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Last active March 21, 2018 22:02
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How mountain will work

First, get the template, which will include a module.

cookiecutter gh:pydanny/mountain

Second, get the package that includes dependencies like Flask, markdown2, etc

cd <project-name>
pip install mountain

Third, add some markdown files, that follow a specific pattern (documented soon)

touch pages/
touch posts2018/

Fourth, run locally:


Fifth, deploy to zappa:

pip install zappa
zappa deploy
"filename": "posts2018/",
"title": "What is Mountain",
"date": "2018-03-21 20:00",
"tags": [
"category": "flask",
"description": "Mountain is a Flask-powered, Zappa-deployed platform for hosting sites written in Markdown",
"slug": "what-is-mountain"
Mountain is a Flask-powered, Zappa-deployed platform for hosting sites written in Markdown.
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