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make pyright cook your CPU speedrun any%
# ruff: noqa: DOC201, DOC501
Combinatorial arithmetic
from __future__ import annotations
import abc
import typing
import attrs
class TypeVisitor[R_co](typing.Protocol):
Represents a visitor of the Type tree.
def visit_zero_type(self, typ: Zero) -> R_co:
Visit the Zero type.
def visit_unit_type(self, typ: Unit) -> R_co:
Visit the Unit type.
def visit_atomic_type(self, typ: Atomic[typing.LiteralString]) -> R_co:
Visit an Atomic type.
def visit_negation_type(self, typ: Negation[Type]) -> R_co:
Visit a Negation type.
def visit_product_type(self, typ: Product[Type, Type]) -> R_co:
Visit a Product type.
def visit_sum_type(self, typ: Sum[Type, Type]) -> R_co:
Visit a Sum type.
class TypeBase(abc.ABC):
Base of the type tree.
def __neg__[T: Type](self: T) -> Negation[T]: # pyright: ignore[reportGeneralTypeIssues]
return Negation(self)
def __add__[T0: Type, T1: Type](self: T0, other: T1, /) -> Sum[T0, T1]: # pyright: ignore[reportGeneralTypeIssues]
return Sum(self, other)
def __mul__[T0: Type, T1: Type](self: T0, other: T1, /) -> Product[T0, T1]: # pyright: ignore[reportGeneralTypeIssues]
return Product(self, other)
def accept[R](self, visitor: TypeVisitor[R]) -> R:
Accept of a type visitor and return the result.
class Zero(TypeBase):
Represents the Zero type.
def __init__(self) -> None:
message = "the zero type is uninstantiable"
raise TypeError(message)
def accept[R](self, visitor: TypeVisitor[R]) -> R:
return visitor.visit_zero_type(self)
# TODO: make it a singleton
class Unit(TypeBase):
Represents the Unit type.
def accept[R](self, visitor: TypeVisitor[R]) -> R:
return visitor.visit_unit_type(self)
class Atomic[Name: typing.LiteralString](TypeBase):
Represents an Atomic type.
name: Name
def accept[R](self, visitor: TypeVisitor[R]) -> R:
return visitor.visit_atomic_type(self)
class Negation[T: Type](TypeBase):
Represents a Negation type.
typ: T
def accept[R](self, visitor: TypeVisitor[R]) -> R:
return visitor.visit_negation_type(self)
class Product[T0: Type, T1: Type](TypeBase):
Represents a Product type.
first: T0
second: T1
def accept[R](self, visitor: TypeVisitor[R]) -> R:
return visitor.visit_product_type(
typing.cast(Product[Type, Type], self),
class Sum[T0: Type, T1: Type](TypeBase):
Represents a Sum type.
first: T0
second: T1
def accept[R](self, visitor: TypeVisitor[R]) -> R:
return visitor.visit_sum_type(typing.cast(Sum[Type, Type], self))
type Type = (
| Unit
| Atomic[typing.LiteralString]
| Negation["Type"]
| Product["Type", "Type"]
| Sum["Type", "Type"]
def _unsafe_zero() -> Zero:
Instantiate a Zero through unsound means.
Be EXTREMELY CAREFUL with using this instance.
return TypeBase.__new__(Zero)
def identity[T: Type](typ: T) -> T:
Identity combinator.
return typ
def sum_id_left_intro[T: Type](typ: T) -> Sum[Zero, T]:
Rewriting rule to introduce the sum left identity.
return _unsafe_zero() + typ
def sum_id_left_elim[T: Type](typ: Sum[Zero, T]) -> T:
Rewriting rule to eliminate the sum left identity.
match typ:
case Sum(Zero(), a):
return a
def sum_comm[T0: Type, T1: Type](typ: Sum[T0, T1]) -> Sum[T1, T0]:
Commutativity sum combinator.
match typ:
case Sum(a, b):
return b + a
def sum_assoc_left[T0: Type, T1: Type, T2: Type](
typ: Sum[T0, Sum[T1, T2]],
) -> Sum[Sum[T0, T1], T2]:
Left-associativity sum combinator.
match typ:
case Sum(a, Sum(b, c)):
return (a + b) + c
def sum_assoc_right[T0: Type, T1: Type, T2: Type](
typ: Sum[Sum[T0, T1], T2],
) -> Sum[T0, Sum[T1, T2]]:
Right-associativity sum combinator.
match typ:
case Sum(Sum(a, b), c):
return a + (b + c)
def sum_eta[T: Type](typ: Zero) -> Sum[T, Negation[T]]: # noqa: ARG001
Eta sum combinator.
raise RuntimeError("unreachable")
def sum_eps[T: Type](typ: Sum[T, Negation[T]]) -> Zero: # noqa: ARG001
Eps sum combinator.
return _unsafe_zero()
def prod_id_left_intro[T: Type](typ: T) -> Product[Unit, T]:
Rewriting rule to introduce the product left identity.
return Unit() * typ
def prod_id_left_elim[T: Type](typ: Product[Unit, T]) -> T:
Rewriting rule to eliminate the product left identity.
match typ:
case Product(Unit(), a):
return a
def prod_comm[T0: Type, T1: Type](typ: Product[T0, T1]) -> Product[T1, T0]:
Commutativity product combinator.
match typ:
case Product(a, b):
return b * a
def prod_assoc_left[T0: Type, T1: Type, T2: Type](
typ: Product[T0, Product[T1, T2]],
) -> Product[Product[T0, T1], T2]:
Left-associative product combinator.
match typ:
case Product(a, Product(b, c)):
return (a * b) * c
def prod_assoc_right[T0: Type, T1: Type, T2: Type](
typ: Product[Product[T0, T1], T2],
) -> Product[T0, Product[T1, T2]]:
Right-associative product combinator.
match typ:
case Product(Product(a, b), c):
return a * (b * c)
def prod_zero_left_intro[T: Type](typ: Zero) -> Product[Zero, T]: # noqa: ARG001
Rewriting rule to introduce a left-zero-product term.
raise RuntimeError("unreachable")
def prod_zero_left_elim[T: Type](typ: Product[Zero, T]) -> Zero: # noqa: ARG001
Rewriting rule to eliminate a left-zero-product term.
return Zero()
def sum_distrib_prod_left[T0: Type, T1: Type, T2: Type](
typ: Product[Sum[T0, T1], T2],
) -> Sum[Product[T0, T2], Product[T1, T2]]:
Rewriting rule to distribute a sum product.
match typ:
case Product(Sum(a, b), c):
return (a * c) + (b * c)
class PropVisitor[R_co](typing.Protocol):
Represents a visitor of the proposition tree.
def visit_equality(self, prop: Equality[Type, Type]) -> R_co:
Visit an equality proposition.
def visit_conjunction(self, prop: Conjunction[Prop, Prop]) -> R_co:
Visit a proposition conjunction.
def visit_disjunction(self, prop: Disjunction[Prop, Prop]) -> R_co:
Visit a proposition disjunction.
def visit_implication(self, prop: Implication[Prop, Prop]) -> R_co:
Visit a proposition implication.
class PropBase(abc.ABC):
Base of the proposition tree.
def __and__[P0: Prop, P1: Prop](
self: P0, # pyright: ignore[reportGeneralTypeIssues]
other: P1,
) -> Conjunction[P0, P1]:
return Conjunction(self, other)
def __or__[P0: Prop, P1: Prop](
self: P0, # pyright: ignore[reportGeneralTypeIssues]
other: P1,
) -> Disjunction[P0, P1]:
return Disjunction(self, other)
def __rshift__[P0: Prop, P1: Prop](
self: P0, # pyright: ignore[reportGeneralTypeIssues]
other: P1,
) -> Implication[P0, P1]:
return Implication(self, other)
def accept[R](self, visitor: PropVisitor[R]) -> R:
Accept a proposition visitor and return the result.
class Equality[T0: Type, T1: Type](PropBase):
Represents an equality.
left: T0
right: T1
def accept[R](self, visitor: PropVisitor[R]) -> R:
return visitor.visit_equality(self)
class Conjunction[P0: Prop, P1: Prop](PropBase):
Represents a proposition conjunction.
left: P0
right: P1
def accept[R](self, visitor: PropVisitor[R]) -> R:
return visitor.visit_conjunction(self)
class Disjunction[P0: Prop, P1: Prop](PropBase):
Represents a proposition disjunction.
left: P0
right: P1
def accept[R](self, visitor: PropVisitor[R]) -> R:
return visitor.visit_disjunction(
typing.cast(Disjunction[Prop, Prop], self),
class Implication[P0: Prop, P1: Prop](PropBase):
Represents a proposition implication.
left: P0
right: P1
def accept[R](self, visitor: PropVisitor[R]) -> R:
return visitor.visit_implication(
typing.cast(Implication[Prop, Prop], self),
type Prop = (
Equality[Type, Type]
| Conjunction[Prop, Prop]
| Disjunction[Prop, Prop]
| Implication[Prop, Prop]
def sum_eq_inj[T0: Type, T1: Type, T2: Type, T3: Type](
left: Sum[T0, T1],
right: Sum[T2, T3],
) -> Implication[
Conjunction[Equality[T0, T2], Equality[T1, T3]],
Equality[Sum[T0, T1], Sum[T2, T3]],
Sum equality injection.
∀ a, b, c, d : Type, a = c /\ b = d -> a + b = c + d
match (left, right):
case Sum(a, b), Sum(c, d):
return Implication(
Conjunction(Equality(a, c), Equality(b, d)),
Equality(left, right),
def main() -> None:
Entry point of the program.
foo = Atomic("foo")
zero = sum_eps(foo + (-foo))
typing.reveal_type(zero) # Revealed type is "Zero"
if __name__ == "__main__":
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