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Last active March 25, 2021 18:24
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Predator-prey multi-agent reinforcement-learning environment in python without dependencies, and an implementation of an example q-learning agent
A simple predator-prey multi-agent reinforcement learning environment in
python without dependencies, and an implementation of an example q-learning agent.
Python 3.9
February, 2021 -- Public domain dedication
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
import random
Action = int
Pair = tuple[int, int]
class Env:
"A predator-prey environment"
pred_locs: tuple[Pair, ...]
prey_locs: tuple[Pair, ...]
preds: tuple["Agent", ...]
preys: tuple["Agent", ...]
size: Pair
def transition(self) -> None:
"Get actions from agents and move them"
h = self.hash()
pred_rewards, prey_rewards = self.reward_of()
pred_locs = list(self.pred_locs)
for i, pd in enumerate(self.preds):
action = pd.choose(h, pred_rewards[i])
pred_locs[i] = move(pred_locs[i], action, self.size)
prey_locs = list(self.prey_locs)
for i, py in enumerate(self.preys):
action = py.choose(h, prey_rewards[i])
prey_locs[i] = move(prey_locs[i], action, self.size)
self.pred_locs = tuple(pred_locs)
self.prey_locs = tuple(prey_locs)
def reward_of(self) -> tuple[tuple[float, ...], tuple[float, ...]]:
Gives reward of current state for each agent.
Predators get +1 reward for each 'captured' prey.
Prey is considered captured if two or more predators are adjacent (corners included).
Prey gets +1 reward if it is not captured.
adjacent: list[list[int]] = [[] for _ in range(len(self.prey_locs))]
for i, pyl in enumerate(self.prey_locs):
for j, pdl in enumerate(self.pred_locs):
if is_adjacent(pyl, pdl):
pred_rewards = [0] * len(self.preds)
prey_rewards = [0] * len(self.preys)
for i, ls in enumerate(adjacent):
if len(ls) >= 2: # two or more predators capture prey
for j in ls:
pred_rewards[j] += 1
prey_rewards[i] += 1
return tuple(pred_rewards), tuple(prey_rewards)
def hash(self) -> int:
"Environment state can be hashed for use in agent's Q-table"
return hash((self.pred_locs, self.prey_locs))
def __repr__(self) -> str:
"Display environment as grid"
grid = [[" "] * self.size[1] for _ in range(self.size[0])]
for pdl in self.pred_locs:
grid[pdl[0]][pdl[1]] = "X"
for prl in self.prey_locs:
grid[prl[0]][prl[1]] = "O"
return (
("_" * self.size[1] * 2 + "\n")
+ "\n".join("|" + " ".join(row) + "|" for row in grid)
+ ("\n" + " ̅" * self.size[1] * 2 + "\n")
class Agent:
"Simple Q-learning agent"
Q: dict[tuple[int, int], float] = field(default_factory=lambda: {(-1, -1): 0})
prev_action: Action = -1
prev_state: int = -1
alpha: float = 0.7
gamma: float = 0.618
epsilon: float = 0.05
def choose(self, state: int, reward: float) -> Action:
for a in ACTIONS:
if (state, a) not in self.Q:
self.Q[state, a] = random.random() * 0.00001
best_reward = max(self.Q[state, ac] for ac in ACTIONS)
self.Q[self.prev_state, self.prev_action] += self.alpha * (
reward + self.gamma * best_reward - self.Q[self.prev_state, self.prev_action]
action = (
max(ACTIONS, key=lambda ac: self.Q[state, ac])
if random.random() > self.epsilon
else random.choice(ACTIONS)
self.prev_action = action
self.prev_state = state
return action
ACTIONS = (0, 1, 2, 3)
ACTION_TO_STRING = ("up", "down", "left", "right")
ACTION_TO_PAIR = ((-1, 0), (1, 0), (0, -1), (0, 1))
def move(start: Pair, action: Action, size: Pair) -> Pair:
"Move pair in direction of action. Possible addition: Forbid agents from occupying same cell"
dir = ACTION_TO_PAIR[action]
result = start[0] + dir[0], start[1] + dir[1]
if not (0 <= result[0] < size[0] and 0 <= result[1] < size[1]):
return start
return result
def is_adjacent(p: Pair, q: Pair) -> bool:
return -1 <= p[0] - q[0] <= 1 and -1 <= p[1] - q[1] <= 1
if __name__ == "__main__":
preds = [Agent() for _ in range(3)]
preys = [Agent() for _ in range(3)]
rows = cols = 5
def randpair() -> Pair:
return (random.randrange(rows), random.randrange(cols))
pred_locs = [randpair() for _ in range(len(preds))]
prey_locs = [randpair() for _ in range(len(preys))]
env = Env(tuple(pred_locs), tuple(prey_locs), tuple(preds), tuple(preys), (rows, cols))
train_steps = 100_000
for i in range(train_steps):
if i % (train_steps // 20) == 0:
print(f"Completed {i} / {train_steps} steps")
print("Now watch environment proceed step-by-step")
while True:
input("Press enter")
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