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Last active August 29, 2015 13:59
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// Pretend this is your awesome library code that you want others to use freely
object MyAmazingSerialisationLib{
trait Serialiser[A]{
def toJson(x: A): String
def writeJsonToDisk[A](item: A)(implicit serialiser: Serialiser[A]){
def writeToDisk(x: String) {println(s"I saved [$x] to disk, honest!")}
object TypeClasses extends App {
import MyAmazingSerialisationLib._
case class Dog(name: String)
case class ComputerMachine(id: Int, complexity: Int)
implicit val dogSerialiser = new Serialiser[Dog] {
def toJson(dog: Dog) = s"""{"name":"${}"}"""
// compiles because we have evidence of serialiser
// doesn't compile because we dont have a serialiser in scope
writeJsonToDisk(ComputerMachine(2, 20))
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