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Created June 1, 2012 20:05
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(ns sun-flare-thingy
(:import [processing.core PApplet PConstants])
(:use quil.core))
(def screen-w 1920)
(def screen-h 1080)
(defn- compute-stroke-color [x1 c1 x2 c2 x]
(map #(/ (+ %1 %2) (- x2 x1)) (map #(* (- x2 x) %) c1) (map #(* (- x x1) %) c2)))
(defn- draw-gradient-lines [x1 c1 x2 c2]
(doseq [x (range (int (- x2 x1)))]
(apply stroke (compute-stroke-color x1 c1 x2 c2 (+ x1 x)))
(line (+ x1 x) 0 (+ x1 x) screen-h)))
(defn- generate-background [xs-and-cs]
(let [adjoining-xs-and-cs
(map vector xs-and-cs (rest xs-and-cs))]
(doseq [[[x1 c1] [x2 c2]] adjoining-xs-and-cs]
(draw-gradient-lines x1 c1 x2 c2))))
; I could not figure out how to use only quil calls here,
; so I had to jump out to the Java/Processing API
(defn- generate-starbursts []
(doseq [i (range 150)]
(let [x (random screen-w)
y (+ (random (* screen-h 0.75)) (* screen-h 0.12))
d (random 100)
gc (create-graphics 200 200 PApplet/P3D)]
(doto gc
(.fill 255 255 0)
(.ellipse 100 100 (* d 1.25) (* d 1.25))
(.filter PConstants/BLUR 15)
(.fill 255 255 255)
(.ellipse 100 100 (* d 0.5) (* d 0.5))
(.filter PConstants/BLUR 4)
(image gc (- x 100) (- y 100)))))
(defn setup []
(defn draw []
(let [bg-xs-and-cs [[0 [0 0 0]]
[(Math/floor (* screen-w 0.33)) [64 0 0]]
[(Math/floor (* screen-w 0.5)) [200 0 0]]
[(Math/floor (* screen-w 0.67)) [255 127 0]]
[(Math/floor (* screen-w 0.8)) [255 255 0]]
[screen-w [250 247 212]]]]
(generate-background bg-xs-and-cs)
(save "sun-flare-thingy.png")))
(defsketch main
:title "sun-flare-thingy"
:setup setup
:draw draw
:size [screen-w screen-h])
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