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Created October 17, 2017 07:17
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Python Steam Login
from flask import Flask, redirect
from urllib import parse
import requests
import json
app = Flask(__name__)
def hello_world():
steam_openid_url = ''
u = {
'openid.ns': "",
'openid.identity': "",
'openid.claimed_id': "",
'openid.mode': 'checkid_setup',
'openid.return_to': '',
'openid.realm': ''
query_string = parse.urlencode(u)
auth_url = steam_openid_url + "?" + query_string
return redirect(auth_url)
@app.route('/setup', methods=['GET'])
def setup(request):
valid = validate(request.args)
return valid
def validate(signed_params):
steam_login_url_base = ""
params = {
"openid.assoc_handle": signed_params["openid.assoc_handle"],
"openid.sig": signed_params["openid.sig"],
"openid.ns": signed_params["openid.ns"],
"openid.mode": "check_authentication"
signed_params["openid.mode"] = "check_authentication"
signed_params["openid.signed"] = signed_params["openid.signed"]
r =, data=signed_params)
if "is_valid:true" in r.text:
return True
# this fucntion should always return false if the payload is not valid
return False
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