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Created December 3, 2010 03:28
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defineImportCallback = (script, callback) ->
unless script.readyState?
script.onload = -> callback()
# IE case
script.onreadystatechange = ->
if script.readyState is "loaded" or script.readyState is "complete"
script.onreadystatechange = null
importJs = (url, callback) ->
script = document.createElement "script"
script.type = "text/javascript"
defineImportCallback script, callback if callback
script.src = url
document.body.appendChild script
class JQueryImporter
constructor: (@version) ->
@jq = null
@whenReady = null
@isReady = false
invoke: (callback) ->
@isolate callback
isolate: (callback) ->
return @whenReady = callback unless @isReady
@whenReady = null
callback @jq
setup: ->
unless document.body
return window.onload = => @setup
url = "{@version}/jquery.min.js"
hadJquery = jQuery?
if hadJquery and jQuery.fn.jquery is @version
@isReady = true
@jq = jQuery
importJs url, =>
@isReady = true
#this stores the new version and gives back the old one, completely.
if hadJquery
@jq = jQuery.noConflict(true)
@jq = jQuery
@isolate @whenReady if @whenReady?
# alert "beforie jqueryt is #{jQuery.fn.jquery}"
new JQueryImporter('1.4.4').invoke ($) ->
alert "go #{$.fn.jquery}"
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