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Forked from thedeemon/gist:d9dfe4982ab6c5e68854
Last active August 29, 2015 14:12
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{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
import Control.Applicative
import Prelude hiding (minimum, sum)
import Data.List (permutations)
import Control.Monad.ST
import Data.Bifunctor (second)
-- import Control.Monad
-- import Data.Array.ST
-- import Data.Array.Unboxed
import Data.Vector.Unboxed (Vector)
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as U
import Data.Vector.Unboxed.Mutable (STVector)
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed.Mutable as UM
import Data.Foldable
data Exp = IfGt Int Int Block Block -- if a[i] > a[j] then blk1 else blk2
| Swap Int Int -- a[i] <-> a[j] (i,j < 8)
| Copy Int Int -- a[i] <- a[j] (i > 7)
deriving Show
type Block = [Exp]
eval :: STVector s Int -> Exp -> ST s Int
eval a (IfGt i j b1 b2) = do
ai <- a `UM.unsafeRead` i
aj <- a `UM.unsafeRead` j
let b = if ai > aj then b1 else b2
n <- evalBlock a b
return (n+1)
eval a (Swap i j) = do
ai <- a `UM.unsafeRead` i
aj <- a `UM.unsafeRead` j
UM.unsafeWrite a i aj
UM.unsafeWrite a j ai
return 1
eval a (Copy i j) = do
aj <- a `UM.unsafeRead` j
UM.unsafeWrite a i aj
return 1
evalBlock :: STVector s Int -> Block -> ST s Int
evalBlock a = foldlM f 0 where
f !cnt exp = (+cnt) <$> eval a exp
numSteps :: Block -> Vector Int -> Int
numSteps blk ua = runST $ do
a <- U.thaw ua
n <- evalBlock a blk
r1 <- a `UM.unsafeRead` 1
r6 <- a `UM.unsafeRead` 6
return $ if r1 == 2 && r6 == 7 then n else 25000
inputs :: [Vector Int]
inputs = let ps = permutations [1..8]
zs = [0,0,0,0]
in [ U.fromListN 12 (p ++ zs) | p <- ps]
calcScore :: Block -> Int
calcScore blk = sum $ map (numSteps blk) inputs
cmp_swap i j = IfGt i j [Swap i j] []
mksornet cmp =
[cmp 0 1, cmp 2 3, cmp 4 5, cmp 6 7,
cmp 0 2, cmp 1 3, cmp 4 6, cmp 5 7,
cmp 1 2, cmp 5 6, cmp 0 4, cmp 3 7,
cmp 1 5, cmp 2 6,
cmp 1 4, cmp 3 6]
sornet :: Block
sornet = mksornet cmp_swap
main = print $ minimum $ replicate 40 (calcScore sornet)
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