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Forked from kmill/anders_collatz_length.txt
Created March 24, 2022 04:20
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This is an analysis of
like in
Input: n A
1. M1 + A -> M2 + 10 B
2 M1 -> M2 + A
3. M2 + A + Div -> M1 + B
4. M2 + 4 B + Div -> M1 + A
5. M2 -> Count
6. B -> A
7. 2 A -> Div
8. Div -> M1
Output: A + c Count
Anders's prime assignments:
2 <-> B
3 <-> A
5 <-> M2
7 <-> Div
11 <-> M1
13 <-> Count
Roughly what's going on is the input (as n copies of A) is converted by Eq.7
into Div copies of the quotient A/2, with possibly a lone A if n was odd. Then,
Eq.8 applies if n was bigger than 1, starting up the multiplication loop; this
decrements Div due to the test. Call k the quotient A/2, hence the state is
now M1 + (k - 1) Div + r A, where r is the remainder after division.
I find these FRACTRAN kernels that Anders devises to be rather clever. In this
1) If r=0, then evaluation cycles between Eq.2 and Eq.3. Each Div is converted
into an A, but Eq.2 will leave an extra A at the end before Eq.5 applies.
All together, this does M1 + (k - 1) Div -> ... -> Count + A + (k - 1) B.
Eq.6 then repeatedly applies, resulting in Count + k A.
2) If r=1, then evaluation cycles between Eq.1 and Eq.4. Each Div is converted
into 10 - 4 = 6 copies of B, leaving an extra A. Then, Eq.1 applies once
more, converting the last A into 10 B, then Eq.5 applies. All together,
this does M1 + (k - 1) Div + A -> ... -> Count + 6(k - 1) B + 10 B,
which is (6k + 4) B, which are then converted back into A's by Eq.6.
Hence, if n was even, n is replaced by n/2, and if n was odd, n is replaced by
6k + 4 = 3(2k + 1) + 1 = 3n + 1. Also, in either case, there is one more Count.
At the end of the program, the result is A + c Count, with the one A
representing that n=1 was the last case considered by the program before it
Anders must have optimized the prime assignments, since with this program, 45
bytes is optimal:
Another 8-fraction program comes from modifying his program from
Input: n A
1. 2 Rem -> Div
2. M1 + Rem -> M2 + 2 A
3. M1 + Div -> M2 + Rem
4. M2 + Div -> M1 + A + Rem
5. M2 + Count + Rem -> A
6. M2 -> 0
7. A -> Rem
8. Div -> M1 + 2 Count + 2 Rem
Output: Rem + c Count
The lingering Rem is like in the previous program, where, except for control
flow, A's and Rem's mean the same thing.
See the analysis in
to see how this program works. The only change is that in Eq.8, two Count's
are created, in case n was odd, since the program divides by 2 immediately
so actually completes two steps, and then Eq.5 removes one of the Counts in
case n was even. As a trick, the Rem is replaced by an A since FRACTRAN
equations cannot have the same species on each side.
Optimizing the prime assignment for number of bytes in the textual
representation of the FRACTRAN program, it turns out a good assignment is
5 <-> A
11 <-> Count
2 <-> Rem
7 <-> Div
13 <-> M1
3 <-> M2
This gives 41 bytes:
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