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Last active February 8, 2018 10:33
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A little random walker experiment.
package main
import (
colorful ""
qrand ""
// Make 0-10 random walkers go for a walk. Can produce a single image or a
// sequence of images which can be used for video generation (eg ffmpeg).
func main() {
const speed = 1
var w, h, steps, nWalkers int
var noDiag, video bool
flag.IntVar(&w, "w", 800, "Width of area.")
flag.IntVar(&h, "h", 600, "Height of area")
flag.IntVar(&steps, "steps", 1000, "Number of steps.")
flag.IntVar(&nWalkers, "n", 1, "Number of walkers.")
flag.BoolVar(&noDiag, "nd", false, "Set to restrict walker to only vertical and horizontal movement (no diagonal).")
flag.BoolVar(&video, "video", false, "Set to produce sequential images for video production.")
// ensure nWalkers is appropriate
switch {
case nWalkers <= 0:
nWalkers = 1
case nWalkers > 10:
nWalkers = 10
// create "video" directory if it doesnt exist
if video {
if err := os.Mkdir("video", 0755); err != nil && os.IsNotExist(err) {
// init RND and thread control stuff
sem := make(chan struct{}, runtime.NumCPU())
var wg sync.WaitGroup
walkers := make([]image.Point, nWalkers)
for i := range walkers {
walkers[i].X, walkers[i].Y = qrand.IntNM(0, w+1), qrand.IntNM(0, h+1)
img := image.NewRGBA(image.Rect(0, 0, w, h))
draw.Draw(img, img.Bounds(), image.NewUniform(color.White), image.ZP, draw.Src)
for i := 0; i < steps; i++ {
// make a colorful footprint
for _, pos := range walkers {
img.Set(pos.X, pos.Y, colorful.Hsv(360*(float64(i)/float64(steps)), 1, 1))
if video {
// fucking bullshit to require this crap just to copy a struct
imgCopy := image.RGBA{
Pix: make([]uint8, len(img.Pix)),
Stride: img.Stride,
Rect: img.Rect}
copy(imgCopy.Pix, img.Pix)
// start gofunc to write image
sem <- struct{}{}
go func(name string, img image.RGBA, w []image.Point) {
defer wg.Done()
// add "cross hairs" to image
for _, p := range w {
img.Set(p.X+1, p.Y, color.Black)
img.Set(p.X-1, p.Y, color.Black)
img.Set(p.X, p.Y+1, color.Black)
img.Set(p.X, p.Y-1, color.Black)
// write image
writeJpg(name, &img)
}(fmt.Sprintf("video/%010d.jpg", i), imgCopy, walkers)
for i := range walkers {
pos := &walkers[i] // wtf? fucking stupid
// take a step
if noDiag {
if rand.Intn(2) == 0 {
pos.X += qrand.IntNM(0-speed, 1+speed)
} else {
pos.Y += qrand.IntNM(0-speed, 1+speed)
} else {
pos.X += qrand.IntNM(0-speed, 1+speed)
pos.Y += qrand.IntNM(0-speed, 1+speed)
// clamp to image
switch {
case pos.X > w:
pos.X = w
case pos.X < 0:
pos.X = 0
switch {
case pos.Y > h:
pos.Y = h
case pos.Y < 0:
pos.Y = 0
if video {
} else {
writeJpg("output.jpg", img)
func writeJpg(name string, img *image.RGBA) {
file, _ := os.Create(name)
jpeg.Encode(file, img, &jpeg.Options{Quality: 90})
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