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Created May 17, 2017 08:48
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length = 66.5;
width = 18.75;
height = 13;
thickness = 1;
module spring(radius, width, height, thickness, $fn = 12) {
for (sx = [1, -1]) {
scale([sx, 1, 1]) {
cube([(width / 2 - radius) / 2 + thickness, thickness, height + thickness]);
translate([width / 2 - radius + thickness, 0, 0]) {
difference() {
cylinder(height + thickness, radius, radius, $fn = $fn);
cylinder(height + thickness, radius - thickness, radius - thickness, $fn = $fn);
translate([-(width / 2), -radius, 0])
cube([width + thickness, radius, height + thickness]);
module holder(width = 18.75, length = 66, height = 13, thickness = 1) {
// main body
difference() {
union() {
difference() {
// body
cube([width + 2 * thickness, length + 2 * thickness, height + thickness], center = true);
// cell cavity
translate([0, thickness / 2, thickness / 2])
cube([width, length + thickness, height], center = true);
// spring spacer
translate([0, length / 2, -height / 2])
cube([width + 2 * thickness, thickness * 2, thickness], center = true);
// spring
translate([0, length / 2 + width / 8 - thickness * 2, -(height + thickness) / 2])
spring(radius = width / 5, width = width, height = height, thickness = thickness);
translate([0, 0, height / 2 - 5])
cube([1, length + 4 * thickness, 1], center = true);
translate([0, 0, height / 2 - thickness])
cube([1, length + 4 * thickness, 1], center = true);
// contacts
for (y = [-1, 1]) {
hull() {
translate([thickness * 2, y * length / 2, height / 2 - 3])
sphere(1, $fn = 10);
translate([-thickness * 2, y * length / 2, height / 2 - 3])
sphere(1, $fn = 10);
union() {
for (i = [0 : 11]) {
translate([i * (width + thickness), 0, 0])
holder(width = width, length = length, height = height, thickness = thickness);
translate([i * (width + thickness), -length - thickness, 0])
holder(width = width, length = length, height = height, thickness = thickness);
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