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Forked from mguillermin/ImplicitSenderTest.scala
Created September 8, 2018 18:05
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Sample showing basic usage of Akka TestKit and TestActorRef
package sample.akka.testkit
import akka.testkit.{TestKit, TestActorRef}
import org.scalatest.matchers.MustMatchers
import org.scalatest.WordSpec
class ImplicitSenderTest extends TestKit(ActorSystem("testSystem"))
// Using the ImplicitSender trait will automatically set `testActor` as the sender
with ImplicitSender
with WordSpec
with MustMatchers {
"A simple actor" must {
"send back a result" in {
// Creation of the TestActorRef
val actorRef = TestActorRef[SimpleActor]
actorRef ! "akka"
// This method assert that the `testActor` has received a specific message
expectMsg("Hello akka")
package sample.akka.testkit
import akka.testkit.{TestKit, TestActorRef}
import org.scalatest.matchers.MustMatchers
import org.scalatest.WordSpec
// Just a simple actor
class SimpleActor extends Actor {
// Sample actor internal state
var lastMsg: String = ""
def receive = {
case msg: String => {
// Storing the message in the internal state variable
lastMsg = msg
sender ! "Hello " + msg
class SimpleTest extends TestKit(ActorSystem("testSystem"))
with WordSpec
with MustMatchers {
"A simple actor" must {
// Creation of the TestActorRef
val actorRef = TestActorRef[SimpleActor]
"receive messages" in {
// This call is synchronous. The actor receive() method will be called in the current thread
actorRef ! "world"
// With actorRef.underlyingActor, we can access the SimpleActor instance created by Akka
actorRef.underlyingActor.lastMsg must equal("world")
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