1;
// Setup the Datepicker onSelect event, which will build a Date
// object of the date the user selected and call updateDateTime()
// to set teh widget.
Inst.opt.datepicker.onSelect = function(dateText, dtPicker){
// If allowMultiples is true, then exit if
// this click is not the SET button
if (Inst.opt.allowMultiples) {
return this;
var newDate = new Date(
// Call the user defined onSelect if one was defined.
if ($.isFunction(Inst.opt.datepicker._onSelect)) {, dateText, dtPicker );
// Setup listeners on the time selectors so that we can trigger
// an update to the widget.
.on("change" + SPDate.evNamespace + " keyup" + SPDate.evNamespace,
// If allowMultiples is true, then exit if
// this click is not the SET button
if (Inst.opt.allowMultiples) {
return this;
return this;
// now that we have the datepicker setup, add listeners to the
// input field so that the date and time picker is shown.
.on("focus" + SPDate.evNamespace, function(){
// ELSE: showTimePicker is false. Just show regular
// jQuery UI date widget.
} else {
// If remainOpen option is true, then turn off picker animation
if (Inst.opt.allowMultiples && Inst.opt.remainOpen) {
Inst.opt.datepicker.showAnim = '';
// Store a reference to teh original onSelect method (if defined)
// and set our own here. Our function will take the date selected
// by the user in their own locale and format it to ISO 8601
if ($.isFunction(Inst.opt.datepicker.onSelect)) {
Inst.opt.datepicker._onSelect = Inst.opt.datepicker.onSelect;
// Setup the Datepicker
Inst.opt.datepicker.onSelect = function(dateText, dtPicker){
date: dateText,
format: dtPicker.settings.dateFormat,
setDatepicker: false
// Call the user defined onSelect if one was defined.
if ($.isFunction(Inst.opt.datepicker._onSelect)) {, dateText, dtPicker );
// If allow multiples is true, then clear out date picker input
if (Inst.opt.allowMultiples) {
if (Inst.opt.allowMultiples && Inst.opt.remainOpen) {
}, 5);
return wdg;
}; //end: createDatePicker()
//----------- INITIATE THIS INSTANCE -------------
// Define time string format (local or utc)
// param that is used with SPGetDateString
Inst.opt._timeFmt = ( Inst.opt.timeUTC ? 'utc' : 'local' );
// Setup the datepicker options
// TODO: should we allow the user to manipulate this?
Inst.opt.datepicker.altFormat = 'yy-mm-dd';
Inst.opt.datepicker.altField = Inst.$ele;
// If allowMultiples is true, then set special processing for storing
// multiple dates - both on display and in the input field.
if (Inst.opt.allowMultiples){
Inst.opt.datepicker.altFormat = '';
Inst.opt.datepicker.altField = '';
// Setup listener for removing selected dates.
.css("display", "")
.on("click", ".spwidgets-item-remove", function(ev){
var $dtItem = $(".spwidgets-item"),
date = $"spwidget_dt1");
// If allowMultiples is true, then convert the date string
// to a date object
if (Inst.opt.allowMultiples) {
date = $.SPWidgets.parseDateString(date);
date: date,
format: 'yy-mm-dd'
} //end: if(): allowMultiples
// Hide the input used by the caller and display our datepicker input.
.css("display", "none")
.data("SPDateFieldInstance", Inst);
Inst.$timepicker = Inst.createDatePicker();
// If input field already has some date, then prepopulate the widget
if (Inst.eleOrigVal) {
date: (Inst.eleOrigVal.split(Inst.opt.delimeter)),
format: 'yy-mm-dd',
triggerEvent: false
// On date change, trigger event on original
// element and cancel this one
Inst.$input.on("change", function(ev){
Inst.$ui.css("display", "");
}); //end: return.each()
}; //end: $.fn.SPDateField()
* When user clicks on the page, this method will close the
* Timepicker if it is open.
* @param {jQuery.Event}
* @return {Object} this
SPDate.onPageClick = function(ev) {
var $ele = $(,
$allSelectors = $("div.spwidget-datetime-selector:visible"),
$clickArea = null;
// JQuery UI Datepicker FWD/BAKC button are recreate everytime a
// user clicks on them... if this
if (!$.contains(document.documentElement, $ele[0])) {
return this;
// If Date and Time selectors are visible, then lets check if the user
// clicked on an element that is associated with the current time picker.
// This is used later to ensure we close all other pickers *except* the
// one associated with this element.
if ($allSelectors.length) {
$clickArea = $ele.closest("div.spwidget-datetime-selector");
if (!$clickArea.length && $"input.spwidget-date-datepicker,.ui-datepicker-trigger")) {
$clickArea = $ele.parent().find("div.spwidget-datetime-selector");
return this;
}; //end: SPDate.onPageClick()
* @property
* Stores the Style sheet for the Date widget
* @member SPDate
* @memberOf SPDate
SPDate.styleSheet = ".spwidget-date-cntr {\n"
+ " display: inline-block; \n"
+ " position: relative;\n"
+ "}\n"
+ ".spwidget-date-cntr div.spwidget-date-input-cntr {\n"
+ " position: relative;\n"
+ "}\n"
+ ".spwidget-date-cntr input {\n"
+ " width: 99%;\n"
+ "}\n"
+ ".spwidget-date-cntr img.ui-datepicker-trigger {\n"
+ " display: block;\n"
+ " position: absolute;\n"
+ " right: 2%;\n"
+ " top: .3em;\n"
+ "}\n"
+ "\n"
+ ".spwidget-date-cntr .spwidgets-item-remove {\n"
+ " color: red;\n"
+ " font-size: xx-small;\n"
+ " vertical-align: super;\n"
+ " cursor: pointer;\n"
+ "}\n"
+ "/** --------------------------- Date and Time picker -- */\n"
+ ".spwidget-date-cntr div.spwidget-datetime-selector {\n"
+ " padding: .5em;\n"
+ " position: absolute;\n"
+ " width: 26em;\n"
+ " z-index: 1;\n"
+ "}\n"
+ ".spwidget-date-cntr div.spwidget-datetime-selector div.ui-datepicker-inline {\n"
+ " width: 14em;\n"
+ "}\n"
+ "\n"
+ ".spwidget-date-cntr div.spwidget-datetime-selector div.spwidget-date-selector,\n"
+ ".spwidget-date-cntr div.spwidget-datetime-selector div.spwidget-time-selector {\n"
+ " float: left;\n"
+ "}\n"
+ ".spwidget-date-cntr div.spwidget-selectors:before,\n"
+ ".spwidget-date-cntr div.spwidget-selectors:after {\n"
+ " content: \"\";\n"
+ " display: table;\n"
+ " line-height: 0;\n"
+ "}\n"
+ ".spwidget-date-cntr div.spwidget-selectors:after {\n"
+ " clear: both; \n"
+ "}\n"
+ ".spwidget-date-cntr div.spwidget-datetime-selector select.spwidget-hour,\n"
+ ".spwidget-date-cntr div.spwidget-datetime-selector select.spwidget-min,\n"
+ ".spwidget-date-cntr div.spwidget-datetime-selector select.spwidget-ampm {\n"
+ " font-size: 1.2em;\n"
+ "}\n"
+ "/* Time selector */\n"
+ ".spwidget-date-cntr div.spwidget-time-selector {\n"
+ " margin-left: .2em;\n"
+ " width: 11em;\n"
+ "}\n"
+ ".spwidget-date-cntr div.spwidget-time-selector-cntr {\n"
+ " padding: .2em;\n"
+ "}\n"
+ ".spwidget-date-cntr div.spwidget-time-selector div.ui-widget-header {\n"
+ " text-align: center;\n"
+ " line-height: 2em;\n"
+ " margin-bottom: .5em;\n"
+ "}\n"
+ ".spwidget-date-cntr .spwidget-time-hour,\n"
+ ".spwidget-date-cntr .spwidget-time-min,\n"
+ ".spwidget-date-cntr .spwidget-time-ampm {\n"
+ " margin-top: .2em;\n"
+ " padding: .2em;\n"
+ "}\n"
+ ".spwidget-date-cntr .spwidget-time-selector-cntr select,\n"
+ ".spwidget-date-cntr .spwidget-time-selector-cntr label {\n"
+ " overflow: hidden;\n"
+ " display: inline-block;\n"
+ " font-weight: bold;\n"
+ "}\n"
+ ".spwidget-date-cntr .spwidget-time-selector-cntr select {\n"
+ " width: 4em;\n"
+ "}\n"
+ ".spwidget-date-cntr .spwidget-time-selector-cntr label {\n"
+ " width: 5em;\n"
+ " font-size: .9em;\n"
+ "}\n"
+ ".spwidget-btn-set {\n"
+ " display: none;\n"
+ " position: absolute;\n"
+ " right: .2em;\n"
+ " bottom: .2em;\n"
+ "}\n"
+ ".spwidget-date-multiples-cntr .spwidget-btn-set {\n"
+ " display: block;\n"
+ "}\n";
* @property
* Stores the HTML templates for the Date widget
* @member SPDate
* @memberOf SPDate
SPDate.htmlTemplate = "<div class=\"spwidget-date-cntr\">\n"
+ " <div class=\"spwidget-date-selected-cntr\" style=\"display:none;\"></div>\n"
+ " <div class=\"spwidget-date-input-cntr\">\n"
+ " <input class=\"spwidget-date-datepicker\" name=\"SPDateFieldInput\" value=\"\" />\n"
+ " </div>\n"
+ "</div>\n"
+ "<div class=\"spwidget-datetime-selector ui-widget-content ui-corner-all\">\n"
+ " <div class=\"spwidget-selectors\">\n"
+ " <div class=\"spwidget-date-selector\"></div>\n"
+ " <div class=\"spwidget-time-selector ui-widget-content ui-corner-all\">\n"
+ " <div class=\"spwidget-time-selector-cntr\">\n"
+ " <div class=\"ui-widget-header ui-helper-clearfix ui-corner-all\">\n"
+ " Time\n"
+ " </div>\n"
+ " <div class=\"spwidget-time-hour\">\n"
+ " <label>Hour</label>\n"
+ " <select name=\"spwidget_hour\" class=\"spwidget-hour\">\n"
+ " <option value=\"1\"> 1</option>\n"
+ " <option value=\"2\"> 2</option>\n"
+ " <option value=\"3\"> 3</option>\n"
+ " <option value=\"4\"> 4</option>\n"
+ " <option value=\"5\"> 5</option>\n"
+ " <option value=\"6\"> 6</option>\n"
+ " <option value=\"7\"> 7</option>\n"
+ " <option value=\"8\"> 8</option>\n"
+ " <option value=\"9\"> 9</option>\n"
+ " <option value=\"10\">10</option>\n"
+ " <option value=\"11\">11</option>\n"
+ " <option value=\"12\">12</option>\n"
+ " </select>\n"
+ " </div>\n"
+ " <div class=\"spwidget-time-min\"> \n"
+ " <label>Minutes</label>\n"
+ " <select name=\"spwidget_min\" class=\"spwidget-min\">\n"
+ " <option value=\"00\">00</option>\n"
+ " <option value=\"05\">05</option>\n"
+ " <option value=\"10\">10</option>\n"
+ " <option value=\"15\">15</option>\n"
+ " <option value=\"20\">20</option>\n"
+ " <option value=\"25\">25</option>\n"
+ " <option value=\"30\">30</option>\n"
+ " <option value=\"35\">35</option>\n"
+ " <option value=\"40\">40</option>\n"
+ " <option value=\"45\">45</option>\n"
+ " <option value=\"50\">50</option>\n"
+ " <option value=\"55\">55</option>\n"
+ " </select>\n"
+ " </div>\n"
+ " <div class=\"spwidget-time-ampm\">\n"
+ " <label>AM|PM</label>\n"
+ " <select name=\"spwidget_ampm\" class=\"spwidget-ampm\">\n"
+ " <option value=\"AM\">AM</option>\n"
+ " <option value=\"PM\">PM</option>\n"
+ " </select>\n"
+ " </div>\n"
+ " </div>\n"
+ " </div>\n"
+ " </div>\n"
+ " <div class=\"spwidget-btn-set\">\n"
+ " <div class=\"spwidget-btn\">\n"
+ " Set\n"
+ " </div>\n"
+ " </div>\n"
+ "</div>\n";
})(jQuery); /***** End of module: jquery.SPDateField.js */
* @fileOverview - List filter panel widget
* BUILD: Paul:November 04, 2013 07:09 PM
"use strict";
/*jslint nomen: true, plusplus: true */
/*global SPWidgets */
* @class Filter
var Filter = {};
/** @property {Boolean} Is initialization done */
Filter.isInitDone = false;
/** @property {jQuery} jQuery object with templates. Loaded from Filter.htmlTemplate during initialization */
Filter.templates = null;
* Default options.
$.SPWidgets.defaults.filter = {
list: '',
webURL: $().SPServices.SPGetCurrentSite(),
columns: ['Title'],
textFieldTooltip: 'Use a semicolon to delimiter multiple keywords.',
definedClass: 'spwidget-column-dirty',
showFilterButton: true,
showFilterButtonTop: true,
filterButtonLabel: "Filter",
onFilterClick: null,
onReady: null,
onReset: null,
ignoreKeywords: /^(of|and|a|an|to|by|the|or|from)$/i,
delimeter: ';'
* Given a container, this jQuery plugin will attach a user interface
* that allows the user to define filter criteria for a list.
* @param {Object} options
* @param {String} options.list
* @param {String} [options.webURL=current site]
* @param {Array} [options.columns=['title']]
* @param {String} [options.textFieldTooltip='']
* @param {String} [options.definedClass='spwidget-column-dirty']
* @param {Boolean} [options.showFilterButton=true]
* @param {Boolean} [options.showFilterButtonTop=true]
* @param {String} [options.filterButtonLabel='Fitler']
* @param {String} [options.onFilterClick=null]
* @param {String} [options.onReady=null]
* @param {String} [options.ignoreKeywords=RegEx]
* @param {String} [options.delimeter=';']
* @return {jQuery} this
* All methods must be executed on single element.
* $(ele).SPFilterPanel("getFilter");
* Returns an object with the filter information entered by the user.
* $(ele).SPFilterPanel("setFilter", {column: { matchType: "eq", values: [ '1', '2' ]} });
* Returns an object with the filter information entered by the user.
* $(ele).SPFilterPanel("destroy");
* Removes the widget from the page.
$.fn.SPFilterPanel = function(options){
var arg = arguments;
// If initialization is not yet done, then do it now
if ( !Filter.isInitDone ) {
Filter.isInitDone = true;
if ( Filter.styleSheet !== "" ) {
$('<style type="text/css">' + "\n\n" +
Filter.styleSheet + "\n\n</style>" )
Filter.templates = $( Filter.htmlTemplate );
// If input was a string, then must be a method.
if (typeof options === "string") {
if (!this.eq(0).hasClass("hasSPFilterPanel")) {
return (function(ele){
// Get the instance object
var Inst = ele.eq(0)
method = options.toLowerCase(),
response = Inst.$ele;
switch (method) {
// METHOD----------> getFilter
// Return: {Object}
case "getfilter":
response = Filter.getFilterValues(Inst);
// METHOD----------> setFilter("url param")
// Return: $ele
case "setfilter":
Filter.setFilterValues(Inst, arg[1]);
// METHOD----------> reset
case "reset":
Filter.doResetFilter( Inst );
// METHOD----------> destroy
case "destroy":
} //end: switch()
return response;
} //end: if(): options === string
// --------------------------------
// Build the plugin on each element
// --------------------------------
return this.each(function(){
var opt = $.extend({}, $.SPWidgets.defaults.filter, options),
* @class Inst
* Widget instance
Inst = {
$ele: $(this),
$ui: null,
opt: opt
* Retrieves the list definition.
* @return {jQuery.Deferred}
* Deferred is resolved with a scope of the jQuery message
* object and given 2 parameters - xData and status
Inst.getListDefinition = function() {
return $.Deferred(function(dfd){
// Get List Definition
operation: "GetList",
listName: opt.list,
cacheXML: true,
async: true,
webURL: opt.webURL,
completefunc: function(xData, status) {
var $msg = $(xData.responseXML);
if (status === "error") {
dfd.rejectWith($msg, [xData, status]);
if ($msg.SPMsgHasError()) {
dfd.rejectWith($msg, [xData, status]);
dfd.resolveWith($msg, [xData, status]);
} //end: completefunc
}; //end: getListDefinition
* Builds the widget in the container element.
* @return {jQuery.Deferred}
Inst.buildWidget = function() {
return $.Deferred(function(dfd){
Inst.getListDefinition().then(function(xData, status){
var $list = this,
columns = '',
colUI = Filter.templates.filter("#filter_column").html();
// Insert the UI into the page and set
// pointer ($ui) to it.
Inst.$ui = $(
// Store list definition
Inst.$list = $list;
// Loop through list of columns to display and
// build the UI for them.
$.each(Inst.opt.columns, function(i,v){
// find column in the list definition
var $thisCol = $list
"Field[DisplayName='" +
v + "']" ),
thisColUI = colUI,
inputUI = '',
values = null,
model = null;
if (!$thisCol.length) {
$thisCol = $list
.find("Field[Name='" + v + "']");
if (!$thisCol.length){
// Now that we are sure we have a COl. definition,
// populate the model for this column
model = {
type: null,
otherFilterTypes: '',
sp_type: $thisCol.attr("Type"),
sp_format: $thisCol.attr("Format")
// Set some default model values
model.Name = $thisCol.attr("Name");
// Build the column ui based on its type
switch ($thisCol.attr("Type")) {
// CHOICE: Show checkboxes allowing user to select multiple
case "Choice":
$thisCol.find("CHOICES CHOICE").each(function(i,v){
inputUI += $.SPWidgets.fillTemplate(
DisplayName: $thisCol.attr("DisplayName"),
Name: $thisCol.attr("Name"),
value: $(v).text()
thisColUI = thisColUI.replace(/__COLUMN__UI__/, inputUI);
thisColUI = $.SPWidgets.fillTemplate(
DisplayName: $thisCol.attr("DisplayName"),
type: 'choice',
Name: $thisCol.attr("Name")
// === all types below use the input field ===
// From here until DEFAUL, we only set the type.
case "Lookup":
case "LookupMulti":
if (model.type === null) {
model.type = 'lookup';
model.list = $thisCol.attr("List");
if ( model.list === "Self") {
model.list = $list.find("List").attr("Title");
case "DateTime":
if (model.type === null) {
model.type = 'date';
model.otherFilterTypes =
'<option value="Gt">After</option>' +
'<option value="Lt">Before</option>';
case "User":
case "UserMulti":
if (model.type === null) {
model.type = 'people';
// COUNTER: Inser additional filter types
case "Counter":
if (model.type === null) {
model.type = 'text';
model.otherFilterTypes =
'<option value="Gt">Greater Than</option>' +
'<option value="Lt">Less Than</option>';
// Date and Time: Inser additional filter types
case "DateTime":
if (model.type === null) {
model.type = 'text';
model.otherFilterTypes =
'<option value="Gt">After</option>' +
'<option value="Lt">Before</option>';
// DEFAULT: Show as a text field
if (model.type === null) {
model.type = 'text';
inputUI = Filter.templates
thisColUI = thisColUI
.replace(/__COLUMN__UI__/, inputUI)
.replace(/__OTHER_FILTER_TYPES__/, model.otherFilterTypes);
thisColUI = $.SPWidgets.fillTemplate(
DisplayName: $thisCol.attr("DisplayName"),
Name: $thisCol.attr("Name"),
tooltip: Inst.opt.textFieldTooltip
} //end: switch()
// Add Column UI to list of columns
columns += thisColUI;
}); //end: .each() - column
// Insert the columns into the UI
// Setup Lookup field
Inst.$ele.find("div.spwidget-type-lookup input")
var $field = $(this);
list: $field
template: '<div>{{Title}} <span class="spwidgets-item-remove">[x]</span></div>',
listTemplate: '{{Title}}',
allowMultiples: true,
readOnly: false,
filter: '',
showSelector: true
// Setup PEOPLE fields
Inst.$ele.find("div.spwidget-type-people input")
var $field = $(this),
colDef = $list.find(
"Field[Name='" +
$field.attr("name") + "']"),
peopleType = 'User';
if (colDef.attr("UserSelectionMode") !== "PeopleOnly") {
peopleType = 'All';
allowMultiple: true,
type: peopleType
// Setup DATE fields
var $column = $(this),
$field = $column.find("input");
allowMultiples: true,
showTimepicker: (
$"spwidget_sp_format") === "DateTime"
? true
: false
return this;
// Setup the Button on the UI (if applicable)
if (Inst.opt.showFilterButton || Inst.opt.showFilterButtonTop) {
var $btnCntr = $(this),
$btn = $();
// If Top button is true, clone adn insert at top
if (Inst.opt.showFilterButtonTop) {
$btn = $btn
.add( $btnCntr.clone(true) )
.prependTo( Inst.$ui );
// If BOttom Button is true, then added to
// group selection... if not, then remove it.
if (Inst.opt.showFilterButton) {
$btn = $btn.add( $btnCntr );
} else {
// Setup Filter button
icons: {
primary: "ui-icon-search"
label: Inst.opt.filterButtonLabel
.on("click", Filter.onFilterButtonClick);
// Setup Filter button
icons: {
primary: "ui-icon-arrowreturnthick-1-n"
text: false
.on("click", function(ev){
Filter.doResetFilter( Inst );
return this;
// Else, remove button container
} else {
// Bind events
// Filter type change()
// If we have a DefinedClass specified, then
// listen to change events
if (Inst.opt.definedClass !== "") {
// Store the Widget Inst object in the UI
.data("SPFilterPanelInst", Inst);
// If a onReady callback was defined, then
// execute it now
if ($.isFunction(Inst.opt.onReady)) {$ele, options);
// Make the UI visible
$(this).css("display", "");
}) //end: .then()
// IF getting the List definition fails, then display error
// in the widget container element.
.fail(function(xData, status){
var $msg = this;
'<div class="ui-state-error">Unable to retrieve list information. ' +
$msg.SPGetMsgError() + '</div>' );
}; //end: Inst.buildWidget()
// A few validations
if ( Inst.opt.ignoreKeywords
&& !Inst.opt.ignoreKeywords instanceof RegExp
) {
Inst.opt.ignoreKeywords = /Inst.opt.ignoreKeywords/i;
// build the widget
return this;
}); //end: return()
}; //end: $.fn.SPFilterPanel()
* Triggered when the change event is triggered on the
* input elements that collect data from the user.
* Sets the dirty class on the column if one is defined.
* @param {jQuery.Event} ev
* @return {HTMLElement} this
Filter.onFilterInputChange = function(ev){
var $input = $(this),
$cntr = $input.closest("div.spwidget-filter-value-input"),
$col = $cntr.closest("div.spwidget-column"),
matchType = $col.find("div.spwidget-filter-type-cntr select.spwidget-filter-type").val(),
val = $input.val(),
Inst = $cntr
if ($".spwidget-type-choice")) {
if (!$cntr.find(".spwidget-filter-input:checked").length) {
val = "";
if (val !== "") {
} else if (matchType !== 'IsNull' && matchType !== 'IsNotNull') {
return this;
}; //end: Filter.onFilterInputChange()
* Bound to the $ui. Listen for changes in the filter type
* select element.
* @param {jQuery.Event} ev
* return {jQuery} this
Filter.onFilterTypeChange = function(ev) {
var $ele = $(this),
$col = $ele.closest("div.spwidget-column"),
$logicalType = $col.find("div.spwidget-filter-type-cntr select.spwidget-match-type"),
$colValCntr = $col.find("div.spwidget-filter-value-cntr"),
$colInput = $colValCntr.find(".spwidget-input"),
inputVal = '',
colType = $"spwidget_column_type"),
eleValue = $ele.val(),
Inst = $ele
if (eleValue === "IsNull" || eleValue === "IsNotNull") {
$colInput.attr("disabled", "disabled");
$logicalType.attr("disabled", "disabled");
} else {
$colInput.removeAttr("disabled", "disabled");
// Remove the higlight class from the column if
// no value is defined for it. For Checkboxes (choice)
// we need to first grab the checkboxes and then see
// if they are checked.
if (colType === "choice") {
var $this = $(this);
if ($":checked")) {
inputVal += $this.val();
return false;
} else {
inputVal += $colInput.val();
if (!inputVal ) {
return this;
}; //end: Filter.onFilterTypeChange()
* Calls the user defined function when user clicks the filter button.
* @param {jQuery.Event} ev
* @return {HTMLElement} this
Filter.onFilterButtonClick = function(ev) {
var Inst = $(this)
filters = null;
if ( $.isFunction( Inst.opt.onFilterClick ) ) {
filters = Filter.getFilterValues(Inst); Inst.$ele, filters );
return this;
}; //end: Filter.onFilterButtonClick()
* Resets the filter panel, by removing all filters
* defined from the form.
* @param {Object} Inst
* The widget instance object
* @return {Object} the instance object
Filter.doResetFilter = function(Inst) {
if ($.isFunction(Inst.onReset)) {
if ($ele, Filter.getFilterValues(Inst)) === true) {
return Inst;
// Reset regular text fields
.find("div[data-spwidget_column_type='text'] input")
// reset checkboxes for CHOICE columns
.find("div[data-spwidget_column_type='choice'] input")
.prop("checked", false)
// reset people fields
.pickSPUser("method", "clear")
// reset date fields
// reset lookup fields
.SPLookupField("method", "clear");
// Remove the Defined class
if (Inst.opt.definedClass !== "") {
.find("." + Inst.opt.definedClass)
// Reset any IsNull and IsNotNull filters
var $ele = $(this),
value = $ele.val();
if (value === "IsNull" || value === "IsNotNull") {
// Focus the on the first input
return Inst;
}; // Filter.doResetFilter()
* Generates the filters from the values entered by the user.
* @param {SPFilterPanel.Instance} Inst
* The Instance object generated by the $().SPFilterPanel()
* @return {Object}
* An object with the filter information. See below for the
* structured of the object
* @example
* Filter.getFilterValues(instObject);
* {
* CAMLQuery: 'string with query wrapped in an <And> aggregate',
* URLParams: 'String with query in URL params style',
* filters: {
* columnInternalName: {
* matchType: 'Eq',
* values: [
* 'filter value 1',
* 'filter value 2',
* etc...
* ],
* CAMLQuery: 'string with query wrapped in an <Or> aggregate',
* URLParams: 'string with query in URL param style',
* count: 0
* }
* },
* count: 2 // number of filters created
* }
Filter.getFilterValues = function(Inst) {
var filters = {
CAMLQuery: '',
URLParams: '',
filters: {},
count: 0
$cols = Inst.$ui.find("div.spwidget-column"),
colFilters = [];
* Returns a CAMLQuery for the set of individual column filters.
* USed in fields of type Choice or Text.
* @param {Object} colFilterObj
* The object for the individual column
* @return {String} caml query
function getColumnCAMLQuery(colFilterObj) {
return $.SPWidgets.getCamlLogical({
type: colFilterObj.logicalType,
values: colFilterObj.values,
onEachValue: function(filterVal){
return "<" + colFilterObj.matchType +
"><FieldRef Name='" + colFilterObj.columnName +
"' /><Value Type='Text'>" +
$.SPWidgets.escapeXML(filterVal) +
"</Value></" + colFilterObj.matchType + ">";
} //end: getColumnCAMLQuery()
// Loop through each column and build the data
var $thisCol = $(v),
$input = $thisCol.find(".spwidget-input"),
colName = $input.attr("name"),
thisColFilter = (new Filter.ColumnFilter({
columnName: colName,
matchType: $thisCol
logicalType: $thisCol
colFilterWasSet = false,
colType = $"spwidget_column_type"),
thisColUrlParam = {};
// If the match type is IsNull or IsNotNull, then
// build the match now... don't need to know which type
// of column for these.
if ( thisColFilter.matchType === "IsNull"
|| thisColFilter.matchType === "IsNotNull"
) {
thisColFilter.CAMLQuery =
"<" + thisColFilter.matchType + "><FieldRef Name='" +
colName + "' /></" + thisColFilter.matchType + ">";
thisColFilter.count += 1;
// ELSE, process the column type
} else {
// Process column type user input
switch(colType) {
// -------------------- CHOICE COLUMNS
case "choice":
var $checkbox = $(this),
checkboxVal = $checkbox.val();
if ($":checked")) {
if (thisColFilter.values.length) {
thisColFilter.count = thisColFilter.values.length;
thisColFilter.CAMLQuery = getColumnCAMLQuery(thisColFilter);
// -------------------- LOOKUP COLUMNS
// -------------------- PEOPLE COLUMNS
case "lookup":
case "people":
var lookupIDs = [];
var $lookup = $(this),
lookupVals = $.SPWidgets
for(i=0,j=lookupVals.length; i<j; i++){
if (lookupVals[i].id) {
lookupVals[i].id + ";#" +
if (thisColFilter.values.length) {
thisColFilter.count = thisColFilter.values.length;
thisColFilter.CAMLQuery = $.SPWidgets.getCamlLogical({
type: thisColFilter.logicalType,
values: lookupIDs,
onEachValue: function(filterVal){
return "<" + thisColFilter.matchType +
"><FieldRef Name='" + thisColFilter.columnName +
"' LookupId='True'/><Value Type='Lookup'>" +
filterVal + "</Value></" + thisColFilter.matchType + ">";
// -------------------- DATE FIELDS
case "date":
var dtObj = $input.SPDateField("getDate");
if (dtObj.dates.length) {
thisColFilter.values = dtObj.dates;
thisColFilter.count = thisColFilter.values.length;
thisColFilter.CAMLQuery = $.SPWidgets.getCamlLogical({
type: thisColFilter.logicalType,
values: thisColFilter.values,
onEachValue: function(filterVal){
return "<" + thisColFilter.matchType +
"><FieldRef Name='" +
thisColFilter.columnName +
"'/><Value Type='DateTime'>" +
filterVal + "</Value></" +
thisColFilter.matchType + ">";
return false;
// -------------------- TEXT COLUMNS
case "text":
// ELSE, if user entered text, then parse it
if ( String( $.trim( $input.val() ) ).length ) {
var keywords = $input.val().split(Inst.opt.delimeter),
// Loop thorugh all keywords.
for( i=0,j=keywords.length; i<j; i++ ){
thisKeyword = $.trim(keywords[i]);
if ( !Inst.opt.ignoreKeywords.test(thisKeyword)
&& thisKeyword
) {
thisColFilter.CAMLQuery = getColumnCAMLQuery(thisColFilter);
thisColFilter.count = thisColFilter.values.length;
} //end: switch() - type of column
} //end if()
// If filters where built for this column, then add it to the
// list of column that the user entered values for.
if (thisColFilter.count > 0) {
filters.count += thisColFilter.count;
filters.filters[colName] = thisColFilter;
// Create the URLParams for this column
thisColUrlParam[ colName ] = {
matchType: thisColFilter.matchType,
logicalType: thisColFilter.logicalType,
values: thisColFilter.values
thisColFilter.URLParams = $.param(thisColUrlParam, false);
if (filters.URLParams !== "") {
filters.URLParams += "&";
filters.URLParams += thisColFilter.URLParams;
// Build the CAMLQuery
if (filters.count > 1) {
filters.CAMLQuery = $.SPWidgets.getCamlLogical({
type: 'AND',
values: colFilters
} else if (filters.count === 1 ) {
filters.CAMLQuery = colFilters[0];
return filters;
}; // Filter.getFilterValues()
* Clears the current panel and populates it with the
* filter criteria defined on the input object
* @param {Object} Inst
* The instance object for the widget on the page
* @param {String} filters
* An object with the column criteria to be set.
* format of object:
* {
* columnInternalName: {
* matchType: "",
* values: [
* 'value 1',
* 'value 2'
* ]
* }
* }
* @return {Object} Inst
Filter.setFilterValues = function(Inst, filters) {
// If filters is not an object or is an empty object, exit
if (typeof filters !== "object" || $.isEmptyObject(filters)) {
return Inst;
$.each(filters, function(column, filter){
var $input = Inst.$ui.find(".spwidget-filter-input[name='" + column + "']"),
$colUI = $input.closest("div.spwidget-column"),
type = $"spwidget_column_type"),
$match = $colUI.find("select[name='" + column + "_type']"),
$logicalType = $colUI.find("div.spwidget-filter-type-cntr select.spwidget-match-type"),
thisFilter = new Filter.ColumnFilter();
$.extend(thisFilter, filter);
// If we have a matchType or logicalType, then set it
if (thisFilter.matchType) {
if (thisFilter.logicalType) {
// if match type is IsNull or IsNotNull, then no need to set column value
if (filter.matchType !== "IsNull" && filter.matchType !== "IsNotNull") {
// Populate the values
switch (type) {
case "text":
if (thisFilter.values instanceof Array) {
} else {
case "choice":
$.each(thisFilter.values, function(i, colVal){
.filter("[value='" + colVal + "']")
.prop("checked", true);
case "lookup":
$input.SPLookupField("method", "add",
thisFilter.values.join(";#") );
case "people":
$input.pickSPUser("method", "add",
thisFilter.values.join(";#") );
case "date":
// If dateTime value, then let SPDateField parse values
if ($"spwidget_sp_format") === "DateTime") {
$input.SPDateField('setDate', thisFilter.values);
// Regular dates - Provide format input
} else {
$input.SPDateField('setDate', thisFilter.values, 'yy-mm-dd');
// ELSE: Must have been IsNull or IsNotNull. trigger change
// event on dropdown so that column can be properly highlighted.
} else {
} //end: if()
}); //end: each(): thisFilter
return Inst;
}; //end: Filter.setFilterValues()
* Create a new instance of a Column object.
* @constructor
* @param {Object} inst
* The initial object of values
* @return {Filter.ColumnFilter}
Filter.ColumnFilter = function(inst) {
var Column = function(){},
newCol = new Column();
if (typeof inst !== "object") {
inst = {};
newCol.columnName = inst.columnName || '';
newCol.matchType = inst.matchType || '';
newCol.logicalType = inst.logicalType || '';
newCol.values = inst.values || [];
newCol.CAMLQuery = inst.CAMLQuery || '';
newCol.URLParams = inst.URLParams || '';
newCol.count = inst.count || 0;
return newCol;
}; //end: ColumnFilter()
* @property
* Stores the Style sheet that is inserted into the page the first
* time SPFilterPanel() is called.
* Value is set at build time.
Filter.styleSheet = "/** \n"
+ " * Stylesheet for the Board widget\n"
+ " * \n"
+ " * BUILD: September 07, 2013 - 03:52 PM\n"
+ " */\n"
+ "div.spwidget-filter {\n"
+ " width: 100%;\n"
+ " position: relative;\n"
+ "}\n"
+ "div.spwidget-filter .spwidget-date-cntr,\n"
+ "div.spwidget-filter .spwidgets-lookup-cntr {\n"
+ " display: block;\n"
+ "}\n"
+ "/* Adjust the width of the widget inputs inside the filter panel */\n"
+ "div.spwidget-filter .spwidget-type-text input.spwidget-filter-input,\n"
+ "div.spwidget-filter .spwidget-type-people input.ui-autocomplete-input,\n"
+ "div.spwidget-filter div.spwidget-type-choice div.spwidget-filter-value-input {\n"
+ " width: 95%;\n"
+ "}\n"
+ "\n"
+ "div.spwidget-filter .spwidgets-lookup-cntr {\n"
+ " width: 96%;\n"
+ "}\n"
+ "div.spwidget-filter .spwidget-date-cntr div.spwidget-date-input-cntr {\n"
+ " width: 97%\n"
+ "}\n"
+ "\n"
+ "div.spwidget-filter div.spwidget-column {\n"
+ " padding: .5em;\n"
+ " margin: .5em;\n"
+ " position: relative;\n"
+ " border-bottom: 1px solid darkgray;\n"
+ " box-shadow: 1px 1px 1px 0 lightgray inset;\n"
+ "}\n"
+ "div.spwidget-filter div.spwidget-filter-type-cntr {\n"
+ " right: 4%;\n"
+ " position: absolute;\n"
+ " font-size: .8em;\n"
+ " top: .6em;\n"
+ " opacity: .6;\n"
+ " filter: Alpha(opacity=60);\n"
+ "}\n"
+ "div.spwidget-filter div.spwidget-filter-type-cntr:hover {\n"
+ " opacity: 1;\n"
+ "}\n"
+ "div.spwidget-filter div.spwidget-filter-value-cntr {\n"
+ " width: 100%;\n"
+ "}\n"
+ "\n"
+ "div.spwidget-filter div.spwidget-filter-value-cntr > label {\n"
+ " display: block;\n"
+ " padding: .2em;\n"
+ " font-weight: bold;\n"
+ "}\n"
+ "div.spwidget-filter div.spwidget-column-dirty div.spwidget-filter-value-cntr > label {\n"
+ " color: #FF0000;\n"
+ "}\n"
+ "div.spwidget-filter .spwidget-tooltip {\n"
+ " display: block;\n"
+ " font-size: .8em;\n"
+ " font-style: italic;\n"
+ "}\n"
+ "\n"
+ "/* LOOKUP FIELDS */\n"
+ "div.spwidget-filter div.spwidgets-lookup-cntr div.spwidgets-lookup-selected > div.spwidgets-item {\n"
+ " display: block;\n"
+ " margin-left: 0px;\n"
+ "}\n"
+ "\n"
+ "/* CHOICE FIELDS */\n"
+ "div.spwidget-filter div.spwidget-type-choice div.spwidget-filter-value-input {\n"
+ " max-height: 6em;\n"
+ " overflow: auto;\n"
+ " -moz-appearance: textfield;\n"
+ " -webkit-appearance: textfield;\n"
+ " background-color: white;\n"
+ " background-color: -moz-field;\n"
+ " border: 1px solid darkgray;\n"
+ " box-shadow: 1px 1px 1px 0 lightgray inset;\n"
+ " font: -moz-field;\n"
+ " font: -webkit-small-control;\n"
+ " padding: 2px 5px;\n"
+ "}\n"
+ "div.spwidget-filter div.spwidget-type-choice div.spwidget-filter-value-input label {\n"
+ " display: block;\n"
+ " padding: .2em;\n"
+ "}\n"
+ "\n"
+ "div.spwidget-filter .spwidget-disabled {\n"
+ " -ms-filter: \"progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(Opacity=50)\";\n"
+ " filter: alpha(opacity=50);\n"
+ " opacity: 0.5;\n"
+ "}\n"
+ "\n"
+ "/** Button container */\n"
+ "div.spwidget-filter div.spwidget-filter-button-cntr {\n"
+ " padding: .5em 4%;\n"
+ " margin-top: .5em;\n"
+ " text-align: right;\n"
+ "}\n"
+ "\n";
* @property
* Stores the HTML template for each Filter widget.
* Value is set at build time.
Filter.htmlTemplate = "<div id=\"filter_main_ui\">\n"
+ " <div class=\"spwidget-filter\" style=\"display: none;\">\n"
+ " <div class=\"spwidget-filter-column-cntr\"></div>\n"
+ " <div class=\"spwidget-filter-button-cntr\">\n"
+ " <button type=\"button\" class=\"spwidget-button\" name='reset'>Reset</button>\n"
+ " <button type=\"button\" class=\"spwidget-button\" name='filter'>Filter</button>\n"
+ " </div>\n"
+ " </div>\n"
+ "</div>\n"
+ "<div id=\"filter_column\">\n"
+ " <div class=\"spwidget-column spwidget-type-{{type}}\" \n"
+ " data-spwidget_column_type=\"{{type}}\" \n"
+ " data-spwidget_list=\"{{list}}\" \n"
+ " data-spwidget_sp_type=\"{{sp_type}}\" \n"
+ " data-spwidget_sp_format=\"{{sp_format}}\" >\n"
+ " <div class=\"spwidget-filter-value-cntr\">\n"
+ " <label>{{DisplayName}}</label>\n"
+ " <div class=\"spwidget-filter-value-input\">\n"
+ " __COLUMN__UI__\n"
+ " </div>\n"
+ " </div>\n"
+ " <div class=\"spwidget-filter-type-cntr\" title=\"Match Type\">\n"
+ " <select name=\"{{Name}}_type\" class=\"spwidget-filter-type\" tabindex=\"-1\">\n"
+ " <option value=\"Contains\">Contains</option>\n"
+ " <option value=\"Eq\" selected=\"selected\">Equal</option>\n"
+ " <option value=\"Neq\">Not Equal</option>\n"
+ " <option value=\"IsNull\">Is Blank</option> \n"
+ " <option value=\"IsNotNull\">Is Not Blank</option>\n"
+ " </select>\n"
+ " <select name=\"{{Name}}_match\" class=\"spwidget-match-type\" tabindex=\"-1\">\n"
+ " <option value=\"Or\" selected=\"selected\">Any</option>\n"
+ " <option value=\"And\">All</option>\n"
+ " </select>\n"
+ " </div>\n"
+ " </div>\n"
+ "</div>\n"
+ "<div id=\"filter_text_field\">\n"
+ " <input name=\"{{Name}}\" title=\"{{DisplayName}}\" type=\"text\" value=\"\" class=\"spwidget-input spwidget-filter-input\" />\n"
+ " <span class=\"spwidget-tooltip\">{{tooltip}}</span>\n"
+ "</div>\n"
+ "<div id=\"filter_choice_field\">\n"
+ " <label>\n"
+ " <input name=\"{{Name}}\" title=\"{{DisplayName}}\" type=\"checkbox\" value=\"{{value}}\" class=\"spwidget-input spwidget-filter-input\" />\n"
+ " {{value}}\n"
+ " </label>\n"
+ "</div>\n";
})(jQuery); /***** End of module: jquery.SPFilterPanel.js */
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