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quanon / calculate_levenshtein_distance.rb
Created January 15, 2025 13:20
require 'delegate'
require 'terminal-table'
class DpTable < DelegateClass(Array)
def initialize(str1, str2)
@str1 = str1
@str2 = str2
@table = initialize_table
quanon / base65536.rb
Last active November 22, 2024 05:49
Base65536 encode/decode with Ruby
module Base65536
0 => 13312,
1 => 13568, 2 => 13824, 3 => 14080, 4 => 14336, 5 => 14592, 6 => 14848, 7 => 15104, 8 => 15360, 9 => 15616, 10 => 15872, 11 => 16128, 12 => 16384, 13 => 16640, 14 => 16896, 15 => 17152, 16 => 17408, 17 => 17664, 18 => 17920, 19 => 18176, 20 => 18432, 21 => 18688, 22 => 18944, 23 => 19200, 24 => 19456, 25 => 19968, 26 => 20224, 27 => 20480, 28 => 20736, 29 => 20992, 30 => 21248, 31 => 21504, 32 => 21760, 33 => 22016, 34 => 22272, 35 => 22528, 36 => 22784, 37 => 23040, 38 => 23296, 39 => 23552, 40 => 23808, 41 => 24064, 42 => 24320, 43 => 24576, 44 => 24832, 45 => 25088, 46 => 25344, 47 => 25600, 48 => 25856, 49 => 26112, 50 => 26368, 51 => 26624, 52 => 26880, 53 => 27136, 54 => 27392, 55 => 27648, 56 => 27904, 57 => 28160, 58 => 28416, 59 => 28672, 60 => 28928, 61 => 29184, 62 => 29440, 63 => 29696, 64 => 29952, 65 => 30208, 66 => 30464, 67 => 30720, 68 => 30976, 69 => 31232, 70 => 31488, 71 => 31744, 72 => 32000, 73 => 32256, 74 => 32512, 75 => 32768, 76
quanon /
Created November 8, 2024 14:02
直径・幅・重さを 3D プロットする
import csv
import os
import as px
import pandas as pd
diameters = []
widths = []
weights = []
csv_filepath = os.path.join(os.environ['HOME'], 'Downloads/yoyos.csv')
quanon /
Last active November 6, 2024 23:15
Draw a scatter plot of yo-yo diameter/width
import csv
import os
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.ticker as ticker
import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import gaussian_kde
# Use Agg (Anti-Grain Geometry) to avoid the error “ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘_tkinter’”.
quanon / count_yoyos_by_brand.rb
Last active September 24, 2024 22:40
Count yo-yos by brand
# Count the yo-yos I have by brand and get the top 5 brands.
# Use the CSV output from Notion's database to tally.
require 'csv'
rows ='Downloads/my_yoyos.csv'))
resutls = rows.slice(1..).map { _1[1].split(/,\s*/) }.flatten.tally
resutls.sort_by { -_2 }.first(5).to_h
quanon / dfa.rb
Last active June 27, 2022 23:59
Manage job states with DFA
# 決定性有限オートマトン (DFA)
class DFA
class InvalidEvent < StandardError; end
attr_reader :current_state
def initialize(current_state:, accept_states:, rules:)
@current_state = current_state
@accept_states = accept_states
@rules = rules
quanon / download_mtgcardmint_csv.js
Last active May 15, 2022 11:22
MTG Mint Card の購入履歴を CSV でダウンロードする
const convertTableToRows = (selector) => {
const table = document.querySelector(selector);
const rows = [];
const headers = Array.from(table.querySelectorAll('tr:first-child th')).map(th => th.innerText);
table.querySelectorAll('tr').forEach(tr => {
const row = [];
tr.querySelectorAll('td').forEach(td => {
quanon /
Last active October 10, 2021 03:43
Python の doctest を試してみる。
import itertools
from import Iterator
def fizzbuzz(n: int) -> Iterator[int | str]:
Return the fizzbuzz of n, an exact integer >= 0.
>>> from fizzbuzz import fizzbuzz
>>> [i for i in fizzbuzz(15)]
require 'terminal-table' #
N = 30 # 合計人数
# table[n][0] は男子を選ぶ組み合わせの数。
# table[n][1] は女子を選ぶ組み合わせの数。
table = + 1) {, 0) }
# n = 1 のときは男子も女子も 1 通りずつ。
table[1][0] = 1
quanon / knapsack.rb
Last active April 7, 2021 03:09
require 'delegate'
require 'terminal-table'
# ナップサック問題(Ruby)
# 典型的な DP (動的計画法) のパターンを整理 Part 1 ~ ナップサック DP 編 ~
class Item