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Paul Wenzel pwenzel

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pwenzel /
Last active February 2, 2025 02:45
Create video with an audio track and a single still image using ffmpeg
ffmpeg -loop 1 -i image.jpg -i audio.m4a -c:v libx264 -tune stillimage -c:a aac -b:a 192k -shortest output.mp4
pwenzel /
Last active January 3, 2023 23:20
Morphagene Reel Bulk Conversion
# Generate reels
for dir in (ls); mgreel --out "$dir reel.wav" $dir/*.wav; end
# check durations (should be 2.9 minutes or less, (e.g. 174 seconds or 2 minutes and 53 seconds)
for file in (ls *.wav); echo $file; afinfo $file | grep duration; end
# rename files mg0.wav, mg1.wav, mg2.wav, etc.
num=0; for i in *; do mv "$i" "mg$(printf '%01d' $num).${i#*.}"; ((num++)); done
pwenzel / When Song Finishes, Pause.applescript
Created September 23, 2021 17:11 — forked from capnslipp/When Song Finishes, Pause.applescript
Pause Spotify after the current song finishes playing
@author: Slipp Douglas Thompson
@purpose: Pauses Spotify after the current song finishes playing.
@todo: Optimize so it's more efficient.
@usage: Drop a compiled script (a .scpt file, converted with AppleScript Editor if this is a .applescript file) into ~/Library/Scripts/Applications/Spotify.
Ensure than “Show Script menu in menu bar” is enabled (which can be found in the AppleScript Editor preferences).
When playing a song in Spotify and wishing to stop the music when the track finished, choose “When Song Finishes, Pause” from the script menu, and then walk, walk away.
tell application "Spotify"
log "“When Song Finishes, Pause”: player state is " & (player state)
pwenzel /
Last active November 6, 2020 00:59
for file in *.avi; ffmpeg -n -i $file -strict -2 $file.mp4; end;
pwenzel / oscilloscope-letters-module.c
Created October 30, 2019 14:45
// For use within OsciStudio by Jerobeam Fenderson
#include <OsciText.h>
// Letters
OsciText text1("A");
OsciText text2("B");
OsciText text3("C");
pwenzel /
Last active January 2, 2023 15:27
FFMPEG Convert Wave to Mono Raw Audio for Radio Music Eurorack Module. Test playback with ffplay.
# Bulk convert wave to mono raw audio for Radio Music Eurorack module
# Uses FFMPEG and Fish Shell
for file in *.wav;
set basename (string match -r "(.*)\.[^\.]*\$" $file)[2]
ffmpeg -i $file -f s16le -acodec pcm_s16le -ac 1 $basename.raw;
pwenzel /
Last active February 12, 2019 16:11
Fish shell function to unserialize php from the OSX clipboard.
# ~/.config/fish/functions/
# unserialize PHP from the clipboard
# based on
function unserialize_clipboard
set STRING (pbpaste)
php -r "echo var_dump(unserialize('$STRING'));"
pwenzel /
Last active November 8, 2018 21:22
Ping host and do something if it's down. Example showing how to use and/or operator in Fish shell
ping -q -c 1 bogus.local; and echo "pinging the host worked"; or echo "pinging the host didn't work"
ping -q -c 1; and echo "pinging the host worked"; or echo "pinging the host didn't work"
pwenzel /
Created January 25, 2018 17:49
Concatenate CSV files with sed
# Concatenate CSV files to all.csv in parent directory
# Assumes they all have the same CSV header
sed 1q *.csv > ../all.csv
sed 1d *.csv >> ../all.csv
pwenzel /
Created May 22, 2016 01:30
Send iOS push notification when torrent is complete, via Pushover
# Send push notification to pushover device when a torrent is complete.
# Requires: Pushover account, Transmission torrent client and curl.
# Get the API token from the pushover website.
# Change text output below if you wish.
# Set Transmission to start script when torrent is complete.