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Last active August 16, 2016 19:00
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Can we return just Xor[String, Boolean] and skip the List?
// If I have a very simple program
def example2(venue: String, account: String) = for {
_ <- info("blah blah").freeko[API, O] // Returns Unit
b <- buy(venue, account, Order("BAD", -1, -1)).freeko[API, O] // Returns Result[OrderStatus]
} yield b
// with API definition and Onion
type Result[A] = Xor[String, A]
type API = LogApi.PRG :||: TradeApi.PRG
val API = Program[API]
type O = Result[?] :&: List :&: Bulb
// And run an interpreter to monix.Task and then execute task via runAsync
val result2 = run(example2(testVenue, testAccount))
println("Result 2: " + result2)
// $ result2 is of type Xor.Right[List[OrderStatus]
// Is there a way to get Xor.Right[OrderStatus] instead? I guess no due to the Onion, but I may have missed something...
// I'm not considering 'peeling' the onion as this is a minimal snippet to show what I mean, it can be a longer one where
// peeling makes things cumbersome
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