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To keep snippets of code for Shaders. Just some stuff that I often use but also often forget because brain=poo
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// - a blog where I found how to do shadows for raymarched/raytraced primitives. | |
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// - Most interesting stuff ;) | |
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// Material | |
mat = new Material(shader); | |
mat.hideFlags = HideFlags.HideAndDontSave; | |
// Set blend mode to invert destination colors. | |
mat.SetInt("_SrcBlend", (int)UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendMode.OneMinusDstColor); | |
mat.SetInt("_DstBlend", (int)UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendMode.Zero); | |
// Turn off backface culling, depth writes, depth test. | |
mat.SetInt("_Cull", (int)UnityEngine.Rendering.CullMode.Off); | |
mat.SetInt("_ZWrite", 0); | |
mat.SetInt("_ZTest", (int)UnityEngine.Rendering.CompareFunction.Always); | |
//Properties | |
[PerRendererData][NoScaleOffset]_MainTex("Albedo", 2D) = "white" {} | |
// Image UI elements throw error in Build if Material(It's Shader) doesn't have _MainTex, so keep it here even if not used. | |
// [PerRendererData] - For UI, to hide it from material inspector; | |
// [NoScaleOffset] - To Hide scale and offset editing window - usefult if they are not utilized in shader | |
// Alternative Default Values: "white", "black", "gray", "bump", "red" | |
[HDR]_Color("Color", Color) = (1,1,1,1) | |
_SomeSlider("Reflectiveness or something", Range(0,1)) = 0 | |
[HideInInspector]_ProjTexPos("Screen Space Position", Vector) = (0,0,0,0) | |
// [HideInInspector] - no need to show this in inspector | |
_Test("Any value", float) = 1 | |
// Blend Modes: | |
Blend SrcAlpha OneMinusSrcAlpha // Traditional transparency | |
Blend One One // Additive | |
Blend OneMinusDstColor One // Soft Additive | |
shader_feature_local // Same as shader_feature, but only for current shader (if Set from Properties) | |
multi_compile_local | |
// Use _local when planning to use any of the following | |
[KeywordEnum(None, Regular, Combined)] BUMP ("Bump Map", Float) = 0 | |
#pragma shader_feature_local BUMP_NONE BUMP_REGULAR BUMP_COMBINED | |
//Toggle | |
[Toggle(_BLABLA)] mattersWhenSettingInEditorFromScript ("Description for inspector.", Float) = 0 | |
#pragma multi_compile_local ____ _BLABLA // Will Build all variations. (For changing via script) (___ = Also compile a version without any defines ) | |
#pragma shader_feature_local ____ _BLABLA // Will Build only used variations. (Use this if you don't plan to change this from script) | |
//Management from script | |
// From script you can set this keywords | |
if (isEnabled) | |
material.EnableKeyword("_BLABLABLA"); | |
else | |
material.DisableKeyword("_BLABLABLA"); | |
// To make sure Unity Editor is showing it correctly: | |
material.SetFloat("mattersWhenSettingInEditorFromScript", isEnabled ? 1 : 0); | |
// You can also set it globally. But if Shader has it in it's properties, it will ignore the global value) | |
Shader.EnableKeyword("_BLABLABLA") | |
// Defines | |
#define USE_FEATURE_X // Must be before the include | |
#include "Assets/FeatureCode.cginc" | |
// Inside Feature Code | |
#if defined(USE_FEATURE_X) | |
// Feature code | |
#endif | |
// Unity's main Build-In parameters | |
_WorldSpaceCameraPos | |
_WorldSpaceLightPos0 - Main Directional Light Direction | |
_ProjectionParams w - clip length, can be used for fog | |
// PRecision & PErformance | |
#pragma fragmentoption ARB_precision_hint_fastest // or ARB_precision_hint_nicest | |
// On some devices makes no difference. Nicest - if shader depends on precise calculations | |
fwidth(x), ddx(x), ddy(x) // The only operation that lets you get info on pixels "Next Door". It tells difference of pixels in this block ( | |
y = saturate(x); // Clamp x between 0 and 1 | |
floor(); // return smallest int part | |
x % 1 // get fraction part | |
log(Y)/log(X); // LOGxY (LOGxY = Z | means that X to the power of Z equals Y | Log base X of Y is the power you need to raise X to get Y) | |
atan(x,y) // returns an angle in [-Pi +Pi] range) | |
smoothstep (a, b , t); // Basically allows us to remap t from ab space to 01 space but with smoothing; | |
// Returns 0 if t<a<b; 1 if t>b>a, interpolates in-between; Will reverse if b<a; | |
x*x*(3.0 - (2.0*x)); // To apply smoothing when 0<=x<=1. (When applied to the function below will produce smoothstep). | |
sharpstep(a, b, x) => saturate((x - a)/(b - a)); // Remap X to [A,B] sharply. | |
float cheapstep(float x) { // | |
x = 1.0 - x*x; // MAD | |
x = 1.0 - x*x; // MAD | |
return x; | |
} | |
step(a, x) // returns 1 if x>a, 0 - otherwise | |
normal = normalize(cross(ddy(worldPos),ddx(worldPos))); | |
_MainTex_TexelSize // x,y=1.0/Size | zw=width,length | |
_MainTex_ST // x,y = Tiling, z,w = Offset | |
_ScreenParams // x is the width of the camera’s target texture in pixels | |
//, y is the height of the camera’s target texture in pixels, z is 1.0 + 1.0/width and w is 1.0 + 1.0/height. | |
// Object center | |
float4 objectOrigin = mul(_Object2World, float4(0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0) ); | |
// Billboard Shader | |
Use "DisableBatching" = "True" or GPUInstancing | |
float3x3 m = UNITY_MATRIX_M; | |
float objectScale = length(float3( m[0][0], m[1][0], m[2][0])); | |
o.pos = mul(UNITY_MATRIX_P, | |
mul(UNITY_MATRIX_MV, float4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)) | |
+ float4(v.vertex.x, v.vertex.y, 0.0, 0.0) | |
* float4(objectScale, objectScale, 1.0, 1.0) | |
); | |
//*****COOL MATH***** | |
// Circle from Uv | |
float2 uv = (i.texcoord - 0.5); | |
uv *= uv; | |
float circle = smoothstep(0.25-softness, 0.25, uv.x + uv.y); | |
// Nice sharp point light with smooth falloff | |
sizeCoefficient/ distanceFromCenter; | |
// Follaff in two direction | |
1 / (abs(CENTER - position)*SHARPNESS + 0.01); | |
// Gyroid | |
float sdGyroid(float3 pos, float scale, float thickness, float bias) { | |
pos *= scale; | |
return abs(dot(sin(pos), cos(pos.zxy))+bias)/scale - thickness; | |
} | |
// Optimisation when converting formulas | |
float3 vec = float3(x,x,x); | |
dot(vec,vec) = x * x * 3; | |
// Using smoothstep with ddx, ddy, fwidth | |
const SMOOTHNESS = 5; // usually can be left constant after configured | |
float offset = fwidth(uv); // To see how big the image is on the screen (Bigger => Sharper transition) | |
float pixelSmoothBox = smoothstep(1, 1 - offset * SMOOTHNESS , distanceToEdge); | |
// Vertex Position Offset in World Space | |
float4 worldPos = mul(unity_ObjectToWorld, float4(, 1)); | |
// modify World Position | |
v.vertex = mul(unity_WorldToObject, float4(, v.vertex.w)); | |
o.pos = UnityObjectToClipPos(v.vertex); // don't forget | |
// View Direction | |
float3 viewDir : TEXCOORD0; //v2f | | = WorldSpaceViewDir(v.vertex); // vert | | = normalize(; //frag | |
// World Normal | | = normalize(UnityObjectToWorldNormal(v.normal)); // vert | |
// World Position | |
float3 wpos : TEXCOORD3; | |
o.wpos = mul(unity_ObjectToWorld, v.vertex).xyz; | |
// ------- To Modify In World Space: | |
v.vertex += mul(unity_WorldToObject, offx,offy,offz, 0); | |
// Distance to camera | |
float toCamera = length(_WorldSpaceCameraPos - - _ProjectionParams.y; | |
// Screen Position | |
float4 screenPos : TEXCOORD1; // v2f (TEXCOORD can be 0,1,2, etc - the obly rule is to avoid duplication) | |
o.screenPos = ComputeScreenPos(o.pos); // vert | |
float2 screenUV = i.screenPos.xy / i.screenPos.w; // frag (Returns in 01 range (if on screen)) | |
// Reflect: | |
float dotprod = max(0, dot(worldNormal,; | |
float3 reflected = normalize( - 2 * (dotprod)*worldNormal); | |
// Random ()Hash | |
float hash11(float p) { | |
p = fract(p * .1031); | |
p *= p + 33.33; | |
p *= p + p; | |
return fract(p); | |
} | |
// Distance to a line: | |
inline float DistToLine(float3 pos, float3 a, float3 b) { | |
float3 pa = pos - a; | |
float3 ba = b - a; | |
float t = saturate(dot(pa, ba)/dot(ba,ba)); | |
return length(pa - ba * t); | |
} | |
// Rotation (Pivot in center) | |
float2 Rot(float2 uv, float angle) { | |
float si = sin(angle); | |
float co = cos(angle); | |
return float2(co * uv.x - si * uv.y, si * uv.x + co * uv.y); | |
} | |
// Rotate By Quaternion | |
float3 RotateVec(in float3 vec, in float4 q) | |
{ | |
float3 crossA = cross(, vec) + q.w * vec; | |
vec += 2 * cross(, crossA); | |
return vec; | |
} | |
// Get Rotation from DDX DDY | |
float2 rotation = normalize(ddx(uv)); | |
// Get Angle: | |
const float pii = 3.14159265359; | |
const float pi2 = pii * 2; | |
float2 uv = i.texcoord.xy - 0.5; | |
float angle = (atan2(uv.x, uv.y) + pii) / pi2 | |
// Clock Effect (how to wrap around 0) | |
float clock = 0.1f/min( | |
abs(time - pixelAngle), | |
pi2 - abs(time - pixelAngle)); | |
// Get Angle in 01 space | |
// Option A: | |
float2 uv = IN.texcoord.xy - 0.5; | |
const float PI2 = 3.14159265359 *2; | |
float pixel_angle = atan2(uv.x, uv.y)/ PI2 + 0.5; | |
float pixel_distance = length(uv)* 2; | |
float2 uv2 = float2(pixel_angle, pixel_distance); | |
// Option B: (Dont't remember but I think this helped me avoid some artifacs in some case) | |
const float PI2 = 3.14159265359 * 2; | |
float angle = atan2(-uv.x, -uv.y)+0.001; | |
angle = saturate(max(angle, | |
PI2 + min(0, angle) | |
- max(0, angle*999999) | |
)/ PI2); | |
// Cos/Sin to 01 space | |
float lerp = (_CosTime.z + 1) * 0.5; // Time.x,y,z,w - from slowest to fastest | |
// Matrixes | |
// Rotate vector | |
float3 wrldNormal = mul(unity_ObjectToWorld, float4(objNormal, 0)); | |
// Rotate point | |
float3 wrldPos = mul(unity_ObjectToWorld, float4(objPos, 1)); | |
//*****SAMPLING***** | |
// To Apply Offset | |
//#define TRANSFORM_TEX(uv,_NameTex) (uv.xy * _NameTex_ST.xy + | |
uv = uv*_MainTex_ST.xy +; // _MainTex_ST needs to be defined in the variables section (not the Parameters section) | |
o.uv = TRANSFORM_TEX(v.texcoord, _MainTex); // Tile Offset needs to be declared (the line above) | |
// To do POINT Sampling (undo bilinear filtering): | |
float4 _MainTex_TexelSize; // Texture Size (zw = width,heigth ; xy = 1/width, 1/height) | |
float2 pointUV = (floor(uv * + 0.5) * _MainTex_TexelSize.xy; | |
// Smooth Pixelation Sampling (Looks really cool) | |
float2 perfTex = (floor(IN.texcoord.xy * + 0.5) * _MainTex_TexelSize.xy; | |
float2 off = (IN.texcoord.xy - perfTex); | |
float wigth = length(fwidth(IN.texcoord.xy)); | |
float size = 0.01 / wigth; | |
off = off * saturate((abs(off) * * size * 2 - (size - 1)); | |
perfTex += off; | |
// To Also get the border: | |
float2 diff = (abs(off) *; | |
edge = saturate((diff * 2 - 1)*sharpness*0.1 + 1); // In some usages the are between pixels contains other pixels, then border needs to be less sharp to fully cover that area. | |
float border = max(edge.x, edge.y); | |
// To Get MipLevel | | *= modifier; // Optional | |
float2 px = _MainTex_TexelSize.z * ddx(uv); | |
float2 py = _MainTex_TexelSize.w * ddy(uv); | |
return (max(0, 0.5 * log2(max(dot(px, px), dot(py, py))))); | |
// Lerp between two transparent textures | |
col.rgb = lerp(col1.rgb * col1.a, col2.rgb * col2.a, transition); | |
col.a = lerp(col1.a, col2.a, transition); | |
col.rgb /= col.a + 0.001; | |
// Parallax | |
//v2f: | |
float3 tangentViewDir : TEXCOORD5; // 5 or whichever is free | |
//vert: | |
float3x3 objectToTangent = float3x3( | |, | |
cross(v.normal, * v.tangent.w, | |
v.normal | |
); | |
o.tangentViewDir = mul(objectToTangent, ObjSpaceViewDir(v.vertex)); | |
//frag | |
i.tangentViewDir = normalize(i.tangentViewDir); | |
i.tangentViewDir.xy /= (i.tangentViewDir.z + 0.42); | |
// or ..... /= (abs(o.tangentViewDir.z) + 0.42); to work on both sides of a plane | |
uv -= i.tangentViewDir.xy * height; | |
// Optionally multiply by Fresnel | |
//********** SCREEN SPACE EFFECTS | |
// Tile a square to fill the screen: | |
//f2v | |
float2 screenParams : TEXCOORD1; | |
float4 screenPos : TEXCOORD2; | |
//vert: | |
o.screenParams = float2(max(_ScreenParams.x / _ScreenParams.y, 1), max(1, _ScreenParams.y / _ScreenParams.x)); | |
o.screenPos = ComputeScreenPos(o.pos); | |
//frag: | |
i.screenPos.xy /= i.screenPos.w; | |
float2 fitToScreen = i.screenPos.xy * i.screenParams; | |
float4 col = tex2D(_MainTex, fitToScreen * tilsesCount); | |
// Fit Sprite Sampling to Fill Screen Without stretching the texture: | |
// In script (Could also be done in vert function): | |
float screenAspect = ((float)Screen.width) / Screen.height; | |
float texAspect = ((float)bgTex.width) / bgTex.height; | |
Vector2 aspectCorrection =; | |
if (screenAspect > texAspect) | |
aspectCorrection.y = (texAspect / screenAspect); | |
else | |
aspectCorrection.x = (screenAspect / texAspect); | |
// In Shader | |
float2 uv = (screenUV.xy - 0.5)*aspectCorrection.xy + 0.5; | |
// Tangent Transformation: | |
float3 tspace0 : TEXCOORD3; | |
float3 tspace1 : TEXCOORD4; | |
float3 tspace2 : TEXCOORD5; | |
// ...... vert | |
float3 wTangent = UnityObjectToWorldDir(; | |
float tangentSign = v.tangent.w * unity_WorldTransformParams.w; | |
float3 wBitangent = cross(wNormal, wTangent) * tangentSign; | |
o.tspace0 = half3(wTangent.x, wBitangent.x, wNormal.x); | |
o.tspace1 = half3(wTangent.y, wBitangent.y, wNormal.y); | |
o.tspace2 = half3(wTangent.z, wBitangent.z, wNormal.z); | |
// ..... frag | |
float3 tnormal = UnpackNormal(tex2D(_BumpMap, TRANSFORM_TEX(i.texcoord, _BumpMap))); | |
worldNormal.x = dot(i.tspace0, tnormal); | |
worldNormal.y = dot(i.tspace1, tnormal); | |
worldNormal.z = dot(i.tspace2, tnormal); | |
// Shadow | |
float shadow = SHADOW_ATTENUATION(i); | |
// Color Bleed ( | |
float3 mix = col.gbr + col.brg; | |
col.rgb += mix * mix*amount; // amount = 0.02 | |
//Get proximity to culling edge (to apply fog as far as possible, for example) | |
float dist01 = 1- saturate((_ProjectionParams.z - length( - / _ProjectionParams.z); | |
// Using Depth | |
// vert: | |
o.screenPos = ComputeScreenPos(o.pos); | |
COMPUTE_EYEDEPTH(o.screenPos.z); | |
// frag: | |
float2 screenUV = i.screenPos.xy / i.screenPos.w; | |
float depth = SAMPLE_DEPTH_TEXTURE(_CameraDepthTexture, screenUV); | |
float sceneZ = LinearEyeDepth(UNITY_SAMPLE_DEPTH(depth)); | |
// Solve contact A | |
float partZ = i.screenPos.z; | |
float fade = smoothstep(0,1, _Softness (sceneZ - partZ)); | |
// Variant: | |
float distance = -mul(UNITY_MATRIX_V, float4(newPos,1)).z; | |
float fade = saturate(distance - partZ); | |
// Decal (Uses camera depth) | |
float2 screenUv = i.screenPos.xy / i.screenPos.w; | |
float3 ray = normalize(i.worldPos - _WorldSpaceCameraPos); | |
float orthoToPresp = dot(ray, -UNITY_MATRIX_V[2].xyz); | |
float depth = SAMPLE_DEPTH_TEXTURE(_CameraDepthTexture, screenPos); | |
depth = Linear01Depth(depth) * _ProjectionParams.z / orthoToPresp; // Getting distance from camera | |
float3 projectedPos = _WorldSpaceCameraPos + ray * depth; | |
float3 cubeSpacePos = mul(unity_WorldToObject, float4(projectedPos,1)).xyz; // xz + 0.5 could be used for UV | |
// Normal vector for Decal | |
float3 normal = normalize(cross(ddy(cubeSpacePos), ddx(cubeSpacePos))); // From Target Surface | |
float3 textureNormal = normalize(mul(float3(bumpMap.r, 0.5, bumpMap.g), unity_WorldToObject)); // From Bump Map | |
// Sample Shadow at Random position | |
float GetShadowAttenuation(float3 worldPos) | |
{ | |
#if defined(SHADOWS_CUBE) | |
{ | |
unityShadowCoord3 shadowCoord = worldPos -; | |
float result = UnitySampleShadowmap(shadowCoord); | |
return result; | |
} | |
#elif defined(SHADOWS_SCREEN) | |
{ | |
unityShadowCoord4 shadowCoord = mul(unity_WorldToShadow[0], worldPos); | |
#else | |
unityShadowCoord4 shadowCoord = ComputeScreenPos(mul(UNITY_MATRIX_VP, float4(worldPos, 1.0))); | |
#endif | |
float result = unitySampleShadow(shadowCoord); | |
return result; | |
} | |
#elif defined(SHADOWS_DEPTH) && defined(SPOT) | |
{ | |
unityShadowCoord4 shadowCoord = mul(unity_WorldToShadow[0], float4(worldPos, 1.0)); | |
float result = UnitySampleShadowmap(shadowCoord); | |
return result; | |
} | |
#else | |
return 1.0; | |
#endif | |
} | |
// To Output shadow from Shadow Pass | |
float CalculateShadowDepth(float3 worldPos) | |
{ | |
float4 projPos = mul(UNITY_MATRIX_VP, float4(worldPos, 1)); | |
projPos = UnityApplyLinearShadowBias(projPos); | |
return projPos.z / projPos.w; | |
} | |
// To output depth from fragment function | |
float CalculateFragmentDepth(float3 worldPos) | |
{ | |
float4 depthVec = mul(UNITY_MATRIX_VP, float4(worldPos, 1.0)); | |
return depthVec.z / depthVec.w; | |
} |
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This is great, thanks for sharing. 👍