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Last active March 23, 2019 15:46
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Figuring out how to async send message
lazy_static! {
static ref USMAP: Arc<Mutex<HashMap<String, UpdateServer>>> = Arc::new(Mutex::new(HashMap::new()));
pub struct UpdateServer {
subdomain: String,
sa: SocketAddr,
sink: SplitSink<UdpFramed<BytesCodec>>,
stream: SplitStream<UdpFramed<BytesCodec>>,
impl UpdateServer {
pub fn new(_family: Domain, subdomain: String) -> Self {
// temporary test server
let addr = SocketAddr::new(Ipv4Addr::new(127,0,0,1).into(), 8053);
let sock = UdpSocket::bind(&addr).expect("bind failed");
let (a_sink, a_stream) = UdpFramed::new(sock, BytesCodec::new()).split();
UpdateServer {
subdomain: subdomain,
sa: addr,
sink: a_sink,
stream: a_stream,
pub fn mysend(us: &UpdateServer, msg: Message)
let task = us.sink.send((msg.as_bytes().clone(),
.and_then(|_| {
let _a_stream =
.map(move |(_response, addr)| {
println!("task recv from {:?}", addr);
.map_err(|e| panic!("send update err={:?}", e));
.or_else(|n| {
println!("read {:?} bytes2", n);
fn main {
let up = UpdateServer::new(Domain::ipv4(), subdomain.clone());
let servers = USMAP.lock().unwrap();
servers.insert(subdomain.clone(), up);
if let Some(ups) = servers.get(&subdomain) {
mysend(ups, build_update(&se));
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