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Created September 24, 2018 07:11
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$ bundle exec rubocop --require rubocop-gitlab-security
Inspecting 121 files
app/controllers/api/v1/mobile_controller.rb:11:44: C: GitlabSecurity/JsonSerialization: Don't use to_json without specifying only
respond_with model.find(params[:id]).to_json
app/controllers/api/v1/mobile_controller.rb:18:30: C: GitlabSecurity/JsonSerialization: Don't use to_json without specifying only
respond_with model.all.to_json
app/controllers/api/v1/mobile_controller.rb:20:24: C: GitlabSecurity/JsonSerialization: Don't use to_json without specifying only
respond_with nil.to_json
app/controllers/api/v1/users_controller.rb:14:24: C: GitlabSecurity/JsonSerialization: Don't use as_json without specifying only
respond_with @user.as_json
app/controllers/password_resets_controller.rb:6:20: C: Security/MarshalLoad: Avoid using Marshal.load.
user = Marshal.load(Base64.decode64(params[:user])) unless params[:user].nil?
app/controllers/pay_controller.rb:24:57: C: GitlabSecurity/JsonSerialization: Don't use as_json without specifying only
format.json { render json: {user:} }
app/controllers/schedule_controller.rb:37:39: C: GitlabSecurity/JsonSerialization: Don't use to_json without specifying only
format.json { render json: jfs.to_json }
app/controllers/users_controller.rb:29:17: C: GitlabSecurity/SqlInjection: Parameterize all user-input passed to where(), do not directly embed user input in SQL queries.
If this warning is in error you can white-list the line with #rubocop:disable GitlabSecurity/SqlInjection
user = User.where("id = '#{params[:user][:id]}'")[0]
app/models/benefits.rb:15:33: C: GitlabSecurity/SystemCommandInjection: Do not include variables in the command name for system(). Use parameters "system(cmd, params)" or exec() instead.
If this warning is in error you can white-list the line with #rubocop:disable GitLabSecurity/SystemCommandInjection
silence_streams(STDERR) { system("cp #{full_file_name} #{data_path}/bak#{}_#{file.original_filename}") }
121 files inspected, 9 offenses detected
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