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Created April 11, 2017 07:16
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Update to the Dreamhouse app PushPriceChangeNotification Invocable Method to use the native Salesforce Universal Notification framework and iOS10 Rich Media Messaging
public with sharing class PushPriceChangeNotification {
@InvocableMethod(label='Push Price Change Notification')
public static void pushNotification(List<Id> propertyId) {
Id propId = propertyId[0]; // If bulk, only post first to avoid spamming
System.debug('Price updated on property id '+propId);
Property__c property = [SELECT Name, Picture__c, Price__c from Property__c WHERE Id=:propId];
String message = property.Name + '. New Price: $' + property.Price__c.setScale(0).format();
Set<String> userIds = new Set<String>();
List<Favorite__c> favorites = [SELECT user__c, user__r.Name from favorite__c WHERE property__c=:propId AND User__c != null];
for (Favorite__c favorite : favorites) {
//universal notification service
Messaging.PushNotification msg = new Messaging.PushNotification();
String title = 'Price Changed to $'+property.Price__c.setScale(0).format();
String subtitle = property.Name;
String body = 'Heads up! The list price on a property you favorited has just been reduced.';
String imageUrl = property.Picture__c;
Map<String, Object> payload = RichMediaPushNotification.createMutablePayload(title,subtitle,body,imageUrl);
msg.send('DreamhouseNativeMobile', userIds);
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