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Created March 13, 2020 18:21
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const knex = require("knex");
const supertest = require("supertest");
const errorConstants = require("@myownradio/independent/constants/error");
const createApp = require("../src/app");
const migrationsDir = `${__dirname}/../../../migrations`;
const seedsDir = `${__dirname}/../../../seeds`;
const accessToken =
const config = {
PORT: 8080
let request;
let knexConnection;
beforeEach(async () => {
knexConnection = knex({
connection: config.AUTH_SERVER_DATABASE_URL,
await knexConnection.migrate.latest({
directory: migrationsDir
directory: seedsDir
request = supertest(createApp(config, knexConnection).callback());
// eslint-disable-next-line jest/expect-expect
test("GET / - should respond with OK", async () => {
await request.get("/").expect(200);
describe("/signup", () => {
// eslint-disable-next-line jest/expect-expect
test("POST /signup - should fail when body has no email or password", async () => {
await request
.expect(400, errorConstants.EMAIL_AND_PASSWORD_REQUIRED);
await request
.send({ email: "[email protected]" })
.expect(400, errorConstants.EMAIL_AND_PASSWORD_REQUIRED);
await request
.send({ password: "somepassword" })
.expect(400, errorConstants.EMAIL_AND_PASSWORD_REQUIRED);
test("POST /signup - should create user", async () => {
await request
.send({ email: "[email protected]", password: "somepassword" })
await expect(
.where({ email: "[email protected]" })
id: expect.any(Number),
email: "[email protected]",
password: expect.any(String),
created_at: expect.any(String),
updated_at: expect.any(String)
// eslint-disable-next-line jest/expect-expect
test("POST /signup - should fail if email already used by someone else", async () => {
await request
email: "[email protected]",
password: "123"
.expect(400, errorConstants.EMAIL_ALREADY_IN_USE);
describe("/login", () => {
test("POST /login - should respond with authorization data", async () => {
const response = await request
.send({ email: "[email protected]", password: "somepassword" });
id: 1,
email: "[email protected]",
refresh_token: expect.any(String),
access_token: expect.any(String)
await expect(
.where({ user_id: 1 })
id: expect.any(Number),
user_id: 1,
refresh_token: expect.any(String),
created_at: expect.any(String),
updated_at: expect.any(String)
// eslint-disable-next-line jest/expect-expect
test("POST /login - should fail if email or password not specified", async () => {
await request
.expect(400, errorConstants.EMAIL_AND_PASSWORD_REQUIRED);
// eslint-disable-next-line jest/expect-expect
test("POST /login - should fail if email or password aren't correct", async () => {
await request
.send({ email: "[email protected]", password: "wrong" })
.expect(401, errorConstants.WRONG_EMAIL_OR_PASSWORD);
await request
.send({ email: "[email protected]", password: "wrong" })
.expect(401, errorConstants.WRONG_EMAIL_OR_PASSWORD);
describe("/refreshToken", () => {
test("POST /refreshToken - should update refresh token and create new access token", async () => {
const response = await request
.send({ refresh_token: "8e6112346a91d135e3cb8bbad7f5363eae2108ff" });
refresh_token: expect.any(String),
access_token: expect.any(String)
test("POST /refreshToken - refresh token should be used only once", async () => {
await request
.send({ refresh_token: "8e6112346a91d135e3cb8bbad7f5363eae2108ff" })
await request
.send({ refresh_token: "8e6112346a91d135e3cb8bbad7f5363eae2108ff" })
// eslint-disable-next-line jest/expect-expect
test("POST /refreshToken - should fail if refresh token isn't valid", async () => {
await request
.send({ refresh_token: "invalid token" })
.expect(401, errorConstants.INVALID_REFRESH_TOKEN);
// eslint-disable-next-line jest/expect-expect
test("POST /refreshToken - should fail if refresh token isn't specified", async () => {
await request
.expect(400, errorConstants.REFRESH_TOKEN_REQUIRED);
// eslint-disable-next-line jest/expect-expect
test("POST /refreshToken - should fail if refresh token is expired", async () => {
await request
.send({ refresh_token: "dcb76e25b2079ee652d28f732f6679c441291d2e" })
.expect(401, errorConstants.INVALID_REFRESH_TOKEN);
describe("/me", () => {
// eslint-disable-next-line jest/expect-expect
test("GET /me - should get authorized user details", async () => {
await request
.set("Authorization", `Bearer ${accessToken}`)
.expect(200, {
id: 1,
email: "[email protected]"
// eslint-disable-next-line jest/expect-expect
test("GET /me - should fail if unauthorized", async () => {
await request.get("/me").expect(401);
// eslint-disable-next-line jest/expect-expect
test("GET /me - should fail if authorization is wrong", async () => {
await request
.set("Authorization", `Bearer Wrong`)
describe("/auth", () => {
// eslint-disable-next-line jest/expect-expect
test("GET /auth - should set authorized User-Id in header", async () => {
await request
.set("Authorization", `Bearer ${accessToken}`)
.expect("User-Id", "1")
// eslint-disable-next-line jest/expect-expect
test("GET /auth - should fail if unauthorized", async () => {
await request.get("/auth").expect(401);
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