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Created December 14, 2021 07:45
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{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
programs.zsh = {
enable = true;
autocd = true;
enableAutosuggestions = true;
enableCompletion = true;
history.size = 50000; = 50000;
history.path = "~/.history";
history.share = true;
history.extended = true;
prezto.enable = true;
shellAliases = {
ip = "ip --color=auto";
a = "emacsclient -n";
p = "ps waux | grep -i --color=auto";
less = "LESSHISTFILE=- less --tabs=2";
zreload = "source ~/.zshrc";
".." = "cd ../";
l = "ls -lahG";
ls = "ls -G";
open = "xdg-open";
g = "git";
gst = "git status";
gr = "cd $(git rev-parse --show-cdup)'";
k = "kubectl";
initExtra = ''
setopt extendedhistory # save timestamp and duration
setopt incappendhistory # incremental append
[[ -f ~/.bin/ ]] && source ~/.bin/
programs.fzf = {
enable = true;
enableZshIntegration = true;
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