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Created October 14, 2014 04:22
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set MAX_N 200
set MIN_VALUE -2147483648
set MAX_VALUE 2147483647
proc read_data {} {
# Open file in read mode
set input [open "" r]
# read the file content
set file_data [read $input]
regsub -all "\n" $file_data " " file_data
# split the data in array of lines
set data [split $file_data " "]
# Prints data spltted
return $data
proc judgeCheckData {n s t amt} {
set MAX_N 200
set MIN_N 2
set MIN_S 2
set MAX_S 10
if {($n > $MAX_N) || ($n < $MIN_N) || ($s > $MAX_S) || ($s < $MIN_S) || ($n > [expr "$s" * "$t"]) || ($t > [expr "$n" + "1"])} {
puts "Bad param!"
proc ripoff {startPoint turnsUsed numSquares numTurns maxJump} {
global MAX_N
global MAX_VALUE
global MIN_VALUE
global rebates
global values
if {$startPoint >= $numSquares} {
return 0;
} elseif {$rebates($startPoint,$turnsUsed) != $MAX_VALUE} {
return $rebates($startPoint,$turnsUsed)
} else {
set max $MIN_VALUE
if {$turnsUsed == [expr "$numTurns" - "1"]} {
return [lindex $values $startPoint]
} else {
for {set step 1} {$step <= $maxJump} {incr step} {
set part2 [expr "$numTurns" - "$turnsUsed" - "1"]
set part3 [expr ("$part2") * "$maxJump"]
set expression [expr "$startPoint" + "$step" + "$part3"]
if {$expression >= $numSquares} {
set thisStep [expr [lindex $values $startPoint] + [ripoff [expr "$startPoint" + "$step"] [expr "$turnsUsed" + "1"] $numSquares $numTurns $maxJump]]
set max [expr max($max, $thisStep)]
set rebates($startPoint,$turnsUsed) $max
return $max
proc calculate {numSquares maxJump numTurns} {
global values
global MIN_VALUE
set max $MIN_VALUE
for {set step 1} {$step <= $maxJump} {incr step} {
set part1 [expr "$step" - "1"]
set part2 [expr "$numTurns" - "1"]
set part3 [expr "$part2" * "$maxJump"]
set expression [expr "$part1" + "$part3"]
if { $expression >= $numSquares } {
#int thisStep = calculate(step - 1, 1);
set thisStep [ripoff [expr "$step" - "1"] 1 $numSquares $numTurns $maxJump]
#max = Math.max(max, thisStep);
set max [expr max($max, $thisStep)]
return $max
# set input of ints
set in [read_data]
# Set list index
set index 0
# Set n
set n [lindex $in $index]
# set ammount
set values ""
while {$n > 0} {
#s = in.nextInt();
set s [lindex $in [incr index]]
# t = in.nextInt();
set t [lindex $in [incr index]]
#for (int sq = 0; sq < numSquares; sq++)
#values[sq] = s.nextInt();
for {set sq 1} {$sq <= $n} {incr sq} {
set values [linsert $values $sq [lindex $in [incr index]]]
#puts $values
#for (int i = 0; i < numSquares; i++)
#for (int j = 0; j < numTurns; j++)
#rebates[i][j] = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
for {set i 0} {$i < $n} {incr i} {
for {set j 0} {$j < $t} {incr j} {
set rebates($i,$j) $MAX_VALUE
#int maxRebate = calculate();
set max_rebate [calculate $n $s $t]
puts "$max_rebate"
#n = in.nextInt();
set n [lindex $in [incr index]]
set values ""
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