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Last active November 3, 2021 13:05
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posh k8s
function k8s() {
$Cache = @{Names=@{}}
function makectx {
Namespace = "default"
Ctx = $(kubectl config current-context)
Current = @{Name = $null; TypeAlias=$null}
function Get-KubeNames([string]$Alias, [switch]$BusyDot = $true) {
if ($null -eq $Cache.Names[$Alias]) {
if ($BusyDot) { write-host "." -fore Cyan -NoNewLine }
$Cache.Names[$Alias] = Invoke-KubeCtl "get $Alias -o name" | ForEach-Object { ($_ -split '/')[1] }
return $Cache.Names[$Alias]
function rsname() { "$($script:K.Current.TypeAlias)/$($script:K.Current.Name)" }
class ResourceSet : System.Management.Automation.IValidateSetValuesGenerator { [string[]] GetValidValues() { return @{} }}
class NamespaceSet : ResourceSet {
[string[]] GetValidValues() {
if ($null -like $script:Cache.Names["ns"]) {
$script:Cache.Names["ns"] = Get-KubeNames "ns"
return $script:Cache.Names["ns"]
class ContextSet : System.Management.Automation.IValidateSetValuesGenerator {
[string[]] GetValidValues() { return $(kubectl config get-contexts -o name) }
function reload () {
param ([switch]$Hard)
$Namespaces = $script:Cache.Names["ns"]
$Namespace = $script:K.Namespace
$script:K = $(makectx)
$script:Cache = @{Names=@{}}
if (!$Hard) {
$script:Cache.Names["ns"] = $Namespaces
$script:K.Namespace = $Namespace
function Invoke-KubeCtl() {
if ($null -ne $script:K.Namespace) { $kargs = "-n $($script:K.Namespace) " + $args }
$Cmd = "kubectl $kargs"
if ($env:POSHK8S_SHOW_CMD) { Write-Host $Cmd -ForegroundColor Cyan }
Invoke-Expression $Cmd
function Select-KubeContext {
reload -Hard
$script:K.Ctx = $Name
kubectl config use-context $Name
function Select-KubeNamespace {
if ($null -like $Name) { return Get-KubeNames "ns" }
$script:K.Namespace = $Name
function Select-KubeResource {
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=0)]
param ( $commandName, $parameterName, $wordToComplete, $commandAst, $fakeBoundParameters )
$RsType = $fakeBoundParameters['Type']
if ($RsType) {
Get-KubeNames $fakeBoundParameters['Type'] | Where-Object { $_ -like "$wordToComplete*" }
return @()
if ($Name -like $null) { reload; k get po; return; }
$script:K.Current = @{Name = $Name; TypeAlias=$Type}
function Get-KubeYaml { k get $(rsname) -o yaml }
function Get-KubeJsonPath([string]$JsonPath) { k get $(rsname) -o "jsonpath='{$($JsonPath)}'" }
function Get-KubeDescribeResource { k describe $(rsname) }
function Get-KubeLogs() {
[string]$Container = $null
k logs $(rsname) $($Tail -gt 0 ? "--tail=$Tail" : "") $($Follow ? "--follow": "") $($Container ? "--container=$Container" : "")
function Delete-KubeResource() {
k delete $(rsname)
function Restart-KubeResource() {
k rollout restart $(rsname)
w8 available
k get po --watch
function WaitFor-KubeResource() {
k wait $(rsname) --for=condition=$Condition
function Follow-KubeLogs
[string]$Container = $null
Get-KubeLogs -Tail 1 -Follow -Container:$Container
function Invoke-KubePodCmd() {
[string]$Cmd = "sh",
[string]$Container = $null
k exec -it $($Container ? "--container=$Container " : "")$(rsname) '--' $Cmd
function Invoke-KubePortForward() {
[ArgumentCompleter( {
param ( $CommandName, $ParameterName, $WordToComplete, $CommandAst, $FakeBoundParameters)
$Target = $(rsname)
$PortJsonPath = switch -Regex ($Target) {
"^svc/.*" { "jsonpath='{.spec.ports[*].port}'" }
"^pod/.*" { "jsonpath='{.spec.containers[*].ports[*].containerPort}'" }
(k get $Target -o $PortJsonPath) -split "\s" | ? { $_ -match "^$WordToComplete.*" }
$FinalLocalPort = $LocalPort -eq 0 ? $RemotePort -le 1024 ? $RemotePort + 8000 : $RemotePort : $LocalPort
if ($Browse) { x-www-browser "$FinalLocalPort" }
k port-forward $(rsname) "$($FinalLocalPort):$($RemotePort)"
function Prompt {
$arrow = "`u{e0b0}"
$slash = "`u{e0ba}"
Write-Host "λ" -NoNewline -Fore DarkBlue
Write-Host "`u{e0b0}" -NoNewline -Back DarkBlue -Fore Black
Write-Host " $($script:K.Ctx)" -NoNewline -Fore Black -Back DarkBlue
if ($null -eq $script:K.Namespace) {
Write-Host " " -Back DarkBlue -NoNewLine
Write-Host $arrow -Fore DarkBlue -NoNewLine
return " "
Write-Host $slash -NoNewline -Fore Green -Back DarkBlue
Write-Host "$($script:K.Namespace)" -Fore Black -Back Green -NoNewLine
if ($null -eq $script:K.Current) {
Write-Host " " -Back Green -NoNewLine
Write-Host $arrow -Fore Green -NoNewLine
return " "
Write-Host $slash -Back Green -Fore Gray -NoNewLine
Write-Host "$($script:K.Current.TypeAlias)" -Fore Black -Back Gray -NoNewLine
Write-Host $slash -Fore Yellow -Back Gray -NoNewLine
Write-Host "$($script:K.Current.Name)" -Fore Black -Back Yellow -NoNewLine
Write-Host $arrow -Fore Yellow -NoNewLine
return " "
# Aliases
Set-Alias -Name k -Value Invoke-KubeCtl > $null
Set-Alias -Name kx -Value Select-KubeContext > $null
Set-Alias -Name ns -Value Select-KubeNamespace > $null
Set-Alias -Name rs -Value Select-KubeResource > $null
# Context commands
Set-Alias -Name yaml -Value Get-KubeYaml > $null
Set-Alias -Name jp -Value Get-KubeJsonPath > $null
Set-Alias -Name desc -Value Get-KubeDescribeResource > $null
Set-Alias -Name delete -Value Delete-KubeResource > $null
Set-Alias -Name restart -Value Restart-KubeResource > $null
Set-Alias -Name w8 -Value WaitFor-KubeResource > $null
Set-Alias -Name pf -Value Invoke-KubePortForward > $null
Set-Alias -Name logs -Value Get-KubeLogs > $null
Set-Alias -Name flogs -Value Follow-KubeLogs > $null
Set-Alias -Name x -Value Invoke-KubePodCmd > $null
reload -Hard
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