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Last active December 26, 2015 03:09
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Print progress information when iterating over Python iterators.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# encoding: utf-8
# Public domain.
# 2013, Pyry Jahkola.
from __future__ import print_function
import sys, time
def progress(iterable, n=None, **kwargs):
progress(iterable[, n][, file=sys.stderr, interval=...])
Iterate over `iterable` (of estimated length `n`), printing progress display
to `file`. Set the keyword argument `take` to limit maximum iterations.
Output like ' 93% ETA: 00:01:24' is printed every completed percent or
every `interval` seconds, and '100% Time: 00:13:29.123' at the end. If n is
not given and len(iterable) not defined, there will be no ETA but a time
elapsed instead.
# TODO: let the user choose to show the last iterated value instead of
# iteration number in the indeterminate display, e.g. when generating
# primes
if not n and hasattr(iterable, '__len__'): n = len(iterable)
file = kwargs.get('file', sys.stderr)
interval = kwargs.get('interval', 0.5 if n is None else 1)
it, t0, elapsed = iter(iterable), time.time(), (lambda: time.time() - t0)
write = lambda msg: sys.stdout.flush() or file.write(msg) or file.flush()
hms = lambda sec: '{:02}:{:02}:{:02}'.format(*divmods(int(sec), 60, 60))
hmsm = lambda sec: '{:02}:{:02}:{:02}.{:03}'.format(
*divmods(int(1000 * sec), 60, 60, 1000))
def update_percentage(i, percentage, previous_time):
x, i, t = next(it), (i + 1), elapsed()
p = 100 * i // n
if p == percentage and t < previous_time + interval:
return x, (i, percentage, previous_time)
write('\r{:3}% - ETA: {}\r'.format(p, hms(max(n * t / i - t + 0.5, 0))))
return x, (i, p, t)
def update_elapsed(i, _, previous_time):
x, i, t = next(it), (i + 1), elapsed()
if t < previous_time + interval: return x, (i, 100, previous_time)
write('\r{:6} - Elapsed: {}\r'.format(i, hms(t)))
return x, (i, 100, t)
def finish(i, *_):
write('\r{:6} - Time: {}\n'.format(i, hmsm(elapsed())))
def generate(*state):
while state[1] < 100:
x, state = update_percentage(*state)
yield x
while True:
x, state = update_elapsed(*state)
yield x
except StopIteration:
return generate(0, 0 if n else 100, -1) # iteration, percentage, prev_time
def divmods(p, *qs):
Split number p to an odd basis defined by radices qs from biggest to lowest:
divmods(p, q1, q2) -> (p // q2 // q1, p // q2 % q1, p % q2)
E.g. To turn seconds into a tuple of days, hours, minutes and seconds, the
radices would be 24 (hrs/day), 60 (mins/hour), and 60 (secs/min):
>>> divmods(((364*24+23)*60+58)*60+59, 24, 60, 60)
(364, 23, 58, 59)
rs = []
for q in reversed(qs):
p, r = divmod(p, q)
return tuple(rs)
def filesize(file):
if isinstance(file, str):
with open(file) as f: return filesize(f)
initial_pos = file.tell()
buf_size = 1024 * 1024
read_f = # loop optimization
buf = read_f(buf_size)
if not buf:
return 0 # Empty file
lines = 1
while buf:
lines += buf.count('\n')
buf = read_f(buf_size)
return lines
def progresslines(file, *a, **kw):
"Print progress information when iterating over lines of file."
print('Estimating size...', end='\r', file=sys.stderr)
f = open(file, *a, **kw)
return progress(f, filesize(f))
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