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Last active November 25, 2024 19:07
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python header ag -- search for expression and get nearest headers
python <regex> <...paths>
Requirements/Features of
* Takes regex pattern and file/directory paths as command-line arguments
* Recursively searches through Python files in given paths
* When finding a regex match, shows:
- All parent unindented lines ("headers")
- Proper indentation hierarchy
- "..." between indent levels
- Line numbers
- Colored output (filepath, matches, line numbers)
* Handles both individual files and directories as input
* Preserves original indentation structure in output
* Short & simple
* No argparse
import sys
import re
import glob
import os
from termcolor import colored
def find_python_files(paths):
files = []
for path in paths:
if os.path.isfile(path) and path.endswith('.py'):
elif os.path.isdir(path):
files.extend(glob.glob(f"{path}/**/*.py", recursive=True))
return files
def process_file(filepath, pattern, context=0):
with open(filepath) as f:
lines = f.readlines()
headers = [] # Stack of (indent_level, line, line_num) tuples
matches = [] # List of (line_num, headers, line) tuples for matches
for i, line in enumerate(lines):
stripped = line.strip()
if not stripped: # Skip empty lines
indent = len(line) - len(line.lstrip())
# Update headers stack if this is a new header
if indent == 0:
headers = [(0, line.rstrip(), i + 1)]
# Remove any headers that are at same or deeper indent
while headers and headers[-1][0] >= indent:
headers.append((indent, line.rstrip(), i + 1))
# Check for regex match
if, line):
matches.append((i, headers[:], line.rstrip()))
if matches:
print(f"\n{colored(filepath, 'cyan')}:")
for match_idx, (match_line_num, match_headers, match_line) in enumerate(matches):
# Print separator between match groups
if match_idx > 0:
# Print context before
start_line = max(0, match_line_num - context)
for i in range(start_line, match_line_num):
if lines[i].strip():
line_prefix = colored(f"{i+1:4d}", "yellow") + " "
print(line_prefix + lines[i].rstrip())
# Print headers and match
last_num = -1
for h_indent, h_line, h_num in match_headers[:-1]:
if last_num >= 0 and h_num - last_num > 1:
print(" " + " " * h_indent + colored("...", "grey"))
line_prefix = colored(f"{h_num:4d}", "yellow") + " "
if h_indent == 0:
print(' ***')
h_line = colored(h_line, "green")
print(line_prefix + h_line)
last_num = h_num
matched_num = match_headers[-1][2]
matched_line = match_headers[-1][1]
if last_num >= 0 and matched_num - last_num > 1:
numspaces = len(matched_line) - len(matched_line.lstrip())
print(" " + " " * numspaces + colored("...", "grey"))
line_prefix = colored(f"{matched_num:4d}", "yellow") + " "
# Highlight the matched pattern
matched_line = re.sub(pattern, lambda m: colored(, 'red', attrs=['bold']), matched_line)
print(line_prefix + matched_line)
# Print context after
end_line = min(len(lines), match_line_num + context + 1)
for i in range(match_line_num + 1, end_line):
if lines[i].strip():
line_prefix = colored(f"{i+1:4d}", "yellow") + " "
print(line_prefix + lines[i].rstrip())
def main():
if len(sys.argv) < 3:
print("Usage: python [--context=num] <regex> <...paths>")
context = 0
args = sys.argv[1:]
# Handle --context argument
for i, arg in enumerate(list(args)):
print(f"{i=} {arg=}")
if arg.startswith('--context='):
context = int(arg.split('=')[1])
if len(args) < 2:
print("Usage: python [--context=num] <regex> <...paths>")
pattern = args[0]
paths = args[1:]
for file in find_python_files(paths):
process_file(file, pattern, context)
if __name__ == "__main__":
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