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Created January 24, 2013 19:20
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Save quarnster/4626672 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Neural Network in Haskell with some memory usage wierdness
-- Compile with ghc -O2 -msse4.2 --make nn -rtsopts
-- Run with ./nn False +RTS -s
-- .....
-- 812,842,896 bytes allocated in the heap
-- 592,620,616 bytes copied during GC
-- 63,771,584 bytes maximum residency (11 sample(s))
-- 1,063,968 bytes maximum slop
-- 180 MB total memory in use (0 MB lost due to fragmentation)
-- Tot time (elapsed) Avg pause Max pause
-- Gen 0 1511 colls, 0 par 0.48s 0.48s 0.0003s 0.0122s
-- Gen 1 11 colls, 0 par 0.49s 0.54s 0.0494s 0.1186s
-- INIT time 0.00s ( 0.00s elapsed)
-- MUT time 0.20s ( 0.21s elapsed)
-- GC time 0.97s ( 1.03s elapsed)
-- EXIT time 0.00s ( 0.00s elapsed)
-- Total time 1.18s ( 1.23s elapsed)
-- %GC time 82.7% (83.3% elapsed)
-- Alloc rate 3,989,608,795 bytes per MUT second
-- Productivity 17.3% of total user, 16.5% of total elapsed
-- But if it's run with ./nn True +RTS -s
-- .....
-- 1,555,489,496 bytes allocated in the heap
-- 187,868,488 bytes copied during GC
-- 231,840 bytes maximum residency (78 sample(s))
-- 39,400 bytes maximum slop
-- 2 MB total memory in use (0 MB lost due to fragmentation)
-- Tot time (elapsed) Avg pause Max pause
-- Gen 0 2900 colls, 0 par 0.28s 0.29s 0.0001s 0.0005s
-- Gen 1 78 colls, 0 par 0.02s 0.02s 0.0002s 0.0004s
-- INIT time 0.00s ( 0.00s elapsed)
-- MUT time 0.31s ( 0.68s elapsed)
-- GC time 0.30s ( 0.30s elapsed)
-- EXIT time 0.00s ( 0.00s elapsed)
-- Total time 0.61s ( 0.98s elapsed)
-- %GC time 48.7% (30.9% elapsed)
-- Alloc rate 4,947,155,234 bytes per MUT second
-- Productivity 51.3% of total user, 32.1% of total elapsed
import Text.Printf
import System.Random
import Data.List
import System.Environment
import Debug.Trace
class Executable a where
execute :: a -> [Float] -> [Float]
data Neuron = Neuron {weights :: [Float]}
instance Executable Neuron where
execute (Neuron n) i = [stdsigmoid $ foldl (+) bias $ zipWith (*) w i]
where (bias:w) = n
instance Show Neuron where
show (Neuron w) = show w
data NeuronLayer = NeuronLayer {neurons :: [Neuron]}
instance Executable NeuronLayer where
execute (NeuronLayer nl) i = map (\n -> head $ n `execute` i) nl
instance Show NeuronLayer where
show (NeuronLayer l) = "NeuronLayer\n" ++ foldl (\acc a -> acc ++ ('\t':show a) ++ "\n") "" l
data Network = Network {neuronLayer :: [NeuronLayer]}
instance Executable Network where
execute (Network ns) input = foldl (flip execute) input ns
instance Show Network where
show (Network l) = "Network\n" ++ foldl (\acc a -> acc ++ foldl (\acc' a' -> acc' ++ if a' == '\t' then "\t\t" else [a']) "\t" (show a) ++ "\n") "" l
fromList :: [Int] -> [Float] -> ([Float], Network)
fromList a rds = (fst flr, Network $ snd flr)
flr = foldl il (rds, []) (zip a $ tail a)
il (inr, inl) (inp, outp) = (fst ilr, inl ++ [snd ilr])
ilr = initLayer inp outp inr
initLayer ins outs rds' = (fst ilr2, NeuronLayer $ snd ilr2)
ilr2 = initNeurons (outs-1) rds' []
initNeurons i rs' acc'
| i == 0 = (fst res, acc' ++ [snd res])
| otherwise = initNeurons (i-1) (fst res) (acc' ++ [snd res])
res = initNeuron (ins+1) rs'
initNeuron a3 rs = (drop a3 rs, Neuron (take a3 rs))
stdsigmoid :: (Floating a) => a -> a
stdsigmoid val = 1 / (1 + exp (-val))
data TrainingSet = TrainingSet { inputs :: [Float], outputs :: [Float]} deriving Show
backprop :: Network -> [TrainingSet] -> Int -> Bool -> Network
backprop net set steps debug = foldl' (\net' _ -> dump net' foldl' trainset net' set) net $ replicate steps (0::Int)
dump val expr = if debug then traceShow val expr else val `seq` expr
learningRate = 0.25
trainset net' set' = tweakNet net' layerError result
result = reverse $ foldl' (\acc a -> execute a (head acc):acc) [inputs set'] (neuronLayer net')
layerError = foldl' (\oerr nl ->
foldl' (\acc' (e, n) ->
zipWith (\a b -> a+b*e)
(tail $ weights n)
(replicate (length (weights $ head (neurons nl))-1) (0::Float))
(zip (head oerr) (neurons nl))
[zipWith (-) (outputs set') (last result)]
(reverse $ tail $ neuronLayer net')
tweakNet net' layerError result = Network $ zipWith3 tweakLayer (neuronLayer net') layerError (zip result $ tail result)
tweakLayer l le (res, res1) = NeuronLayer $ zipWith3 (tweakNeuron res) res1 le (neurons l)
tweakNeuron inp myOutput myError n = Neuron $ zipWith (\a b -> a + delta * b) (weights n) (1:inp)
-- v * (1 - v) ~= derivation of sigmoid(val)
derivate = myOutput * (1 - myOutput)
delta = myError * derivate * learningRate
normalize :: (Real a) => (a, a) -> a -> Float
normalize (mi, ma) a = (fromRational $ toRational (a - mi)::Float) / (fromRational $ toRational (ma - mi)::Float)
score :: Network -> [TrainingSet] -> ([[Float]] -> Float) -> Float
score net set scorefunc = scorefunc $ map (execute net . inputs) set
main :: IO()
main =
(debug:_) <- getArgs
let n' = backprop n training 1000 (read debug::Bool)
putStr $ foldl (\ acc a -> let res = (execute n' $ inputs a) in acc ++ '\n':show (inputs a) ++ show (outputs a) ++ show res ++ show (zipWith (-) (outputs a) res)) "" training
printf "\n%0.3f\n" (score n' training (\a -> sum (zipWith (\x y -> abs (head x-head y)) a $ map outputs training)))
(training, il) = (map (\a -> TrainingSet [a/100] [normalize (-1, 1) (sin ((a/50)*pi))]) [0..100], [1, 5, 1])
--(training, il) = ([
-- TrainingSet [0,0] [0],
-- TrainingSet [0,1] [1],
-- TrainingSet [1,0] [1],
-- TrainingSet [1,1] [0]], [2,5,1])
n = snd (fromList il rs)
gen = mkStdGen 1337
rs = randomRs (-2, 2) gen::[Float]
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