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Created September 16, 2015 16:59
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Save quininer/6adde7fdc9bb1f8e0d75 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
JavaScript basic library.
"use strict";
var $ = {
init: function(d, w){
w.HTMLElement.prototype.on = function(name, foo){
this.addEventListener(name, foo, false);
this.attachEvent(`on${name}`, foo);
return this;
w.HTMLElement.prototype.add = function(){
for(var e of;
return this;
w.HTMLElement.prototype.append = function(html, p){
//XXX use es6 Default parameters
this.insertAdjacentHTML(p||'beforeend', html);
return this;
w.HTMLElement.prototype.del = function(e){
var e = e||this;
var p = e.parentNode;
return p;
w.HTMLElement.prototype.attr = function(attr){
for(var a in attr)this.setAttribute(a, attr[a]);
return this;
w.HTMLElement.prototype.hide = function(){
if(!this.hidden)this.hidden = true;
return this;
}; = function(){
if(this.hidden)this.hidden = false;
return this;
w.HTMLElement.prototype.content = function(text){
if(!!text)this.textContent = text;
return this;
http: function(url){
return {
urlen: function(mp, h){
var uri = '';
var u = $.dom('<a>').attr({"href": url||document.location.origin});
var vp = $.http(u.href).urlde();
for(var k in mp){
vp[k] = mp[k];
for(var q in vp){
uri += (!!vp[q])?`${window.encodeURIComponent(q)}=${window.encodeURIComponent(vp[q])}&`:`${window.encodeURIComponent(q)}&`;
}; = `?${uri.slice(0, -1)}`;
if(!!h)u.hash = h;
return (!!url)?;
urlde: function(s){
var mp = {};
for(var kv of (s||$.dom('<a>').attr({"href": url||document.location.href}).search.slice(1)).split('&')){
// [] = []
var k = kv.split('=')[0],
v = kv.split('=')[1];
mp[k] = v||"";
return mp;
fetch: function(args){
if(!args)args = {};
if((args.body != undefined)&&!args.realbody)args.body = $.http().urlen(args.body);
if(!!args.query)url = $.http(url).urlen(args.query);
return fetch(url, args);
get: function(args){
if(!args)args = {};
args['method'] = 'GET';
return this.fetch(args);
post: function(args){
if(!args)args = {};
if(!args.headers)args['headers'] = {};
if(!(args.headers['Content-Type']||args.headers['content-type']||args.realbody))args.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded';
args['method'] = 'POST';
return this.fetch(args);
dom: function(){
var doms = [];
for(var a of{
doms.push((~a.indexOf('<')&&a.slice(-1)=='>')?document.createElement(a.slice(1, -1)):document.querySelector(a));
return (arguments.length>1)?doms:doms.pop();
query: function(selector){
//XXX use es6 Arrow function
return document.querySelectorAll(selector);
$.init(document, window);
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