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Last active October 2, 2017 08:56
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const val HEADER_SIZE = 54L
const val BITS_PER_CHAR = 8
fun <T> List<T>.divide(i: Int) = (0..(size - 1) / i).map { drop(it * i).take(i) }
fun List<Boolean>.toInt() = map { if (it) 1 else 0 }.reduce { acc, i -> acc * 2 + i }
fun Int.toBooleanList(size: Int) = (0 until size).map { (this shr it) and 1 == 1 }.reversed()
fun List<Char>.makeString() = map { it.toString() }.reduce { s1, s2 -> "$s1$s2" }
fun FileInputStream.readInts(count: Int = Int.MAX_VALUE): List<Int> {
val res = mutableListOf<Int>()
for (i in 0 until count) {
val b = read()
if (b == -1) break
res += b
return res
fun readFile(name: String): String = FileInputStream(name).use {
.reduce { s1, s2 -> "$s1$s2" }
fun show(file: String) {
FileInputStream(file).use { fis ->
.forEach { println("${it[2]}\t${it[1]}\t${it[0]}") }
fun encode(
inFile: String,
text: String,
outFile: String,
lsb: Int = 1,
pixelSelector: (Int) -> Int = { it }
) {
FileInputStream(inFile).use { fis ->
FileOutputStream(outFile).use { fos ->
(0 until HEADER_SIZE).forEach { fos.write( }
val bb = fis.readInts().toMutableList()
.map { it.toInt() }
.map { it.toBooleanList(BITS_PER_CHAR) }
.map { it.toInt() }
.forEachIndexed { index, b ->
val pixel = pixelSelector(index)
bb[pixel] = (bb[pixel] shr lsb shl lsb) + b
fos.write( { it.toByte() }.toByteArray())
fun decode(
inFile: String,
lsb: Int = 1,
count: Int = Int.MAX_VALUE,
pixelSelector: (Int) -> Int = { it }
) = FileInputStream(inFile).use { fis ->
val readInts = fis.readInts()
.map { readInts[it] }
// fis.readInts(count)
.map { it.toBooleanList(lsb) }
.map { it.toInt() }
.map { it.toChar() }
fun modify(
inFile: String,
outFile: String,
lsb: Int = 1
) {
FileInputStream(inFile).use { fis ->
FileOutputStream(outFile).use { fos ->
(0 until HEADER_SIZE).forEach { fos.write( }
val bb = fis.readInts()
.map { it.toBooleanList(lsb).toInt() shl (8 - lsb) }
fos.write( { it.toByte() }.toByteArray())
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val b = System.currentTimeMillis()
val R: (Int) -> Int = { it * 3 + 2 }
val G: (Int) -> Int = { it * 3 + 1 }
val B: (Int) -> Int = { it * 3 }
val RG: (Int) -> Int = { it + it / 2 + 1 }
val RB: (Int) -> Int = { it + (it + 1) / 2 }
val GB: (Int) -> Int = { it + it / 2 }
// show("result.bmp")
val text = readFile("text.txt")
// encode("pic1.bmp", text, "pic1_2.bmp", 1, RG)
println(decode("pic1_2.bmp", 1, 28800, RG))
// modify("pic1.bmp", "pic_2_0.bmp", 1)
// modify("pic1_2.bmp", "pic_2_2.bmp", 1)
// println(" "[0].toInt())
println("${(System.currentTimeMillis() - b) / 1000.0} s")
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